National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day is observed on the first Wednesday of May. This year, it is held on May 3. The day was first celebrated in 1993. The implication is to raise awareness of the importance of getting anxiety disorder screening.

Anxiety screening is essential to find out if one has an anxiety disorder and to learn how to treat or manage such a condition. Several online tests screen for anxiety, though it’s best to see a doctor for a more detailed exam. The doctor will do a physical exam and ask about your symptoms. They will also recommend a blood test, which helps determine if another condition may be causing your symptoms.

History Of National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day

Latin and Greek doctors and philosophers recognized anxiety as distinct from other types of negative states and characterized it as a medical disorder. Ancient Epicurean and Stoic philosophers suggested techniques for reaching an anxiety-free state of mind that largely resembled modern cognitive psychology. Unfortunately, there was a long gap between classical antiquity and the late 19th century in which anxiety was not classified as a separate illness. 

However, people continue to report common occurrences of anxiety disorders, albeit under different names. In the 18th century, Boissier de Sauvages published a nosology that recognized panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder as ‘pano phobias’. Later in the 19th century, the term ‘neurasthenia’ was coined to describe a medical condition involving lethargy, headache, and restlessness.  symptoms.

These anxiety symptoms were an essential ingredient in the formation of such new diseases. In India, people have used numerous Ayurvedic herbs in traditional medicine for centuries to calm the mind and positively improve their mood. The most common were brahmi, gotu kola, and ashwagandha.

Before advances in medicine, ancient treatments included the use of various herbs and balms (medieval times), hydropathy (subjecting the body to extreme temperatures), bathing in extremely cold streams and rivers, health spas, and bloodletting with leeches.

However, as psychoanalysis gained traction and with the rise of Freud, people began to embrace therapy as a solution to anxiety disorders. Although anxiety disorders have only recently been officially recognized, they have existed throughout our history.  Numerous influential people in history have reported experiencing anxiety disorders and panic attacks, such as Johnny Depp, Adele, Selena Gomez, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill.

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Why is National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day celebrated?

Anxiety disorders are a cluster of mental disorders characterized by significant and uncontrollable feelings of worry and fear. Anxiety can cause physical and cognitive symptoms, such as restlessness, irritability, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, increased heart rate, chest pain, abdominal pain, and others. Various symptoms can vary based on the individual.

In casual speech, the words worry and fear are often used interchangeably. In clinical use, they have different meanings: anxiety is defined as an unpleasant mental state for which the cause is either not easily identified or is considered uncontrollable or unavoidable, whereas fear is an emotional and physiological response to a perceived external threat. Anxiety disorders refer to certain disorders that include fears (phobias) or anxiety symptoms.

There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, illness anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, and selective mutism. Individual disorders use specific and unique symptoms, trigger events, and timing.  can be determined.

If a person is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, a medical professional must evaluate the person so that the anxiety cannot be attributed to another medical illness or mental disorder. It is possible for a person to have more than one anxiety disorder in their lifetime or at the same time. Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and affect about 30% of adults at some point in their lives. However, anxiety disorders are treatable and several effective treatments are available.

How to Celebrate National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day?

There are numerous books with practical tips on positive ways to manage anxiety and related disorders. Some examples include “The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (4th Edition)” by E.J.D.  Greenberger and C. Bourne and “Mind Over Mood” by Pedesky. These resources can help you and your loved ones achieve emotional well-being. Practice relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques like breathing exercises are great for reducing stress and managing anxiety.

Take a few moments this holiday to practice some of them. You can also opt for other treatments such as aromatherapy, massage, mindfulness meditation, shiatsu, and tai chi. As much as mental health is talked about these days, it is still a subject with a stigma attached to it. Talking to your friends and family about anxiety disorders can help demystify the issue.

National Anxiety disorder screening day Message.

This week we enter the third full week of May which marks National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week. This week is our nation’s dedication to working to end the stigma against mental illness. An initiative like this is deeply important because one in five adults in the United States suffers from mental illness. Annually, 8.4 percent of adults experience a depressive episode and 19.1 percent of adults are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Let’s send some Messages on National Anxiety disorder screening day.

  • Happy National Depression Screening Day to all. Many of us struggle with anxiety or depression and don’t even know it.
  • In our busy and demanding lives, it is very easy to fall into the trap of depression without realizing it. Happy National Depression Screening Day.
  • National Depression Screening Day reminds us all to wake up to depression and find out if we’ve fallen for it.
  • Happy National Depression Screening Day everyone.

National Anxiety disorder screening day Wish.

These findings make depression and anxiety disorders among the most common mental health disorders diagnosed among American adults. With the high prevalence of anxiety and depression in the United States, either you or someone you love may experience one of these mental health conditions. You may have heard of the condition by name, but you’re not sure what anxiety or depression means more specifically. On national Anxiety disorder screening day we have sent a greeting wish.

  • Screening depression on time can save us all challenges and darkness. Best wishes on National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day.
  • On National Depression Screening Day, let’s take a step forward for better depression diagnosis and treatment. Warm greetings to all.
  • We are blessed with a beautiful life and we cannot let depression and anxiety rob us of its charm and glory. Happy National Anxiety Disorder Screening Day.

National Anxiety disorder screening day Quotes.

A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular service. And it is related to life. Now I am telling you some quotes which are related to National Anxiety disorder screening day. Now let’s talk about National Anxiety disorder screening day.

  • Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength — carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

       — Corrie ten Boom

  • “Chronic anxiety is a state more undesirable than any other, and we will try almost any maneuver to eliminate it. Modern man is living in anxious anticipation of destruction. Such anxiety can be easily eliminated by self-destruction. As a German saying puts it: ‘Better an end with terror than a terror without end.”

        — Robert E. Neale, “The Art of Dying”

  • “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest taken between two deep breaths.”

        — Etty Hillesum

  • “Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.”

        — Kahlil Gibran

  • “Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” — Marcus Aurelius

FAQ About National Anxiety disorder screening day

When is National Anxiety disorder screening day?

Ans: National Anxiety disorder screening day on the first Wednesday of May.

Why is National Anxiety disorder screening day celebrated?

Ans: Anxiety can cause physical and cognitive symptoms, such as restlessness, irritability, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, increased heart rate, chest pain, abdominal pain, and others. Various symptoms can vary based on the individual. In casual speech, the words worry and fear are often used interchangeably. Source-Wikipedia

How to Celebrate National Anxiety disorder screening day?

Ans: The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (4th Edition)” by E.J.D.  Greenberger and C. Bourne and “Mind Over Mood” by Pedesky. These resources can help you and your loved ones achieve emotional well-being. Practice relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques like breathing exercises are great for reducing stress and managing anxiety.

You are not the only one. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders which include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder are the most common mental health.

And mood disorders including major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder are leading causes of disability. It’s okay! Here, I will provide a brief description of these categories of disorders to help you develop your understanding of them. Before I begin, it is important to clarify that anxiety and depression are not single mental health disorders. Rather, they are categories of multiple types of anxiety or depressive disorders. I will describe each category of disorder below.