Happy Programmers Day 2023 History, Significance, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

If you are a computer programmer, then today is celebrated worldwide for you. And in addition to being a programmer, if you are a Russian, you also get a public holiday from your working day. Yes, that’s right, Programmers Day! The 256th day of every year. 13th September (12th in a leap year) is celebrated as Programmers Day in different countries of the world. Many programmers may have already understood the reason why the day is 256th.

Reason – This number is the maximum value of an 8-bit binary number system. Another reason is that 256 out of 365 is the closest binary power value. The next number (2^9 = 512) also becomes larger than 365. And if these 256 decimal numbers are represented again in hexadecimal, it is 100. For these reasons, the Russian government recognized this 256th day of the year as Programmer’s Day around 2009. The topic was first raised by two Russian programmers, Valentin Bolt and Michael Karvikov.

 Since then, the day has been officially recognized in Russia, and also in Bangladesh, Argentina, Israel, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Austria, Australia, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, India, Poland, China, Japan, Romania, and other countries. Yes. Donald Knuth has a fun activity about this day and number. This American computer scientist has a groundbreaking book on computer programming. The book is called “The Art of Computer Programming”, which is one of the guides for computer programmers.

History of Programmers Day

The idea of ​​celebrating Programmer’s Day came first from Russian programmer Valentin Baltro and Michael Cherviakov of Parallel Technologies. The two of them got together and told everyone about the 2002 Programmer’s Day. Then created enthusiasm among people to celebrate Programmers Day and requested the Russian government to celebrate Programmer’s Day. The Russian government approves the celebration of Programmers Day.

However, until 2009, Programmer’s Day was not a public holiday in Russia. On September 11, 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a bill to establish programs and days in honor of computer programmers. The day started to be celebrated in different countries of the world.  And somewhere the date of the program day is different. In China, Programmers Day is celebrated on October 24, which has been a long tradition. The reason for choosing October 24 is that it can also be written as 1024 which is equal to 210.

In real numbers 1024 is treated as 1000 but there is an interface calculation between binary code and the decimal world. Earlier, Programmers Day was celebrated on 7th January, then the date was changed, and 13th September was declared as Programmers Day. Many countries still celebrate Programmers Day on 7th January. Programmers Day honors all the programmers of the world.

We all benefit from programmers in the modern world most of the work is done by programmers. Programming is used in everything from educational services to transportation.  Almost all big business organizations have an IT sector where all the work of that organization is done through programming. Telecommunication is most dependent on programmers. Security society is contributing to the program in all areas of entertainment. From inventing new designs to security systems, programming is required in all areas.

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Significance of Programmers Day

A programmer is a person who creates computer software or applications by giving specific programming instructions to the computer. A programmer may specialize in one or more computing fields such as database, security, or software/firmware/mobile/web development.  These people are instrumental in the development of computer technology and computing. Now the triumph of science is going on all over the world.

And due to its benefit, the present era has become the era of computers, in this era people cannot live for a moment without computers. Factories-Rockets-Airplanes-Cars-Government Offices-Private Offices-NGOs-Schools-Colleges-Madrasahs are now all working through computers. By summing billions of numbers and handing them over to the authorities in a very short time, the cashier can make sure that he is at home.

Computers are now planning and controlling production in large factories, calculating profit and loss. Railways, Airlines, Bank Research Centers, Insurance, etc. are dominated by computers. Revealing test results, finding criminals, collecting information from old case documents, and advertising, all these are now being done by the machine brain created by man. And the one who manages this computer is the programmer.

A skilled programmer can easily solve all the tasks of an organization through his programming skills. A programmer will take a maximum of 10 minutes to do the work that would take an ordinary person a day. Because any computer work can be done very easily and quickly through programming. In this age of information technology, it is not possible to progress without programming. So, the importance of a skilled programmer is very high. So, Programmers Day is celebrated every year by honoring programmers.

How to celebrate Programmers Day?

In today’s age, there is an ‘app’ for almost every task. Software developers and engineers use software to solve problems, simplify business processes, or provide a better user experience. But no software can be created without coding. That is why the role of the programmer is essential in developing any application. If you have problem-solving skills and knowledge of coding languages, a computer programming may be the right career for you.

A computer programmer or coder is a technology professional who works using various coding languages. The job of programmers is to effectively write code according to the plans made by software developers and engineers. They usually work with Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, HTML, PHP, and SQL.

Using these languages, ​​they can write instructions for computer applications that can be used by computers to perform various tasks. A programmer plays the most important role in building a digital world. A programmer is constantly making our work easier. Therefore, Programmers Day is celebrated every year in memory of programmers. Let’s find out how you can celebrate Programmers Day-

Make your career as a programmer

You can start learning to program. A programmer is in high demand in today’s world.  Almost every big business organization needs programmers to solve all IT-related tasks. Also, the world’s renowned IT organizations such as Google and Facebook recruit skilled programmers every year. And in all these organizations programmers are charged the highest salary.

If you can make your career as a programmer, you will never look back. A skilled programmer can easily get a job in any IT company sector. Computer education is an education through which you can survive in any job very easily. And a skilled programmer manages the computer. So, you can start learning programming to build your career as a programmer.

Develop your programming skills

If you are a programmer or trying to learn new programming. But you can try to improve your programming skills. Nowadays programming can be learned online. You can take various paid courses as well as learn programming from YouTube for free. Besides, all universities have a department of computer science and engineering.

By studying there you can learn computer programming and earn a certificate along with it. You can approach various mentors to learn computer programming.  Nowadays programming can be learned very easily at home. All it takes is persistence. By practicing you can become proficient in programming. So apart from learning programming, more and more practice are required. Which will make you a skilled programmer.

Programmers Day Quotes

The whole world is now dependent on technology. More than half a hundred jobs are now done through computers. New software is constantly being developed to make people’s lives easier. The software is constantly being updated. We are getting new features. We can now easily do everything from ordering food to shopping at home. But have you ever wondered how things are done so easily?

Because those who workday and night behind this software are skilled programmers. A programmer is constantly thinking about software development, software updates, and how to innovate. A programmer plays the most important role in building this technology-based digital world. From waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night, we try to do everything on mobile computers. And we can easily do these tasks with the help of a programmer.

So, every year Programmers Day is celebrated on the 13th of September in honor of programmers. This day is a holiday but not all countries observe the day as a national holiday. Many countries celebrate Programmers Day on 7th January. But in most countries, September 13 is observed as Programmer’s Day. A day to honor those who are constantly working to build a digital world is a must. Let’s see some quotes from famous programmers on Programmers Day today-

  • “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • “Ruby is rubbish! PHP is phpantastic!” – Nikita Popov
  • “Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.” – Cory House
  • “Fix the cause, not the symptom.” – Steve Maguire
  • “Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treatment. “ Kent Beck
  • “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler
  • “First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” – John Johnson
  • “Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “To be irreplaceable, one must always be different” – Coco Chanel
  • “Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet.” – Chris Heilmann

Programmer Day Messages/Wishes

With the help of the Internet, any information is being exchanged from home to anywhere in the world instantly. The computer is so essential in modern life. Computers are used in almost every business today. Computers are being used in business organizations for keeping accounts, employee accounts, preparing financial reports, product accounts, and many more.

By using the internet on the computer, it is becoming possible to communicate and exchange files quickly with employees and even with businesses outside the country. Any information can be stored safely on the computer. Computers capable of retrieving any information can be arranged as desired. The security of any information stored confidentially in computer memory is fully guaranteed. And we do all this work through different software.

A computer is an inanimate object. The computer cannot run alone it has to be managed. And all the complex work of the computer is managed by a skilled programmer. Constantly we are exchanging information with each other through various software and even protecting the privacy of information. A skilled programmer is constantly working to protect the privacy of this information. Who is ensuring the security of our information?

We are getting entertainment using Facebook and YouTube. This software’s managed by a skilled programmer. Programmers Day is celebrated in honor of those who bring entertainment to our lives. You can send greeting messages to any skilled programmers you know on Programmers Day today. Below are some greetings for you-

  • Thanks to all the programmers of the world, who are constantly making our daily work easier by inventing new software. Happy Programmers Day.
  • Programming is all about creativity and passion. A dedicated programmer can easily solve complex tasks through coding. Happy Programmers Day.
  • A programmer is constantly working to bring new trends to software. And we are benefiting from all those software. Happy Programmers Day.

Programmer Day Status

A programmer’s job is not as easy as we think. A program has to solve new problems every day.  If the coding is wrong, he/she has to try to solve it again. It can be seen that after making a huge effort, he/she has to do the same thing a second time for a small mistake. A programmer has to constantly work endlessly to create and maintain software.

Skilled programmers deserve a lot of respect. Because they are improving our technology with their skills. Let’s honor all programmers today by sharing a status on Programmers Day-

  • Only programmers can make the impossible possible with their coding skills. Happy Programmers Day.
  • Programming is not an easy subject. Programming is possible only for the patient and passionate people. Happy Programmers Day.
  • Many thanks to the programmers who are constantly giving us new programming ideas.  Happy Programmers Day.

FAQ about Programmers Day

What is the date of Programmers Day?

13 September.

In which country is international Programmers Day an official holiday?


Who is the king of coding?

Currently, Python. Source-Wikipedia

Let us celebrate the day by honoring programmers. Happy Programmers Day to all. Thank you so much for being with us.