International Right to Know Day

International Right to Know Day is being celebrated around the world today September 28. In this world of information technology of the 21st century, the right to access and know information is recognized as a fundamental right of citizens of any country. Right to Know is the right of a citizen to get information about a matter from the appropriate authorities subject to the laws of the state.

The day is observed every year to raise awareness about the right to information. This day is celebrated every year on September 28 to raise awareness among the people of different countries about the right to know all kinds of information about their respective countries.

History of International Right to Know Day

In 1966, the first Right to Information Act was enacted in Sweden and provided the legal basis for public access to information. After that, on September 28, 2012, in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, all the organizations involved in the global human information rights movement came together to form the FOI (Freedom of Information) Network.

The members of the network decided that on September 28, all the countries of the world will promote their ideas and success stories on information rights in their respective spheres, so that the access to information of all people is ensured, the necessary laws, policies, and structures are created in their respective countries and for this purpose, transparent in the practical sense.  Accountable government is established.

Finally, UNESCO through its decision 38 C/57 announced to observe 28 September every year as ‘International Day for Universal Access to Information’ (IDUAI).  The day is being celebrated since 2016 under the supervision of UNESCO IPDC.

However, the first attempt or demand for such recognition was presented by private and civil society in 2002 at the International Conference of Information Rights Workers held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

 Specific laws are being enacted and enforced in each country to provide the legal basis for the right to information, not just the observance of the day.  As of this year, 128 countries have enacted Right to Information laws. 

Why do people celebrate International Right to Know Day

Access to public information is paramount to achieving sustainable development goals. It is not possible to achieve the goal of sustainable development by leaving no one behind, and that is why it is necessary to ensure access to information for all. For example, Goals 1 and 2 are No Poverty & Zero hunger respectively.

Total eradication of hunger and poverty in all forms and degrees and ensuring dignity and equality of people everywhere. To achieve this, the types and levels of hunger and poverty are identified very closely, as the rights to be established for their dignity and equality, in what process and by whom they can be developed, and the measures taken for that purpose.  and to promote, disclose, provide and share with all beneficiaries.

 In other words, it will be very difficult to achieve sustainable development goals if these databases cannot be created and made accessible to the general public. In this case, it is possible to overcome this situation if the implementation of the Right to Information Act is ensured everywhere for all people.

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International Right to Know Day Quotes

The concept of information has been around since the dawn of human civilization. At the stage of the development of civilization, at the stage where the society has been divided into classes, the powerful have blinded the common people. A revolution took place with the invention of the mechanical press in the fifteenth century.

Books, newspapers, and other publications continued to proliferate. The printed book was passed from hand to hand. As a result, various ideas, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and feelings continued to spread rapidly. Here are some International Right to Know Day Quotes-

  • “The public relies on the advice of doctors and leading researchers. The public has a right to know about the financial relationships between those doctors and the drug companies that make pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors.”   -Chuck Grassley
  • “But in the first Gulf war, the United Kingdom was not under any threat from Iraq and is still less so in the second one. Then there is no justification for obstructing freedom of information, particularly as nations have a right to know what their soldiers are being used for.” – Kate Adie

 International Right to Know Day Messages

End all forms of poverty and hunger everywhere, Good health for all people of all ages, Inclusive and equitable quality education for all, Empowerment of all women and girls, Water and sanitation for all, Access to energy for all, Employment for all, Inclusive society.

For all  Implementation of Right to Information Act will be particularly effective in facilitating access to justice, building effective accountable inclusive institutions at all levels, etc. The more the law is enforced and practiced, the more access to information is ensured for all. Information will be readily available. Below are some Messages-

May this day bring us peace.  Celebrate the day with joy all around. Happy International Right to know the day.

  • Thanks to UNESCO for making it a common man. Happy International Right to know the day.
  • Right-to-know laws increase transparency.  It is the development of a national democracy .  It is a key factor in the development of the country. Happy international Right to know Day.
  • All direct hope that all people want to know about their rights to any information network. Happy International Right to Know Day.
  • -Every citizen acquires the right to information after birth. Happy International Right to Know day.

International Right To Know Day Wishes

Right-to-Know laws can be key in ensuring equality of opportunity for all people, equitable distribution of resources, implementation of all fundamental rights, and provision of social security rights to vulnerable, marginalized, and backward populations by those engaged in the functioning of the republic.

It is possible to bring all communities into the mainstream of development by ensuring free access of people to services, resources, and safety nets undertaken by various Ministries/Departments/Departments/Headquarters and non-governmental organizations using the Right to Information Act and implementing them in this way. Here are some Wishes-

  • Wishing you all a “Right to Know Day”.  It promotes our freedom of access to information.
  • This day emphasizes access to the right to information, which is essential for democracy and governance.
  • We celebrate the privilege of this day, which is the inauguration of our fundamental right to access all information. Happy International Right To Know Day.

International Right-To-Know Day Status

Ensuring the rule of law, fundamental human rights, justice, and social, political, and economic rights is essential for an ideal and welfare state. The right to information is an integral part of freedom of speech.  Right to Information is also considered a means of empowering people. As more information reaches people’s doorsteps, more awareness will increase, speed of work will also increase. Here are some International Right to Know day Statues-

The right to information is fundamental. Makes aware of other rights. Happy International Right To Know Day.

  • Right to information is important for a transparent and corruption-free government. Happy International Right To Know Day.
  • It also allows for compulsory democracy. Happy International Right To Know Day.
  • Demand for access to data and knowledge allows ordinary people to engage in social policy-making.
  • This special right made it possible for the public to express their opinions in the formulation of government measures. Happy International Right to know the day.

FAQ about International Right to know Day

What is the date of International Right to know Day?

28 September.

What is the date of International Day for Universal Access to Information?

15 October. Source-Wikipedia

The SDGs are an action plan to ensure peace, prosperity, and sustainable development for people around the world, which will strengthen world peace, end all forms of hunger, poverty, and inequality by achieving economic growth, uphold the importance of justice and address the risks of climate change and environmental degradation. Can be taken.

And the motto of these activities will be to follow the principle of ‘leaving no one behind’. The implementation of this principle is possible by ensuring everyone’s access to information. Here is the greatness of our main motto in celebrating this day. Thanks for being with us.