National Friendship Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

National Friendship Day

The word ‘friend’ is short, but it has a lot of depth. Friendship is limitless. Today, August 6, is National Friendship Day. But that’s right, friendship doesn’t take a certain amount of time. Friendship has no age limit. Just as peers can be friends, so can older and younger people be friends. You can be … Read more

International Coffee Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

1 October is International Coffee Day.  The day is a global recognition of the efforts of everyone involved in the coffee industry. Coffee is the most popular drink in the world.  Coffee is also able to reduce the risk of many diseases due to its high levels of antioxidants and several beneficial compounds.  There are … Read more

International Condom Day 2023 History, Quotes, Status and FAQ

Every year 13th of February everyone celebrates International Condom Day. Today is World Condom Day.  AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) launched this day on the eve of World Valentine’s Day to convey the message of preventing pregnancy and various sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS through safe sexual intercourse using condoms. Stanley Ngara, the ‘King of Condoms’ … Read more

National Stress Awareness Day 2023 History, Significance, Quotes and Status

In modern times, doctors consider stress as a silent killer. Many factors can cause depression in a person, including family problems, occupational problems, illness, war, epidemics, and psychosis. But even in today’s progressive era and advanced medical systems, it is a difficult task for a common man to recognize this problem and make an effort … Read more

National Tree Day 2023 History, Quotes, Status and FAQ

Trees are the source of life for humans and other animals. Essential for human survival is the oxygen that plants provide. Not only that, but carbon dioxide is also one of the harmful gases that make up air. If for any reason the amount of this gas increases in the air, then the entire fauna … Read more