World Day Against Child Labour 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

June 12 Every year this day is celebrated as ‘World Day Against Child Labour Day ‘. The World Day Against Child Labour aims to raise awareness against the exploitation of child laborers. A child falls into the category of child labor when they are made to work despite not being of working age or are employed in any unsanitary work that harms them physically and mentally and even harms their education and training. World Day Against Child Labour also focuses on what more needs to be done to eradicate this practice. World Day Against Child Labour aims to bring together government and civil society organizations to fight against child labor.

This day was started 19 years ago by the International Labor Organization. This day aims to spread awareness for the education and progress of children below 14 years of age without making them work. This day is celebrated to ensure that the dreams and childhood of a child are not destroyed in the bud.

History of World Day Against Child Labour

The day is celebrated to encourage political, social, and cultural organizations to work together to end hazardous child labor for the establishment and protection of child rights.  On November 20, 1989, the United Nations General Assembly approved the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child.  In 1992, the International Labor Organization (ILO) undertook a program to stop child labor and since June 12, 2002, the International Child Labor Organization (ILO) has been celebrating the day as the ‘World Day for the Prevention of Child Labor’ every year by adopting various programs. Currently, 80 countries including Bangladesh celebrate this day. 

According to the latest statistics from the International Labor Organization (ILO), one out of every six child laborers and two out of every three child laborers in the world are engaged in domestic work.  Most countries of the world do not have any measures to protect these children as domestic workers.  According to the ILO, around 246 million children are trafficked in various forms of labor around the world.  Among them, 18 crores are doing hazardous work.  The number given by the ILO is much higher.

Why do people celebrate World Day Against Child Labour

Various programs are organized all over the world on this day to spread awareness.  The purpose of this day is to prevent and eradicate child labor.  On this day, awareness is spread by portraying the plight of child laborers.  Efforts are made to convey this message to various governments, employers’ organizations, labor organizations, civil society, and target people.  Not only that but campaigns are also carried out to help child laborers.

Many children lose their childhood at a very young age.  Many children between the ages of 5 and 17 get involved in jobs that they are deprived of from childhood.  They do not get the benefits of education and health.

Children’s health deteriorates due to excessive labor, they suffer from various diseases related to malnutrition.  Children working in factories are exposed to chemicals and polluted environments.  As a result, they suffer from eye diseases, lung problems, and even deadly diseases like cancer at an early age.  Besides, they are deprived of basic care and education as childhood dues.  As a result, the number of unskilled workers increases over time throughout the world.

Which has a direct impact on the national or international economy.  Therefore, the higher the number of child laborers in a country, the more difficult it is for that country to stand up economically.  Children are the future of our nation and the world.  If we leave those seeds of potential to weaken by neglect, the future glory will fade away in the blink of an eye.

It is very important to ensure that children’s dreams are not taken away.  Let them have pens and books, not sacks or hammers.  Prevention of child labor is a duty for everyone for the bright future of the country. That is why Child Labor Prevention Day is celebrated.

You may read National Children’s Day of Bangladesh 2023. History, Quotes, Message, Wish, Status.

How do people celebrate World Day Against Child Labour?

If you keep your eyes and ears open while walking on the streets, you will often see children working in a tea shop, sometimes in a brickyard, sometimes in a grocery store.  Both the small hands are tight, but they have no power to escape from the eyes of the owner.  But this time they were supposed to have chalk pencils in their hands, and they were supposed to walk around the playground. But, looking at the whole world, the opposite picture is seen.  Although there are several anti-child labor laws, none of them are enforced in practice.

The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, the liberal economy has led to privatization unbridled, and a large section of the society has become unemployed, whose anger is spilling over into the lives of the children of the society.  Parents of poor families deprived of universal education or compulsory primary education are then forced to send minors to work in search of food resources.

Therefore, on this day, various anti-child labor organizations around the world, including UNICEF, conduct various campaigns.  Apart from that, through various seminars, the common people are made aware of the effect of child labor in different cities or villages and how a country is backward as a result of child labor.  It is also made clear to people that children’s work is to study and not to eat and work, through seminars and various measures are taken to prevent child labor.

World Day Against Child Labour Quotes

The consequences of child labor are dire.  Child labor is an inhuman act.  Irrespective of the country or continent, its consequences are dire.  As a result of the increasing population and deteriorating economic conditions, the number of child laborers is increasing.  Some unscrupulous and selfish people do hard work with children for little pay. Here are some quotes from World Day against Child Labour –

  • “You can’t regulate child labor. You can’t regulate slavery. Some things are just wrong.” – Michael Moore
  • “There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it’s just by signing an autograph. A child’s smile is worth more than all the money in the world” – Lionel Messi
  • “If not now, then when? If not you, then who? If we can answer these fundamental questions, then perhaps we can wipe away the blot of human slavery” – Kailash Satyarthi
  • “Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time” – Grace Abbott
  • “Some girls cannot go to school because of the child labor and child trafficking.” – Malala Yousafzai

World Day Against Child Labour Message/Wish

Today’s children are the future of our country.  They will manage our country in the future.  And to manage the country properly, first of all, proper education is required.  Only proper education can create a peaceful society free from prejudice, and corruption.  But the sad fact is that even today a large number of children are deprived of education.  Lack of family – hunger, and heartburn of orphaned children forced them to give up the path of education to labor. Below are some Child Labour Against Day Messages –

  • “We all have the power to do what we can to help these children go to school and learn things to make their lives happier. Happy World Day Against Child Labour.”
  •    “For a prosperous future, we must send all children to school today but end child labor. Best wishes on World Day Against Child Labour.
  •    “Every child deserves a beautiful childhood and no one in this world has the power to take that away from them.”-Happy World Day Against Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labour Status

Every child is a future human being.  All the power and potential of the future human are latent in these children. Today’s children will manage the state and society tomorrow; Will build a new history of civilization. That is why we must ensure that every child is not deprived of a suitable environment and proper care. Children are probably the most innocent people in this world.  But due to various reasons today those innocent little children are deprived of the care they deserve. Our deprivation of children is not only a deprivation of children but also of neglecting the ultimate possibility of our future. Here are some World Day Against Child Labour Wishes –

“Let us stand against the social issue of child labor and save the childhood of many children. Happy World Day Against Child Labor Day.

We stand against the social problem of child labor and save many children’s lives. Best wishes on World Day Against Child Labour.”

  “World Day Against Child Labor reminds us that there are many children who are crying out for help.  Let us end child labor, stand by them. Happy World Day Against Child Labour”.

  “Child labor has taken away the innocence of childhood and we must come together to protect children. Happy World Day Against Child Labour.”

FAQ about World Day Against Child Labour

What is the date of World Day Against Child Labour?

12 June is the date of World Day Against Child Labour. Source-Wikipedia

Why people celebrate World Day Against Child Labour?

The World Day Against Child Labour aims to raise awareness against the exploitation of child laborers.

It is the duty of all of us to stand by these child laborers. Children are beautiful, children are innocent. Children are like flowers. Every child comes into a world full of flowers and demands to develop beautifully. But many children are victims of unequal distribution of wealth and social disharmony.  Whose small hands become tools of labor. We all should come forward to prevent this on the day of World Day Against Child Labour.