National Read a Book Day 2023 History, Significance, Benefits, Quotes and Status

We have to be very busy to keep up with life. Many people are worried because of more work, and various complications. Books can be one of the tools to overcome this situation. Reading books will remove the fatigue of the mind and brain. Just as light removes the darkness of worldly rules and embodies everything, similarly, books light the light of knowledge in the human mind, revealing everything in the light of consciousness.

From past to future, from near too far, from end to end, even from era to era, only a book can convey the light of knowledge to the human mind. From entertainment to education, from leisure to loneliness, books can be the best resource in all cases.

A famous quote from the American writer and journalist Ernest Miller Hemingway is – ‘There is no friend so faithful as a book. From the idea of ​​honoring this friend, or loved one comes the original idea of ​​World Book Day from Spanish writer Vicente Cavell Andrés. Today is 6 September. National Read a Book Day. As National Read a Book Day will inspire you to read books, it will also encourage you to silently turn one page after another.

History of National Read a Book Day

An accurate history of National Read a Book Day is still available today. Many days have no exact history but the day is quite popular people like to observe that day one day is National Read A Book Day. Americans celebrate this day with great joy. Because the American people love to read books. And on this day they welcome many people to read books.

If we calculate our daily activities, we will find that 81% out of 100% of us do not spend time reading books. But we all have to admit that books are our most useful friends. But why are we staying away from reading books today?  No matter how busy you are at work, at least one time of the day should be spent reading a book. So, the purpose of celebrating National Read a Book Day every year is to encourage yourself more in reading books.

The popularity of book clubs’ points to the ongoing love of books. By the 1600s, women were studying the Bible regularly, but the number of readings has decreased significantly in recent decades. In 1996, Oprah’s Book Club published 70 books that contributed to over 55 million sales and is credited with encouraging millions of people to read books. According to American estimates, 74% of Americans have read a book in 12 months.

Of course, we have to spend our days very busy with various tasks, we cannot find time to read books. But there is an advantage to that now we can read e books. We can easily read our favorite books on the internet. About 20% of people now read books through electronic platforms. You can easily find and download any book you like.

So, there is no point in refraining from reading books on the pretext of busyness. As our knowledge will increase by reading books regularly, we will develop the habit of reading books regularly. National Read a Book Day was started to encourage people to read books regularly.

You may read World Book Day 2023

Significance of National Read a Book Day?

Modernity has been added to daily life thanks to new technologies. But it is not affecting people’s minds and values. As science advances economics, people become more self-centered and selfish. To redress this imbalance, people must ultimately turn to books. Otherwise, true knowledge will not be found.  Moral and human values ​​will not develop.

Experts blame the decline in human values ​​for the increase in crime in society. Students cannot develop strong values ​​without a balanced education. The prediction made by Howard Jacobson, the British novelist who won the Booker three years ago, seems to be coming true little by little. Howard said with great concern, within twenty years Facebook, and Twitter will make children stupid. The people of the world will have to wait at least another seventeen years to know whether his predictions will come true or not.

After being so busy on social media, they naturally don’t have time to read books anymore. There is no patience or mentality. The leisure that people used to open the pages of a book, that leisure is now occupied by social media. Children now also start playing video games on their mobile phones when they have time, so the interest in reading books among children is decreasing a lot.

Therefore, National Read a Book Day is being observed every year to bring back interest in reading books in different countries of the world, especially in America. By celebrating National Read a Book Day, parents are encouraging their children to read books and also increasing their interest in reading books. National Read a Book Day is now being celebrated in many countries around the world following the Americans.

The significance of this National Read a Book Day is many because by observing National Read a Book Day we move towards reading books. By gradually increasing interest in reading books, we can develop a habit of reading books regularly.

How to celebrate National Red a Book Day?

Be it because of technology or whatever, the habit of reading books has decreased. We need to bring that day back. Now everyone’s eyes are on the mobile screen. Once upon a time, when traveling abroad for a few days, books were essential. Now there are no more books on the list. Books were once given as gifts on various family occasions including birthdays. Today another gift has taken its place.

Gifting of books is rare. Reading books will seem natural. When a kind of thirst awakens from within. Reading a book will be a normal activity like a normal activity. Sports or means of entertainment such as our source of pleasure. Similarly, if books can be our pleasure, then they will be one of the accessories to satisfy the hunger of the mind.

The real truth is that books are the easiest and cheapest means to distribute what people know and understand to others. If the store of knowledge is stored in the form of books, someone will one day reach others. Will be passed down from one generation to another. So, reading books is very important. And to develop people’s habit of reading books, National Read a Book Day is being observed every year. Let’s find out how you can celebrate this day-

Read Books

Sit down and read your favorite book today on National Book Lover’s Day. Make a cup of coffee and immerse yourself in the imagination of the story of your favorite book in a quiet, beautiful place. Try to sit in a place where there is contact with nature. Then you can understand the story of your favorite book in a great way.

Gift Books

Gifting books on National Book Lovers Day can also be a great way to celebrate the day. If you have a friend who loves to read or is a book lover like you, then on National Book Lover’s Day, you can gift him or her a book from your collection. Or if you know the name of one of his favorite books that he/she wants to collect, you can collect that book and gift it to him/her. It will be the best gift for your book lover friend and you will surely see a beautiful smile on his face.

Benefits of Reading Books

Books are necessary for life, for success in life, and for the development of human civilization. Books should be read, books should be written. Books are our best friends in life. If you read the book, you can see its effect on life. Let’s know the benefits of reading books on National Read a Book Day and the reactions we get when we read books are-

Books increase the emotional excitement of the reader

Studying can help reduce, or even prevent, both dementia and Alzheimer’s, according to one study. If the brain is kept active it will never lose its power. Considering the brain is a simple muscle of the body if it is regularly exercised through the practice of reading books, it is strong and lively.

Reading books improves memory

While reading any book, the reader needs to remember the thematic references to gather various information. For example, when one reads a storybook, he has to remember the various characters, history, background, the purpose of the story, sub-plots, etc. in sequence. Although this information seems like a burden to us, the brain has an extraordinary ability to remember everything. Each new memory creates a new synapse, reinforcing existing memories and improving short-term memory.

Reading the book improves the reading and writing skills of the reader

The book that the reader is reading is written from the special knowledge or experience of the author of that book. That knowledge can accelerate the reader’s success by increasing their knowledge base. In various books, the author discusses the success and failures of his life and how he rises from that failures.  From that writing or story, it can be known which way and method to adopt ensures success and reduces the possibility of mistakes.

Books soothe the soul

Books should be read for the pleasure of the mind. If there is any turmoil in the mind, taking a favorite book to a quiet place will bring peace to the soul of the reader. The natural beauty, and the open air should broaden the mind of the reader, which can never be found in a library. Reading a book for a while will instantly remove the tiredness of the whole day. Franks Kafka said, ‘Books are the ax to break the ice of the frozen sea within our soul.’

Books create the habit in the reader

The mentality of not reading books is making people distracted day by day. As a result, their interest in reading books or buying books is gradually decreasing. One of the biggest problems people face now is a lack of focus. The more books a person reads, the more his thirst for knowledge increases, and his/her attention is attracted to reading books. Mark Twain said, ‘There is no difference between a person who does not read books and a person who does not know how to read.’

National Read a Book Day Quotes

Since our intelligence and mindfulness are developed by reading books, books can be our loyal friends in life. That is why we need to buy enough books for our children to give them a proper idea of ​​advanced civilization in keeping with the world.

Voltaire said, ‘That country will never show itself civilized until most of its money is spent on books instead of chewing gum. ‘Books. More famous people have special quotes about reading. Let’s read a book today and see some quotes on National Day.

  • ‘Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world’- Malala Yousafzai.
  • ‘So many books, so little time’- Frank Zappa.
  • ‘I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book’ – J.K. Rowling.
  • ‘When the lyrical muse sings the creative pen dances’. – Aberjhani.
  • ‘Books are a uniquely portable magic’ – Stephen King
  • ‘The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame’ – Oscar Wilde.
  • ‘I find television very educational. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book’ – Groucho Marx.

National Read a Book Day Status

A sympathetic mindset is created by reading books. In 2013, several volunteers studied at Harvard University reading books. They are allowed to read fiction, non-fiction, and general books. Among the 5 tests, people who studied fiction did better on certain tasks, such as how to act or what facial expressions would look like.

This means that they can feel the emotional stress of others, which scientists call “theory of mind”. Here it is proved that by reading books based on imagination, a sense of unity of happiness and sadness is developed with the character. In real life too, all these people are very sympathetic hearts. 

So, children should be interested in reading more books. On the occasion of National Read a Book Day today, you can share a status on your social media account that will make everyone interested in reading books. Some statuses are presented for your convenience-

  • A man needs only one friend to feel happy and grow and that is books. May you be blessed with more books in your life. Happy National Read a Book Day.
  • Let us commit to inculcating the habit of reading in our children as it is a way to shape their future in the best possible way.  With much love, Happy National Read a Book Day.
  • We can always give our children the best friend of their life, who will always be there for them. This Happy National Read a Book Day, make it a special day for them by gifting their best friends for life.
  • Each book covers a wonderful story inside it.  Explore it!  Wishing you all the best on Happy National Read a Book Day. May you spend more time reading and invest more in buying books.

National Read a Book Day FAQS

What is the date of National Read a Book Day?

September 6

Who is the fastest reader in the world?

Howard Berg was recognized in 1990 by The Guinness World Record Book as the world’s fast reader at over 25,000 words per minute. Mind blown.

What is the date of World Book Day?

23 April. Source-Wikipedia

The purpose of observing this day is to encourage more people to read. The world of books can give a hint of a peaceful life.  We all should celebrate Happy National Read a Book Day with great enthusiasm. Thanks for being with us.