International Coffee Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

1 October is International Coffee Day.  The day is a global recognition of the efforts of everyone involved in the coffee industry.

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world.  Coffee is also able to reduce the risk of many diseases due to its high levels of antioxidants and several beneficial compounds.  There are also some other benefits of drinking coffee.

Coffee is the perfect drink anywhere.  On a rough day at work or a tiring evening, coffee is always in demand.  Coffee becomes the most preferred drink, especially in winter.

Researchers say black coffee is healthier than coffee with extra calories mixed with milk and sugar.  Light to moderate caffeine intake can provide many health benefits.  However, excessive caffeine consumption has side effects, which can be detrimental to normal living.

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History Of International Coffee Day

In 2014, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) decided to launch International Coffee Day On 1 October.  In 2015, the ICO first officially launched Coffee Day in Milan.

 The term ‘International Coffee Day’ was first used by the Southern Food and Beverage Museum in 2009 during a press conference to announce the First New Orleans Coffee Festival.

ICO first celebrated International Coffee Day in China in 1997 and Taiwan in 2009.  International Coffee Day was first observed in Nepal on 17 November 2005.

Why Do People celebrate International Coffee Day

The main goal of International Coffee Day is to promote fair trade coffee and raise awareness of the plight of coffee producers around the world.  Helping farmers achieve a fair living.  This day is dedicated to appreciating the millions of farmers who toil day and night to produce coffee.  Various events are organized on this day in almost all coffee shops and chain outlets.  Special discounts are also offered on coffee.  The day is celebrated through social media campaigns and special events at many places.

Disadvantages of coffee

 Not good for the heart: Some studies have shown that caffeine slows blood flow in the arteries that supply the heart.  Especially when needed more, eg during exercise.  Moreover, excess caffeine in the body is also responsible for palpitations, irregular heartbeat, or high blood pressure.

 Sleep disturbance: One thing many people know, drinking tea or coffee reduces sleep.  Studies have shown that those who drink more than three cups of coffee a day rarely get restful sleep.  Another study found that coffee drinkers slept 79 minutes less than non-coffee drinkers.  So say no to coffee if you have trouble sleeping.

 Affinity with sugar: Many people drink coffee without sugar.  However, coffee, cakes, biscuits, and many breakfast items contain sugar.  All in all, maybe 11 tablespoons of sugar are consumed throughout the day.  So those who are trying to lose weight, their efforts will fail.

 Bad for mood: Caffeine increases the body’s levels of a hormone called adrenaline.  Because of this, the tension in the body increases the level of feeling of excitement or nervousness.

 Infertility: Drinking more than five cups of coffee per day can reduce fertility.  If you want to become a mother, you must reduce the amount of coffee.  And avoid coffee after conception.  Because if 200 mg of caffeine goes into the body daily, there is a possibility of miscarriage as well as damage to the baby in the womb.

 Benefits of drinking coffee

 Sports performance: Caffeinated coffee boosts sports performance.  Although it increases the heart rate, coffee also creates energy and enthusiasm in the body.  So drinking coffee before any game brings a different energy to the body.

 Increased mental energy: Studies have shown that during times of stress, 200 mg of caffeine increases concentration.  On the other hand, evidence has been found that caffeine is a particularly beneficial substance in Alzheimer’s disease.

 Reduces the risk of disease: Any type of coffee, with or without caffeine, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

 Cholesterol: Alcohol consumption and obesity increase the number of fatty deposits in the liver.  Liver cirrhosis can be caused by excess fat in the liver along with pain.  Some studies have shown that caffeine can sometimes play an effective role in reducing liver fat.

 Pleasure: Honestly, the smell of coffee gives you a lot of energy.  And it doesn’t take long to get rid of depression when you drink coffee in your stomach.

 According to Australian neuroscience experts, those suffering from hormonal problems should avoid coffee.  According to them, the caffeine in coffee interferes with the secretion of certain hormones.  This results in various complex problems in the body.

Also, various campaigns are organized on this day to make people aware of the injustices faced by workers associated with the coffee industry.

How Do People Celebrate International Coffee Day

The first coffee festival was held in Japan in 1983 and then other countries adopted the concept.

Development of the coffee industry and promotion of the drink.  On coffee days, seminars, demonstrations by baristas, and master classes are held.  Many companies and coffee houses organize promotions or drink tastings, and arrange lotteries.

 It is a celebration of plantation workers, roasters, vendors, and baristas as well as all drink lovers.  Of course, the best way to celebrate it is with a cup of coffee.  Visit your favorite coffee shop or buy yourself a new coffee maker in honor of the holidays.

International Coffee Day Quotes

Coffee is not just a drink.  Authentic Italian Tiramisu is a dessert recipe that has coffee as its main ingredient.  It is made with cream, chocolate, and coffee. Below are some International Coffee Day Quotes-

May your coffee be stronger than any challenges you face today. But if not, remember: DON’T throw your cup at anyone. You need it for refills. — Nanea Hoffman

I don’t know how people live without coffee, I don’t. – Martha Quinn

I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee. – Flash Rosenberg

The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportional to the quantity of coffee he drinks. – Sir James MacKintosh

Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.- David Lynch

International Coffee Day Messages

Coffee acts on the nervous system: it briefly improves the ability to focus and concentrate.

 The lifespan of a coffee tree is up to 70 years. Two types of coffee beans are commonly used to make coffee: Arabica and Robusta.  Arabica has a very pleasant taste, while Robusta contains more caffeine and has a fairly low cost.  Often manufacturers are a mixture of both types. Here are some International Coffee Day Messages –

A cup of coffee can be your lonely companion on this drizzly rainy evening. Happy International Coffee Day!!!

 A cup of coffee in private conversation, And a love storybook is a perfect combination to refresh the mind. Happy International Coffee Day!!

 When reality makes people mad. Happy International Coffee Day.

 A cup of coffee can be the center of healing. Happy International Coffee Day.

International Coffee Day Wishes

Coffee beans are harvested by hand.  It is no coincidence that on International Coffee Day activists try to draw attention to the working conditions of coffee pickers. There are many ways to prepare a strong drink: sage, French press, filter, capsule, geyser coffee maker, and espresso machine. Below are some wishes about International Coffee Day –

 Come on, you, me and coffee will spend some lovely moments together. Happy International Coffee Day!!

 A cup of coffee can become a daily companion in between work. Happy International Coffee Day.

 A cup of coffee can be the only way to refresh your mind when the mind is poisoning real life. Happy International Coffee Day!!!

 If you are looking for headache medicine, you can have a cup of coffee. Happy International Coffee Day.

 There is nothing better than two cups of coffee together with me to get rid of your sadness. Happy International Coffee Day!!!!

 When life becomes dull with the pressure of daily tasks, a cup of coffee can become your constant companion to relieve fatigue. Happy International Coffee Day!!!

International Coffee Day Statutes

Apart from the coffee itself, there are many coffee drinks.  Latte, cappuccino, ruff, glace, macchiato, and others are widely known. Coffee ranks second in the list of most sold products. Here are some Statutes about International Coffee Day –

 A cup of coffee is a little bit of relaxation on a busy day. Happy International Coffee Day!!

What could be more luxurious than a sofa, a good story book and a cup of coffee? Happy International Coffee Day!!

 For inspiration, all I need is a piano, a rush of silence, and a steaming cup of coffee.  The smell of coffee will evoke the music, the quiet silence will hear the music and the piano will bring the melody to life. Happy International Coffee Day!!

 Drinking significant amounts of coffee is essential for every successful person. Happy International Coffee Day!!

 The feeling of drinking coffee at night is like the first snow of winter or the morning after a night storm. Happy International Coffee Day!!

FAQ about International Coffee Day

What is the date of International Coffee Day?

1 October

Is today happy International Coffee Day?

International Coffee Day takes place on October 1 every year. Source-Wikipedia

Not a traditional coffee at all.  Rather enjoy your coffee day with these verses.  Maybe the day will change completely.  Moreover, you can surprise your friends with some new words.  You can make brand-new coffee.  Festive days will become a little sweeter as a result. Thanks for being with us.