World Breast Cancer Research Day 2023 History, Significance, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Medicine says that any woman can get breast cancer. Although shame prevails among women to avoid the disease, many men are reluctant to believe that they have breast cancer. Such experiences are often heard from cancer doctors. One in eight people in the world has breast cancer! There are many ironies of cancer treatment.

In addition to these expensive treatments, middle-class to low-class people have to struggle. There are thousands of confusions about where to get good treatment. And considering these things, cancer means a long chapter of suffering. It is difficult to understand the cancers inside the body, but the symptoms of breast cancer peek outside the body. I just want a little awareness and a little caution. And this caution is wanted by all men and women.

And to raise awareness about breast cancer and improve its treatment through research, World Breast Cancer Research Day is celebrated on August 18 every year.

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History of World Breast Cancer Research Day

The incidence of breast cancer can be seen many years in advance. Symptoms of breast cancer first surfaced around 3,000 BC. There has been a lot of research over the years about how much breast cancer can damage the body and how to prevent breast cancer. Earlier people believed that there was no way to cure cancer and they thought that they had lost the power to control their destiny. As a result, if they get cancer, they think their death is certain.

But since the 1970s there have been many advances in cancer treatment that we can see in our medical science. Since the 1970s, there has been a lot of research into breast cancer and the treatment of breast cancer has become more effective over time, resulting in faster diagnosis and treatment. As a result, the incidence of death due to breast cancer has decreased a lot. Even today, medical scientists continue to research to improve medical systems.

In the 1960s, breast cancer was widely feared and publicized. As a result, awareness messages were given to people all over the world. Due to this, both men and women have become aware of breast cancer day by day. World Breast Cancer Research Day was first established in 1921. And Breast Cancer Research Day was established in May through the Dr. Susan Love Foundation. The main purpose of establishing Breast Cancer Research Day was to bring people’s attention to this disease and to make everyone aware of the symptoms and remedies of this disease.

And to further strengthen medical science to discover cures for these diseases. They believed that Breast Cancer Research Day will be an important day in history through which we can achieve a world free of breast cancer. Every year, Breast Cancer Research Day highlights research-based advances in breast cancer. And raising awareness about breast cancer. This day is broadcast internationally. Due to this, awareness about breast cancer is increasing at the same time as breast treatment is improving in medical science.

Why is World Breast Cancer Research Day celebrated?

World Breast Cancer Research Day is observed on August 18 to highlight the importance of global breast cancer research in the treatment of breast cancer. The concept of World Breast Cancer Research Day is to raise awareness among citizens, institutions, and influential figures of the world about the importance of breast cancer research and to thank the contribution of breast cancer researchers worldwide.

Statistics show that improvements in breast cancer treatment due to breast cancer research have led to increased survival rates and decreased mortality rates. Breast cancer research is the study of various breast cancers to develop safe and effective methods for preventing, detecting, diagnosing, treating, and ultimately curing breast cancer. The study of characteristics.

It encompasses various interdisciplinary fields of research such as chemistry, medical science, biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, medical physics, epidemiology, and biomedical engineering. Day by day breast cancer is becoming curable. This is thanks to decades of research and the discovery of innovative treatment methods by scientists and researchers.

 The number of breast cancer patients is increasing. Despite advanced treatment methods, early diagnosis is the key to a good prognosis, and thus breast cancer awareness is the first step in defeating the disease. Breast cancer research is a continuous work in which we will get noticeable results in the long term. So, it is essential not to stop on the way. Breast cancer research will bring innovative results to ease its treatment challenges.

Research is underway to reduce the cost of treatment. Signs of this improvement are already visible, with breast cancer survival rates approaching 50% in 1990 from 23%, but there is still a long way to go. We must continue to support and anchor researchers who are dedicated to improving and changing the lives of patients around the world.

How to celebrate World Breast Cancer Research Day?

Women are at serious risk of breast cancer. However, thousands of women are losing their lives every year due to the reluctance to go to the doctor, and negligence of themselves and their families.  However, experts say that in 90 percent of cases, awareness and timely treatment can save the patient and give them a healthy and normal life.

In this context, breast cancer research day is being celebrated all over the world. Breast cancer is a silent killer for women in all countries of the world. However, due to the shame and neglect of patients, preventable breast cancer turns into a fatal disease in many cases. Experts emphasize building a social movement to create awareness.

This World Breast Cancer Research Day raises awareness as researchers promote improvements in the treatment of breast cancer. Every person should raise awareness about this. Let’s find out how you can celebrate Breast Cancer Research Day.  The activities of World Breast Cancer Research Day are mentioned below-

  • Screening

Early detection and proper testing can save thousands of lives every year. One in eight women in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. More than 2.9 million U.S. women with breast cancer are currently alive because of early detection and proper treatment. Screening tests aim to find small lumps before symptoms appear, such as a lump that can’t be felt in the patient’s hand. But they are still confined to the breast tissue. Therefore, it is possible to diagnose the early stage of the disease in urgent need, if women are aware of this, it is possible to cure this disease. So, get screened today on World Breast Cancer Research Day.

  • Make people aware

Did you know that breast cancer can be completely cured if detected early? And that’s why you can check your breast at home. And from the age of 20, doctors advise to self-examine the breast. Nowadays there are many videos on how to do it on YouTube from home and abroad. It is possible by looking at your mobile phone. And besides being self-aware, make others aware of this as well. Then many people will know about breast cancer and get rid of this disease. Come forward to raise awareness on World Breast Cancer Research Day. Get yourself checked up as well as encourage others to get checked up.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a scary name for women. Women are 100% more prone to breast cancer than men.  And women don’t want to tell anyone about their private diseases easily. As a result, they are constantly suffering from complex diseases like breast cancer. Most women are not aware of their health. There are various causes of breast cancer. However, mothers who do not breastfeed their children have a higher risk of breast cancer. Let’s learn more about the causes of breast cancer on World Breast Cancer Research Day-

  • Not marrying until a very young age and having a first child after age 30 or not having children greatly increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer.
  • Breast cancer is seen due to the habit of not breastfeeding the child regularly.
  • People who eat high-fat foods and do not have any vegetables in their diet have a higher risk of breast cancer. Also, prolonged consumption of canned food, preserved food, artificial sweeteners, and colored food is responsible for breast cancer in men and women.
  • Excess weight gain and lack of physical activity increase the risk of breast cancer.
  • Prolonged exposure to air fresheners, pesticides, and cosmetics containing additional chemicals, deodorants, and radioactive substances increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Using the wrong size bra. Use the right size bra according to your breast size. Because otherwise, it can greatly increase your risk of breast cancer. A bra that is larger than the size of the breast may not support the breast tissue properly, and a bra that is too small or too tight may cut off the fluid-carrying lymph nodes in the breast.
  • The inconvenience of sweating due to wearing a bra all the time, and the accumulation of moisture, all increase the risk of breast cancer. Try not to use a bra while staying at home and going to bed at night.
  • Buying deodorant without looking at the label. Nowadays, almost everyone, be it a working woman or a student, uses deodorant to stay out all day and also to avoid the stench of sweat.  But while buying this deodorant, be aware of the ingredients in it. Aluminum-based ingredients increase the risk of breast cancer. Since you use deodorant every day, consult a skin specialist first about which company’s product to use.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The incidence of breast cancer is increasing worldwide. Nowadays, girls are getting breast cancer from a very young age. But the necessary awareness is still not developed among all. Many feel reluctant to talk about this issue. There is much debate about the exact age at which breast screening should be performed.

Mammography is done for any breast problem. All women are advised to undergo this test at least once a year, usually by the age of 30.  But this mammography test is not the only one. There are also various methods. For several decades, there have been various campaigns to prevent breast cancer around the world. Experts are trying to make women aware of breast cancer risk, and early symptoms. Let’s know the early symptoms of breast cancer on World Breast Cancer Research Day-

Breast pain

There are many reasons why breast muscle pain can occur. These problems occur especially before or after periods. But if you see that there is a lump in the breast, it feels tight somewhere, and it hurts when you press that place, but go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Discharge from the nipples

New mothers or breastfed babies have this symptom up to three years of age. Fluid is released from the nipples for breastfeeding. But if this symptom is seen in the case of one who does not breastfeed, then it is not at all beneficial. And if blood is mixed in that secreted fluid, it is more of a concern for the body.

Changes in the color and shape of the breast

If the color of the breast changes, redness, or itching, then he should be careful from the beginning.  Also, keep an eye on the shape of the breast. If there is a sudden change or breast swelling then it can be a sign of cancer. That’s why self-examination is so important.

Also, be aware of any extra lumps in the breast that extend outward. If there is excess flesh in the armpit, swelling, and pain around the armpit can also be related to breast cancer.

Ways to prevent breast cancer

Breast cancer is a dreaded killer of girls around the world. This breast cancer kills 5-7 lakh patients in the world every year. Breast cancer is curable with prompt treatment and proper treatment, but for many women, it is diagnosed late. But in America, 80% of breast cancers are diagnosed in primary and secondary stages.

On the other hand, in India, it is caught in the third and fourth phases. In developed countries, it is estimated that if a woman is mature (85-90 years) her lifetime chance of developing cancer is 1 in 8.  The chance of dying is 1 in 27. According to experts, the risk of breast cancer can be largely avoided by following some simple rules. Let’s know those rules on Breast Cancer Research Day. These simple rules are:

  • Breast self-examination for breast awareness.
  • Women should consider options for breastfeeding and postmenstrual HRT use, as these may also increase risk.
  • Exercising in the busyness of everyday life. Exercising at least five minutes per week can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • It is on the list of essential nutrients that a balanced and healthy diet reduces the risk of cancer.  Avoid oily food and junk food. Eating fish is very important in preventing cancer. In addition, it is good to eat foods rich in antioxidants.
  • Hormone replacement therapy is one of the causes of cancer. Therefore, it is better not to use therapy to reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Body weight is one of the factors. To stay healthy and normal, body weight should be maintained.
  • Preventive surgery is also an option for women at high risk of breast cancer.
  • Abstain from drinking alcohol or liquor.

FAQ about World Breast Cancer Research Day

Is there a Breast Cancer Awareness Day?

October 13. Source-Wikipedia

Why is pink the color of Breast Cancer?

With Haley’s rejection of the offer, pink became the color associated with the ribbon initiative started by Self Magazine and Estée Lauder.

I have tried to provide all the information about Breast Cancer Research Day, hope you find it useful. If you have any other queries about Breast Cancer Research Day, feel free to do it in the comment box we will try to answer them as soon as possible. And of course, besides being self-aware, also make others aware on Breast Cancer Research Day. Thank you very much for being with us.