International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2023 History, Significance, Quotes and Status

Every country in the world has indigenous people. To recognize their contribution and achievements in the development of a country, the United Nations declared August 9 as the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Every year a theme is chosen to celebrate the day. The traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples is recognized worldwide, including in the United Nations.

They had a great civilization in the past. These indigenous peoples are the inventors of many things including foodstuffs, arts, arts, construction materials, medicine, etc. of this world. For thousands of years, they started to grow and develop, struggling to survive in a harsh world. They knew how to live a balanced life in harmony with the environment and nature. In every country, they have a huge contribution to the conservation of mountains, forests, rivers, nature, biodiversity, etc.

Indigenous women have an outstanding contribution in all fields starting from raising children and families, to preserving culture, agriculture. Let us recognize and celebrate cultural diversity on this International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Let’s move forward with everyone without leaving anyone behind.

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History of International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

According to the decision taken by the United Nations in 1994, about 300 million indigenous people of the world have been officially celebrating the day since 1995 on August 9. In 1992, officials of the Sub-Commission on Development and Conservation of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights at their first meeting chose August 9 to observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

The main objective of celebrating the World Indigenous People’s Decade, Year, and Day is to strengthen international cooperation and create mass awareness to solve various problems related to the human rights, environmental development, education, and culture of the indigenous people.

 According to the United Nations, 300 million indigenous people live in 70 countries around the world, most of whom are disenfranchised. In many countries, indigenous peoples have not been recognized.  They are called tribes in some countries, and small ethnic groups in some countries.

The year 1993 was first declared by the United Nations as the Year of Indigenous Peoples. The following year, in 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate 9 August every year as World Indigenous Peoples’ Day. In addition, the United Nations declared the years 1995 to 2004 and 2005 to 2014 as the first and second Indigenous Decades respectively.

Since 1994, the International Day of Indigenous Peoples has been celebrated around the world.  International Indigenous Peoples Day is today. International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is celebrated on August 9 every year. The United Nations took the initiative to observe the day to protect the rights, traditions, and culture of the indigenous peoples.

Why is International Day of the World’s Indigenous People celebrated?

Since 1994, this day has been officially observed by about 300 million indigenous people of the world. In 1992, officials of the Sub-Commission on Development and Conservation of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights at their first meeting chose August 9 to observe The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.

The main objective of celebrating The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, Year and Day is to strengthen international cooperation and create mass awareness to solve various problems related to the human rights, environmental development, education, and culture of the indigenous people.

 According to the United Nations, 300 million indigenous people live in 70 countries of the world, most of whom are disenfranchised. In many countries, indigenous peoples have not been recognized. They are called a tribe, a small population in a country. The year 1993 was first declared by the United Nations as the “Indigenous People’s Year”. The following year in 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe the 9th of August every year as “The International Day of the World Indigenous People”.

In addition, the United Nations declared the years 1995-2004 and 2005-2014 as the first and second Indigenous Decades respectively. There are several ethnic minorities. They are living in mountains, plains, and forests. These communities are still deprived of various basic rights due to various reasons including living in marginal areas. Most of them do not have the opportunity to study in their mother tongue. There are also territorial disputes.

The country is moving forward. But the desired development is not possible by keeping a large number of people out of the mainstream of development. Therefore, ensuring the constitutional rights of all ethnic groups is the pledge of today’s The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.

How to observe International Day of the World’s Indigenous People?

The day is celebrated to protect the rights of indigenous people. Apart from this, the day is also celebrated as a recognition of the success and contribution of tribals in various issues of the world including environmental protection. Tribals have contributed to various issues in the world. Be its environmental protection or something else. They have contributed in all fields.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is celebrated on August 9 every year to applaud it. Now if all indigenous societies are to be brought forward in all aspects of social transformation, then recognition of indigenous self-identity is necessary. Because leaving behind or losing the identity, how can the tribal society stand in the field of development in one row?

Social inclusion, change of perspective, risk reduction, economy, production, education, good health, environment conservation, mother tongue, and culture study are all important in coming forward to tribal society, recognition of tribal self-identity is also a basic social commitment of development with tribal people. Hope the state will strengthen and protect this commitment. Let’s know some ways to celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous People-

Stand by the indigenous people

On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure the health protection and medical care of people of all ethnicities in the hills and plains. Since they are located in the most marginal and remote areas and their health protection status is fragile, special importance should be given to ensuring better health care in these areas.

At least 25 thousand youths of different ethnicities in the mountains and plains should be provided with part-time employment during the Corona period so that they can meet the financial needs of their family. Financial assistance and other necessary measures should be taken to ensure that students from poor and marginalized communities do not drop out of their educational programs.

Learn about indigenous peoples

Tribals have different traditions and different life systems. But their lifestyle is very interesting. You can know and learn a lot by reading the history of tribal. Their daily lifestyle of food is how they are connected to nature. And you will have a different experience of how they live their every day. How they spend their lives with animals and birds, how friendly they are with plants, you will know everything. Their language is also different from our language.

On this day, you can learn a little about their language by creating curiosity to know about their language. There are many websites and books available for learning tribal languages ​​from which you can learn tribal languages ​​very easily.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People Quotes

As Indigenous People are matriarchal. Women do all the household work. Women generally sell various things in tribal markets. All household goods are purchased by women. Indigenous People catch various types of fish in small boats in the lake. They collect snails from the lake by boat all day and sell them in the market. Make their living. Indigenous People love to perform cultural events. They love to dance in groups.

People are mesmerized by their cultural performances. For centuries, Indigenous People have suffered the dispossession of their land, their culture, and their resources and, as a result, control of their lives in many cases. Lost but thanks to indigenous characteristics, which include perseverance, and continuing to fight for their rights. Their lives are simple and ordinary. They like to live in groups. Indigenous People like to live happily.

The more you learn about their ordinary life, the more you will be fascinated. Let’s take a look at some quotes about Indigenous People today.  Which has been said by many famous people throughout the ages. From there, you can manage their life-

  • “We must respect each other’s right to choose a collective destiny, and the opportunity to develop the legal and political rights for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples so that we may enjoy the right to maintain our culture, our heritage, and our land, as a united Australia. -JackieHuggins.
  • “We cannot allow some people to be left at the back of the human rights bus… We must ensure the rights of individual groups or people -be they indigenous peoples, or peoples of Asian or African or American descent, or Jews or Muslims- are not sacrificed on an altar of progress for some while there are setbacks to others.” – Matthew Coon Come
  • “A great deal of anthropological/ethnological literature describes indigenous peoples who live in oneness with the natural world and one another. Survival itself necessitates a borderlessness between the inner and outer worlds. At times we still feel a return to that unified state. T.S. Eliot’s designation of our return is ‘through the unknown remembered gate.’” – John Zerzan
  • “Since the beginning, Native Peoples lived a life of being in harmony with all that surrounds us. It is a belief that all humankind is related to each other. Each has a purpose, spirit, and sacredness. It is an understanding with the Great Spirit or Creator that we will follow these ways. And in this understanding we believe we are related to all other living species.” – Dennis Banks
  • “For Indigenous peoples, the impact of separating us from our heritage goes directly to the heart that pumps life through our peoples. To expect a people to be able to enjoy their culture without their cultural heritage and their sacred belongings is equivalent to amputating their legs and digging up the ground and asking them to run a marathon.” – Mick Dodson
  • “In every Indigenous community I’ve been in, they absolutely do want community infrastructure and they do want development, but they want it on their own terms. They want to be able to use their national resources and their assets in a way that protects and sustains them. Our territories are our wealth, the major assets we have. And Indigenous people use and steward this property so that they can achieve and maintain a livelihood, and achieve and maintain that same livelihood for future generations.” – Rebecca Adamson
  • “At the end of the day, these are issues that need to be discussed: femicides, among other things – immigrant rights, women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, animal rights, Mother Earth’s rights. If we don’t talk about these topics, then we have no place in a democracy. It won’t exist. Democracy isn’t just voting; it’s relegating your rights.” -Ruben Isaac Albarran Ortega.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People Status

Indigenous peoples are the descendants of the original inhabitants of a particular geographical area before the conquest, colonization, or statehood, who have a close connection (emotional, economic, and/or spiritual) to their significant place and who have a distinct Ethno-cultural identity. A community with its own socio-political and cultural traditions.

The widely used definition of the term indigenous goes back to UN Special Envoy José Martínez Cobo, who linked it to four criteria in his seminal study on discrimination against indigenous peoples in 1986. Indigenous peoples live all over the world: they include, for example, the Evenks of the Far East, North America and the Eskimos and Aleuts of the Arctic Circle in the Far East, the Sami of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula, the Māori of New Zealand, the Indians of America, etc.

On this day you can stand by Indigenous peoples by sharing status to protect their rights.  The status is presented for your convenience.

  • There are about 300 million indigenous peoples in the world. The term “indigenous people” is included in the lexicon of international law and is used in various documents of the United Nations and other international organizations. These Indigenous peoples are constantly deprived of their rights. As common citizens, we have to stand by these tribal people. Happy International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.
  • All indigenous cultures face significant distortions or the threat of extinction, both due to cultural pressures from dominant nations and spontaneous globalization. Although indigenous peoples of different regions differ significantly from each other in terms of their culture, history, and socio-economic conditions of existence, they have many similarities. Let us stand by the Indigenous People. Happy International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.
  • Indigenous rights are those that specifically recognize the existence of indigenous status.  This includes, in addition to the basic human rights to survival and physical integrity, the right to preserve their land, language, religion, and other elements of cultural heritage that are part and parcel of their existence and identity as a people. Happy International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.

FAQ about International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.

What is the date of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People?

9 August. Source-Wikipedia

Why International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is important?

To recognize their contribution and achievements in the development of a country, the United Nations declared August 9 as the International Day of World Indigenous Peoples.

Many people are not aware of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Hope you are already informed through our article. We have tried to present all the information about this International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Thank you so much for being with us