Happy Aids Awareness Month 2023 History, message, wish, Status, quotes.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus.  This disease is caused by a virus called HIV.  HIV is a virus that destroys the human body’s immune system.  In addition, the virus destroys white blood cells (white blood cells), causing the body’s immune system to become ineffective.  The ultimate consequence of contracting HIV is contracting AIDS. 

However, HIV and AIDS are not the same things.  HIV is a virus and AIDS is a disease caused by HIV. Currently, AIDS is a global threat as a terrible disease.  This disease was first detected in America in 1981.  Since 1985, the World Health Organization recommends donating blood only after screening the blood for the presence of HIV before transfusion. 

Once the death of a person with AIDS was inevitable, the disease was called a killer disease. AIDS Awareness Month is observed throughout October to raise awareness about AIDS. you may read World Consumer Rights Day 2023 History, Significance, Quotes and Status

History of Aids Awareness Month

The AIDS epidemic first started in the Congo in 1920. It then slowly spread through the Caribbean to the western part of the world, and by the 1980s it had become a global epidemic.  It was first believed that homosexuals were also drug addicts because the first person diagnosed with the erosive disease was a homosexual. 

Affects the Haitian people in Parvati.  Later, with the help of scientists, people can be reassured that this disease is a viral disease and that it can be caused by corona.  By the end of 1985, there were more than 20,000 AIDS cases worldwide.  Due to this scientists started trying to develop a vaccine against it. In 1987, Parvati developed the first effective drug, AZT. 

But even after that, AIDS began to spread around the world. In 2010, there were more than 20 approved treatment options for AIDS, and new treatments are being developed all the time, making it possible for an AIDS patient to live a full and healthy life with care.

Why do people celebrate Aids Awareness Month

HIV is not spread through the air, cheese, food, or simply touching.  HIV is present in certain human body fluids (blood, semen, breast milk).  As a result, HIV can be spread through sharing these body fluids.  Specific ways in which HIV can spread are:

1) If the blood of a patient with HIV/AIDS is transfused into the body

2) If another person uses the needle or syringe used by the affected person

3) If any organ of the affected person is transplanted into another person’s body

4) Through the mother infected with HIV/AIDS (during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding of a child).

5) Unethical and unsafe intercourse

We can prevent AIDS by creating awareness about the ways of HIV transmission.  Measures that can be taken to prevent AIDS are:

1) Testing for HIV in the blood before taking other people’s blood or transplanting organs

2) Use a new needle/syringe every time for injection

3) Abstaining from unsafe sexual behavior

4) Seeking doctor’s advice in case of taking a child or breastfeeding the child of a mother with HIV/AIDS

5) Consult a doctor without delay if there is any sexual disease

AIDS is a terrible disease that can cause people to die, so only a little awareness can cure the disease. Therefore, this conscious month is mainly observed for all these reasons.

How do people celebrate Aids Awareness month

It is very important to observe the following points to build an AIDS-free country, nation, and society.  There is no alternative to AIDS-free living.  And that is-> strict adherence to religious and ideal rules.  Making religious education compulsory at all levels of education. > Highlighting the evils of AIDS in the media. 

Special training on HIV/AIDS should be given to imams of mosques known as mass media in a planned way.  In this case, religious priests of temples, churches, and pagodas can also be included in this work.> Abstaining from all kinds of immoral, illegal, and unsafe physical relations.> Stopping activities and promotions that arouse sexual curiosity or excite sexual activity.  Such as sexually appealing obscene novels, dirty sex magazines, nude body exhibition programs on satellite TV channels, etc.> Providing rehabilitation and employment for prostitutes including prostitutes.> Encouraging married people to marry. 

Advise adopting restraint. > Keep a watchful eye on the guardians of the youth of the rising age.  Counseling and arranging for them to observe religious devotion and religious principles during adolescence.> Taking HIV-free blood tests in case of urgent need of blood.> Sterilizing surgical instruments properly before operation.> Preventing breastfed babies from drinking the milk of HIV-infected mothers.

Aids Awareness Month Quotes

Almost three decades have passed since the discovery of HIV.  And after these three decades, a group of UK researchers claimed to find the origin of HIV.  Researchers at the University of Oxford claim that more than 36 years have passed since HIV infection. 

And in these 36 years, about seven and a half million people have been infected with HIV.  And after these seven and a half million people were infected, it became possible to identify where the HIV virus came from. Here are some Aids Awareness Month Quotes –

“It is bad enough that people are dying of Aids, but no one should die of ignorance.” – [Elizabeth Taylor].

“You have so much power to bring awareness, prevention,  and change.” [Ashley Judd].

“HIV/AIDS has no boundaries.” [Annie Lennox].

“HIV AIDS is a disease with stigma. And we have learned with experience, not just with HIV AIDS but with other diseases, countries for many reasons are sometimes hesitant to admit they have a problem.” [Margaret Chan].

“AIDS obliges people to think of sex as having, possibly, the direst consequences: suicide. Or murder.” -[Susan Sontag]

“I think AIDS can be won. I think we can win this fight. It is winnable. But it means behavior change.” [Franklin Graham].

Aids Awareness Month Messages/Wishes

AIDS is caused by two viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2.HIV-1 is the most common virus in the world, while HIV-2 is found in West Africa. These two viruses are retrovirus species that mix their DNA with human DNA and stick with that human’s DNA for life.

According to scientists, this virus found in the human body came from the monkey species in humans because the HIV found in the monkey and the HIV found in the human body are very similar. Below are some Aids Awareness Month Messages/Wishes –

“The occasion of World AIDS Day reminds us that we must treat people who help us with respect and equality.  Happy AIDS Awareness Month.

 AIDS not only kills a man but also robs him of life and happiness while he is still alive.  Let us fight AIDS.  Best wishes on AIDS Awareness month.

On AIDS Awareness Month, let us begin to approach people living with AIDS with an open and generous spirit. 

We all need to be open-minded and open-handed to those living with AIDS to ease this journey.  Best wishes on AIDS Awareness month.

Aids Awareness Month Statutes

The main aim of celebrating AIDS Day is to make people fully aware of it.  This disease is spread by the HIV AIDS virus.  Many people believe that HIV is highly contagious.  Such an idea about the virus is not correct at all.  Although the virus is contagious, it does not spread from person to person.  As is the flu virus and the coronavirus.

Here are some Aids Awareness Month Statutes –

The best way to determine if you have HIV is to get tested.  But some early symptoms are fever, chills, rash, night sweats, muscle aches, sore throat, fatigue, sore throat, or mouth ulcers. Happy AIDS Awareness Month!!

HIV self-testing is a process by which a person who wants to know their HIV status collects and tests a sample and discusses the results with a friend they trust.  HIV self-testing does not provide a definitive HIV-positive diagnosis.  It is an initial test that determines whether further health checks are needed. Happy AIDS Awareness Month!!

FAQ About Aids Awareness Month

Why Aids Awareness Month is celebrated?

Ans: HIV is not spread through the air, cheese, food, or simply touching.  HIV is present in certain human body fluids (blood, semen, breast milk).  As a result, HIV can be spread through sharing these body fluids.  Specific ways in which HIV can spread are:

If the blood of a patient with HIV/AIDS is transfused into the body

If another person uses the needle or syringe used by the affected person source Wikipedia https://www.wikipedia.org/

How to celebrate Aids Awareness Month?

Ans: It is very important to observe the following points to build an AIDS-free country, nation, and society.  There is no alternative to AIDS-free living.  And that is-> strict adherence to religious and ideal rules. 

AIDS does not occur immediately after HIV infection.  In the beginning, flu-like symptoms may appear.  After that, no symptoms appear for many days.HIV is named after the human immunodeficiency virus.  What are the symptoms of HIV infection?  These are fever, weight loss, diarrhea, and TB disease. Thanks for being with us.