Happy Mexico Mother’s Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes, Status

Mother’s Day is a commemorative event that honors mothers and celebrates motherhood, maternal debt, and the influence of mothers on society in Mexico. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year in May in Mexico, this year is the 10th of May  Mexico Mother’s Day.

Mother is the most respected person in this world. Although the word consists of only one letter, its extent is bigger than the ocean.

There is no more special word than this word. This is the word most pronounced in the human mouth after birth.

Today is Mother’s Day in Mexico. The day comes and goes every year along the calendar.

History of Mexico Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is one of the biggest events in Mexico. Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world but on different dates in different countries. Mother is the most important part of us all. Mothers do everything from showing us the world to nurturing us. Mother’s Day is celebrated concerning mothers. The celebration of Mother’s Day dates back to ancient civilizations. Mother is completely different from modern-day Mother’s Day celebrations. An idea of their motherhood came from the goddess. Gods and Goddesses were sacred idols in ancient civilizations. 

Among them was Goddess Riya who was called the mother of Gods. The Greek goddess Cybele was called by the Romans the Great Mother. Every day’s origin has some religious significance. The Mother’s Day holiday was imported to Mexico in 1922 by the Alvaro Obregon government from the United States. The holiday was widely publicized at the time by the El Excelsior newspaper.

The day was started to promote the conservative role of mothers in the family. The Cárdenas government tried to promote the day to the nation to highlight the importance of the family. Mexicans wanted to create respect and morality for women and importantly to reduce the influence of the Church on women. Mother’s Day is one of the many holidays celebrated in Mexico in May.

Why do Mexican people celebrate Mother’s Day?

‘Mother’ – a small word, but its scope is huge! From the beginning of creation, this sweet word is not only the source of mercy but also the highest source of power. Without Mother’s grace, no living being can take life  She is our pregnant mother.

A woman becomes a mother after carrying a child for ten months and ten days. She has to endure excruciating pain while the child is in her womb. During this time he also had various physical problems.  After many hardships, a woman finally becomes a mother. Her child sees the light of the world. Even so, she endured many hardships while raising her children. When the child grows up and crawls, and learns to walk, then it has a watchful eye on the mother.

It can be said that the mother’s role in the physical and mental formation of the child is immense. Children learn manners from their mothers. Children’s education is entrusted to the mother. Mother is the child’s first teacher. When the child goes to school and college, the mother has to take care of them. There is no end to the mother’s worries until the child is established. When the baby is established, the mother feels some relief.

Then get peace by marrying or betrothing her. Even in the family life of the child, the mother tries to build a happy family. Because the happiness of the child is the happiness of the mother.

That’s why Mother’s Day is mainly celebrated to show how immense the importance of mothers is in our lives and how great mothers are.

How do Mexican people celebrate Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is celebrated differently in different countries.  Let’s know how Mother’s Day is celebrated in any Mexico-

 On this day, Mexican mothers are honored with food, flowers, and music. Mexican children join Mexican mariachi bands to sing popular songs such as Las Mananitas for their mothers. Families prepare meat hash for mothers, daughters bring vegetables and cheese, and sons bring meat. Children got up early in the morning and tied the mother up tight. The mother is not freed from this bond until the gift is given to the child.

On this day of the year the children who live far, come to meet family and mothers and gift flowers to their mothers. Because of this, Mother’s Day is celebrated as a very sacred festival in the country.  The day is celebrated with enthusiasm. On this day, sons and daughters wake up early in the morning and greet their mothers with loving messages. Everyone presents the mother with flowers of choice.

You may read Mother’s Day 2023. History, Message, Wish, Quotes, Status.

Mexico Mother’s Day Quotes

There is a strange satisfaction in the word mother, An eternal peace. However, there are no more helpless and unfortunate people like those who have to live life without their mothers in the crisis of the situation.  Life without a mother is like a desert, a waterless ocean, and airless nature. No one but a worthy child understands how great a shelter a mother’s bosom is. And when you have to live without that mother, even a moment becomes miserable, suffocating. Here are some Mother’s Day Quotes-

  • “Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” —William Makepeace Thackeray
  • “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust
  • “It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” —Mahatma Gandhi
  • “There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” —Elder M. Russell Ballard
  • “A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” —Unknown
  • “When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto
  • “Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” —Leroy Brownlow
  • “Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” —Susan Gale

Mexico Mother’s Day Message

Mother is the sweetest sound in the world sweet call. The first word that comes out of a child’s mouth after birth is mother. When we came into the world we were extremely helpless. Mother raised us slowly with our love, affection, service, and care. So the importance of a mother is immense in everyone’s life. Below are some Mexico mother’s day messages –

  • Everyone in the world will love you in the love that hides any need.  But the one person who will love you unconditionally is your mother. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • I have received many gifts in life but the best gift that God has given me before birth is my mother. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • Children’s heaven under mother’s feet Those who hurt the mother will never go to heaven.  So my request to everyone is to never hurt mother. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • No one but a worthy child knows how big a thing a mother’s lap is.  A hundred thoughts are in your head, once put your head on your mother’s lap, you will see that all thoughts will disappear.  No matter where you go in the world, you will not find the peace of your mother’s arms anywhere. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • You were our role model to us.. even if we try we can’t erase your memory from our minds we still miss you so much, mom. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.

Mexico Mother’s Day Wish

Mother’s Day is a day that we try to spend with our mothers a little differently. World Mother’s Day is a day that the whole world dedicates to their mothers. And on this day we celebrate together with mother. At the beginning of Mexico Mother’s Day, you can wish your mother this day. Here are some wishes –

  • Mom, you are the most outstanding woman in my life, and you will always be my number one.  Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • Best friend and best mother ever;  You are seriously a gift to me! I love you. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world.  It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • To the man who has done more for me than anyone in this world!  Love you, Mom. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.
  • Thank you for being an incredible mother and role model to me during my childhood. I am grateful for your support and guidance as I navigate through life. Happy Mother’s Day. Happy Mexico Mother’s Day.

Mexico Mother’s Day Status

Today is Mexico Mother’s Day, on Mother’s Day, you can give a status on Facebook as per your plan.  Because nothing else can be found in the world other than mother and precious thing than mother.  So you must provide status on your social media to make this day special and memorable.  For that in today’s article, we have attached Mexico Mother’s Day Wishes Status.

  • Everyone in the world will love you in the love that hides any need.  But the one person who will love you unconditionally is mother
  • I have received many gifts in life but the best gift that God has given me before birth is my mother
  • Children’s heaven under mother’s feet Those who hurt the mother will never go to heaven.  So my request to everyone is to never hurt mother.

FAQ about Mexico Mother’s Day

What is the date of Mexico Mother’s Day?

10th May. Source-Wikipedia.

Why do Mexican people celebrate Mother’s Day?

Mexicans wanted to create respect and morality for women and importantly to reduce the influence of the Church on women.  Mother’s Day is one of the many holidays celebrated in Mexico in May.

Mother’s Day is celebrated with special significance in every country.  Mothers have immense importance in all of our lives.  Mothers are like no other.  Mother is the only selfless love in the world.  Therefore, Mother’s Day is celebrated in every country in the world by paying respect to mothers.  Although there is no special day for mothers, we love mothers every day.  Yet there needs to be a special day to honor them.  This special day is celebrated by Mexican people with special traditions.