National Friendship Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

The word ‘friend’ is short, but it has a lot of depth. Friendship is limitless. Today, August 6, is National Friendship Day. But that’s right, friendship doesn’t take a certain amount of time. Friendship has no age limit. Just as peers can be friends, so can older and younger people be friends. You can be friends only if you are like-minded.

National Friendship Day was planned and originated in the United States. In 1919, the first Sunday of August was first observed as ‘National Friendship Day’. ‘Friendship’ is necessary for all relationships. Friendship eases relationships. Sayings do not make friends. There is only true friendship when the mind matches the mind. Pride and jealousy have no place in friendship. “Friendship” is more valuable than life in many cases.

There are many such examples in the world. Friendship is a relationship in which one friend is in danger and the other friend may unknowingly jump into the fire. But these days there are not many such friends. Finding or having true friends is a matter of luck at this time. As hard as it is to get something, the quality of keeping it close is also important. Remember, there is no substitute for care in relationships. Nothing is solidified unilaterally. Neglect is enough to ruin any relationship.

May the friendship of all the people of the world be unbreakable. Good luck to all your friends.

You may read National Best Friend Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

History of National Friendship Day

Although the exact history of Friends Day cannot be said with certainty. But according to several historical data, it is believed that National Friendship Day started sometime between 1930-40. In 1930 Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark Card organized National Friendship Day. He organized the observance of this day on August 2.

So that everyone can celebrate the festival of friendship together.  But everyone then realizes that this is a trick to sell greeting cards. International Friendship Day was first proposed on July 30, 1958, by the World Friendship Crusade. This organization promotes the establishment of a peaceful culture through friendship.

After that, the day spread to different countries in South Asia. On Friendship Day, love is expressed to friends by gifting those flowers, cards, wristbands, etc. National Friendship Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. Initially, various card-making companies started the movement of Friendship Day. Later, with the rise in popularity of social media, the celebration of this day became huge. On July 20, 1958, Dr.  Ramon Artemio comes to Braco’s head. He was having dinner with his friends in Puerto Pinasco, Paraguay.

That’s when Mary formed the World Friendship Crusade with his friends. This organization works to develop selfless and humanitarian friendships irrespective of caste, color, religion, language, or gender. Then in 1998 Nan Annan, the wife of the then Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, identified Winnie the Pooh cartoon character as the Ambassador of Friendship.

According to other information, it is known that in 1919 Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark cards, proposed the celebration of National Friendship Day. Then on the first Sunday of August, everyone celebrated this day by sending cards and gifts to their friends.

And from there it is assumed that the tradition of celebrating National Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August has come. After the first National Friendship Day was celebrated on July 30, 1958, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared the day on July 30, 2011, as the National Friendship Day, according to the United Nations.

 The significance of National Friendship Day is that friendship between individuals, states, and cultures will ensure peace. Besides this, it will create bridges between different nations. National Friendship Day was started for this purpose.

Why do people celebrate National Friendship Day?

The friendship between individuals, states, and cultures will ensure peace. Besides this, it will create bridges between different nations. National Friendship Day is started for this purpose. National Friendship Day can help in promoting peace and social harmony among people. Our world faces many challenges and crises and forces of division. Poverty, violence, and human rights violations occur.  Undermining peace, security, development, and social harmony. Through friendship, we hope to change our lives by building bonds of friendship and building strong bonds of trust.

 Be that as it may, make today a special day. Wish your friend a good morning on this day. Don’t forget to tell him/her how blessed you are to have him/her as a friend. Many people plan to go out with their friends today. Many people wear friendship bands as a symbol of friendship. Everyone observes this day according to their heart. Throughout the year, our days are busy. How much loneliness, how many dreams, how many words start falling into the heart!

No matter how much Facebook, WhatsApp, phone or video calls simplify our communication system, many such words remain in the heart of the heart. So, everyone needs at least one friend. And sincere gratitude can be given to a friend like a heart on one day of the year!  And that is why National Friendship Day is celebrated all over the world on the first Sunday of August every year.

How to celebrate National Friendship Day?

Friendship does not mean matching age with age, friendship means heart to mind, secret acquaintance.  Today is National Friendship Day. The Friendship Day initiative encourages our young leaders and future generations to imbibe qualities that promote respect for diversity. Supporting children’s social and emotional well-being by celebrating friendship is especially important during these unprecedented times. In family life, we ​​believe this is an ideal time to remind children of the importance of inclusion and care.

On this day friends celebrate each other with friendship bands, cards, and gifts. While hanging out with friends, spend time with each other. Extend your hand of friendship on this year’s Friendship Day. Forget hatred, violence, and differences, and accept everyone as your own. Make the best plan to spend time with your dear friend quickly and win his heart with a hearty gift. Have fun with friends and have a good day. Here are some ways to celebrate National Friendship Day-

Chat on video calls

Video calls are indeed no substitute for face-to-face chats. But the advantage of video calling is that you can see many friends together. Now many people are spread in this direction. Chat with them on video calls. Hanging out together means bringing back the nostalgia of college or school days, that’s all!

Send food

Can Friendship Day be imagined without food? Surprise your friend by ordering food and sending it to your friend’s home address with the help of a food delivery app. Who knows a friend’s favorite food list better than you? Choose any such food and send it to him on friendship day.

Send flowers and cakes

Some delivery apps will deliver flowers and cakes to a friend’s address on the same day. While reading this article, you can order flowers or cakes. Your special gift will reach your friend within a few hours.  Stick to your gift, your presence.

Write a letter to a friend

I am not asking to write a letter for a friend and send it to the post office address, because that is very time-consuming! Most conversations these days take place in messaging apps, which are essentially a pile of words. Have you ever shared your feelings apart? E-mail your friend in the form of a letter by writing why your friend is special to you and how much you miss him/her since he/she is not around on such a day. A friend will also like it.

National Friendship Day Gift Ideas

Every year on the first Sunday of August, ‘National Friendship Day’ is celebrated. This special day is a day to honor and thank dear friends, who have always stood by you in happiness and sorrow, supported you, and never left you alone in any situation. On Friendship Day there is a trend of wearing a friendship band to a dear friend as a symbol of friendship. Also, gifts are exchanged between friends on this day.  But don’t know what to gift your friend this Friendship Day? No need to worry.

Today in this article some friendship day special gift ideas which you can gift to your dear friend.

Photo collage

Gift your friend or girlfriend by collecting several photos from her childhood till now and making a beautiful collage of them. You can add some photos taken by your friend with you in this collage. Under each photo, you can write a message or the moment the photo was taken. Your friend will be very happy to receive this special gift.

Travel Book

If you and your friend have ever traveled together, you can create a travel book for them. Highlight some of the funniest photos and memorable moments you and him/her have taken in this book. You can also write funny quotes.


You can gift your friend a set of cushions with funny quotes. Print some pictures of you and your friend on these cushions and put funny quotes on them.

Gift according to your budget

You must know what your friend needs or likes at the moment, so give something accordingly. You can give anything you like to your dear friend. You can gift watches, mobiles, books, jewelry, scarves, clothes, etc. according to your budget.

Coffee mugs and cards

You can give coffee mugs and greeting cards. Give your handmade card, your friend will be more than happy. And print your best photo and emotional message on the coffee mug. Your friend will be very happy to receive this gift.

Chocolate Box

Chocolate is one thing that everyone loves and this gift can bring a smile to everyone’s face on any occasion. It strengthens the bond of a relationship. So this Friends Day you can gift handmade chocolates to your beloved friend.  Also, you can buy a nice chocolate box and gift it to him/her.

 Notebook or Diary

 If your friend likes to write, gift him/her a notebook or diary. He/she can write his thoughts on it. It can hold all his/her memories

Bluetooth speakers or headphones

If your friend likes to listen to music, then you can give him/her a Bluetooth speaker or headphones according to the budget. Your dear friend will be happy to receive this gift.

National Friendship Day Quotes

Friendship is the mutual relationship between people. Friendship is the strongest bond of the soul.  There is no definition of friendship or maybe it is? If so!  What’s up! If you think about something, you won’t be friends anymore. If you think about it, you can make friends. Friendship is like an opening that comes suddenly and makes the heart happy just like a drop of rain falling on a hot sun. A special day to celebrate that friendship is National Friendship Day.

Every year the first Sunday of August is observed all over the world. In 1935, the US Congress declared that every first Sunday of August will be observed as Friendship Day. Since then, National Friendship Day is one of the nationally celebrated days. Soon it became very popular and became National Friendship Day. Friendship has no day and night; friendship has no time limit. Friends are just friends. We will love our friends every day every friend in life is significant.

We learn new things and gain a new perspective on life because of our new friends. Start by getting to know a friend better. There are many proofs of good friendships in history and many famous people have given special quotes about friends. Some of the Friendship Day quotes are given below-

  • “The circle of friendship is a place of warmth and caring, where people come together for listening and sharing. A place of kindness and trust, a place of tears and laughter too. I’m glad to share that circle with a special friend like you.”  -Beth Stuckwisch.
  • “The Miracle of Friendship – There is a miracle called friendship that dwells within the heart and you don’t know how it happens or when it gets to start. . . But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift, and you realize that friendship. Is God’s most precious gift!”  -Author Unknown.
  • “Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief.” – Joseph Addison.
  • “Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life.” -La Fontaine.
  • “There would be many things to follow, as our friendship has many things. And so much of them reminds me of the happiness our friendship brings.” – Julie Hebert, Things of Remembrance.
  • “One of the very pleasant things about friendship is the ‘do you remember moments’.” – Faith Baldwin.

National Friendship Day Message

Friends are a gift from God. We share our happiness and joy with them. We are also sharers in our suffering. We make new friends every time we meet someone. We find friends in school, college, workplace, religious places, common hobbies, etc. Every friend is important in life. Be it in times of sadness or joy or depression. Be it in times of danger or times of happiness or to make a decision everyone looks for a friend.

A day is not different for this friendship. National Friendship Day all the days of the year. There is also a special day to celebrate friendship. That is Friendship Day.  Wish your friend a good morning on this day. Don’t forget to tell him how blessed you are to have him as a friend. See what to write in the message-

  • True friends can’t be found easily. Friendship is the most precious thing to me. Because I earned it. Happy Friendship Day.
  • Happy Friendship Day. I am grateful for your love, kindness, and support. Thank you for being a part of my life friend.
  • Friends are like stars in the sky. You may not always notice them. However, they will always keep an eye on you. Happy Friendship Day.
  • Some people are so special in our lives that the whole universe is difficult without them.  Happy Friendship Day, my friend.
  • Friendship is made with anger, sadness, and love. Friendship is not a relationship. Rather, it is a vast field. Happy Friendship Day.

National Friendship Day Wish

Friends accept us as we are. Friendship is a relationship where we don’t need to hide.  We feel free to express ourselves. Knowing our good sides, bad sides, faults, passions, and pleasures, friends accept us and never complain. We don’t have to be ashamed in front of them for small and big mistakes. The biggest lesson we get from a friend is the lesson of trust. Friends teach us to trust.  You can talk to a friend.

We can tell them all the secrets of the mind without hesitation. You don’t have to promise to keep secrets a thousand times. An unknown faith and trust work on the friend of all. We know, friends will not dishonor us. Don’t cheat like others.

Every year in August National Friendship Day is celebrated all over the world. The purpose of this day is to celebrate friendship as well as meet new people. Happy Friendship Day. The day is very special for all my friends. Make your friend feel special on this day too. Send this greeting message. Your friend will be impressed-

  • No one seeks friends to spend leisure time with.  Rather, everyone seeks time to be with friends.  Happy Friendship Day
  • Friendship is made with anger, sadness, and love. Friendship is not only a relationship, but friendship teaches many things. Happy Friendship Day
  • A friend means the tension of two hearts, a friend means to love and a little pride, a friend means laughter and fun, a song of happiness and sadness. A friend means two lives and one soul.
  • A friend will be like that, when he/she will be very special, he/she will understand that I will keep him/her in his heart, and he/she will not leave me.

National Friendship Day Status

Life is a mix of happiness and sadness. So, it is wrong to expect that every day will be good, or every time will be bad. But if the good times did not increase the joy and the bad times did not reduce the burden of sorrow, would this ‘friend’ walk be easier? not at all so we need friends very much in moments of joy and sorrow. Even if your friend is not near, you can calm your mind by hearing your voice from the other side of the phone. Without friends, we would be lost in a world of despair. There was no joy and worry in life.

Nowadays we live a very mechanical life. Emotions are almost lost in us to always keep emotions under control. But humanity still lives in us through the goodness of friends. A friend is the only person in front of whom we can feel free to cry when we are upset. Because we know, friends will not be happy or upset by our suffering. They will not frown upon unbridled passion. Rather than understand my pain will try to reduce it. Most importantly, open your mind and let your emotions be expressed. Friends teach us the greatest virtue, honesty.

From a friend we can learn how serious a small lie can become in a relationship. And when two people are together, thinking alike, how meaningless these lies are. Since friendship is above all judgments, there is no need to hide unnecessarily, no need to lie unnecessarily.  Because these lies are easily caught and only lead to bitterness in the relationship. No benefits. Having a good friend in life makes life a lot easier.

If you have such good friends in your life, be sure to mention them in your social media account and share a status today. This will make them realize their importance in your life. Here are some National Friendship Day Status-

  • It’s a beautiful bond. Without which life seems dull. Friendships help reduce stress, strengthen self-esteem, and build a sense of belonging
  • Friendship is a precious gift, which cannot be judged by any price or money. Happy Friendship Day.
  • Friendship means no race, no age.  Friendship is the bond of mutual mind. A friend is a companion of all childhood mischief, a partner in sharing heartache.

FAQ about National Friendship Day

What is the date of National Friendship Day?

August 6. Source-Wikipedia

Is Friendship Day celebrated in July or August?

At the United Nations in 1998 Winnie the Pooh was named the world’s Ambassador of Friendship.

And in April 2011, 30th July officially recognized by United Nations as International Friendship Day, even though many countries celebrate on the first Sunday of August.

We cannot always make the right decisions and choose the right people. Our friends help us do these important things right. They keep our vitality alive with various suggestions and company in many ups and downs of life. So, we should always be grateful to our friends. And when friends tell us how important we are to them, we should still express gratitude to them. Celebrate this beautiful day with your dearest friends. Happy National Friendship Day to all. May your friendship be strong. If you have any questions, of course, we will try to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks for being with us