First Day of Black History Month 2023

Black history month is celebrated on full February month. The first day of black history month is February 1st. The Legal Aid Society launched a program to celebrate Awareness Month, beginning with a reception celebrating Black History Month that recognized and honored the diversity of our staff. 

Similar events are now held to celebrate Women’s History Month, Asian American/Pacific Islander American Heritage Month, pride, and Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month. Black History Month is a month set aside throughout the year to recognize, honor, and celebrate the achievements of black men and women.

Black History Month has always been observed in February since its inception.  See how Black History Month started, why February was chosen, and what is the annual theme for Black History Month this year. Woodson chose the second week of February to celebrate Negro History Week because that week was the birthday of two important men: President Abraham Lincoln (February 12) and Frederick Douglass (February 14).

 When Negro History Week became Black History Month in 1976, the second week of February events expanded to the entire month of February.

The History of The First Day of Black History Month.

Black History Month originated with Carter G. and can be desired back to a man named Kathson (1875-1950).

Woodson, the son of ancient Thrall, was an arresting man in his own right.  Since his family was not too penniless to send him to school as an infant, he trains himself in the basics of schooling.  At age 20, Woodson was at last capable to attend high school, which he accomplished in just two years. Woodson then went on to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Chicago.

  In 1912, Wilson became the second African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard University (Webb de Bois was the first).  Woodson used his education to learn hard work.  He taught in both public schools and Howard University.

 Three years after collecting his doctorate, Woodson made a trip that had a serious influence on him.  He outed to Chicago in 1915 to partake in a three-week observance of the 50th jubilee of the end of peonage.  The excitement and enthusiasm generated by the event inspired Woodson to continue studying black history during the year.

 Before leaving Chicago, Woodson and four others formed the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (SNLLH) on September 9, 1915.  Next year, ASNLH.

Began edition of the periodical of Negro History.

 Woodson was convinced that most textbooks at the time neglected the history and feat of Black history. So, in addition to the journal, he looked for ways to encourage interest and research in Black history. In 1926, Woodson promoted the idea of a “Negro Hystic Week,” held the second week of February.

The idea caught on quickly and Negro History Week was soon held around the United States. With high demand for labs, ASNLH began creating pictures, posters, and lesson plans to help schools with Negro History Week.  In 1937, the ASNLEG began producing the Negro History Bulletin, which focused on the annual theme for Negro History Week.

 In 1976, the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Negro History Week and the bicentennial of United States Independence, Black History Week was expanded into Black History Month.  Since then, Black History Month has been illustrated in the country in February.

Why First Day of Black History Month Celebrated.

Black History Month originally began in Chicago in 1915, half a century before the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.  In September of that year, Harvard informed historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland risen the Association for the lesson of Negro Life and History (ASNLH).  It is an organization dedicated to researching and promoting the achievements of Black Americans and others.

This organization started a national ‘Negro History Week’ in 1926.  The birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were celebrated in the second week of February.  The second week of February, coinciding with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass is designated as Negro History Week to honor their significant contributions to the advancement of the condition of the Negro.  Its events inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs, and host performances and lectures.

 President Gerald Ford recognized Negro History Week as ‘Black History Month’ in 1976.  At present, ‘Black History Month is celebrated nationally with great dignity in schools, colleges, offices, and courts.

How First Day of Black History Month Celebrated.

February is Black History Month in the United States.  This is the month when we celebrate the achievements of African Americans as a country.  This month we recognize the contributions African American men and women have made to this country.  This is the month in which school-age children are made to hear Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech and perhaps given a coloring sheet with his picture hanging on a classroom wall. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Dr. 

The contributions of Charles Drew, George Washington Carver, and many others helped shape the very fabric of this country and helped benefit the lives of all Americans, not just African Americans.

 Dr.  Charles Drew’s groundbreaking discoveries in blood transfusion and processing for blood storage are not limited to use by those who identify as Black.  Not pioneers in open-heart surgery performed by Dr. Patricia Bath or Dr. Daniel Williams.  To continue to celebrate these and many other discoveries in one particular month of the year seems perfunctory and disrespectful.

As mentioned earlier, Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech seemed to be the time to teach black history to all subjects.  But, have we as a country ever really wanted to hear his true speech?  Dr. King said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will stand up and embrace the true meaning of its religion: . . . that all men are produced equal.”  If we are to earn this goal, we must get free of the concept that black American history is somehow less than white American history and as such deserves a 28-day celebration.

  We must move past this divisive and discriminatory behavior and embrace the equality of our history.

First Day of Black History Month message.

Black History Month (BHM) has been observed annually in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands since 1926.

 During BHM, Black American Muslims conduct numerous events and campaigns to celebrate the heritage and traditions inherent in African American culture.

This year, the American Muslim Anti-Racism Leadership (AMAL) program is dedicated to raising funds to fund scholarships for Black Muslim anti-racism leaders.  Muslim-ARC wrote in Launchgood.

African American Muslim history spans from the enslavement of Muslim Africans to the Black Muslim movement of the twentieth century.  Black History Month has received national recognition in the United States and Canada and is currently celebrated in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.  The day is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, while it is also celebrated in October in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

White and black war taints our history. We celebrate the first day of history month with different messages We discuss this history with our neighbor’s relatives friends and family and on the first day of history month they have different messages which Help them understand that we are all human beings, forgetting the distinction between white and black.

1. Happy First Day of Black History Month to everybody as we offer our highest favor to African Americans and their history.

2. Be elated, dear friends as the whole earth study of your history and is spellbound by it! Happy First Day of Black History Month

3. We may have done a million injustices against them, but we cannot go back in time to make that right, we can only relieve ourselves in the present and future. Happy First Day of Black History Month

4. The observance of Black History Month suggests that the globe regrets the injustice with the dark-skinned people in the past and looks for a light future. Happy First Day of Black History Month

5. Happy Black History Month to everybody…let’s take a swear not to distinguish against anybody for sheer their skin color. Happy First Day of Black History Month.

First Day of Black History Month wish.

In February, we celebrate Black History Month and honor black citizens who led the civil rights movement—powerful black men and women who have played important roles in science, politics, law, sports, the arts, and more.  A key theme of the annual recognition is honoring generations of black Americans who fought against the odds to achieve full citizenship in American society.

 While it’s encouraging to see broad participation in this recognition, we need to expect more from Black History Month than just education and celebration.

1. We can all feel haughty of ourselves as the whole earth confess our strength during this month of our black history! Happy First Day of Black History Month.

2. It is unjust how the black community is still subjected to elimination every day of their lives and we pray that the illustration of this month can switch that, happy black history month! Happy First Day of Black History Month

3. It is unconvinced how people had to go through so much trial because of the color of their skin! Happy First Day of Black History Month

4. We cannot mutate the sins of the past, but we can expressly study from them and vow to be better mortals in the future! Happy First Day of Black History Month

5. Learning is the only arsenal that we have in our fight for justice. Happy First Day of Black History Month.

First Day of Black History Month Status

According to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we must adopt non-violent direct action techniques to bring about social change.  This action can take many forms.  A strong move is supporting Detroit-based black-owned businesses—these businesses provide neighborhood jobs, much-needed goods and services, and stability to local communities.  Only two percent of Black American spending is spent in Black areas; Our community has the responsibility for promoting our dollars multiple times.

On the first day of history black history month, we can share awareness posts on social media about white and black discrimination. so that there is no discrimination in our future generation our core religion we all can create our core religion not only in our race of people so our different awareness Share on Social media.

Today we are connected on social media through. our posts, our friends, relatives, and our future generations to forget the distinction between white and black, we all human beings will help each other so on the first day of the black month of history our social media.  All of us should highlight the number of insults black people have received from white people for white and black-and-white black discrimination in communication and give different kinds of inspiring words then people of the world will understand that we all have one blood, except black and white. We all have red blood.  We are all human.

1. Let us select ourselves from the eclipse of the minds of people who tract hatred by preaching racialism! Happy First Day of Black History Month.

2. If all skin colors should build anything, then the black color should remain for the strength and power that we have! Happy First Day of Black History Month.

3. We are not funky about toiling; our history will tell you that! Happy First Day of Black History Month.

4. It is time we expand and preach humanity across the world!

5. It is the month that we flatter our story and our power!

6. Hey everyone, be elated because it is that time of the year that we illustrated our story and our struggle!

7. Nobody knows battle and power as much as the blacks, happy black history month!

8. Do not mind yourself putting in your endeavor, you have a tall path to go!

Black History Month-related Quotes.

The war between the blacks and the whites has been going on for a long time, but the war has not completely stopped. The war between the blacks and the whites is still going on. This war is known as the black chapter of history.  They have expressed their various theories about the black month of history, some of their theories are presented below.

1. Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”

—Coretta Scott King

2. “Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us.”

—Susan L. Taylor, journalist

3. “Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.”

—Carol Moseley-Braun, politician and lawyer

4 . “One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings.”

—Franklin Thomas, activist, philanthropist, and former president of the Ford Foundation

5. “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

FAQ About the First Day of Black History Month.

Which date do we celebrate the first day of black history month?

Ans: We Celebrate the first day of Black History month on January 1st. Wikipedia.

Why We celebrated the First Day of Black History Month?

Ans: We celebrate the first day of Black History Month to remember Black History Month and learn from it for future blacks to fight whites.

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February is Black History Month in the United States.  This is the month when we celebrate the achievements of African Americans as a country.  This month we recognize the contributions African American men and women have made to this country. 

In conclusion, this is not black history … it is simply history, our history, American history. Thank you So much for supporting us. Keep visiting our website.