World Laughter Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes, Status

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine for any disease. Today is World Laughter Day. World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May every year. Not only the mind but also the body is good for laughter.  From reducing anxiety, relaxing the body’s muscles, and even boosting the immune system, a hearty smile can help.

Today’s day is observed all over the world. Today is the day to open your heart and smile. When we smile our brain releases endorphins which make us feel happy. The happiest person in the world is the one who knows how to smile. Seeing your smile and seeing your happiness will radiate happiness to the people around you. So smile today. On World Laughter Day, smile yourself and help others smile.  Putting a smile on someone else’s face is one of the noblest acts. So smile today with all the enthusiasm of your heart.

History of World Laughter Day

According to Wikipedia sources, Indian doctor Dr.  Madan Kataria launched World Laughter Day in 1998.  He highlights the usefulness of laughter in yoga. He claims that laughter can keep people mentally healthy and normal. He also claims that if you adopt some special methods of smiling, you can live a healthy life for a long time.

The founder of the laughter movement Dr. Madan Kataria first celebrated this day on May 10, 1998, in Mumbai. Inspired by the facial feedback hypothesis, he started the laughter yoga movement. The rally held in Mumbai was attended by around 12,000 members who were all members of International Laughter Clubs and all laughed happily that day. The World Laughter Day started to be observed all over the world. On January 9, 2000, an event was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, attended by about ten thousand people. And it was later ranked last in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Currently, laughing clubs in 105 countries around the world are involved in the ‘Laughter Yoga’ movement. Not only has the mind, but also the body, laughter kept good. From reducing anxiety, relaxing the body’s muscles, and even boosting the immune system, a hearty smile can help. Today’s day is celebrated all over the world. The purpose of World Laughter Day is to create global awareness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. On this day, Laughter Club members gather together with family and friends at an important place such as a park or theater and laugh together.

Why do people celebrate World Laughter Day?

World Laughter Day has been celebrated since 1998 to raise awareness of laughter and its many healing benefits. As laughter is considered the best medicine for all ailments this day is a great way to encourage people to be happy and enjoy humor. According to experts, humor helps one to enhance information retention in academic or professional settings because of the emotional connection between information and emotional response.

World Laughter Day promotes thousands of community groups around the world commonly known as Laughter Clubs. These groups regularly practice simple intentional laughter techniques that promote everyone’s well-being and overall well-being. Celebrating World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation of world peace and a sign of creating a global spirit of brotherhood and friendship through laughter.

It is often celebrated by gathering people in public places with the sole purpose of laughing.  Laughter clubs have become increasingly popular these days. Many elderly people are seen taking part in the laughter exercise in the park. Laughter is a medicine that can work for people of any age and should be followed by all.

How to celebrate World Laughter Day?

Laughter gets rid of all diseases. Laughter plays an important role in maintaining physical and mental health. And today is the day of laughter. Today the world is celebrating World Laughter Day. This day is observed every year on the first Sunday of May. The day is celebrated to make people smile and remember the smiles of people around them. Scientifically, laughter reduces cortisol levels in the brain.  Which subsequently has a positive effect on the body. Smiling is very important. It changes people’s moods and helps to remove thoughts.

Laughter Day is celebrated to show the importance of laughter. Now the question is how to celebrate Laughter Day. Celebrating World Laughter Day is very easy. Because this day can be celebrated only by smiling. That doesn’t mean you wake up and start laughing. Send funny messages or prank everyone on this day. The day is celebrated with joy and laughter. Forget all the sorrows of life on this day and smile. Take out all the sorrows of life through laughter. If you want to be healthy mentally and physically, smile.

Celebrate the day with a smile. Only then will World Laughter Day be properly celebrated.  Remember, laughter keeps the mind healthy as well as the mind. So, keep smiling with joy and make everyone around laugh. Celebrate the day with joy. Let’s find out some more ways to celebrate World Laughter Day

  • Put a smile on the face of the poor

The first smile on the other’s face, then a smile will come from the heart. If we can remove the suffering of the poor in our society, they will smile. And if they smile, the people of the world will smile. If you see a hungry child, arrange a meal for him. Or if you see a person without clothes, give him a cloth. You will see a smile on your face seeing his happiness

  • Support a sad friend

There are many people in our circle of friends who suffer from depression regularly. Lives a lonely life. Put a smile on the face of all your friends today on World Laughter Day. Have a good time with your depressed friend by telling him/her funny jokes. Spending time with you will make his/her mind happy and your day will improve as well.

10 Benefits of Laughter

Who doesn’t like to see a smiling face?  Also, laughter is a natural medicine, it easily touches and expresses our emotions.  Laughter is contagious, let’s say you’re smiling with your heart, seeing this smile will not make others smile, it can’t be!  A smile can instantly put a smile on someone’s face.  In addition to these immediate benefits of laughter, there are also some long-term benefits.

 Studies have proven that laughter helps our body shape in many ways.  Nowadays the level of stress around us is increasing day by day, laughter can save us from that stress.  Can save from various diseases.

 So there is no substitute for laughter to keep the body strong and healthy.  Know about the benefits of laughter –

1.  Boosts T-Cell Power: As the power of this special type of cell increases, the body becomes stronger from within.  As a result, the risk of suffering from diseases naturally decreases.  And the easiest way to boost T-cell power is to laugh out loud.  It increases T-cell performance.

 2.  Improves mental health: Whenever you find anger, depression, or sadness surrounding your mind, do something that makes you smile a lot.  Because, when the mind is not right, laughter can be the only claim to reduce stress.

3.  The mind becomes better: When we laugh out loud, our body releases serotonin and endorphin hormones.  As a result, instantly our mind starts to feel better.  Along with this, mental and physical pain also decreases.  That’s why doctors call these 2 hormones feel-good hormones.

 4.  Increases the body’s immune system: When we laugh, the secretion of ‘feel good’ hormones increases in our body.  These hormones increase the production of white blood cells in various ways.  As a result, the immune system becomes so strong that no disease can touch the body.  Along with that, the risk of infection is also reduced.

5.  Lungs become fresher: When we laugh, the lungs expand and fill every nook and cranny of our lungs with pure oxygen.  As this happens, the oxygen level in the whole body increases.  As a result, the incidence of various diseases is reduced.  Along with that, the performance of the lungs also increases.

 6.  Lowers Blood Pressure: Multiple studies have shown that laughing increases blood circulation throughout our body.  Blood vessels begin to dilate.  As a result, the pressure on veins and arteries is naturally reduced.  And if this is the case, it does not take time to reduce blood pressure.  So if the patients under pressure are angry, then it is very dangerous!

7.  Laughter is a form of exercise: Several studies have shown that when we laugh, our body burns a large number of excess calories.  Not only that, but the stomach is also under a lot of pressure at this time.  As a result, the path of weight loss is widened from all sides.  Interestingly, laughing 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes of boating or 15 minutes of cycling.  Due to physical circulation, blood flow increases everywhere.  More oxygen is added to the blood.  Laughter is an excellent exercise for the diaphragm, abdominal and respiratory muscles, the muscles of the mouth, and even the muscles of the legs or back.

 8.  Body calms down: Fatigue, pain, and stress accumulate in the body in an instant, when we laugh out loud.  Several studies have shown that the effect of laughter lasts about 30-45 minutes in our body.

9.  Laughter is good for the heart: more laughter lowers blood pressure.  Not only that, but the performance of the heart also increases.  Our blood vessels dilate when we smile.  As a result, the blood flow in the whole body increases, and the body is completely strengthened.  Along with that, the risk of heart attack is also reduced.

 10.  Reduces Stress: When we laugh, our body releases endorphin hormones, known as stress hormones.  It reduces the activity of the cortisol hormone.  As a result, it is impossible to understand when the stress will go away in a wave of laughter.

 But you have to remember, you have to smile with your heart.  Smiling will not work.  So let’s laugh more without being dumb.  Make life happy and live a healthy and beautiful life.

World Laughter Day Quotes

Sometimes we have to spend time alone. Due to the pressure of work, one does not spend much time with friends or family or chat openly. Since almost everyone has a smartphone within their reach, you can browse various humorous websites whenever you want.  All these humorous websites are full of funny articles. Sometimes we have to spend time alone.

Due to the pressure of work, one does not spend much time with friends or family or chat openly.  Since almost everyone has a smartphone within their reach, you can browse various humorous websites whenever you want.  All these humorous websites are full of funny articles. Also, try some quotes that will help you smile and explain the importance of smiling.  Some such quotes are presented to you today, I hope you will benefit from them

  • “A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around.” — Carolyn Birmingham
  • “Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those, whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” — W. H. Auden
  • “I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.” – Dr. Madan Kataria
  • “And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false, which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
  • “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.” — Voltaire
  • “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” — Phyllis Diller

World Laughter Day Message

The purpose of World Laughter Day is to create global awareness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. The day is usually dedicated to the native language and people are encouraged to come together to celebrate it. Every year World Laughter Day is celebrated around the world with great enthusiasm.  A person needs to laugh at a certain time every day. 

And the founder of the World 500 Jokes movement is Dr. Matan Kataria. He started the Lavata or smiling movement inspired by the facial feedback hypothesis. According to this information, a person can resist his emotions on his face.  In addition to laughing at yourself, someone else laughs on More Laughter Day. Here are some messages you can send your loved ones on World Laughter Day

  • If you can laugh at yourself, you don’t have to worry about anything else.  Happy World Laughter Day.
  • The best thing about a smile is that it doesn’t kill you but brightens up your face.  Happy World Laughter Day.
  • The human race has only one effective weapon and that is laughter.  Happy World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day

Laughter is one of the tools of the show.  Studies have shown that laughter is one of the most important means of communication around the world.  A smile is a facial expression that is usually achieved by laterally stretching the flexor muscles in the face. Laughter exists for people’s happiness and fun.  Also in some cases, laughter is used to show anxiety, anger, etc.

Laughter is very effective in keeping people healthy through physical and mental relaxation.  Laughter helps in fitness.  Laughter is one of the ways to get rid of the stress around you. So, send greeting messages to your loved ones on World Laughter Day so that they understand the importance of the smile

  • World Laughter Day is a reminder that we should never miss an opportunity to smile to add more years to our lives
  • Your smile makes my day!  Keep smiling and make others happy!  World Laughter Day.
  • Wishing you a very Happy World Laughter Day with healthy laughter and hilarious jokes to brighten the day

World Laughter Day Status

When you smile, the person or people next to you smile too. A smile can touch a person very quickly. As long as you keep smiling, and even longer, your worries or frustrations will disappear with laughter. It’s nice to see a smiling face so laugh your heart out and make others smile. Post a cute status on your timeline on World Laughter Day to inspire others to smile too. Others will also benefit from your shared posts.

  • No matter how much tension surrounds us, we can always avoid them by sharing a good laugh.
  • Smiling is beautiful and precious.  Do not reserve it but share it. Happy Laughter Day.

FAQ about World Laughter Day

Why is World Laughter Day celebrated?

The day is celebrated to make people smile and remember the smiles of people around them.  Scientifically, laughter reduces cortisol levels in the brain. 

What is the date of World Laughter Day?

World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May every year. Source- Wikipedia.

Laughter is a special element in the formation and growth of the human body after birth because the first good thing that emerges from a newborn baby is a smile. Through this smile he gets happiness. As a result, he gets mentally cheerful, fat and blood increase in the body, and the spine is aligned. And this peace is the root cause of the child’s happiness and strength. Not hypocrisy or anger. Always keep smiling. Get physical and mental health. Let’s build a beautiful society as innocent as a newborn baby.

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