World Toilet Day2023 history, message, wish, status, quotes

World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on November 19. According to a survey, around four and a half million people are living without a toilet.

According to the latest data from the World Toilet Organization (WTO), 2.6 billion people in the world currently lack access to proper and hygienic toilet facilities. In other words, 40% of the world’s people remain without sanitation facilities.

And those who are getting regular access to toilets still lack awareness about toilet rules and sanitization. While we are careful while using the toilet in our own homes, we do not pay attention to many things while using the public toilet like offices, and malls. It is our responsibility to keep the toilet we are using clean.

History of World Toilet Day

The UN General Assembly declared World Toilet Day an official UN Day in 2013 after Singapore tabled the proposal (its first proposal before the UN General Assembly of 193 member states).  According to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the world is currently seriously off track in meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.2:

Commitment to ensuring safe toilets for all by 2030.  The initiative calls on governments to act four times faster on average to ensure SDG 6.2 is achieved on time and urges policymakers to fully recognize the link between sanitation and groundwater in their plans to protect this vital water resource.

Why do people celebrate World Toilet Day

Almost half of the total number of people in the world who defecate outside the house is in India  After that there are four other Asian countries Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, and China. Without clean, safe toilets, human waste (poop) can contaminate the community’s food and water sources, increasing the chances of people getting sick. 

When people do not have access to toilets, they defecate outdoors (called open defecation).  Worldwide, at least 892 million people continue to practice open defecation.  It often causes the spread of diarrheal diseases. 

Every day, around 1,000 children die from diarrhea related to poor sanitation and contaminated water sources around the world.  Safe sanitation, good hygiene practices, and a safe water supply can save the lives of more than 350,000 children a year.

World Toilet Day is an opportunity to learn more about the global sanitation crisis and raise awareness among communities about the importance of sustainable sanitation to keep people healthy and other global water, sanitation, and hygiene issues.  And an opportunity to learn more about hygiene (WASH) issues.

How do people celebrate World Toilet Day

Basically, the things that we waste time doing in the bathroom (toilet) are being pointed out through this campaign.  Like sitting on the toilet, running Facebook, playing games, drawing pictures, and writing on the wall.  As a result, being able to use sanitary toilets when needed has now become the biggest challenge.  Apart from this, due to the lack of toilets and our unconscious use, we do not get usable toilets at the time of need. 

However, this problem can be solved only by using it consciously. Moreover, most of the people in the village still use the toilet. You go to the forest and use different ancient practices, as a result of which various diseases start spreading from the village and it takes the form of an epidemic at one stage.

Therefore, various campaigns are made to make people aware of the use of toilets.  Either village to village, various toilets are established and various organizations take these initiatives to educate people about the need to use toilets and try to maintain a healthy environment. Most people do not know that after using the toilet, we have to wash our hands quickly so that germs do not spread in our bodies.

In order to make people aware of these issues, awareness messages are presented to people in various meetings and seminars including the media.

World Toilet Day Quotes

Lack of sanitation (toilet) facilities affects public health, dignity, and safety.  Lack of sanitation is largely associated with the cause and spread of multiple diseases, including soil-borne helminthiasis, diarrhea, schistosomiasis, and stunting in children. Here are some World Toilet Day Quotes –

The Pacific is the best toilet for satellites.- Neil deGrasse Tyson

Do you know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.- George Carlin

Poop humor is fun. If you do the toilet scenes well and commit to them, they can be powerful. -Sandra Bullock

If you’re embarking around the world in a hot-air balloon, don’t forget the toilet paper.- Richard Branson

In politics, you’re like a toilet seat: you’re up one day and down the next. Doug Ford

Today you can go to a gas station and find the cash register open and the toilets locked. They must think toilet paper is worth more than money. Joey Bishop

I kind of have a strange addiction to hair dryers. Like on the TV show, where they eat toilet paper or eat the wall or something – I’m addicted to hair dryers. Since I was 8 years old, I’ve used them to fall asleep. I love the white noise. I love the heat. It just puts me right to sleep.- Julia Fox

World Toilet Day Messages/ Wishes

One of the most important messages is that safely managed sanitation protects groundwater from contamination by human waste because groundwater is the world’s largest source of fresh water.  It supports drinking water supply, sanitation systems, agriculture, industry, and ecosystems.  Due to climate change and population growth, groundwater is essential for human survival.  According to the UN, safe sanitation protects groundwater. 

Toilets that are properly sited and connected to safely operated sanitation systems can collect, treat and dispose of human waste and help prevent human waste from spilling into groundwater. Below are some World Toilet Day Messages/ Wishes –

 For good health, proper composting of human waste is very important.  Best wishes to everyone on World Toilet Day.”

We should never neglect our toilets and always work for their cleanliness.  Happy World Toilet Day.

“It is strange but still many citizens of the world are struggling for sanitization.  Happy World Toilet Day everyone.”

“We do not take the importance of toilets very lightly.  which should not  World Toilet Day wakes up to the importance of sanitation.”

“Defecating outside is like inviting many diseases that can harm everyone.  Happy World Toilet Day.”

“A clean toilet can add to the health and comfort of life in many ways.  Happy World Toilet Day.”

“Health is always bad without a toilet.  Best wishes on World Toilet Day.”

“The journey of sanitization begins with the construction of paved toilets.  On the occasion of World Toilet Day, let us make everyone aware of the importance of toilets.” you may read Happy World Architecture Day2023, history, message, wish, status, quotes

World Toilet Day Statutes

About one billion people in the world still defecate in forests, on the banks of rivers or canals, or roadsides.  Two and a half billion people do not have access to improved toilets  As a result, various types of diseases spread  The habit of defecation is also playing a big role in the spread of Ebola. Here are some World Toilet Day Statutes  –

A clean toilet is a reflection of your personality.  Happy World Toilet Day.

The journey of hygiene starts with your own toilet and being aware.  Happy World Toilet Day.

Don’t neglect your toilet, keep it clean and stay healthy.  Happy World Toilet Day.

FAQ About World Toilet Day

Why World Toilet Day is celebrated?

Ans: Almost half of the total number of people in the world who defecate outside the house is in India  After that there are four other Asian countries Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, and China. Without clean, safe toilets, human waste (poop) can contaminate the community’s food and water sources

How World Toilet Day is celebrated?

Ans: Basically, the things that we waste time doing in the bathroom (toilet) are being pointed out through this campaign.  Like sitting on the toilet, running Facebook, playing games, drawing pictures, and writing on the wall. source wikipedia

Why World Toilet Day is celebrated?

Ans: World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on November 19.

While going to the toilet is a very common thing and a part of life for you and me, in many African countries like Kenya, this is not the case.  In the absence of a functioning, clean sewage system, access to a proper ‘toilet’ is a dream for many. Thanks for being with us.