World Chocolate Day 2023 History, Benefits, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

World Chocolate Day is celebrated all over the world on July 7 every year. Chocolate is a favorite. Cocoa beans are called magic beans in many places. It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love chocolate or whose mouth doesn’t water at the name. Although chocolate has no name in the history of our food culture, it is equally popular with people of all ages.

Serotonin in chocolate creates extra stimulation in our body, which helps to reduce depression and activates feelings of pleasure. In medical science, there is evidence that chocolate has a role in keeping the heart healthy and controlling diabetes. Although the taste and smell of chocolate have a touch of luxury, a Lustful dessert for class people. Chocolate comes originally from the Maya and Aztec civilizations.  At that time, chocolate was used as a drink.

It was made from cocoa seeds. Chocolate is made from cocoa seeds, a special plant in the Amazon Valley of South America. From South America to several other countries in Central America, it was first cultivated. Then this seed came to Africa. Cocoa is widely cultivated in Africa’s Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, and Cameroon.  60 percent of the world’s total cocoa is produced in Ghana and Ivory Coast. However, both countries mainly export unprocessed seeds.

The amount of income from the total sale of chocolate in the world, one-tenth of the income from the sale of cocoa is in Africa. Although ‘World Chocolate Day’ is celebrated on July 07, National Chocolate Day in the United States is celebrated on October 28.  Cocoa Celebrates Chocolate Day in Ghana is celebrated on February 14.  Bitter Chocolate Day is celebrated on January 10, Milk Chocolate Day on July 28, White Chocolate Day on September 22, and Chocolate Covering Day on December 16.

History of World Chocolate Day

Although World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 9, this Chocolate Day is celebrated according to the calendar of different countries of the world. In the United States, International Chocolate Day is celebrated on September 13. Similarly, in Britain, National Chocolate Day is celebrated on October 28. The history of chocolate is about 2500 years old.

The Aztecs (The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican culture that flourished in central Mexico during the Postclassic period from 1300 to 1521.) were the first to discover chocolate.  They believed it was given to them by Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom.  They used cocoa to trade other things.  Cacao seeds were used as currency.  But until the 16th century, chocolate was bitter.

It is said that in 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés was given a chocolate drink, which he took with him to Spain and added vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon to it for better taste. Later, in 1550, Chocolate Day was celebrated on July 7 for the first time in Europe.  After that, it started to be celebrated in many countries of the world.

After changes in taste, chocolate became popular around the world. Many major chocolate companies were started in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Cadbury started in England in 1868.  25 years later, chocolate processing equipment was purchased at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago by Milton S. Hershey is now one of the world’s largest and world-renowned chocolate manufacturers.

He started the company by producing chocolate-coated caramels. Nestlé originated in the 1860s and has grown to become one of the world’s largest food groups.

Why do people celebrate World Chocolate Day?

The number of people who do not like to eat chocolate is very few.  Chocolate is loved by everyone from small to the big sweet tooth. And so to acknowledge this love for chocolate, World Chocolate Day is celebrated around the world today. The relationship is sweet because of this chocolate. So even on the day of going on the first date, like the boy has chocolate in his hand, even after 5 years of marriage, he does not forget to bring chocolate to surprise his wife.

Another reason chocolate is good for the mind is that chocolate contains tryptophan.  Which increases the release of dopamine in the brain. But in this case, you have to eat 99% dark chocolate. If 40 grams of dark chocolate can be eaten daily, stress hormones will be reduced in the body. A piece of chocolate keeps the body healthy just as the relationship becomes sweeter due to the quality of the chocolate.  Chocolate Day is celebrated around 11 times a year somewhere around the world. World Chocolate Day was first observed in 2009.

Chocolate has many benefits It will not end if you start talking about the benefits of chocolate. As chocolate is a favorite food of every human being, one piece of chocolate is enough to break someone’s anger or put a smile on children’s faces.  It is impossible to accurately calculate how many people around the world eat chocolate every day. World Chocolate Day is celebrated every year to highlight the benefits of eating chocolate and the importance of chocolate.

We all love to eat chocolate and people all over the world celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. Scientifically proven that chocolate stimulates the segregation of serotonin and dopamine which induce a feeling of love, joy, and happiness. So, chocolate is a strong sign of love, care, and adoration. People love to celebrate Happy World Chocolate Day with their family, friends, and loved ones. As we know women and kids love chocolates a lot and it is the cutest gift ever.

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How to celebrate World Chocolate Day?

For centuries in ancient times, cocoa beans were so valuable that they were used as currency. The people of the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations of South America believed that cocoa beans had magical powers. Legend has it that when Aztec king Montezuma offered chocolate to Spanish tourists, they didn’t like its bitter taste at all.  Then in the 17th century, chocolate gradually became popular in Europe. The words of the Maya and Aztec people are not lies.

Chocolate has magical properties.  Especially good quality black or dark chocolate is rich in nutrients.  Chocolate with 70-85% cocoa content is called dark chocolate. It contains fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 50%.

Processing chocolate reduces its quality.  Apart from this, chocolate rich in cocoa butter, sugar, and fat are not beneficial for the body.  So, while buying chocolate, buy the least sweet. Chocolate with the highest cocoa content is best.  If possible, check whether it is organic or not. Chocolates labeled as ‘Processed with Alkali’ should be avoided. The natural flavone antioxidants in cocoa are broken down in chocolate made this way. Buy cocoa butter-free chocolate.

 But because there are so many beneficial qualities, it is not that you can eat as much chocolate as you like. Eating chocolate in moderation is good. Even if you eat a small amount of good quality chocolate in a week, you will get benefits. World Chocolate Day is being celebrated today to highlight the quality of chocolate and its benefits of chocolate. Now let’s know how you can celebrate World Chocolate Day.

  • You can celebrate World Chocolate Day with your beloved parents. Buy some chocolate and give them to your parents and of course, wish them. If you are a shy person, then make a wish card and adjust some chocolates on the card and leave it in your parent’s room. There is also another idea if you are a master of baking then make a chocolate cake and cut the cake with your parents.
  • Must celebrate this World Chocolate Day with your children. Because we all know kids love chocolate more than anything. Get some chocolates and decorate your kid’s room beautifully with chocolate. They must be surprised. Place a box of chocolates next to his/her pillow after goes to sleep. Put some chocolates in their school bag. They will be surprised when they open the bag and see the chocolates. Melt some chocolate and make a chocolate lollipop cake. We know kids always love lollipops.
  • Organize a group picnic with your friends on World Chocolate Day and then everyone brought various delicacies made of chocolate from everyone’s home and enjoy together. Buy some chocolates and put them in your friend’s bag they will be happy when they open the bag and see the chocolates. Or make a cake together and cut it together to make this day memorable. Don’t forget to take a group selfie.
  • Also, celebrate this World Chocolate Day with your lover. Make a bouquet full of chocolates instead of flowers. And give it to her/him. Make an explosion box with card paper and adjust lots of chocolate on it and also write your feelings inside that and propose to her/him with that. Surely you will be acceptable. Buy some cute love shape mini chocolate cake and put them in a beautiful box and give it to her/him. If she/he is a foodie she will love it more than anything else. Or collect many types of chocolate that she/he loved. Like white chocolate, or dark chocolate, and gift all of it to her/him.

Benefits of eating chocolate

Why should you eat chocolate every day, because you know? There may not be a person who does not like chocolate. Some people cannot handle the temptation of chocolate. Many give up their favorite fast food for exercise. But in the case of chocolate, no bond can survive. However, eating chocolate also has various benefits.

Eating chocolate increases immunity. Besides, chocolate also plays an effective role in those who want to control unwanted weight that has increased in the body. But in this case, not milk chocolate, you have to rely on dark chocolate. Now let’s know about the benefits of eating dark chocolate-

 The mind remembers the mood

 Chocolate means a happy mind. Chocolate contains (anandamide)! So there is ‘joy’ hidden in chocolate. Chocolate also contains the chemical compound phenylethylamine (PEA), which enhances our feelings of love. The caffeine in chocolate also acts as a stimulant and invigorates the mind just like coffee. Both are made from cocoa beans.

 Reduces stress

Studies have shown that the polyphenols found in cocoa used in making chocolate can reduce stress. Both dark chocolate and milk chocolate contain this type of polyphenol. The antioxidants in chocolate reduce our stress by reducing oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Dark chocolate contains higher levels of flavones than milk chocolate.

Beneficial for the brain

Chocolate contains flavones, which are antioxidant molecules that help maintain brain function.  Flavones protect brain neurons and enhance memory and some learning abilities. Even in the elderly, chocolate protects against various mental problems and reduces the chances of getting Alzheimer’s.

Protects heart health

Research suggests that eating dark chocolate can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Chocolate lowers high blood pressure. High blood pressure narrows the arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks, leading to coronary heart disease. Dark chocolate keeps our blood vessels dilated and helps in normal blood flow.

 Protects the kidneys

Dark chocolate is very beneficial for our kidney health. The flavanols in dark chocolate help maintain renal tissue oxygenation, which is essential for kidney function.

Cons of eating chocolate

While there are many health benefits to eating dark chocolate, it also has some downsides.  According to the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, dark chocolate contains more caffeine than both milk chocolate and white chocolate. Consuming large amounts of dark chocolate can cause heart palpitations, diarrhea, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, and dehydration.  Caffeine can cause increased blood pressure and difficulty focusing or concentrating.

Caffeine can cause insomnia so you should avoid eating dark chocolate before going to bed.  If you are sensitive to caffeine or if you think you have high blood pressure, you should avoid eating large amounts of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can trigger migraine symptoms, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center and Clemson University.

Dark chocolate contains a natural chemical called tyramine. Thiamine is thought to possibly trigger migraine headaches, but more studies are needed to better understand this relationship. Dark chocolate is also high in sugar and can raise your blood sugar levels significantly. High blood sugar can also trigger migraine headaches, according to Harvard University.

Dark chocolate may be a food you should avoid if you suffer from migraine headaches. Dark chocolate contains significant amounts of saturated fat or sugar.  According to Clemson University, a single ounce of dark chocolate is 150 calories, most of which come from fat and sugar. Excess fat and sugar consumption can add inches to your waistline and increase your risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

But dark chocolate is much healthier than white chocolate or milk chocolate. Although dark chocolate is a rich feast of antioxidants it is only recommended in moderation as it is a calorie-dense food.

World Chocolate Day Quotes

In the study, scientists said, ‘Love relationships are really like sweets. And the expression of the feeling of love comes from this sweet. Therefore, there is still a way to make each other sweet faces while celebrating good moments with loved ones. Finally, the researchers said, “Those who like to eat chocolate or sweets more than others have a little more love and romanticism. They are also convincing in love. You already know the benefits of eating chocolate.

Today July 7 is World Chocolate Day. World Chocolate Day is celebrated by exchanging chocolates with each other.  This day is celebrated with various chocolate ingredients and different types of chocolates. About 9 out of 10 people in the world love chocolate. One estimate suggests that a billion people eat chocolate every day. Chocolate tastes amazing and comes with benefits. And we all know that kids love eating chocolate the most. As a gift, there is no match for chocolate.

With World Chocolate Day, we remember the history of the invention of this iconic food and celebrate the day with joy with various chocolate ingredients. There is no end to the day celebrated with chocolate.  People surprise their loved ones with this chocolate. Everyone likes different types of chocolate.  Some like dairy milk or KitKat and there are numerous other chocolates.

Chocolate is constantly being researched and we are getting beneficial results. Today on the occasion of World Chocolate Day, let’s take a look at some World Chocolate Day quotes through which we will get some great chocolate ideas-

  • “Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.” – Joanne Harris
  • “What you see before you, my friend is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.” – Katharine Hepburn
  • “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
  • “When we don’t have the words chocolate can speak volumes.” – Joan Bauer
  • “When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.” – Regina Brett
  • “Biochemically, love is just like eating large amounts of chocolate.” – John Milton
  • “Nothing is more romantic than chocolate.” – Ted Allen
  • “Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words.” – Rachel Vincent
  • “Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.” – Jo Brand
  • “Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: Deliciousness at the moment, the memories of your childhood, and the nostalgia for the time when you first fell in love.” – Carolina Herrera
  • “Chocolate makes every day a special occasion. Every day is a celebration!” – Olivia Newton-John
  • “There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate.” – Charles Dickens
  • “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
  • “Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: Deliciosity. Comfort. Sex. Laziness.” – Fran Lebowitz

World Chocolate Day Messages/Wishes

Be the first to make your loved one happy by sending a beautiful message for World Chocolate day. A message from you can make your friends, and loved ones feel special on this special day. We all hope for beautiful messages from our loved ones on special occasions like World Chocolate day. Here I’ll present you with some awesome happy World chocolate day messages that surely make your loved ones happy.

Sending a message is the easiest way to put smiles on someone’s face. Express your love by sending cute Wishes. Many people can’t tell their loved ones or friends their feelings for them due to shyness. So send them the Wishes below first and express your love for them-

  • There are lots of chocolates in the world. But my eyes are still on you. You know I love chocolates but not more than you. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • You started our journey is this day last year. The day is very special for me. I wish it has always been as sweet as chocolate. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • You are sweeter than chocolate. If given a choice between you and chocolates. Definitely, I choose you. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • You are my cute little candy that will melt with the warmth of my heart. I love you. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • You know I don’t love to share my chocolates. But I love to share it with you. That means you are special to me. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • Hey, my lovely man you know today is world chocolate day. I want that my dearest love surprises me with something special.
  • Happy World Chocolate Day, to my love who is as sweet as chocolate. If I am a princess in a fairytale, you are the magical prince. Your love and support are all I need.
  • My heart starts melting like chocolate when I see you. You’re the blessing of my life. I wish our relationship become sweeter as much as chocolate. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • Our relationship is like a full of the chocolate box. Because it’s sweeter things ever in the world. Happy World Chocolate Day.

World Chocolate Day Status

Constantly we try to share some beautiful status or quotes on social media. Usually, we give different statuses by mentioning our friends or loved ones.  Beautiful tasteful status and quotes attract people. So, here I’m sharing some unique and awesome World chocolate day statuses, World Chocolate day statuses, Happy World chocolate day WhatsApp statuses, and World Chocolate day special statuses with you.

  • All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.
  • Chocolate is like duct tape, it can fix anything. And also make everything perfect. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • Life is like a chocolate box. And each chocolate is a portion of life. Some are crunchy some are nutty some are soft. But all are delicious. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • Today is Happy World Chocolate Day. Dairy milk for my love, Kitkat for my friends and Polo for haters, and Mentos for the cool person.
  • Life’s been a fruits and nuts chocolate since your entry into my life. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • As long as I’m your friend I’ll make sure you will never be short of chocolates. Happy World Chocolate Day.
  • There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with lots of chocolates. Happy World Chocolate Day.

FAQ about Happy Chocolate Day

Is chocolate good for health?

Chocolate isn’t good for our health. One must not eat more than 30 to 60 grams of chocolate in a day. Consuming too much chocolate will increase your daily calorie count leading to weight gain and other issues.

Which chocolate is more expensive?

The DeLafée gold chocolate box is more expensive than any other chocolate. It is a coveted luxury gift box comprising eight fine Swiss pralines topped with 24-karat edible gold. This chocolate box is priced at 470 CHF which is about USD 490.

Which chocolate is best for weight loss?

Chocolate isn’t good for our health at all. But Dark chocolate is best for weight loss.  It has monounsaturated fatty acids that improve metabolism and rapidly burn calories.

How do wish for a chocolate day?

You can wish someone by sending beautiful messages or sms or in front of him/her with some beautiful words.

Is July 7 a world chocolate day?

Yes, according to Wikipedia, July 7 is celebrated as world chocolate day every year.

So, here is the full package of this Day. Don’t forget to celebrate this day with your loved ones. Show some care and loves on this day by gifting some chocolates.

Chocolate day is all about celebrating with the special person whom we love. Share some love with a great gift of chocolate. Give some gifts. Wish with beautiful messages, sms, and quotes. And give a status on your social account by mentioning your friends.

To know more about the upcoming day please keep your eyes on our website. Thank You.