International Day of Non-Violence 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed every year on October 2 across the world.  The day commemorates the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, considered a true symbol of peace and best known for his contribution to the Indian independence movement.  Mahatma Gandhi remained committed to non-violence throughout his life and led a successful freedom movement against British rule. In 1930 Gandhi first implemented his ideology of the non-violent peaceful movement.

 Walked 400 kilometers in protest against the salt tax, which was the beginning of the ‘Quit India’ movement directly against the British rulers.  In later days, he was one of the controlling figures in the politics of the subcontinent.  Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned several times in South Africa and India due to the anti-British movement.  But in all circumstances, he was adamant about the doctrine of non-violence and truth.

 This simple-minded politician founded a self-sufficient ashram.  Mahatma Gandhi’s words of non-violence inspire us to protect mankind from the hatred and violence that has spread across the world today.  Violence has never solved any problem in the world.  And the people of Bangladesh are always peaceful.  They always work for peace.

Thus, the International Day of Non-Violence is observed every year to promote the ethics and principles of Mahatma Gandhi and spread the message of non-violence to the world.  The day also focuses on spreading the message of non-violence through public awareness.

History of International Day of Violence

The World Day of Non-Violence is celebrated on October 2 every year to make the world aware.  Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated on October 2 every year. Ahimsa means abstinence from violence.  Staying away from violence is the key word of this day.  The non-violent movement of Mahatma Gandhi, the undisputed leader of India’s freedom movement, played an important role in ending intolerance, tension, and violence in the world.

In recognition of his non-violence doctrine, his birthday is also celebrated as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’ declared by the United Nations.  In January 2004 in Paris, Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi received a proposal for the day from one of her Hindi teachers.  Later in 2007, Sonia Gandhi presented the decision at the United Nations.

On June 15, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared October 2 as the International Day of Non-Violence.  All member states of the United Nations agree to observe this day.

 Why do People Celebrate International Day of Non-Violence

Mahatma Gandhi did not become a Mahatma at birth.  For this we have to do endless sadhana.  Nirmoha was heroic in that pursuit.  Agraja Rabindranath Tagore did not support all of Gandhiji’s work, but he was the one who conferred the title of Mahatma on him.  Mohandas Karamchand became Mahatma Gandhi.

As a man with a compassionate heart, he accepted many scandals.  His life was disturbed by the reality of time.  It may seem that the one who has such a high status, his life must have been calm and easy.  But not at all, that life was very difficult.  Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘Only one Mahatma can feel the anxiety of another Mahatma.  Mahatma Gandhi is not only the Mahatma of India, but he is also respected as the Mahatma of the whole world.

One of the many shocking instances in Gandhiji’s life is the massive destruction by the British police in a village called Balia in Uttar Pradesh during the Satyagraha movement.  Abused women.  No one protested.  Gandhiji sent an inquiry team after receiving the news.  In response to their questions, the villagers said, ‘Gandhiji taught us non-violence.  So, we kept quiet.’ When the inquiry team came back and informed Gandhiji about it, he (Gandhiji) was very embarrassed.

Later, he personally went to that village and said, ‘You could not protect the dignity of your mother and sister, you have remained like cowards in the name of non-violence.  Why don’t you protest, I didn’t ask you to be so non-violent.  I preach courageous non-violence.  Not for cowards. To live with self-respect in life, you have to protest against evil. He used to call everyone to stand in a row in favor of peace.  This is Gandhiji’s pacifism.

After matriculating from Samal das Educational Institution in Bhavnagar, Gujarat in 1888, at the age of 18, he went to Bile to study barrister.  Passed the bar in 22 years.  While going to Beale, his loving mother made him swear not to eat fish, not to eat meat, not to touch intoxicants.  He obeyed that mother’s order till death.  A vegetarian who practiced celibacy spread worldly light.  As a British-Indian lawyer, he first applied his ideals of non-violence to the movement for the rights of the oppressed Indian community in South Africa.

After returning to India, distressed farmers started non-violent movements against discriminatory taxation, caste discrimination and labor discrimination.  Eradication of Indian poverty, freedom of women, establishment of fraternity among different caste-castes and economic equality of the people strengthened the movement.  All this was done with the aim of swaraj. freeing India from foreign rule.  In 1930, Gandhi led the nearly 400 km long Dandi Salt March to protest against the salt tax.

Which is considered to be the source of the direct India Quit Movement of 1942 by the British rulers.  Gandhiji protested against the heinous atrocities of the British Raj and condemned the armed resistance of Indians.  Mahatma Gandhi expressed his condolences through a written statement on an incident of Indian attack on the British.

This caused discontent among his party.  Everyone’s displeasure was removed with an emotional humane speech addressed to party worker leaders.  Gandhiji dedicated his life to the search for truth.  He himself was fearless in the doctrine of non-violence. He called everyone to be fearless and inspired him. This is his ideal humanity. Therefore, this day is mainly celebrated to show his sacrifice and work to the world.

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 International Day of Violence Messages

Mahatma Gandhi’s words of non-violence inspire us to protect mankind from the hatred and violence that has spread across the world today.  Violence has never solved any problem in the world.  Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy to create a conflict-free society, a conflict-free world, and a war-free world inspires people greatly.  Non-violent weapons are very important as opposed to military weapons. Below are some International Day of Non-Violence Messages-

On this Gandhi Jayanti and International Day of Non-Violence, may we all remain committed to the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi and always follow the path of truth.

May the joyous occasion of Gandhi Jayanti inspire you always to follow the path of justice and non-violence?

Its 2nd October is the International Day of Non-Violence and Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary celebration, thus let us all come together and honor Bappu by pledging our lives to non-violence and peace.

Let us commemorate the International Day of Non-Violence by learning more about Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution and following in his footsteps.

Happy International Day of Non-Violence!  Let us all remember Bapur’s incredible contribution to our freedom movement and follow his principles for a better life.

Let us work together to make this world a peaceful place for all beings;  Let us resolve all conflicts and make this world a peaceful place to live in – Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

Focus on our development and human growth to lift everyone out of poverty and make the world a better place for all, including inequality.

International Day of Violence Quote

Ahimsa means abstinence from violence.  Staying away from violence is the key word of this day. The non-violent movement of Mahatma Gandhi, the undisputed leader of India’s freedom movement, played an important role in ending intolerance, tension, and violence in the world.  Hence Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence.  In India, this day is known as Gandhi Jayanti. Here are some International Day of Violence Quotes –

 “Non-violence and truth are inseparable and presuppose each other.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 “Don’t lose faith in humanity.  Humanity is like an ocean;  A few drops of dirt in the ocean does not make the ocean dirty.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 “Mother Earth provides enough to satisfy every human need on our planet, but not every human greed.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 “An eye for an eye will blind the whole world.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 “I object to violence because while it seems to be good, good is only temporary;  The evil it does is permanent.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of solves most of the world’s problems.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

 International Day of Non-Violence Message/Wishes

Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy to create a conflict-free society, a conflict-free world, and a war-free world inspires people greatly.  Non-violent weapons are very important as opposed to military weapons. The government of India remembers him as the Father of the Nation. Here are some statutes-

It’s time to honor Mahatma Gandhi The world leader who shook the British Empire without even firing a single British shot, let’s honor Mahatma Gandhi for his true commitment to peace and neutrality – Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

  Numerous challenges can wipe out the human population, so let us come together on this International Day of Non-Violence and instead of fighting among ourselves, work together to save the world from all dangerous threats. – Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

 There are no winners in war but it is the defeat of the whole world – International Day of Non-Violence.

  The current era focuses not on war but on environmental threats such as climate change, persistent drought, persistent sea level rise, and increasingly frequent extreme weather patterns. – Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

 The world cannot be peaceful until the whole world works together to eradicate or remove poverty from the world.  – Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

This International Day of Non-Violence, let us pledge to always walk in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi and celebrate the day by helping the poorest members of society.

International Day of Non-Violence Status

Conflicts, conflicts, and violence are going on all around due to various reasons including politics, and religion.  Where there is violence, nothing positive happens.  Violence only destroys, not creates.  Violence, conflict, and strife are hindering our progress as a nation.

Therefore, if we want to move forward, we have to put an end to this conflict, we have to build a democratic, exploitation-free, justice-based harmony.  National unity is needed to stop extrajudicial killings including disappearances, murders, kidnappings, terrorism, and militancy. Here are some International Day of Non-Violence Wishes-

Conducting public lectures, seminars, and discussions, as well as press conferences on non-violence.  Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

 “Non-violence is the greatest strength for mankind.  It is stronger than the most powerful weapon of destruction invented by human ingenuity.  “Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

My religion rests on truth and non-violence.  Truth is my God.  Ahimsa is the way to accept him.  Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

Ahimsa is a grounded and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and recognizes the person who wields it.  It is a sword that corrects.  Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

A small body of spirited souls determined by an unwavering belief in their mission can change the course of history.  Happy International Day of Non-Violence.

FAQ about International Day of Non-Violence

What is the date of International Day of Non-Violence?

2 October. Source-Wikipedia

WHO declared 2nd October as international day for non-violence?

The United Nations General Assembly

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