World Wildlife Day 2024

Today is World Wildlife Day.  Since 2014, UN member states have been celebrating the day on March 3 every year.  This day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013.  Raising awareness about wildlife and plants is the main theme of the day.

In the recent report presented at the United Nations General Assembly, the essential value and various contributions of wildlife are reiterated.  It emphasizes environmental, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational, and aesthetic aspects along with development and human welfare.  The Declaration also recognizes the important role of CITES in raising public awareness of the world’s wildlife and ensuring that international trade does not threaten the survival of wild species.

History of World Wildlife Day

This day is observed to preserve the biodiversity of the world.  Biodiversity means diversity of life.  Biodiversity generally refers to the number, species diversity, and contrast of plants and animals.  But in a broad sense, the presence of life on earth Life on earth is biodiversity.  An organism is dependent on another organism for survival.  Human food, clothing, and medicine are the three essential elements derived from biodiversity. 

All the materials needed in human life are contained in the earth’s biodiversity.  Human food, clothing, and medicine – these three main essentials come from biodiversity.  Therefore, intending to preserve global biodiversity and increase public awareness, the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly on December 20, 2013, declared March 3 as World Biodiversity Day, and this day was celebrated for the first time in 2014.  Every year a theme is decided on World Wildlife Day under the current times.  Life first evolved in the sea.  There was more movement of life in water than on land.

According to experts, there are several times more valuable and beautiful objects hidden in the depths of the water.  From the largest animal, the blue whale, to the tiny phytoplankton, it creates a wonderful marine environment.  But in many ways, we are not only destroying marine biodiversity by polluting the ocean, but we are also endangering our existence.  Fishing debris discarded parts of cargo ships, plastic shopping bags, ship waste, and oil pollute seawater.  Coral colonies are being destroyed for handicrafts and jewelry production.  The marine environment is becoming unbalanced.

Why do people celebrate this day?

World Wildlife Day is being celebrated all over the world.  A day is designated to raise awareness of the world’s wildlife and flora.  Every year on this special day various steps are taken to protect the wildlife and flora.  Various discussion meetings are held for the sake of their protection.  The main aim of this day is to increase public awareness about the world’s wildlife and flora.

On December 20, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly recognized March 3 as World Wildlife Day during its 68th session.  It was decided to set a date for the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The theme for 2015 was, now is the time to focus on wildlife crime.  The following year’s theme for 2016 was, The Future of Wildlife is in Our Hands.

This year’s theme was the future of elephants is in our hands.  The theme adopted in 2017 is, listening to the people.  The theme for the year 2020 was Save Animals for Earth’s Sustainability.  Since then, every year, efforts are being made to increase human awareness to protect animals and plants.  And this day is observed so that we can preserve and protect any animals and plants from extinction.  Various animals are constantly disappearing from our world.  And that is due to human-caused climate change.  So, every year this day is observed to raise awareness.

How do people celebrate World Wildlife Day?

Research shows that about 8000 species of wild animals and plants are endangered.  At times, it is also believed that one million species have become extinct.  World Wildlife Day is celebrated to save these species.  Since then 3rd March has been chosen as World Wildlife Day.  Each year a specific theme is decided on World Wildlife Day. Every year on March 3  World Wildlife Day (World Wildlife Day) a special meeting is held.

Various discussions were held there regarding the saving of endangered species of animals and birds.  There is a way to save endangered species of animals and birds.  The new plan was adopted.  It works accordingly.  Various programs are held to protect them. On World Wildlife Day, wildlife is made aware of any problem.  Several programs have been adopted to solve that problem.  That’s how it works for years.  Awareness is created to protect wildlife.  Accordingly, various programs are celebrated. There are several species on Earth.  And each plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance.

They live in deserts, grasslands, forests, and other environments.  In today’s race of modernity, we have become dependent on technology.  Because of that or because of the change in the environment, these wild animals are facing various problems. Different species are disappearing due to climate change.  Different species of plants are also getting destroyed.  Many species face similar problems.  Every year new steps are taken to protect these florae and fauna.

Also, wildlife and various plants are getting damaged due to many reasons like poaching, and poaching.  Which is having a bad effect on our environment.  All these animals are in trouble because of our activities.  Many animals like African wild elephants, beautiful forest tigers, and dolphins, are facing problems.  Many species are going extinct.  Environmentalists take various steps to protect these wild animals.  He took steps to make common people aware to protect wildlife.

Why is wildlife disappearing?

As the world is touched by mechanical modernity, human needs are increasing.  We are all engaged in destroying forest resources according to our interests.  And as a result, wildlife is getting seriously damaged.  Not only are they losing their homes, but they are also facing severe food shortages.  As a result of which they are forced to enter the locality.  As a result, those wild animals are losing their lives at the hands of residents. 

Moreover, in the past few years, the number of forests has been so limited that wildlife is being wiped out unknowingly.  Due to climate change, and the destruction of forest ecosystems, wildlife is on the verge of extinction.  So, it is very important to observe this day to protect and respect wildlife as well as humans to save this world.

Actions for Wildlife Conservation

Animals are an essential part of nature and also resources.  We need to protect wildlife to maintain the balance of the environment.  Because if nature does not survive, people cannot live a normal life.  A conference was held on March 3, 1973, in Washington DC, United States of America, in the presence of representatives of 80 member countries of the United Nations under the initiative of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with the aim of wildlife conservation and wildlife trade regulation. 

At that conference, the Conservation of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) Charter was approved.  This charter lists 34,000 animals and plants for conservation.  On December 23, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 3 as ‘World Wildlife Day. The main objective of this day is to increase awareness among the public about wildlife and to make the people of the world vocal for the conservation of wildlife habitat. In this situation, more and more forests should be created for wildlife conservation, appropriate measures should be taken for forest care and maintenance, and the strictness of laws in the case of wildlife killing.

It should be imposed and implemented properly, mass awareness should be created by pointing out the harmful aspects of wildlife killing, the forest should be created first to save wildlife and the existing forests should be properly maintained.  Without forests, there would be no shelter for wildlife.  So, if common people are aware, it is possible to save wildlife easily.  It is possible to create safe habitats for wildlife through the creation and maintenance of forests through public-private and private initiatives.

Wildlife needs to be preserved for the sake of the country and nation.  It is important to pay attention to wildlife so that it does not become extinct. Forests and wildlife are our national wealth.  Our wildlife is under threat today.  The killing of trees and wildlife has become commonplace.  In such a prevailing situation, the present government has enacted a landmark law to protect wildlife.  But making laws is not the end all, proper implementation of laws and creating public awareness is necessary.

To sustain the existence of the country and the nation, the simultaneous role of society and the state in the conservation of wildlife is an essential demand of the time.

World Wildlife Day Quotes

All over the world, population growth, urbanization, wildlife poaching and trafficking, illegal wildlife trade, loss of forests and woodlands, and environmental degradation are causing wildlife populations to decline at an alarming rate.  Once upon a time, there was a lot of wildlife.  Several species of wildlife have become extinct in the last few decades due to our ignorance and neglect.  Among them are one-horned rhinoceros, para deer, king vulture, mallard duck, pink-headed swan, peacock, freshwater crocodile, hawk’s billed turtle, etc.

The main objective of this day is to increase the awareness among the public about wildlife and to make the people of the world vocal for the conservation of wildlife habitats.  Since then, the United Nations has been celebrating World Wildlife Day every year.  There are several quotes on the message of wildlife conservation through which we can know the importance of wildlife conservation.  Presenting those quotes in front of you.

  • “It would be useless for any of us to work to save wildlife without working to educate the next generation of conservationists.” – Jane Goodall.
  • “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” – Martin Buber.
  • “The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a unique and biologically special place that should be preserved.” – Dan Lipinski.
  • “Time is running out for nature and wildlife around the world.” – Jennifer Morgan.
  • “We can breed endangered species in captivity but with nowhere wild to release them their days are probably numbered.” – Steve Irwin.
  • “The real wealth of the Nation lies in the resources of the earth – soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife.” – Rachel Carson.
  • “Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world.” – Munia Khan
  • “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are plans to protect man.” – Stewart Udall.

World Wildlife Day Status

World Wildlife Day is observed every year on March 3 to raise awareness about endangered plant and animal species worldwide.  On this special day, governments around the world organize various awareness campaigns for wildlife protection.  The United Nations General Assembly at its 20th session on 03 December 68 declared March 2013 as World Wildlife Day.

The International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora was adopted on 3 March.  The Wild Elephant Preservation Act was first passed in 1872 to prevent the extinction of wild animals.  Share beautiful status to make your family and friends aware of World Wildlife Day today

  • “On the occasion of World Wildlife Day, best wishes to you.  Let us join hands to save wildlife to save our future.”
  • Animals are also a part of this world and therefore they too need to be protected and preserved.  Best wishes on World Wildlife Day.”
  • “With the extinction of wildlife, the standard of living of humans is going to worsen.  Let’s save them for the planet.  “
  • We should protect wildlife because directly or indirectly our lives depend on them!

FAQ about World Wildlife Day

What is the date of World Wildlife Day?

3 March. Source- Wikipedia.

Why do people celebrate World Wildlife Day?

For raising public awareness of the world’s wildlife and ensuring that international trade does not threaten the survival of wild species.

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So, if common people are aware, it is possible to save wildlife easily.  It is possible to create safe habitats for wildlife through the creation and maintenance of forests through public-private and private initiatives.  Wildlife needs to be preserved for the sake of the country and nation. We should save our wildlife and spread awareness.

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