National Cancer Survivors Day 2023

National Cancer Survivors Day is observed on the first Sunday of June every year.  This year the National Cancer Survivors Day celebration will, therefore, be observed in June.  NCSD is held to raise awareness about cancer which is one of the most common and deadly diseases in this world.  We all know someone who has battled this disease and realize that being diagnosed with cancer is not only a challenge for the person battling this illness but also for their entire family.

This is the main reason why cancer survivors and their inspiring stories are celebrated around the world.  In the United States, people observe National Cancer Survivors Day on the first Sunday of June every year.  It is an important observation not only in the lives of those who have battled the disease but also for workers, doctors, etc. to raise awareness about ways to prevent cancer and how it can help ensure early diagnosis and reduce life expectancy. This year 4 on June people celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day.

History of National Cancer Survivors’ Day

National Cancer Survivors Day was first observed on June 5 in 1988. The day was observed quite openly and various organizations and hospitals came together to observe the day. And with the help of NCSD website anyone could participate in the events held on this day through registration. Speakers from various medical professions addressed cancer survivors at the events.

Why do people celebrate National Cancer Survivors’ Day?

National Cancer Survivors Day was established to celebrate the spirit of people who have won the battle against cancer.  It not only recognizes their efforts but also gives hope to people battling this deadly disease.  A survivor is defined by the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation as a person with a history of suffering from the stage of diagnosis. The day is also known for raising funds for cancer patients. Here are some causes of Cancer.

 a) Hereditary/genetic

 If the father, mother, and aunt are among them, their children may have or are more likely to have breast cancer, and colon cancer.

 b) Smoking

 Lung cancer is one of the different types of cancer.

 c) Betel nut, Jorda white leaf, gull, etc. causes oral cancer or tongue cancer.

 d) Benign tumor or benign tumor?  If it stays in the body for a long time, cancer can occur at any time.  This is how most colon cancers develop.

 E) Radiation

 If you give radiation somewhere or sun rays can cause skin cancer.  For example, many years after the nuclear explosions in Chornobyl and Nagasaki in Japan, many people are still suffering from cancer.

 f) Stones

 Kidney and gallbladder stones cause cancer.

 g) Chronic infection

 Serial infection of the cervix or breast leads to cancer of the uterus and breast.

 h) Chemicals or chemical agents

 For example, aniline dye causes bladder cancer.

 Formalin acid/decomposing agent used in food causes stomach cancer and hair follicles/skin cancer.

Cancer is a very serious disease, and the death of people is certain due to its occurrence, so National Cancer Survivor Day is mainly celebrated to make people aware of these issues.

You may read World Cancer Day 2023

How do people celebrate National Cancer Survivor Day?

On this day, people from all walks of life come together with cancer survivors to give hope and strength to those newly diagnosed to fight the same battle.  With each passing year, we are developing new ways to fight cancer and the death rate is decreasing.  Celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day is a reminder of the long journey we have already covered and raises awareness of the simple steps we can take to help make life easier for these cancer survivors.

 Winning the fight against cancer is a great reason to celebrate itself but at the same time, it is important to support those who are still fighting this deadly disease.  Celebrants can attend events, raise awareness, or participate in fundraising events.  National Cancer Survivor Day celebrations usually have several offline events, but this year the observance is bound to go the online route.  We hope that this National Cancer Day, you have done your part to help those in need.

National Cancer Survivors Day Quotes

Cancer has now gone to the epidemic stage all over the world, and the condition of cancer in the country is also terrible.  There is a lack of proper action plans for control, although the scope of treatment is increasing.

International organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that every year one and a half million people are newly diagnosed with cancer in the country. Among them, 1 lakh 8 thousand died.

Experts say that in 2005, the country’s first hospital-based cancer patient registration was launched. In addition, to overcome this problem, it is necessary to reorganize and make effective the National Cancer Control Council comprising of government, policymakers, and expert doctors.  Only then this disease can be prevented.

Here are some Quotes about National Cancer Survivor Day-

One day at a time, one step.  Do what you can, and do your best.  God will take care of the rest.”  – Michelle Jones

 “Time is running short.  But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me.”  – Ingrid Bergman

 “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.”  – Kayla Mills

 “When you’ve exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.”  – Thomas Edison

 “You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and how you live.”  – Stuart Scott

 “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you.”  – Oprah

 “Stand in your light and shine brightly because that’s how you defeat the darkness.”  – Leslie Esperanza Espaillat

“Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go where there is no path and leave a trail.”  – Muriel Strode

National Cancer Survivors Day Messages

Cancer is the most frightening of all the diseases that afflict people.  Once cancer takes root in the body, the patient’s chances of survival are slim.  When cancer occurs, many other diseases are suppressed in the body.  Then it becomes very difficult to keep the patient alive.  But if one can detect this deadly disease at an early stage, his chances of survival are very bright. Below are some National Cancer Survivors Day Messages-

No matter how dark the night is, the dawn must come.  No matter how painful the fight is, cancer must go so you can live.  Get well soon! Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

 Through your pain, I want to tell you that I am praying for you.  May the God of all comfort hold you and give you strength to get through each day. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

 I know you are going through the pain of fighting cancer, and so are you.  I’m here for you through it.  Praying for your sound mind and well-being. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

National Cancer Survivors Day Wishes

People with cancer are generally neglected by society.  They are also kept alone in the family.  But it is possible to prevent this cancer. We all know that cancer is a complex and deadly disease.  Since there is no specific cause of this disease, it is necessary to follow the rules to stay free from this disease. Here are Some Wishes about National Cancer Survivors Day –

The fact is that more people are fighting and surviving cancer than dying from it.  Never give up hope. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

“You are dear, not cancer.  That’s why you win.”  This can be another beautiful message to wish someone with cancer. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

“It’s about focusing on fighting and not fear.”  – Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

National Cancer Survivors Day Statutes

Experts say that it is possible to prevent cancer by making small lifestyle changes. Medical scientists say that eight healthy habits can reduce the risk of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis.  These practices are not complicated at all.  So, take control of your health. Here are some Wishes about National Cancer Survivor Day –

“You are a warrior” is one of the most celebrated wishes for this day. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

 “You can be a cancer victim or a cancer survivor.  It’s a mindset.” – This quote from cancer survivor Dave Pelzer is truly inspiring. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

 “Cancer is a word, not a sentence” is a slogan that can be an amazing message to send on this day. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day.

FAQ about National Cancer Survivors Day

What is the date of National Cancer Survivors Day?

First Sunday of June. Source-Wikipedia

Significance of National Cancer Survivors Day?

NCSD is held to raise awareness about cancer which is one of the most common and deadly diseases in this world. 

Hope you benefited from our article and we were able to give you all the information you need.  Thanks for being with us.  Visit our website regularly to know more information about upcoming days.