Happy Women’s Equality Day 2023 History, Significance, Quotes, Status

Every year on 26 August, ‘Women’s Equality Day’ is celebrated in the United States. This day is observed in honor of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. According to the 19th Amendment, gender discrimination was eliminated to include the right of every woman to vote. It was through this amendment that women got the right to vote for the first time. Therefore, this day is observed as equal rights day for women.

The lives of women are still imprisoned in the fence. Step-by-step social, religious, cultural, and political restrictions throughout women’s lives. Some superstitious people still consider women as consumable goods. They are hindering the progress of women in many ways. Capitalist practices of globalization are trying to transform women into commodities.

But women are overcoming that obstacle. Breaking the web of superstition, the humane society is playing a role in development. They are taking to the streets with their rights. Conquering all odds, women are advancing at their own pace. The society of equality is taking us toward building a strong humane world. May this progress of women continue. May the world be beautiful.

You may read Happy International Women’s Day 2023

History of Women’s Equality Day

The movement for women’s suffrage in the United States began before the Civil War. By the 1830s, only wealthy white men had the right to vote in most states of the United States. In 1848, the Women’s Rights Convention in New York protested for the first time about women’s equality. Later in the 1890s, the National American Woman Suffrage Association was formed. It was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  Before the end of the decade, Idaho and Utah granted women the right to vote.

 In 1910, other western states began giving women the right to vote. However, women’s suffrage was not recognized in several eastern and southern states. After this, the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on August 26, 1920, which gave women the right to vote. After that, in 1971, the US Parliament declared August 26 as ‘Women’s Equality Day’ every year.

In 1973, the American Congress and the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, officially recognized August 26 as ‘Women’s Equality Day’. The celebration of this day began in America. Since then, Women’s Equality Day has been celebrated every year around the world.

Significance of Women’s Equality Day

After 72 years of hard work and campaigning for women’s rights, women achieved success in 1920. At that time philosophers like Rousseau and Kant also believed that women were only beautiful, but not fit for any serious work.

In today’s age, women are very advanced. The whole world has seen women able to reach the pinnacle of success. Women today are not behind men in any way. Now many organizations around the world speak out against oppression and violence against women, discrimination, and stereotyping in society.  Continues to provide equal opportunities to women in education and employment. Many companies worldwide are now providing equal opportunities to women in education and employment.

The social context has changed due to the impact of globalization. Today, women and men are moving forward shoulder to shoulder in every field, social, family, and even professional. Be it in the field of education and politics, women’s priority is in all fields. However, inequalities still exist on the way forward, the state must come forward to break them. Even if women work competently in all important ways. She still has to suffer from insecurity to return home.

To be a victim of rape! The state has to provide solutions to these inconsistencies. And women are not women first. People have to think. Bring a change in mentality. Otherwise, the achievements of women will not be sustainable.

How to celebrate Women’s Equality Day?

The creation of a new self-awakening among women is an achievement of the national and global women’s movement. Women have been able to develop themselves in all fields by showing their skills, and have been able to create their positions.

 The state and society must ensure the safety of women by eliminating violence against women.  Students should be taught to become real people to build a democratic and non-communal society by eliminating discrimination. The youth should join in all the struggles and coordinate their plans and work unitedly. Even though the background of some women is different, the surrounding events show that most of the women are still victims of a lot of discrimination.

One disparity is strongly correlated with another disparity. It is seen that while working outside the traditional profession, a girl faces many traditional obstacles. Many questions whether women can work. Technical jobs are still dominated by men. Many men cannot accept women in high-level positions. Opinions are not valued.

There are many forms of discrimination encountered in everyday life that discriminators consider natural. The concepts of equality and equity must be clarified. Tran’s genders still have to face many challenges with their gender identity in the family, society, education, and workplace, which is by no means desirable.

Working to create equal opportunities for all, including men and women of all classes, women must be self-reliant for secure living and true empowerment. Dalits need to make accurate statistics, and training and employment opportunities should be created so that they can live with dignity. And for this purpose, Women’s Equality Day is celebrated every year. Now we know some ways to celebrate Women’s Equality Day-

  • Thank the women in your life

Thank the woman in your life. Women suffer the most discrimination from people close to the family. Only the closest people think that nothing will happen to women. This prejudice and low mentality must be changed. Our society is very advanced now. Women and men are working equally in society. Some countries are now much more developed where there is almost no discrimination against women. But there are still many countries where women are far behind because of the fear of society.

Women are not getting equal rights, starting from gender discrimination to status discrimination, they are constantly being subjected to various tortures.  Caution can start from a family. You start encouraging the woman in your family and thanking her for her work. If each of us speaks from our place, it will be possible to eliminate the discrimination against women to a large extent. If women’s discrimination can be removed from a country, then the development of that country can be faster with the equal efforts of men and women.

So, first of all we should educate ourselves and educate the people of society. To establish equal rights for men and women.

  • Help business women

There are many women in our society who want to be self-reliant but are unable to move forward due to a lack of little support. You can make their job a lot easier by giving them some financial support. If you can afford it, you can work with women who want to establish themselves but are unable to grow their businesses due to financial problems. Every country should work towards establishing equal rights for men and women, this will improve the society and the country.

There are many creative women in our society who can easily become self-reliant and help men with their qualities. If someone in your family has a business idea, help them. By doing this, the woman in your family will regain her morale. And the discrimination against women in society will be removed to some extent. Although our country is developed, many women in society are still not able to live easy life due to prejudice and discrimination. We should all stand by those women. Women are people too. Women should have equal rights as men in the workplace. So, let’s trust these women today on Women’s Equality Day.

  • Register vote

Another way to eliminate discrimination against women is to recognize yourself as a citizen of an independent state. If you are not a voter. But register your voter on Women’s Equality Day.  Being a citizen of every independent country is a matter of pride and you can also be an independent citizen of a country. And you shall have all the rights of that land. So register your vote. And tell all the women you know about it.

We can spread the issue of women’s equality if we want to from our own place. We can educate society. Our little effort is enough to eliminate women’s discrimination in society. There are still many low-minded people in society. But besides them, there are many good people in society. All those people can make people aware by being vocal about women’s equality. Let this be our initiative on Women’s Equality Day today. Also, if you have any Women’s Equality Day event ideas you can share them with others.

Concerns are taken to establish women’s equality

The United Nations has been trying for a long time to eliminate the discrimination against women that has been going on for ages. The United Nations declared the year 1975 as “International Women’s Year” to prepare the necessary fields for the elimination of discrimination against women in various fields by making all concerned aware of women’s rights. Hence the need for more effective and long-term measures to eliminate discrimination against women was felt.

In this context, on December 18, 1979, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, or CEDAW for short. It can be said that an important step has been taken towards achieving the goal of equal rights for women through the adoption of this charter or convention called CID in the United Nations General Assembly.

 The Charter was adopted as a successful result of five years of discussions and reviews between various working groups, the Commission on the Status of Women, and the General Assembly. The Charter calls for the establishment of women’s rights in all political, economic, social, cultural, civil, etc., based on equality between men and women in all matters, regardless of whether they are married or not, by enacting laws at the national level to end discriminatory behavior.

In addition, the Convention recommends measures to accelerate the establishment of equality between men and women and to change the prevailing social and cultural norms that contribute to the perpetuation of inequality. Among other measures, this includes the equal rights of women in political and social life equal opportunity in education, and in pursuit of the curriculum. Ensuring non-discrimination in recruitment and payment of salaries and job security in marriage and maternity.

The Charter also mentions the equal responsibilities of women as well as men in family life. The signing of the Charter began on 1 March 1980 and entered into force on 3 September 1981. Already more than 150 countries have ratified and signed this convention. Also, Women’s Equality Day is observed on August 26 every year to eliminate discrimination against women. Various Women’s Equality Day events are also organized on this day every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to ensure women’s equality and to educate people in society.

In addition, various organizations around the world are now working to eliminate women’s discrimination.  Legal measures are being taken in every independent state to establish women’s equality in society.  Moreover, society is now very educated. If we want to look at the picture from 150 years ago, we will see that women have no place in the workplace, and women’s discrimination is at the top of all.  But today the discrimination against women has reduced a lot. Except for some countries, most countries do not discriminate against women. Every country and government are working to eliminate women.

Women’s Equality Day Quotes

Women have been working for society and the country for a long time. Many such women can be found in history. We all know about the good works of Mother Teresa. She was a craftsman of humanity.  Mother Teresa is a woman who stood as an assurance of survival for the poor and helpless people of society. Not only Mother Teresa, but many other women have played an important role in history.

Even if we want to know about the battlefield of each country, it will be seen that the role of women was essential along with men on the battlefield. Women have always stood for the courage of men. Even today, even in the work field, women in the family are playing an equally important role. But are they getting the right rights?  Not getting. Discrimination against women is still seen in society. And it’s a shame for us.

We can never deny the contribution of women. But why so much discrimination? Many historical writers and even thinkers have highlighted the contribution of women. They have given various quotes about women’s contribution to women’s rights. Let’s take a look at all those quotes on Women’s Equality Day-

  • “My definition is a feminist is a man or a woman who says, yes, there’s a problem with gender as it is today and we must fix it, we must do better. All of us, women and men, must do better.” —Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • “You could make a case that, along with the technological revolution, the most provocative, upending destabilizing, thrilling change in the course of human history is that we’re finally in it… We’re here now, women are in the world, and we will not be bullied.”—Meryl Streep
  • “To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” –Hillary Clinton
  • “A woman is human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less. Equality is a given. A woman is human.” –Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
  • “Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet. In fact, oftentimes, the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.” —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • “There cannot be true democracy unless women’s voices are heard. There cannot be true democracy unless women are given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own lives. There cannot be true democracy unless all citizens are able to participate fully in the lives of their country.” —Hilary Clinton
  • “I think transwomen, and transpeople in general, show everyone that you can define what it means to be a man or woman on your own terms. A lot of what feminism is about is moving outside of roles and moving outside of expectations of who and what you’re supposed to be to live a more authentic life.” —Laverne Cox
  • “They cannot stand that a refugee, a black woman, an immigrant, a Muslim, shows up in Congress thinking she’s equal to them. But I say to them, ‘How else did you expect me to show up?'” —Ilhan Omar
  • “We reject the notion that the work that brings in money is more valuable. The ability to earn more money is a privilege which must not be compounded by enabling the larger earner to buy out of his/her duties and put the burden either on the partner who earns less or on another person hired from outside.” —Alix Kates Shulman
  • “Black women have had to develop a larger vision of our society than perhaps any other group. They have had to understand white men, white women, and black men. And they have had to understand themselves. When black women win victories, it is a boost for virtually every segment of society.”—Angela Davis

Women’s Equality Day statuses

To eliminate discrimination against women in society, the people society must be educated first.  People in our society are still amid superstition. They believe that women are not good at all jobs. They are afraid before assigning any work to women. But we have to remove this superstition. Women also have the freedom to live beautifully. They also have the right to do as they wish. But women cannot move forward due to various obstacles in society.

Various organizations and even the United Nations are constantly taking initiatives to establish women’s equality in society. One such initiative is to observe Women’s Equality Day. Women’s Equality Day is celebrated every year on 26 August to celebrate the equal rights of women. We can be a part of observing this day from our respective places.

Share your status on your social media account on Women’s Equality Day today. Through your status, or women’s quality day timeline post many will be aware of the issue of women’s equality. Here are some Women’s Equality Day social media posts or statuses for your convenience which you can use today on Women’s Equality Day 2023.

  • I am proud that I am a woman. I also have equal rights in this society. Men have no right to interfere with women’s rights. I am a woman and I will always fight for my rights. No one can stop me. Happy Women’s Equality Day everyone.
  • Men as well as women have equal rights in society. Women are people too. Women are an important part of our family. The role of women in our lives is undeniable. Women have always played an important role in life, starting from the family. Wish your favorite woman Women’s Equality Day today. Happy Women’s Equality Day from me to all women.
  • The most important thing we have to remember is that we always have to fight for our rights. If we are afraid then the uncivilized barbarians in society will get an opportunity to torture us. So we have to educate this society.  We have to show that we also have the right to live well in society. Happy Women’s Equality Day to all.
  • Happy Women’s Equality Day to all women. Your contribution to this world is undeniable. All of you have played an important role in society. The world is becoming so beautiful today because of your cooperation. I hope you will make the world more beautiful by playing more important roles.

FAQ about Women’s Equality Day

What is Women’s Equality Day color?


What is the date of Women’s Equality Day?

26 August. Source-Wikipedia

Why is Women’s Equality Day celebrated?

This day is observed in honor of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. According to the 19th Amendment, gender discrimination was eliminated to include the right of every woman to vote. It was through this amendment that women got the right to vote for the first time.  Therefore, this day is observed as equal rights day for women.

What was the theme of Women’s Equality Day 2022?

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow was the theme of Women’s Equality Day 2022.

What is the theme of Women’s Equality Day 2023?

Not declared yet.

Women are an important part of our family and society. Creating an environment in them to live beautifully. All people should come forward to eliminate women’s discrimination in society and establish women’s equality. But we will have a beautiful world. Happy Women’s Equality Day 2023 to all. Hope we have been able to give you all the information about Women’s Equality Day 2023 through this article. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our comment box.  We will try to reply quickly. Thank you very much for staying. Visit our website regularly.