American Businesswomen’s Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

September 22 marks as American Businesswomen’s Day on the 1949 founding of the American Businesswomen’s Association, whose mission is to “bring together businesswomen of various professions and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth through leadership of themselves and others; education, networking support and national recognition”.

The holiday was recognized by Congressional resolutions in 1983 and 1986 and a proclamation issued by President Ronald Reagan. It commemorates the important legacies and contributions of more than 68 million American working women and 7.7 million women business owners. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for ABWA chapters and individual businesswomen to celebrate their achievements within the American and global markets.

History American Businesswomen’s Day

Women play an important role in anything and everything in society and that includes business.  With more than 68 million working women and 7.7 million women business owners in America today, it’s a blessing that Kansas City businesswoman Hilary Bufton Jr.

The association was incorporated on September 22, 1949, shortly after WWII when many women lost their jobs and were reminded that their first responsibility was to their homes and their families. Bufton Jr. felt that all women sought and deserved equal business opportunities, and out of necessity, acquired extraordinary business acumen during World War II.  She also believed that a new organization was needed for all businesswomen.

The mission of the association is to bring together businesswomen from various professions and provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally.  It is passionate about breaking boundaries for women and advocating for equal rights and pay across all aspects of work. American Businesswomen’s Day was recognized by Congressional resolutions in 1983 and 1986, and a proclamation was issued by President Ronald Reagan.

Why is American Businesswomen’s Day Celebrated?

The day brings together businesswomen from various professions to collaborate and network. The opportunity provides insight into platforms and inspirational ways for women to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally. Workshops and seminars provide leadership, education, networking, and national recognition. Through small business and corporate leadership, women bring a variety of skills to the business world.  This day honors everyone!

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How to celebrate American Businesswomen’s Day?

Shout out to a businessperson you know. Attend a seminar, workshop, TED talk, or another resource to increase your business knowledge. Attend a career fair and offer your skills as a businessman to aspiring youth. Support businesswomen in your area, whether they are experienced or just starting out. Share your business style, energy, and creativity by using #AmericanBusinessWomensDay to post on social media. Take a cupcake to your lady boss! Or bring lots of cupcakes for all the ladies in the office. 

Find a businessman and tell him that you recognize and appreciate his success. Ask how he got there and what obstacles he overcame along the way. Ask about his mentors and advocates and then ask how you can support him. You don’t need to know a trader personally to give your support.

Start by supporting your local female business owner, promoting the inclusion and hiring of women in your workplace, or even offering a few words of encouragement to a business owner you meet. just looking for an opportunity to do so?  Whatever the case, this is your cosmic sign for that job role you’ve been doubting about or for finally opening that small business.

Honor Women in Business Day by learning more about the most successful and inspiring female entrepreneurs, like Oprah and Cher Wang Go the extra mile by sharing what you learn, and advocating for women’s rights in the workplace, if you are a businessman, share your business style, strengths,

American Businesswomen’s Day Message.

Shirley Cupp, Irma Beisel, Frances Stuckey, and Mr. Hilary Bufton Jr., of Kansas City, founded the American Businesswomen’s Association in 1949 to advocate for women’s rights in the workplace. Their first sponsored American Businesswomen’s Day event was in 1982. We have to send a message to the Working businesswoman. Let’s see what type of message we send.

  • A woman has the potential to play many roles and a businesswoman is just another one.  Warm greetings on American Businesswomen’s Day.
  • If a woman thinks she can then she definitely can because nothing is impossible for her in this world.  Happy American Businesswomen’s Day to businesswomen.
  • On American Business Women’s Day, let’s support the women who are working hard to establish their business and take it to new heights.
  • Happy American Businesswomen’s Day to those trying to make their name in this world.
  • To women entrepreneurs, we wish you a Happy American Businesswomen’s Day. For you, there is no such thing as impossible but you have the power to make things happen.

American Businesswomen’s Day Wish.

There are many historical dates in history related to women’s rights, including women’s rights in the workplace. These include recent events, such as Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to receive the presidential nomination from a major political party, as well as Angela Merkel, becoming the first female prime minister in Germany. We have to send greeting messages on this special day. 

  • On the occasion of American Businesswomen’s Day, let’s support the women who are working hard to establish their business and take it to new heights.”
  • “Happy American Businesswomen’s Day to women trying to make their name in this world.”
  • “For you, there is no such thing as impossible, but you have the power to make things happen.”
  • “Women have always made great managers, and the occasion of American Businesswomen’s Day reminds us that they make great entrepreneurs.”
  • “For some women parties and dressing up doesn’t mean anything because they are born to build big business empires in the world.  Happy American Businesswomen’s Day.”

American Businesswomen’s Day Status.

On Women’s Business Day in America, we all need to have an important conversation about women’s business and spread positive and inspiring words on social media, highlighting the examples of great women entrepreneurs so that all women can choose and do business to become self-reliant. One can earn money and support the family.

  • Have a very Happy American Businesswomen’s Day. We salute all the women who are taking care of their businesses and their homes.”
  • “A woman has the potential to play many roles and a businesswoman is just another one.
  • Women have always made great managers, and the occasion of American Businesswomen’s Day reminds us that they make great entrepreneurs.
  • For some women parties and decorations mean nothing because they are born to build big business empires in the world. Happy American Businesswomen’s Day.

American Businesswomen’s Day Quotes.

A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular service. And it is related to life. Now I am telling you some quotes which are related to American Business Woman’s Day. Now let’s talk about American Business Woman’s Day.

  • Do not bring people into your life who weigh you down, and trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourself with.”   – Michelle Obama, the former first lady of the United States
  • “I want little girls to grow up knowing they can do anything, even play football.” – Jen Welter, first female coach in the NFL
  • “Champions keep playing until they get it right.” – Billie Jean King, an American tennis player who fought for equal prize money for female athletes
  • “You can have it all. Just not all at once.” – Oprah Winfrey, television personality
  • “I hope you will find some way to break the rules and make a little trouble out there. And I also hope that you will choose to make some of that trouble on behalf of women.” – Nora Ephron, American journalist, writer, and filmmaker.

FAQ About American Businesswomen’s Day.

When is American Businesswomen’s Day celebrated?

Ans: American Businesswomen’s Day is celebrated on September 22. Source-wikipedia

Why American Businesswomen’s Day Is Celebrated?

Ans: The opportunity provides insight into platforms and inspirational ways for women to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally.

How to celebrate American Businesswomen’s Day?

Ans: Sponsor a leadership conference or speak at a local school. Attend a career fair and offer your skills as a businessman to aspiring youth. Support businesswomen in your area, whether they are experienced or just starting out.

Women are about twice as likely as men to get capital financing for their businesses, and most of the female entrepreneurs who topped the “Forbes America’s 50 Richest Auto Women” list created and founded their own companies. With more than 9 million women-owned firms, women-owned businesses in the United States generated more than $1.7 trillion in profits.

According to the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, women entrepreneurs own 40% of all businesses in the United States. Women entrepreneurs in the US rate their happiness nearly three times higher than women who are not entrepreneurs or established business owners. According to a study conducted by the “Harvard Business Review”, women rank higher than their male counterparts on several key elements of leadership.