World Tourism Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Today, September 27 is World Tourism Day. The day will be celebrated through various programs around the world. The day aims to spread the social, cultural, political, and economic benefits of tourism globally, along with increasing public awareness about the role of tourism.

It was initiated by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). It is celebrated to promote tourism and understand its importance. The purpose of World Tourism Day is to show people the joy of traveling around the world. Tourism plays an important role in improving the economy of a country and enhancing its image. World Tourism Day is important because it helps promote the benefits of tourism.

The day was designated to strengthen the economic infrastructure after the Second World War to expand the tourism business worldwide. The economy of various countries is related to tourism.  The income of various organizations, individuals, and groups depends on it. The economic development of different countries depends on tourism. World Tourism Day celebration started to promote this tourism.

World Tourism Day History

World Tourism Day was launched in 1979 by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Its celebration officially started in 1980. It is celebrated every year on 27 September as the date marks the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statute. In 1970, the UNWTO decided that the day would be celebrated annually in different host countries. The initial celebration of World Tourism Day focused entirely on the promotion of tourism with a central theme.

Five years later in 1975, the UNWTO was established and five years later World Tourism Day was launched. At its fifth session in Istanbul, Turkey in 1997, the UNWTO also decided to celebrate World Tourism Day in one country every year. At the 15th session of the UNWTO held in Beijing in 2003, it was decided to observe World Tourism Day in geographical order.

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How to celebrate World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day aims to highlight the importance of the tourism industry in our lives. It also focuses on inclusive growth in the industry.

 The UNWTO General Assembly votes each year at its twelfth session in Istanbul, Turkey, to choose a host country to participate as a partner of the organization in celebrating World Tourism Day. The Assembly agrees to celebrate World Tourism Day in the following geographical order. During the Fifteenth Session in October 1997 in Beijing, China.

This was followed by 2003 in Europe, 2006 in South Asia, 2007 in the Americas, 2008 in Africa, and 2009 in the Middle East. The late Ignatius Amaduah Atigbi, a native of Nigeria suggested that September 2 every year be declared as World Tourism Day. Blue is the official color of World Tourism Day. Let’s know how to celebrate this day-

One of the best ways to celebrate World Tourism Day is to plan a tour with family and friends and then get friendly with nature.  We all like to travel, sometimes traveling makes our mind happy.  Everyone should take a walk once in a while to get refreshment.  When you are close to nature your mind will be better.  So don’t delay, maybe take a day trip with friends or family on World Tourism Day.

Why do people celebrate World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day highlights the power of tourism in promoting inclusion, nature conservation, and cultural understanding.

Tourism is a powerful driver of sustainable development. Tourism contributes to education, the empowerment of women and youth, and the socio-economic and cultural development of society. It plays an important role in the social security system, which lays the foundation for recovery and prosperity.

We must invest in clean and sustainable tourism. This will reduce energy consumption in the sector, move towards zero emissions and protect biodiversity. We must ensure that decent jobs are created, and that tourism benefits the state and local communities.

Governments, businesses, and consumers must practice tourism to keep the global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The survival of this industry and tourism destinations such as Small Island Developing States depends on it. That’s why everyone celebrates world Tourism Day Every Year.

World Tourism Day Quotes

World Tourism Day is a wonderful day to promote and develop the industry and create awareness about sustainable tourism for all. As the UNWTO says, World Tourism Day “serves to celebrate the unique power of tourism so that no one is left behind as the world begins to reopen and look to the future.” Below are some World Tourism Day Quotes-

Two roads diverged in the woods and I – I took the one less traveled.  And that made all the difference.” Robert Frost

  • “We travel not to escape from life, but not for life to escape us.”  – unknown
  • Remember happiness is a means of travel – not a destination.” Roy M. Goodman
  • The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
  • “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai
  • “All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

World Tourism Day Messages

According to the World Tourism Organization, 900 million tourists are created every year in the world.  And because of this growing number of foreign tourists in Asia, Maldives, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and Nepal are fast becoming known globally because of their tourism industry.  Many places of natural or historical interest in these countries have been made more attractive through improved management.

According to statistics, 75% of Singapore’s national income, 65% of Taiwan’s national income, 55% of Hong Kong’s national income, 50% of the Philippines’ national income, and 30% of Thailand’s national income come from tourism industry. Here are some World Tourism Day Messages-

  • Every year, travel to a place where you have never been before. Happy World Tourism Day
  • Add more meaning to your life by traveling as much as you can as it is the best way to learn. Happy World Tourism Day.
  • The thrill of life always stays alive when you are traveling. Happy World Tourism Day.
  • Traveling is all about exploring, learning, and embracing. It is all about becoming a better person!! Happy World Tourism Day.

World Tourism Day Wishes

The tourism industry is well known as one of the major economic activities all over the world.  The tourism industry has been considered the main tool of socioeconomic development in the present world. Below are some Wishes-

  • There is nothing in this world that matches the joy of travel.  Happy Tourism Day to all travel lovers.
  • You have to explore different corners of the world as long as you live.  Happy Tourism Day to you.
  • Don’t just wait to reach the destination but enjoy the journey. Happy Tourism Day!!
  • Tourists have a checklist of where they’ve been and those who haven’t been but don’t know where the fun is. Happy Tourism Day.

World Tourism Day Status

People have been traveling from country to country since ancient times.  People have crossed seven seas and thirteen rivers because of their addiction to seeing the world.  The tourism industry originated from people’s desire to travel.  Along with the development of civilization came unexpected changes in the form and nature of tourism. 

Tourism is now not just the travel of an individual or a small group, but a universal hobby and addiction for the entire human race.  And so, tourism is now an industry, a key component of many countries’ economies.  This industry has already been identified as the fastest-growing sector globally. Here are some World Tourism Day Statues-

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, I wish you to travel to many new places to see and create beautiful memories to cherish and leave footprints for others to follow.

  • Travel, know, learn!  Happy Tourism Day!
  • The person who doesn’t travel misses the beauty of life. Happy Tourism Day.

FAQ about World Tourism Day

What is the date of World Tourism Day?

27 September.

Who started World Tourism Day?

The UNWTO General Assembly. Source-Wikipedia

The tourism industry is recognized as the single largest industry in the world.  The importance of tourism is universal.  Tourism is now one of the main priority sectors in almost all countries of the world.  In 1950 the number of tourists in the world was only 25 million. Which increased to about 1235 million in 2016. Nowadays it’s over 2000 million. The number of tourists has increased almost 50 times in the last 67 years. 

With the increase in the number of tourists, the scope of this economic activity has increased.  Economic, social, and infrastructural development is achieved through tourism.  Tourism contributed 10.4 percent to world GDP in 2017, which will reach 11.7 percent in 2027.  In addition, 1894.2 billion dollars were spent on tourist travel in 2017.

And in the same year investment in tourism was 882.4 billion dollars. Hope you get the information you need from this article and benefit from it.  Thank you so much for being with us.  Visit our website regularly.