Happy International Family Day 2023 History, Significance, Message, Wish, Quotes, Status.

According to a decision of the United Nations General Assembly on September 20, 1993, May 15 was declared International Family Day. The United Nations declared 1994 as the International Year of the Family. The day is being celebrated to create a mindset of maintaining the traditions of the joint family.  Family is the repository of spiritual relationships. A bond of affection, love, camaraderie, and mutuality develops among family members. The image of the joint family, which existed all over the world since ancient times, is now much fainter.

The image of a joint family disappeared long ago in urban life.  Earlier there were some joint families in the village but now they are not. A history of living together has dissolved even in families of clan status. Family means living together with mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, and grandmother. This concept of family in our society is prevalent since the past.  But as the days go by, we seem to be coming out of this idea.

As if we are gradually limiting the family to ‘husband-wife-children’. There is no place for parents or grandparents. It seems that the concept of joint or joint family has become ‘obsolete’ now. This is especially true in urban settings. If the mutual relationship between all the family members is like a friend, complex family problems can be dealt with.  Everyone’s way forward is smooth. It is in this context that International Family Day is being celebrated in the world today.

History of International Family Day

From 1750 to 1850, the Industrial Revolution took place in England and America. Due to the expansion of industry, the youth of western countries are inclined to earn money. This reduces their interest in the family. Many are separated from their families. They raised small families wherever they could for work and money. This is how many joint families have broken up.

Later, on the recommendation of the 30th session of the Commission for Social Development, this Parliament invited all States to express their views and to offer their views and proposals on the possible declaration of an International Year of the Family.

The Council requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its 30th third session a comprehensive report on the possible declaration of such a year, based on the views and proposals of Member States and on other ways and means for improving the situation, and as part of international efforts for family well-being and social progress and development. Cooperation is strong.

In resolution 44/82 of 9 December 1989, the General Assembly, in a resolution in 1989, approved 1993 as the World Year of the Family and proclaimed 15 May as International Family Day.

Significance of International Family Day

Family is considered the most important social foundation. Through the strong bonds of mutual respect, amity, sympathy, and love, a person in the family enjoys the highest benefits of society. Family is of immense importance in every country and culture of the world. Family is said to be the mirror of society and the state. The role and responsibility of the family are very important in the social development of the state.

Family is a man’s first and greatest school. Just as there are some rules in the management of the state, there are also rules in the family. In modern society, the joint family with mutual love and the previous form of human bond is gradually disappearing, and the single-family is increasing. Family is man’s first school. People are being separated from their families, be it because of work or by choice, and as a result family, education, and our thousands of years of tradition are being lost.

There are many objectives behind celebrating the International Day of Families, the primary of which is to convey the importance of family. Apart from this, the day highlights the issues affecting families around the world. Families around the world often face various problems, and every year the day highlights those issues and provides various ways to deal with them. The day also emphasizes family protection and support.

How to celebrate International Family Day?

Considering the family as the focal point of development, it is essential to emphasize the happiness and prosperity of all members of the family. Therefore, everyone should strive to maintain good health, peace, and cordial relationship among all family members and raise awareness among the public at all levels to highlight the importance of the matter. Just as there are some constitutions in the management of the state, there should also be a family constitution.

For example, building good relations with everyone in the family, maintaining family order, not telling lies, respecting the elders, returning home at a certain time, completing one’s own work, hating lies, and developing the heart through the practice of human values. We have an ethnic characteristic; we have our own culture. We have to keep all this in mind and move forward. We must understand that there is no glory in anything borrowed from others. Rather, it is an insult to us. After all, our social problems are increasing day by day due to the breakdown of family ties. Instability is increasing.

So, we all should celebrate International Family Day every year to reduce the distance between family members. A good way to spend time with family is to celebrate International Family Day. Now let’s know some ways to celebrate International Family Day

Family Tree

You can make a family tree to teach the importance of family to children and to bring awareness among all family members. You can all build a plantation together, which you can think of as your family structure. And take care of the tree together. And remember that the bigger this tree grows, the stronger your family ties will be.

Get together

You can arrange a get-together or picnic among all the members to unite with the family. But in the covid situation, you can call your relatives sitting at home. Or have a virtual meeting with all family members three days a week.

Cooking together

Organize cooking together. Family ties are strengthened when all family members work hand in hand.  Mutual understanding improves and unity increases. And by all working together you will understand the importance of family and the little ones will learn and enjoy from you.

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International Family Day Quotes

According to sociologists, mutual harmony is deepened and unbreakable in the joint family prevalent in our society. They help each other with various problems including illness. Many big problems are solved very easily. Due to the urgency of time, when the matter of joint family or keeping family ties is becoming less important in this society, the importance of celebrating this International Family Day today is immense.

Blood ties mean family ties. It is the moral duty of all of us to build and maintain genuine good relations among all members of the family. An important condition of a good life in our traditional social system is good family ties. Throughout the ages, many famous people have given various quotes about the importance of family. Which helps us understand the importance of family in our lives. Some such quotes are presented to you today-

“If you have your family stand by you, then you are truly the strongest and also the most blessed person in this world. Happy International Day of Families.” – Anonymous

“On the occasion of International Day of Families, don’t forget to thank God for blessing you with a family that loves you and supports you.” – Unknown

“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

“What can you do to promote World Peace? Go home and love your family.” – Mother Teresa.

“Peace is the only battle worth waging.” – Albert Camus

International Family Day Message

The family is an institution from which the direction of future life is formed. Since the dawn of civilization, people have been living in families as social beings. Therefore, the role of the family in the creation of society is very important. At the same time, most people in our country are living with their mother, father, brother, sister, or father-in-law. One’s happiness makes the other happy, and one’s sadness makes the other cry.

There are close ties between families. They help each other in many ways. Parents, brothers and sisters, husband and wife are all related to each other’s souls. Everyone is worried when one of the family is sick. Everyone is happy with the happy news. This is our family. Today is International Family Day. On the occasion of International Day of Family, here are some messages that you can collect on the occasion of Family Day-

  • Family is shelter, we don’t have to pay for it. Family always gives us courage in all situations of life. Happy International Family Day.
  • Family is like a compass, which always guides us and instills hope and inspiration in us. Happy International Family Day.
  • Family is like the branches of a tree. We all grow up differently, but our roots remain the same. Happy International Family Day.
  • Everything else may change a lot in our life, but the family never changes. We begin and end with family. Happy International Family Day.

International Family Day Wish

Family is an important medium for every animal. Family is important not only for human children but also for animals. Family plays the most important role in the socialization of a human child after birth. It is from the family that a child learns to establish himself in society. A family starts with chalk in a child’s hand. Family care is an important aspect of all forms of childcare. Every family needs to be bound by the bonds of love to be established in society.

A man who has no family cannot survive long in society.  He/she becomes completely helpless in society. Considering the importance and necessity of family on International Family Day today, you can also send International Family Day greetings to your dear friends. Therefore, in today’s article, we have attached the greetings for International Family Day.

  • To my beloved family who made this life special and beautiful for me, I wish you National Family Day
  • Family is like your first school and your family members are your first teachers. Make sure you learn the most from your loved ones and make life happier. Best wishes to you and your family on the occasion of International Family Day
  • Family is the strongest pillar in a person’s life, always cherish and nurture this pillar with love and care. Sending lots of best wishes and love.
  • Happy International Family Day my friend, may God bless your family and give your family all happiness and prosperity.

International Family Day Status

International Family Day should be observed as an important day for everyone. Family is the only member to stand by you in times of danger. Any friend or girlfriend cannot play the role that a family member can play in coming forward. I have attached Family Day Facebook Status on this website. You can check the Facebook status of International Family Day on this website.

  • There is no such thing as a perfect family. Everyone has problems, and misunderstandings are very common thing. But you will always be with each other, so always try to be nice and kind to your family members.
  • Today is the day of family, love, happiness, and togetherness. It is a great day to do whatever you want together with your loved ones. Nice family day
  • Another year will end, another year will come. I hope and pray that the light of Family Day illuminates the new chapter of your life. Happy family day to you

FAQ about International Family Day

What is the date of International Family Day?

15 May. Source-Wikipedia.

Why do people celebrate International Family Day?

The day is being celebrated to create a mindset of maintaining the traditions of the joint family.

Family is a beautiful shelter for people. Many times, people become disorientated due to various dangers, diseases, pains, sufferings, etc. That occur in worldly life. At this time, other family members came forward to help him/her. Serves in sickness, helps in danger, comforts in suffering, and sympathizes in grief. But there is no way to get these things for a person separated from his/her family.  As a result, he/she became confused.

There is no security in his life. Family keeps people in one place and with one goal. Sometimes, when he/she goes astray, other members of the family are active in guiding him/her on the right path and bringing him/her back to a certain goal. But people who are separated from family do not have any specific goals and objectives. Whether good or bad, family is always there for them. They are the people who will give you the strength to fight through the bad times as well as celebrate with you in the good times. So let us not be separated from the family and come forward to protect the family.