Happy United Arab Emirates National Day 2023

Every year on December 2nd Day is celebrated in the country of United Arab Emirates as United Arab Emirates National Day. On this day in 1971, the country gained independence from the British Empire.  Since that day, December 2 is celebrated as United Arab Emirates National Day. Around the day, the local Arabs as well as the expatriates living in Arabia also celebrate Arab Emirates National Day with joy.

The country is now a beautiful land of beautiful beauty due to the infrastructural development of independence. Beautiful beauty, safe and peaceful country UAE. The country is among the most developed countries in the world and also among the top safest countries in the world to live in.  On the other hand, according to the World Happiness Report, the Emirates is also on the list of happiest countries in the world.

 Moreover, the tourist attractions in the country, especially in Dubai, include the Holy Qur’an Park, the Guinness Book of Miracles Garden, the Butterfly Garden, the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab Hotel, the eighth wonder island Jumeirah Palm Island, the famous Sheikh Zayed Mosque with its unparalleled beauty of modern architecture. , the world’s most spectacular museum, the Museum of the Future, and much more. Tourists from different countries of the world flock to the country every day.

History of United Arab Emirates National Day

During the Portuguese invasion led by Albuquerque, several bloody skirmishes took place along the coast of the region.  As a result of conflicts between the treaty coast inhabitants and the British, the British sacked Rash al-Khaimah once in 1809 and again in 1819.  This led to the establishment of some of the first British treaties with the treaty rulers in 1820.

 Several other treaties, including the Treaty of Perpetual Coastal Peace, were signed in 1853, resulting in peace and prosperity along the coast until the 1930s.  After that, the pearl trade was stopped and the inhabitants of this coastal region were in dire straits.

 In 1968, the British came to a decision that they would cease their activities on the treaty states and form the United States. This decision was supported by two of the most influential leaders of the contracting states – Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi and Sheikh Rashid bin Syed Al Maktoum of Dubai.

 The two urged other treaty powers to join the United States.  At one time, it seemed that Bahrain and Qatar would join the union, but they decided to remain independent.

 Then on December 2, 1971, a United Arab Emirates was formed with 7 emirates.  Six of the emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, and Fujairah) were connected that day. On December 2, 1971, six emirates declared their independence from Britain and called themselves the United Arab Emirates.  (Rash Al Khaimah was initially elected, but eventually joined the Federation in February 1972).

Why do they celebrate United Arab Emirates National Day

We know how important freedom is to a country.  Independence is a matter of pride for a nation.  It is the greatest joy to be able to identify our country as an independent state.  On December 2, 1971, the United Arab Emirates was freed from the rule of the British Empire.  They got freedom on this United Arab Emirates National Day.  And we all know how important it is for a nation to gain independence.

The significance of freedom is immense.  So United Arab Emirates National Day is a very happy day for UAE.  On this day all citizens celebrate this day together.  The purpose of these observances is that they celebrate the glory of becoming free from subjugation.  And hold on to history.  There is no other occasion in the UAE where there is as much fanfare as they do on United Arab Emirates National Day.

After gaining independence, the United Arab Emirates has progressed a lot in terms of development.  Every year families celebrate this day together to teach their children about the history of UAE to remember the history of independence.  A little more purpose of celebrating this day is that on this day all Emiratis celebrate the festival of independence together, thus increasing the bond of brotherhood among them.  And they can realize the peace of gaining freedom.  Through United Arab Emirates National Day, they can realize the glory of living independently rather than being subjugated.

How to celebrate United Arab Emirates National Day

The United Arab Emirates is a desert country.  After independence, under the leadership of former president Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the country’s position in road communication infrastructure and human resource development has become very high. Until the discovery of petroleum in the 1950s, the United Arab Emirates was originally a collection of undeveloped areas under British rule.

As the mineral oil industry developed, they were rapidly improved and modernized.  As a result, the emirate was able to escape British control in the early seventies.  Most of the country’s mineral oil is found in Abu Dhabi, the richest and most powerful of the seven territories.  Due to the oil industry, the economy here is stable and the standard of living is also high.

The emirate has numerous sights and skyscrapers.  Within a short period of independence, the Emirates has become one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  In just a few decades, the emirate has become a dream state with big buildings and buildings in the heart of the desert.  Currently, the United Arab Emirates is one of the top ten richest countries in the world.

This everything started to happen from this day. 2, December 1971 United Arab Emirates National Day. A week-long public holiday is also declared on the occasion of United Arab Emirates National Day. Every year people celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. Here is the way of celebrating this day.


Motor rallies, air drills, dancing fountains, illuminations, fireworks, colorful decorations, and flashing lights on high-rise buildings attract attention.  The emirate is decorated with colorful banners, festoons, and flashing lights.  School, college, office-court, super, and hypermarket in different styles.

Car show

To celebrate the day, Arabs decorate their cars with pictures and flags of Emirati sheiks.  The vehicles were exhibited at night in the emirate’s regional city of Karnes.  To share the joy and encourage the Arab residents, a crowd of migrant tourists including expatriates from different countries gathered on the city’s highways that night.


Apart from this, the festival mood is noticeable in big shopping malls on the occasion of the day.  In a different list, including the National Day fashion show, there are various events and special discounts on products of Arab cultural heritage in shopping malls.  Shoppers flock to shop.  Everyone buys their favorite products at special discounts.

Hoisting of the flag

The national flag is hoisted on the main roads of the emirate including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Rash Al Kamiah, Umm Al Quwain, and city roads.

United Arab Emirates National Day Quotes

The main significance of this day in the national life of the citizens of the Emirates is that this day is a reminder of the long-cherished freedom and struggle of the entire country.  This day is inspired by the great ideal of establishing human rights by eliminating poverty and social and economic inequality.  This day is bright in the glory of self-identity, great in sacrifice and pain.

Every year, while celebrating this glorious day, it becomes the duty of everyone to compare the dreams and aspirations of independence and how much they have been able to realize, how much they have achieved in national life and where they stand in the world assembly.  From this point of view, this day is a day of self-criticism, a day of reckoning, and a day of self-questioning for all Emirati citizens.

So, every people in the Arab Emirates celebrate this United Arab Emirates National Day. Send some inspirational quotes of freedom and independence to your friend’s family. So, that they can know the value of freedom

  • “It is my duty as the leader of the young people of this country to encourage them to work and to exert themselves to raise their standards and to be of service to the country. The individual who is healthy and of a sound mind and body but who does not work commits a crime against himself and society.” – Sheikh Zayed
  • “No matter how many buildings, foundations, schools, and hospitals we build, or how many bridges we raise, all these are material entities. The real spirit behind progress is the human spirit, the able man with his intellect and capabilities.” – Sheikh Zayed
  • “To treat every person, no matter what his creed or race, as a special soul, is a mark of Islam.” – Sheikh Zayed
  • “If Allah the Almighty has favored us with wealth, our first commitment is to seek Allah’s satisfaction and to express our gratitude to Him by utilizing this wealth to make this country better and to bring goodness to its people.” – Sheikh Zayed
  • “Arab oil can never be dearer than Arab blood.” – Sheikh Zayed

United Arab Emirates National Day Message

No other country in the world has developed as quickly after gaining independence as the United Arab Emirates.  The United Arab Emirates gained independence on this day on December 2, 1971.  So this day is celebrated festively by all the people of the Arab Emirates.

One of the main objectives of independence was the dream of establishing a national identity by ensuring the fundamental rights and just rights of people, ending exploitation, discrimination, and injustice, and establishing a happy and prosperous society free from hunger and poverty.

 The significance of Independence Day in national life is immense.  This day brings the sour-sweet feeling of joy-pain at the same time in everyone’s life.  On the one hand, the pain of losing is on the other hand the joy of gaining.  But in the end, despite losing everything, the immense joy of getting freedom is great for every person.

This glorious day comes every year with a message of self-sacrifice and self-recognition.  Reminds the responsibility for the development of the country.  This day brings inspiration and direction to move forward with new zeal.  So, on this United Arab Emirates National Day send messages to your near and dear ones on the joy of getting freedom.

  • As we have duties towards our parents, we also have some duties towards our country.  It is always our primary duty to fulfill them. Happy United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day.
  • Let us enjoy and observe this day today which has given us the meaning of freedom, which has given us the right to speak freely, to hold free opinions, and to act freely. Happy United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day.
  • If you or your family is dishonored, you will suffer much more pain and anger than if your country is dishonored.  So always respect the country and be committed to protecting the country’s honor. Happy United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day.
  • Victory has shown me the way, and has assured me of salvation. I sing the song of victory, I want freedom. I want to go all the way holding the flag of victory. Happy United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day.
  • Independence Day is the best time to know who we are and how valuable our existence is. Happy United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day.

United Arab Emirates National Day Wishes

Freedom is the birthright of man.  A starving homeless street person also craves freedom in their personal life.  Independence means freedom from the shackles of subjugation and the progress of the country and nation with sovereign self-esteem.  Freedom is a precious asset of every nation.  The day a nation gains independence is glorious, joyful, and significant in national life.

Today is such a day.  UAE National Day 2022. On this day, the rich and the poor come together to celebrate Independence Day.  Every year the day is celebrated by organizing various festivals.  Among the numerous countries of the world, UAE is now a favorite destination for tourists.  Because there are many places to visit in the United Arab Emirates.

Every year people from different parts of the world travel to the UAE. After independence, the Arab world developed rapidly.  Overnight the country reached the pinnacle of development.  So, this day is a glorious day for all UAE citizens.  On this special day, wish your loved ones the glory of attaining freedom.  Here I am writing some great wishes that you can send to your loved ones on United Arab Emirates National Day.

  • To give future generations a taste of freedom. Who did not care about their own lives. We salute them. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Pride is in many things. But in this holy land of UAE.  Proud to be born. Not in anything else. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • You are my country. You are my pride. How can I forget you? My beloved homeland. To all countrymen.  Happy United Arab Emirates National Day. Greetings and congratulations.
  • Forget the differences today. We pledge to build a new United Arab Emirates. That there will be no place for hate in the UAE.  Love will be the only religion of man. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Today is a day of pride for the countrymen. I became independent today. Let the country reach the peak of development. This is our wish. Freedom of citizens of every UAE. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.

Happy United Arab Emirates National Day Status

Independence Day for the UAE is a day of self-sacrifice and self-pride.  On December 6, 1971, the people of this country created a new map of the earth.  All the aspirations of the Emirati people for liberation were united that day.  The basic meaning of freedom is freedom from subjugation. Opportunity to develop oneself independently through self-improvement.

Every Independence Day brings new possibilities to our life.  We evaluate how much freedom we can experience within ourselves.  We also think about whether we can spread the benefits of freedom throughout the country.  But in this case, just as we have some aspects of hope, there are many aspects of despair.

The benefits of freedom can only be properly assessed if they are spread everywhere.  So, on this day post a beautiful status on your social media account.  This way all your friends and acquaintances will know about the significance of this day.  And understand the importance of observing the UAE National Day.

  • Can you imagine a day and your existence without the right to freedom?  Freedom is an integral part of our life.  So, let’s celebrate Independence Day spontaneously!  Happy United Arab Emirates National Day!
  • On this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, let us all remember those freedom fighters who relentlessly fought for the freedom of the country till the last moment of their lives.  Today is a very proud day for us as UAE people. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Unite and build resistance against corruption!  Let’s all take an oath today to protect the flag of the country. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Freedom has no color or shape.  We must root out all the hatred and violence in the world and build a better future~ with love.  But we will be created recently and united. And only then there will be a true celebration of independence. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Our forefathers bought our freedom with their hard work and sacrifice.  We have to commit to building a better nation for the next generation.  Now is the time to work hard. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Our love for the nation is boundless.  Endless love for the people of the country.  What we want for the country are happiness and peace.  Revolutionary greetings to you and your family on this special day. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.
  • Let us congratulate our great nation on its National Day.  We are all grateful for the freedom we have and always feel proud of our nation. Happy United Arab Emirates National Day.

FAQ about United Arab Emirates National Day

What is the date of United Arab Emirates National Day?

December 2. Source- Wikipedia.

What is the theme of the United Arab Emirates National Day 2022?

‘Divide The Conquer’ is the theme of United Arab Emirates National Day.

Why does the UAE celebrate the national day?

To mark the significance of freedom.

No one wants to live without freedom.  Everyone wants to break the chains of subjugation and live a free life.  The people of the Arab Emirates also broke the chains of subjugation and snatched freedom from the British. And it happened on December 2, 1971.  By observing this day every year, the new generation and the world are repeatedly reminded of the importance of freedom.  All are motivated to remember the glorious history of the country.

Encouraged to move forward on the path of progress. Victory Day is celebrated in a grand ceremony.  On this day, the whole country is covered with lights.  The national flag is displayed on the roofs of houses, shops, and roadsides, in front of cars, schools, and colleges, and even on the handles of rickshaws.  The festive mood is observed in every city.  Various cultural groups organize public events on the streets.  People, excited by the passion for freedom, gathered there dressed in festive attire.  Students of schools and colleges organize various events.

National Day is one of the days. But this day has more importance than other days.  Because, although this day is a day of great joy for all, the history of ’71 is associated with it. The day of the end of waiting for the UAE, the day of freedom from chains.  On this day, an independent state named the United Arab Emirates appeared on the world map.

After treading the slippery path of the British Empire’s rule for many years, the nation of the Arab Emirates gained its beloved freedom that day in return for many hardships.  That day was a long-awaited day for the freedom-seeking nation. Even today, the nation of the United Arab Emirates goes back to that day when it realizes its existence. Therefore, Victory Day has deep significance in national life.