World Hypnotism Day 2023 History, Significance, Hypnotherapy, Quotes and Status

Today you can renew the deep concentration of the mind. Because today is World Hypnotism Day. World Hypnotism Day was first celebrated on January 4 since 2004 to create a positive perception of hypnotism. Every human being has a little hypnotic skill or ability. Even the characteristics of being hypnotized are naturally possessed by every human being. Hypnosis technique is often used in witchcraft, it is often used in mind treatment.

The power of hypnosis is so intense, which affects the human psyche. In the language of psychology, there are three levels of the human mind, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.  The conscious state is when we consciously do something or make a decision. And the subconscious level is located in the deepest part of the mind.

Influencing the subconscious mind is called hypnosis or hypnotism.  The ability to consciously hypnotize can be achieved by anyone, but it requires deep concentration.  Hypnosis can be called art one.  Under its influence, the hypnotist can make any person do whatever they want.  Hypnosis has been used by humans since ancient times.  In this way, the hypnotist can learn any information from the hypnotized person with the help of hypnosis.

Even with him/her, various tasks can be done as desired.  But surprisingly, after the hypnosis wears off, the person does not remember any words or events.  He/she talks, walks, and walks in a strange stupor, sometimes frightened and sometimes exuberant with joy.  In short, he/she works according to the instructions of the hypnotist.  But many say that it is quite difficult to hypnotize a person without his willingness or cooperation, but not so in the case of a willing person.

History of World Hypnotism Day

World Hypnotism Day was first celebrated on January 4 since 2004 to create a positive perception of hypnotism. The concept of hypnosis was first found in Western psychology in 1770.  It was invented by German physician Franz Mesmer.  So, he is also called the father of hypnosis.

Born in 1734, this scientist gave special therapy to his patients in Vienna and Paris.  Mesmer’s method also interested other physicians.  They named this therapy ‘Mesmerism’. At that time hypnosis was seen as witchcraft.  As a result, society at that time decided to suppress such therapy.  Later Scottish surgeon James Braid brought the subject of ‘Hypnotism’ and ‘Hypnosis’ back to the fore.

 In 2004, American hypnotist Tom Nicoli and the World Hypnotism Committee decided to observe World Hypnotism Day on January 4.  The aim to celebrate World Hypnotism Day was to highlight the real benefits of hypnosis and make people aware of the propaganda.  At the same time, one of the goals was to inspire hypnotists.

 World Hypnotism Day is primarily celebrated by explaining myths, presenting evidence, giving free advice, and highlighting the positive effects of hypnosis on mental health. A hypnotized person can feel, smell, and perceive whatever the hypnotized person wishes.

 The apparent result of hypnosis is a transformation of sensibility.  This technique is used to recall a specific memory or to increase self-awareness.  The effects of the hypnotic state remain active in the subsequent conscious state.  So through this World Hypnotism Day, you can get an opportunity to change the monotonous view of life.

Even happy memories of days gone by can bring a new wave of happiness in life. Hearing the word hypnosis or hypnosis may flash before our eyes the scene of a psychiatrist swinging a pocket watch in front of a patient’s eyes.  We all have seen this scene in various films. Is this the real thing?  Or just an event created in the movie?

Such questions are natural. There are many myths about hypnosis, most of which come from media representations, from “fictional movies and novels. Hypnosis is used for everything from post-surgical pain to anxiety and stress,” says Irving Kirch, lecturer, and director of the Placebo Studies Program at Harvard Medical School.  A well-documented and valid treatment regimen for the condition’

Significance of World Hypnotism Day

Hypnosis is a treatment option that can help you cope with a variety of conditions.  Hypnosis is a trance-like state of mind in which people increase their powers of concentration and suggestion.  Although hypnosis is often described as a state of sleep, it is better known as a state of concentration, heightened suggestibility, and spontaneous imagination

People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are in a hyper-aware state.  People have been thinking and debating about hypnosis for over 200 years.  But science has not yet fully explained how this happens.  We see what a person does under hypnosis, but it is not clear why he or she does it.

This phenomenon is a small explanation of how the human brain works.  But psychiatrists understand the general characteristics of hypnosis and have some models of how it works.  It’s not sleep, because people are awake the whole time.  It is often compared to daydreaming, or to the feeling of “losing yourself” in a book or movie.

You are fully aware, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you.  This imaginary world seems somewhat real to you, in the sense that it fully engages your emotions.  Imaginary events can cause real fear, sadness, or happiness, and if you’re surprised by something while the process is happening, you might even be jolted in your seat. According to Hilgard, people in a hypnotic state experience a split consciousness, where two different mental processes occur.

There are clauses.  One stream of consciousness responds to the hypnotist’s suggestions and another discrete stream processes information outside the hypnotist’s awareness. Hypnosis can be used to gain control over unwanted behavior or to help better cope with anxiety or pain.  But many think of hypnosis as negative.

Many people think that hypnosis is used for various evil purposes. World Hypnotism Day is observed to bring positive thoughts about hypnosis. Hypnosis is a medical method through which any person’s memory can be restored.  So, it is necessary to create positive thinking in people about hypnosis and for this purpose, World Hypnotism Day is observed with this deep significance.

How to celebrate World Hypnotism Day?

Today is World Hypnotism Day.  World Hypnotism Day is observed every year to create a positive attitude towards hypnotism among people. During hypnosis, a trained hypnotist or hypnotist creates an environment of intense concentration of attention.  It is a guided process with verbal cues and repetition.  The trance state you enter may seem like sleep, but you will be fully aware of what is going on.

Your therapist helps you achieve these therapy goals by noting your therapeutic goals while you are in this state.  Because you are in a heightened state of concentration, you can open yourself up to suggestions or suggestions that you would ignore in your normal state of mind.

After the session is complete, your therapist will wake you from the trance-like state, or you will come out of the state on your own. The experience of hypnosis can vary dramatically from person to person.

Some hypnotists experience detachment or extreme relaxation during the hypnotic state, and others feel that their actions occur outside of awareness.  Other people may be fully conscious and able to carry on a conversation during hypnosis.  Some people may experience mild to moderate side effects.  For example, headache, sleepiness, dizziness, or situational anxiety.  Today on World Hypnotism Day let’s know how to celebrate World Hypnotism Day-

Hypnotism is a skill and a useful medium.  There are many people we know who know hypnotism or are practicing to learn hypnotism.  If you have any interest in hypnosis and if you know someone who knows how to do it or who has the proper understanding of the hypnosis process then you can start class today to learn the hypnosis process on World Hypnotism Day.

This is a skill you can acquire at will.  And with this skill, you can help others also it can be useful in any situation.  If you have no idea about hypnosis but are interested, you can collect various information about hypnosis and try to learn more about hypnosis.  You can get enough ideas about hypnosis from google or YouTube also there are several books on hypnosis by reading them you will get a proper idea about the hypnosis process on World Hypnotism Day.

Hypnosis is not a harmful process, but many people use it as a negative process.  If we use this hypnosis process for good purpose, then it is possible to get benefit from this process.  Currently, hypnotherapy is given with hypnosis techniques, through which patients are cured, this hypnotherapy works great to fix the mental balance of the patients or to bring back the lost memory.

If you know someone who has undergone speech therapy, you can listen to their experience, and you will get an idea of ​​the hypnosis process on World Hypnotism Day.  Also, if you have any such problem you can benefit from hypnotherapy.

Hypnotism in Medical Science:

Hypnotism is a skill and a useful medium.  There are many people we know who know hypnotism or are practicing to learn hypnotism.  If you have any interest in hypnosis and if you know someone who knows how to do it or who has the proper understanding of the hypnosis process then you can start class today to learn the hypnosis process on World Hypnotism Day. 

This is a skill you can acquire at will.  And with this skill, you can help others also it can be useful in any situation.  If you have no idea about hypnosis but are interested, you can collect various information about hypnosis and try to learn more about hypnosis.  You can get enough ideas about hypnosis from google or YouTube also there are several books on hypnosis by reading them you will get a proper idea about the hypnosis process.

Hypnosis is not a harmful process, but many people use it as a negative process.  If we use this hypnosis process for good purpose, then it is possible to get benefit from this process.  Currently, hypnotherapy is given with hypnosis techniques, through which patients are cured, this hypnotherapy works great to fix the mental balance of the patients or to bring back the lost memory.

If you know someone who has undergone speech therapy, you can listen to their experience, and you will get an idea of ​​the hypnosis process.  Also, if you have any such problem you can benefit from hypnotherapy.

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World Hypnotism Day Quotes

Mainstream medicine doesn’t pay much attention to this way of healing people.  In addition, hypnotherapy has not yet moved from the place of fear that hypnotized people can be forced to do something embarrassing or harmful to people’s trust. The biggest misconception about hypnotherapy is that it changes the patient’s being.  What he/she is not, becomes what he is overnight.  The fact is, the hypnotist never loses control over his behavior.

It is not possible to forget and do whatever you want with him/her.  Unfortunately, common people as well as expert doctors spread these misconceptions about hypnotherapy, which are not correct.  Hypnotherapy has failed to reach the heights it was supposed to because of its negative publicity.  This branch of medicine has not expanded as much in all these years.

Hypnosis is used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from mental health conditions such as anxiety trauma, to chronic illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome (stomach disorder). There have been some recent studies on this.  Studies have shown that 71 percent of study participants experienced an improvement in their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms after receiving hypnotherapy.  And 81 percent of them got long-term relief from IBS.

Apart from this, hypnotherapy also plays a role in many other behavioral changes in people like quitting smoking and losing weight.  Another research review found that when hypnotherapy was combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (a type of psychotherapy that helps solve mental problems by changing the way you think and behave), people were able to lose significant amounts of weight.  Cognitive behavioral therapy alone was not as effective in weight loss.

Apart from this, hypnotherapy also works as a pain reliever.  The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has researched whether or not hypnosis can be an alternative to general anesthesia during surgery.  In their study, only one in 50 patients participating in the clinical trial required general anesthesia during surgery.  World Hypnotism Day is celebrated every year to remove people’s prejudices about hypnotherapy and create positive thoughts.  Let’s take a look at some quotes on World Hypnosis Day-

  • “People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future.” – Milton Erickson
  • “The unconscious mind records all 1001 little details the conscious mind neglects.”
  • “The most important thing when you study hypnosis is that you learn that humans are irrational. Until you understand that, hypnosis is hard to do… For me, it was this great awakening to understand that humans are deeply irrational, and it’s probably the greatest influence on me in terms of my writing.” –Scott Adams
  • “Hypnosis is about shutting down the conscious mind and re-igniting the unconscious and the imagination, so while I give instructions to them under hypnosis, the contestants might interpret those instructions in all kinds of ways.” –Keith Barry.
  • “It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier India has sent to the west, such gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all numerals and the decimal system.” — Will Durant
  • “The Artist submits from day to day to the fatal rhythm of the impulses of the universal world which encloses him, the continual center of sensations, always pliant, hypnotized by the marvels of nature which he loves, he scrutinizes. His eyes, like his soul, are in perpetual communion with the most fortuitous of phenomena.” — Odilon Redon

World Hypnotism Day Status

However, many people are skeptical about the effectiveness of hypnosis.  There is a global consensus on whether or not mental illness can be cured by adopting this method.  In other words, when mental illness cannot be cured by medicine or psychotherapy, hypnotherapists are the last resort.  In the western world, the number of people who have been cured by it is not very small. People have more or fewer ideas about the treatment method through hypnotherapy.

Most of these are false or misinformation, according to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.  One such popular treatment method is the hypnotherapist waving a pocket watch in front of the patient.  According to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, there is no clock ticking during the session.  The doctor advises the patient slowly during the hypnotherapy session.  Even after the session, the patient remembers the suggestions. Hypnosis is a psychological phenomenon.

Initially, it seemed to be only a psychological condition but nowadays hypnosis is being used to treat patients as well. Hypnosis is a psychological phenomenon.  Initially, it seemed to be just a psychological condition but nowadays hypnosis is being used to treat patients as well. Various academic studies are trying to understand why hypnosis occurs, and how it works.  On the other hand, in the medical field, the effects of hypnosis are being tested to heal patients.

The most successful medical use of hypnosis so far is to use it to reduce pain in patients without drugs.  Studies (meta-analyses) using data from various studies have shown consistent results. There are many cases of theft or robbery using hypnosis.  There have been reports of hypnotizing a shopkeeper into a store and emptying the store for a short period. Professional hypnotists also use hypnosis to cheat clients. Many hypnotize female clients and molest them.

So, what should one do if one wants to receive treatment through hypnosis?  One thing to keep in mind is that if someone can’t heal you without hypnosis, then they shouldn’t treat you using hypnosis.  We should use the hypnosis process positively rather than negatively.  Through this hypnosis, we can get healing.  Today is World Hypnotism Day. Let’s create awareness among people about the process of hypnosis on World Hypnosis Day.

By sharing awareness posts on social media accounts, we can create a positive attitude about hypnotism on World Hypnotism Day.  Some of the statuses are given below for your convenience-

  • Some people think that by resorting to hypnosis, the hypnotist can make the person do anything he wants.  However, there is no specific evidence to support this claim. However, there is no denying that hypnosis can be used negatively by anyone outside of institutional research and medicine.  There are many cases where people have practiced hypnosis with malicious intent.  A positive attitude towards hypnosis should be created by adopting the hypnotherapy process.  Happy World Hypnotism Day
  • Like ‘doctor’ or ‘psychiatrist’, ‘hypnotist’ or ‘hypnotherapist’ is not an established title.  So go for hypnosis from someone who has proper knowledge and qualifications in health or medical matters.  Hypnosis treatment should be taken from the right person only then we will be cured.  Happy World Hypnotism Day
  • Scientists have ample evidence that hypnosis is effective.  Hypnosis can be used to relieve pain, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), labor pain, constipation, and many other problems.  In some cases, hypnotherapy appears to be more effective than mainstream treatment in terms of finances, effectiveness, side effects, etc.  Let’s use the hypnosis process in the medical field for healing.  Happy World Hypnotism Day.

FAQ about World Hypnotism Day

What is the date of World Hypnotism Day?

January 4.

Who was the first person to hypnotize?

Franz Mesmer. Source-Wikipedia

Although hypnotherapy is becoming quite popular, many people still consider it a scientific form of therapy.  But it is a valid process that can be very beneficial to patients. This is especially true when a person’s subconscious mind needs to be explored to help them more effectively. It is a significant form of therapy that can relieve a person’s problems or symptoms.

It is especially beneficial for those suffering from addiction and pain.  This therapy is also beneficial when combined with other therapies or forms of therapy. Happy World Hypnotism Day. Thanks for being with us.