World Hearing Day 2024

Today is World Hearing Day, and the World Health Organization has warned against hearing loss.  Hearing is very important for daily living.  If we don’t listen properly, communication becomes problematic.

 And this problem is not only for the victim, if someone is saying something important and has to repeat it again and again, the speaker will also get bored and the person with a hearing problem will also get bored.  So, in terms of communication, the ability to listen is very important to see from both sides of normal life.

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly one in four people will experience hearing problems by 2050. Today is World Hearing Day, March 3.  This day is being celebrated all over the world as always under the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO). Many parents in our country do not know that if a child cannot hear from birth, then he will not learn to speak when he grows up.

But we all should know that every child must have a hearing test after birth because if he has hearing loss from a young age and we can know it through the test, then it is possible to treat him immediately.  With proper treatment, he will learn to hear and speak properly.

History of World Hearing Day

International Ear Care Day was celebrated for the first time in 2007 by the World Health Organization or WHO.  At that time, noise pollution was identified as the main cause of hearing loss, and campaigns were carried out to take the necessary precautions.  The outer part of the ear looks like the English number three or three.  Therefore, the third day of the third month of the English year. March is called to be observed as World Ear Care Day.

 The ear is the main organ of the human body for personal or social communication.  A baby cannot speak or learn if it is not able to hear for some reason after birth.  They become congenital hearing impaired.  Again, if for any reason hearing is interrupted or hearing loss occurs, the ability of people to communicate with each other is disturbed.  So it is very important to take care of the ears.

 More than 5 percent of the world’s total population of 360 ​​million people are hearing impaired.  Hereditary factors, congenital complications, certain infectious diseases, chronic ear infections, drug side effects, excessive noise, and aging are common causes of hearing loss or hearing loss.

 According to the World Health Organization, lack of attention to hearing loss costs the world $750 billion annually, with a severe impact on the lives of those affected.  466 million people in the world have hearing loss, of which 320 million are children.  But the hearing loss in these children is mostly preventable.  60% of childhood hearing loss is preventable.  Those with hearing loss can greatly benefit from early detection and appropriate intervention. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 466 million people are living with hearing loss.

If proper and timely measures are not taken, this number will be around 630 million by 2030.  Therefore, to prevent this large number of hearing loss in the coming years, it is important to take appropriate preventive measures and ensure the necessary rehabilitation services and communication equipment for the hearing impaired.

Why people should celebrate World Hearing Day

March 3rd is World Hearing Day.  Every year this day is celebrated with great dignity in the world.  Every year the World Health Organization chooses a slogan for this day to raise public awareness of how to prevent deafness and hearing impairment, as well as to support ear and hearing care around the world. Some of the many causes of hearing loss are ones we can prevent ourselves.  One of which is avoiding or preventing loud noises.

Hearing loss due to loud noises is a major cause that we can socially prevent ourselves through awareness.  So, let’s be aware of the power of hearing.  Because our awareness can build a beautiful future for our children.  Assess your hearing ability and that of your family with a hearing test if necessary.  Stay healthy and tell others about hearing awareness.  In addition to being aware of these issues, this day should be observed even if it is to make others aware.

How to Celebrate World Hearing Day?

March 3 is being celebrated as World Hearing Day 2024 to raise awareness about hearing.  Various programs are organized on this day to raise awareness about hearing loss.  Research has shown that there is no awareness among people about diet.  This results in increased body weight, which leads to problems like obesity.

World Ear Care Day was first observed in 2007.  Since that day, the awareness mission against deafness has started.  Hearing loss can be hereditary.  Hearing loss is also often caused by infection.  Prolonged infection can lead to complete hearing loss.  Taking heavy doses of medicine day after day can cause hearing loss.  On the other hand, hearing loss occurs with age.

 Even if one of the parents is hearing impaired, the child may be born with impaired hearing.  If any such problem occurs, consult a doctor immediately.  Today the medical system is so advanced that the child’s hearing can be completely restored.  This day is observed to raise awareness worldwide. Here are some ways to celebrate World Hearing Day

Ear Test

The best way to celebrate World Hearing Day is to get your ears tested today.  Many people do not get an ear test despite facing hearing problems.  No disease should be underestimated.  Early detection and proper treatment can resolve hearing problems.  So definitely do the ear test

Spread Word

You can observe this day by creating awareness about hearing problems.  Discuss this day with your family members.  Discuss hearing problems and their remedies.  In this, you can increase the awareness of others

Donate Money

Many are already suffering from hearing problems.  However, due to a lack of money, treatment cannot be done.  Donate some money to those people.  They can get rid of this disease by taking proper treatment.

What steps can be taken to prevent hearing loss?

One of our five senses is hearing.  We listen with our ears but pay less attention.  And we are always indifferent to the care of listening to these ears.  This can even lead to deafness.  Everyone should take care of their ears.  However, children, the elderly, and pregnant women need to take special precautions.  More than 5 percent of people in the world have some degree of hearing loss. According to the survey, about 9.6 percent of people in our country suffer from any degree of deafness.  A little awareness can avoid many ear diseases.

 Awareness is the first step in the prevention of any disease.  World Hearing Day is observed on March 3 every year to raise awareness about how to prevent hearing loss and how to care for hearing around the world.

If someone suddenly develops hearing loss, it should be treated urgently.  The sooner a patient with sudden hearing loss goes to his or her doctor, the better the chances of recovery.

  • There is a need to make hearing aids available and create awareness.  Besides, prevention of hearing loss is possible by making ear hearing tests or audiology tests available in all government medical colleges and hospitals.  To find out how much hearing loss someone has already suffered, the public should be informed about the hearing test known as an audiogram.  Because people with hearing loss can benefit greatly from early detection and appropriate intervention.
  • Continuous exposure to loud noises can damage the inner ear and cause hearing loss.  Therefore, special attention is demanded from factory workers, including the use of earplugs and regular screening during work hours.  Motorists should refrain from honking unnecessarily.  Legislation should be enacted and enforced where necessary to prevent unnecessary noise pollution.
  • Studies have shown that listening to loud music for long periods can reduce hearing; which is ominous for the younger generation.  So you should listen to music on headphones with pauses and lower the volume i.e. up to 60 percent of the instrument.
  • Hearing is one of the most important components of a child’s development.  ‘Listening’—an important means for children to talk, socialize and learn.  Baby teething, walking as well as responding to sounds should be monitored.  Usually, by three months after birth, your baby will be able to turn its head and smile in response to your words.  Between 6-12 months your baby will begin to speak his or her own words. 

Between 15 and 18 months of age, the baby can speak a few simple words.  If these are not happening, then parents can get a little worried.  Apart from this, if the child listens less, the child will be disappointed and depressed.  If these do not appear in the normal course of the child’s growth, it is necessary to consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist immediately.

  • Taking care of the mother during pregnancy and timely immunization against rubella, measles, measles, etc.  Avoid taking ototoxic or hearing-harmful drugs during this time.  Strengthen all immunization programs.

One of our five senses is hearing.  We listen with our ears but pay less attention.  And we are always indifferent to the care of listening to these ears.  This can even lead to deafness.  Everyone should take care of their ears.  However, children, the elderly, and pregnant women need to take special precautions.  More than 5 percent of people in the world have some degree of hearing loss. According to the survey, about 9.6 percent of people in our country suffer from any degree of deafness.  A little awareness can avoid many ear diseases.

 Awareness is the first step in the prevention of any disease.  World Hearing Day is observed on March 3 every year to raise awareness about how to prevent hearing loss and how to care for hearing around the world.

World Hearing Day Quotes

The ear is the main organ of the human body for personal or social communication.  By listening with our ears we learn the mother tongue and by speaking through the vocal tract we express the language of the mind.  A baby cannot speak or learn to speak without hearing for some reason after birth.  They become congenital hearing impaired.  Again, if for any reason hearing is interrupted or hearing loss occurs, the ability of people to communicate with each other is disturbed.  So it is very important to take care of the ears.

 More than 5 percent of the world’s total population (360 million people) is hearing impaired.  Hereditary factors, congenital complications, certain infectious diseases, chronic ear infections, drug side effects, excessive noise, and aging are common causes of hearing loss or hearing loss. 60% of childhood hearing loss is preventable.  Those with hearing loss can greatly benefit from early detection and appropriate intervention.  There are also more quotes about the importance of hearing through which we can know that hearing is an essential part of us.  All those quotes are presented to you

  • “All high-altitude workers should have their hearing tested annually.”
    ― Steven Magee
  • “To begin with, nobody actually heard the shot. Two or three women say they did because they want to think they did – but that’s all there is to it.”
    ― Agatha Christie, Murder in the Mews.
  • “My lawyer informed me after my disability hearing that she believed she had won my case because it was so strong.”
    ― Steven Magee.
  • “Based on what I saw in my disability hearing, my lawyer won my case. It was very surprising to receive the disability denial letter several months later.”
    ― Steven Magee.
  • “Rapt attention involves apt engagement of more senses than hearing.”
    ― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu.
  • “My disability lawyer warned me prior to the hearing that one of the worst judges had been assigned to my case.”
    ― Steven Magee.
  • “I now suffer from hearing loss and wonder how much high altitude work contributed to this condition?”
    ― Steven Magee.
  • “Few love to hear the sins they love to act.”
    ― William Shakespeare, Pericles.
  • “The maddened four men followed frantically, for it is better to be in the presence of the awful than only within hearing. (“The Black Dog”)”
    ― Stephen Crane, the Portable Stephen Crane.
  • “We hear only our own voices, still echoes returning to our emptiness.”
    ― Dejan Stojanovic, the Sun Watches the Sun.
  • “Few love to hear the sins they love to act.”
    ― William Shakespeare, Pericles.
  • “Looking but not seeing is the hearing but not understanding of the eye.”
    ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana.

World Hearing Day Status

Hearing is one of the most important components of a child’s development.  “Listening”—a child’s speech, is an important means of social communication and learning.  Any degree of hearing loss or deafness can impair a child’s language development, personal and social behavior, self-confidence, and learning.  Deafness hampers not only individual life but the socio-social development of a country. Hearing is one of the most important of our five senses.  We listen with our ears but pay less attention and are always indifferent to the care of listening with these ears.  This can even lead to deafness.

Everyone should take care of their ears, but children, the elderly, and pregnant women need to take special precautions.  More than 5 percent of people in the world have some degree of hearing loss.  According to the survey, about 9.6 percent of people in our country suffer from deafness.  Many ear diseases can be avoided if you are a little aware.  Awareness is the first step in the prevention of any disease.

World Hearing Day is observed on March 3 every year to raise awareness about preventing hearing loss and how to care for hearing around the world.  Come forward to raise awareness of this World Hearing Day today.  Raise awareness by sharing a post on your social accounts.

  • Happy World Hearing Day to all.  The ear is one of the most important organs in our body.  Through which we can hear and feel all the sounds of the world.  So, take care of your ears today yourself and make everyone in your family aware.  Let us come forward to prevent disease without looking at any disease. Happy World Hearing Day.
  • Let’s take an ear test today on World Hearing Day.  Be aware of yourself and make others aware.  Prevent disease by knowing the way to prevent disease. Happy World Hearing Day.
  • If we start taking care of our ears today.  Then our hearing will not be damaged.  We all should be aware of the disease before it occurs.  So that we can live with healthy hearing ability.  Happy World Hearing Day everyone. Happy World Hearing Day.

FAQ about World Hearing Day

When was World Hearing Day Started?


What is the date of World Hearing Day?

3 March. Source-Wikipedia.

Why do we have World Hearing Day?

To raise awareness about hearing.  Various programs are organized on this day to raise awareness about hearing loss.

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Hearing helps us connect with people and enables us to communicate in ways that none of our senses can achieve.  Hearing allows us to hear everything around us whether good or bad.  There are people all over the world who are hearing impaired.  World Hearing Day promotes ear and hearing care around the world.  It raises awareness of how hearing loss and deafness can be prevented.

Hearing loss allows one to participate in and experience many of life’s cherished moments, including hearing a loved one’s voice or laughter, participating in meaningful conversations with family and friends, listening to the sounds of nature, or listening to a favorite show on TV.  Can block power.  Hearing loss can also lead to feelings of social isolation, depression, and chronic illness. Hearing loss can make people isolated, vulnerable, and lonely.

And so, the day is observed to raise more awareness about ear care.  And so, there is no alternative to identifying the exact cause of hearing loss and raising awareness to prevent this problem.  Let’s be self-aware and make others aware on this World Hearing Day. Happy World Hearing Day.

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