International Youth Day 2023 History, Significance, Messages, Wishes, Quotes and Status

Almost half of the world’s population today is youth. These youth are acting as a vital force for change around the world in various cases such as human rights abuses and even the Corona epidemic. Today is International Youth Day. Every year the day is celebrated based on a theme. The youth of a country can bring that country to the pinnacle of development.

Youth society is the future of a country and nation.  Educated youth is needed for the development of the country and nation. Today’s youth and young people will govern the country in the future. Therefore, the government of every state needs to give special importance to the proper education of the youth.

Because ignorant and uneducated youth can be detrimental to a country. Educated youth can maintain the equality of the country and move the world forward in equality. Therefore, the main aim of International Youth Day is to make the youth of every country vocal to keep an eye on all the affairs of that country. And to encourage them to come forward in all the work of the country. But we will get a nice, better world.

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History of World Youth Day

The United Nations General Assembly first launched a concerted effort to influence youth in 1965. The United Nations announced a campaign to promote peace and mutual respect and understanding among the youth. They aimed to prepare the youth to be recognized as future leaders and strive to meet all the needs of the world.

On December 17, 1999, the recommendation to establish the first International Youth Day was approved by the United Nations General Assembly. International Youth Day was established. And on August 12, 2000, the first International Youth Day was observed. This day was originally established to educate the youth. The day was established to engage the youth in politics and prepare them to tackle global issues.

An international youth conference was organized by “YOUTHINK” in 2013. There were many speeches, and it was an award ceremony. A few more events were organized which were hosted by the Youth Cafe. Every year International Youth Day is celebrated based on a theme. For example, the theme in 2019 was Transforming Education. The theme of International Youth Day in 2020 was Youth Engagement for Global Action. All these themes are mainly designed to educate the senior citizens about the national affairs of each state and to increase their involvement in politics.

Significance of National Youth Day

The day was first celebrated on 12 August 2000. The main purpose of Youth Day is to discuss youth participation and views on various issues ranging from socio-economic and political events. The day is also celebrated as a day for youth worldwide to speak out about their rights to education, health, and livelihood.

According to the United Nations, this special day is an effort to raise awareness among the youth to understand their rights. Like every year, this year also International Youth Day will be celebrated in all countries of the world. Starting from the liberation struggle of every country, the youth lead all the democratic movements. Not only that, but the role of youth society in also enlightening the country’s politics, economy, and society is unforgettable.

As the youth have always sacrificed their lives during the transition of an independent state, they have become the shining witnesses of history and their sacrifices have been forever followed by the next generation. In all democratic movements, youths have always been popular against injustice and have always raised their voices against injustice. And through that came all the positive changes.

But today the youth in the overall context sometimes worries us.  Because in addition to the welfare work of society, we see the youth getting involved in various kinds of heinous crimes. Not only that, but the youth is also becoming addicted to drugs and becoming a burden to the family, society, and the state. We never want that. This day expects that the youth of every country will shine the face of their family and country. And will leave a role in the welfare of the country.

How to observe National Youth Day?

Some days are celebrated on certain days of each month every year. These days are celebrated to commemorate an important event of the past or to create public awareness of an important issue.  International Youth Day is one of those days celebrated in the world.

 Youth is the biggest strength of any country. From Greta Thunberg to Malala Yousafzai, these young people have been important forces of change around the world on issues such as climate change, human rights abuses, and even the current pandemic.

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on August 12 for this contribution of the youth to bring material change worldwide. Even in critical times like the pandemic, the youth has spoken out against incidents like racial discrimination and played a supportive role. During ‘The Black Lives Movement’, youth were seen protesting to demand change in this social system. Every year the United Nations selects a theme for International Youth Day.

However, based on this theme, various events are organized in different parts of the world. The opinion of the youth is also known about this. They are also consulted. The United Nations also launched a social media campaign on the day to highlight youth engagement to bring about global change. Now let’s know some ways to celebrate International Youth Day-

  • Contact popular local/national radio stations to request slots to discuss with eminent personalities and youth.
  • Host a virtual meeting or debate with virtual conferencing.  You can organize meetings on platforms like Zoom, and Google Meet to discuss youth contributions to global issues.
  • Hold a virtual concert to promote International Youth Day and its mission.
  • Get permission to use a public space to display artwork, which highlights the challenges faced by today’s youth or how young people are contributing to development.

International Youth Day Quotes

The day aims to create awareness among the governments of all countries of the world to pay attention to the youth of their countries and to meet their needs. To make all countries of the world aware that there is a need to focus on youth. The government has to help them with education to self-reliance. To celebrate this, International Youth Day is celebrated every year. Youth is the most important resource in our country.

This wealth is not only for the present but also in the past various great men have taken a special role in the important work of our country that is why youth day is started to inspire the ideals, transparency, truthfulness, and action of the youth to give special importance to the youth to encourage their effective role. Let’s take a look at some of the famous people’s quotes on the occasion of International Youth Day-

  • “Everybody’s youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “Youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms.” – Thomas Gray
  • “Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “Good Habits formed in youth make all the difference.” – Aristotle
  • “Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.” – Swami Vivekananda
  • “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” – Franz Kafka
  •  “In youth, we run into difficulties. In old age, difficulties run into us.” – Beverly Sills.
  • “Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.” – Herbert Hoover
  • “The duty of the youth is to change corruption.” – Aristotle
  • “Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.” – APJ Abdul Kalam
  • “My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers!” – Swami Vivekananda
  • “You are only young once, and if you work it right, once is enough.” – Joe Lewis
  • “Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.” – Nicholas Sparks
  • “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions.” – Samuel Ullman
  • “A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century.” –  Swami Vivekananda

International Youth Day Messages/Wishes

It is very important to give priority to the role of youth in nation-building and the socio-economic situation and development of the country. There is no guarantee that their views will match those of others. But it is not right to reward the youth without judging and reviewing. To motivate the youth. Youth can bring light to the dark country and world. Youth Day is organized to energize the youth. Some greetings on the occasion of International Youth Day are highlighted

  • The future of a nation depends on its youth. Greetings to the young brains and minds of our nation on National Youth Day
  • International Youth Day reminds all the youth that they should always be the youth force in the country as they are the ones who will create the future.
  • No one can teach you until you develop an interest in learning.  You have no teacher except your soul.  So bring yourself from the inside out and try to know the world.  Happy International Youth Day

International Youth Day Status

Youth society has numerous contributions to the progress of every nation. Just as Yuvraj did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the establishment of democracy starting from the freedom movement of a country, he worked relentlessly in the struggle for economic liberation. The youth of a country can eliminate hunger and poverty and establish the country as a developed, prosperous and self-respecting country by creating a partnership in the implementation of the vision adopted by that country.

Look how through joint efforts, when the youth participate in education as well as in eliminating the unemployment of the country, then a country becomes prosperous. Standing in the era of globalization of the 21st century, we can realize the fact that the youth of that century have a great impact on national politics through their qualifications and talent.

They have contributed beyond the curriculum in various fields of not only politics but the environment, economy, and social change. From education planning to the anti-war movement, they have united. Climate change, warming, or global warming, youth have been seen to be vocal for peace. Share your status on your social media account today on International Youth Day.

This will encourage the youth to do good deeds. Some statuses are presented for your convenience. Which you can use on International Youth Day-

  • Only the youth can work for the welfare of the country by risking their lives.  Today’s youth are tomorrow’s successful leaders.  You must not lose.  Happy International Youth Day.
  • Wake up youth society.  Don’t stop until you reach your goal.  This country is waiting for your success.  Happy International Youth Day
  • Youth are the artisans of humanity.  Become humane and work for the welfare of the country.  But this country can improve.  Happy International Youth Day

FAQ about International Youth Day

What is the purpose of International Youth Day?

The main purpose of International Youth Day is to make the youth of every country vocal to keep an eye on all the affairs of that country.

Which is the National Youth Day?

National Youth Day is celebrated in India on January 12. Source-Wikipedia

Happy International Youth Day to all. The youth of a country is the future of that country. So, we have to give special importance to the youth society and take them forward by providing them with proper education. It is hoped that the youth society will continue to play a role in establishing a beautiful society. Thank you all so much for being with us.