World Down Syndrome Day 2023 History, Significance, Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Quotes and Status

One in every 800 children in the world is born with Down syndrome due to chromosomal abnormalities in human body cells. This number is about two lakhs in the country. However, 30 percent are still undetected. Down syndrome sufferers are not able to return to normal life because the problem is not detected in the early stages.

World Down Syndrome Day is being celebrated in the country around the world to raise public awareness of such a situation. World Down Syndrome Day has been celebrated since 2006. Experts say that if the mother’s age is less than 20 years or more than 35 years, the risk of the unborn child increases. As the age increases, the risk of Down syndrome in the child increases. One in 350 pregnant women by the age of 35 and one in 100 by the age of 40 will have a baby with Down’s.

On the other hand, if a mother has a Down child before, the risk of having a Down child later increases. If the parents are carriers of the defective chromosome, the child may also have Downs. If the carrier is the father, the risk is 3 percent, and if the mother is the carrier, it increases to 12 percent. Prevention requires personal, family, and social awareness.

Due to the extrachromosomal abnormality, children with Down syndrome have certain physical and mental disabilities. However, people with Down syndrome are completely healthy mentally. With the support and assistance of their families, Down Mishues can easily live as ordinary citizens.

History of World Down Syndrome Day

British physician John Langdon Down first identified children with this problem in 1866, so it was named Down syndrome after him. John Langdon Down, the inventor of Down syndrome. However, many people may not know what Down syndrome is. It is a special type of genetic condition. The structure of the chromosomes of people born with Down syndrome is slightly different from the chromosomes of normal people.

In 2005, the French genetic research organization AFRT (the French Association for Research on Trisomy 21) declared March 21 as a symbolic day for Down syndrome, and that year 21 This March they organized a scientific conference titled ‘From patient to research, better understand to better help’ to accelerate the research of Down syndrome.

Later, some other organizations working on Down syndromes such as European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA), and Down Syndrome International (DSI) agreed with AFRT to observe 21 March as a symbolic day for Down syndrome. Since 2005, every year on 21 March.  AFRT has been organizing conferences on Down syndrome.

Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day on December 20, 2007, to connect all the countries of the world with this movement of awareness about Down syndrome. In continuation of this, the General Assembly of the United Nations invited all the member countries and international organizations included in the United Nations in a declaration on December 19, 2011, to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21 every year. 19th World Down Syndrome Day is being celebrated on March 21, 2023.

Significance of World Down Syndrome Day

Down syndrome or Down child is a special type of child created by nature. Their average life expectancy is less than that of normal people. It is not completely known what exactly causes a Down child to be born in the mother’s womb. However, it has been proven that the older a woman becomes a mother, the more her risk of having a Down baby increases.

Between 11 and 14 weeks, the blood levels of Pap A, HCG, and between 16 and 20 weeks of AFP, estriol, HCG, etc. The test can predict the risk of having a Down baby. Apart from that, genetic ultrasonography can be used to determine the level of fluid behind the baby’s neck at 11 to 14 weeks in the mother’s abdomen, the presence of nasal bones, the blood flow of the ductus venosus primary blood vessel, etc.

 DNA testing of the baby is required to confirm whether the unborn baby is a Down baby or not. A Down baby can be 100% confirmed by DNA testing of the baby by collecting tissue from the early placenta between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy or by collecting the fluid around the baby between 15 and 18 weeks. At this time, the size of the baby is about two to four inches.

Therefore, according to the report, parents can make a confident decision about continuing the pregnancy. The risk increases when having children at an older age, especially after the age of 35. So, awareness is needed in this regard.  Therefore, World Down Syndrome Day is observed to raise awareness and give due rights to children with Down syndrome.

How to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?

World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21 every year. People with Down syndrome, their families, colleagues, friends, doctors, and the conscious public observe this day every year through various programs. The celebration of this day aims to increase social awareness about Down syndrome, to realize the social rights of people with Down syndrome, to ensure the participation of people with Down syndrome like the general public in various social programs, and above all to build a loving world for people with Down syndrome.

Various countries and national- Organizations working with international Down syndrome will observe World Down Syndrome Day through various programs.  Various conferences have been organized on this day. Down syndrome sufferers from all over the world will come together and tell their success stories in society and the state. Tell about their dreams about this world.

This conference is organized to make millions of people suffering from Down syndrome aware of their abilities and also to make the world society more aware of giving rights and love to people suffering from Down syndrome. Moreover, the organization has called on everyone around the world to show their love for those affected by Down syndrome by coming to the workplace on March 21 wearing a Down syndrome symbol t-shirt and socks.

American-based organization National Down Syndrome Society has taken the exceptional initiative on the occasion of Down Syndrome Day. To involve people from all walks of life on this day, and love a Down syndrome person near them. Every educational institution in the United States has called for writing about fond memories. Responding to their call, hundreds of school-aged children in the US shared stories, poems, hand-drawn pictures, and videos about their beloved friend with Down syndrome.

They believe that this wonderful initiative of theirs will be a milestone in increasing the love and cooperation of other children toward children with Down syndrome. In addition, they have organized a dance program with the participation of children with Down syndrome to increase their participation in the cultural environment. They believe that participation in cultural activities will accelerate the mental development of children with Down syndrome.

Improved education and support can provide more opportunities for people with Down syndrome. Experts say that physical problems can be controlled through various interventions. With proper care, nutritious food, speech and language therapy, and physical therapy, children with Down syndrome can learn to be as independent as any other normal child.

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Down syndrome Symptoms

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder. It is directly related to physical growth.  Besides, the development of intelligence is also hindered as a result. This syndrome is caused by chromosomal abnormalities.  [Cancer can also occur in these areas of the body]. Usually, 1 in 1,000 people is affected by this Down syndrome.

Affected adults have an IQ of around 50, which is equivalent to that of an 8-9-year-old child.  Again, it varies from person to person. According to experts, there is no cure for Down syndrome. It can be managed by educating and caring for those affected.

Physical symptoms

 The affected people have a long tongue, a small face, a snot that cannot be understood, and a small throat. Movement and muscle structure are not correct.

 Neurological symptoms

 IQ or intelligence is very low. After the age of 30, the problem increases. In many cases, sufferers lose the ability to speak.

 Heart problems

 People with Down syndrome suffer from heart problems. In some cases, sufferers have heart problems at a young age. And in some cases, heart problems become serious with age.

Difficulty hearing

 Most of the sufferers suffer from visual impairment as well as hearing impairment.


People with Down syndrome are more likely to develop certain types of cancer such as testicular cancer and leukemia.

 Dental problems

 Dental problems are common in these patients. Such as tooth infection or tooth loss etc.

 Digestive problems

 People suffering from this disease suffer from constipation, acidity, digestive problems , etc.

What to do:

Many babies are born with a variety of problems, some of which resolve with treatment later, some of which don’t. However, most genetic defects have no cure. Therefore, there is no specific treatment or prevention for Down syndrome. When a child is born with Down syndrome, it is difficult for the family to accept it, and the family also has to endure various social barriers. In this case, in addition to getting support from family and neighbors, personal, family, and social awareness is needed.

Since the risk of Down syndrome increases with the mother’s age, motherhood at an older age, especially above thirty-five, should be discouraged. If the mother’s previous child is affected by Down syndrome, a doctor should also be consulted in case of having a child later. A screening test between 11 and 14 weeks of a mother’s pregnancy gives an idea of ​​whether the baby is suffering from Down syndrome or not.

However, between 15 and 18 weeks of pregnancy, the DNA of the fluid around the baby can be detected whether the baby is suffering from Down syndrome or not, and the disease can be diagnosed only through the physical and genetic examination of the baby after birth. Abortion is recommended if the fetus is confirmed to have Down syndrome during pregnancy. And if any complication occurs after birth, it has to be treated accordingly.

But if it is possible to detect the disease in advance, the complications are less. A person with Down syndrome needs to undergo screening tests for certain diseases throughout their life. Physical problems come under some control with the necessary care.  Proper care and love, nutritious food, speech therapy, physical therapy, and proper education help to improve the patient’s quality of life.

Some children with Down syndrome can be educated in regular schools, but many require special education. Some may complete the secondary level and very few go up to a higher secondary level. In the developed world these patients live for 50 to 60 years.

 World Down Syndrome Day Quotes

People with Down syndrome struggle with their lives every day. We observe awareness for weeks or months to make common people aware. But our society still discriminates between healthy and sick people. But this is wrong. A person can move forward in life despite physical or mental handicaps. Do you know what helps a person to move forward the most? Courage and Compassion.

If we are close human beings to the afflicted person and encourage him/her to fight his/her life battle then the afflicted person can also move forward in life gracefully. People with Down syndrome are subjected to various forms of abuse in society. Society neglects them and does not consider them worthy of any work. But they are also needed in our society.

We, healthy people, can assure the survival of people with Down syndrome by giving them courage. History shows that many individuals have left outstanding roles despite physical handicaps. So, let’s empathize with people living with Down syndrome today on World Down Syndrome Day. Let’s take a look at some quotes on World Down Syndrome Day today. Where we can know the life experience of people with Down syndrome-

  • “Having Down syndrome is like being born normal. I am just like you and you are just like me. We are all born in different ways, that is the way I can describe it. I have a normal life.” – Chris Burke, American Actor, and Folk Singer
  • “My friends that are differently-abled do things equally as well. My friend Johnny is self-taught and plays the Bagpipes, my friend Byron can sing like nobody’s business, my friend Carrie is a Zumba instructor.” – Manager of Grassroots Advocacy at the National Down Syndrome Society
  • “Aren’t we all human? Don’t we all deserve to be respected and treated equally?” – Madeline Stuart, Australian Catwalk Model
  • “Having Down syndrome means nothing to me, I’m special like everyone else. I do not let people judge me for having Down syndrome. The important thing is how I feel about myself. On the inside, I feel beautiful.” -Edward Barbanell, Actor and Comedian

World Down Syndrome Day Status

World Down Syndrome Day is being celebrated today March 21 to raise awareness about Down syndrome and to call everyone to stand with those affected.

 Down syndrome is one of the major chromosomal disorders. Around 6,000 babies are born with this physical defect every year around the world. That is, 1 in every 700 newborns is born with Down syndrome. The United States has the highest number of cases of this chromosomal disorder compared to other countries in the world.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 1979 to 2003, the number of cases of Down syndrome increased by about 30%. It is a genetic condition and individuals with this condition have an extra chromosome on chromosome 21. Children with Down syndrome have structural, behavioral, and several pathological complications. But many people do not know about this disease. So, let’s make everyone aware of this disease by sharing awareness status on World Down Syndrome Day today-

  • People with Down syndrome are not a burden to society. Rather, they can play an important role in society if they get full help. Happy World Down Syndrome Day everyone.
  • Let us empathize with people with Down syndrome, not ignore them. Reach out to people with Down syndrome. Happy World Down Syndrome Day everyone.
  • Today on World Down Syndrome Day we wish people with Down syndrome well. And spread the word of warning.

FAQ about World Down Syndrome Day

What is the date of World Down Syndrome Day?

21 March. Source-Wikipedia

What Color is World Down Syndrome Day?

Blue and Yellow

What is the Down syndrome symbol?

Three chevrons

Hope I have been able to provide complete information about World Down Syndrome Day and make you aware of this day. Let’s make everyone aware of World Down Syndrome Day. Thank you so much for being with us.