Happy Vegetarian Month 2023 History, message, wish, status.

A vegetarian diet is very important for good health.  Vegetarian food is rich in fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, protein, and essential nutrients.  Vegetarian food does not contain saturated fat.  As a result, this type of food does not allow excess fat to accumulate in our bodies and protects us from many types of diseases. 

Let’s see why vegetarian food is necessary for our bodies. Vegetarian means green vegetables, fruits, soybeans, mushrooms, pulses, etc. to fulfill the essential needs of the body.  All these foods contain essential vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iodine, and iron for our bodies.

 It also contains essential fatty acids.  As a result, they fulfill the essential needs of our bodies and keep us healthy.  An excessive amount of non-vegetarian protein causes various physical problems in our bodies. 

Such as kidney stones, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.  But vegetables or other vegetarian food does not cause these kinds of problems in our body or reduce the chances of these kinds of diseases.  Vitamins Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C which keeps our eyes healthy.  Macular degeneration reduces its sensitivity.  Besides, this vitamin C helps in making collagen in our body which reduces our chances of arthritis. Happy vegetarian month to all the vegetarian. Brain Nutrition Green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants and carotenoids that scavenge free radicals and nourish our brains. 

Besides, it is rich in vitamin B which makes our brain cells fresh and functional.  Metabolism The fiber present in vegetarian vegetables, iron, transports the red blood cells of our body to all parts of the body thereby increasing our metabolism.  Besides, vegetarian food is low in calories.  As a result, helps us lose weight.  Cancer Green vegetables help our body to prevent colon cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer.  So to reach people and to understand the necessity of becoming non-vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian, the month of October is called the vegetarian month. You may re World Polio Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Statusad

History of Vegetarian Month

Every year Vegetarian month starts on the first day of October and lasts for the whole month.  It was inspired by World Vegetarian Day.  It was established on October 1, 1977, by the American Vegetarian Society.  But the history of vegetarianism is very old.  If we fall in love with vegetarianism this month, then there is nothing to worry about, we are making our bodies healthier.  And the interesting thing is that instead of the end of the vegetarian month, the vegan month starts on November 1.

Why do people celebrate Vegetarian Month?

Many people think that carnal life is boring, unhealthy, and will harm your body.  It is a common misconception that vegetarianism has many benefits for the human body.  Switching to a vegetarian diet helps lower cholesterol, control diabetes, prevent cancer, and conserve vitamins.

Vegetarians have always been concerned about the lack of protein in a vegetarian diet.  There should be no concern about this.  Often people consume more protein than their body needs.  Too much protein can lead to cancer, kidney disease, and osteoporosis.

There are many other foods high in protein, including eggs, soy, dairy, beans, quinoa, and legumes.  As long as a vegetarian eats one of these days, he will get the amount of protein his body needs to function.  The four main food groups of healthy vegetarians;  Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  These foods provide essential amino acids for a healthy life.  The benefits of a vegetarian diet are endless.  Eating the right amount of vegetarian food every day helps our body to function at a much higher rate.

How do people celebrate Vegetarian Month?

Vegetable fats do not contain any cholesterol.  Although cholesterol is essential for human cells, living on a vegetarian diet alone does not harm the body.  The body gets the necessary cholesterol from green vegetables.  Consuming fresh vegetables keeps the body and mind much fresher.  According to experts, vegetarians have a higher resting metabolic rate. 

Vegetarians are not only easy to digest, but also help the body’s fat metabolism considerably. Moreover, various programs on the benefits of vegetarian food are promoted through various social media and TV shows in the month, as well as various meetings and seminars are held and every city and various organizations try to highlight the benefits of vegetarian food to people.  And as a result of this, they do these campaigns this month to reveal these issues to the people.

Vegetarian Month Quotes

Meat has no taste of its own, it tastes only when oil, salt, and spices are first mixed with it, but fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. have their unique taste and can be eaten without spices.

If we look at the animal kingdom, we find that the animals which are strongest, most hardworking, and most enduring and can work for long periods like elephants, horses, oxen, camels, etc., are all herbivores. Here are some Vegetarian Month Quotes –

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.

Leo Tolstoy

I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.

Leonardo da Vinci

Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

Thomas A. Edison

Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.

Vegetarian Month Messages/Wishes

Weight gain Besides other quality vegetarian food like cheese is very necessary for us.  It contains protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.  It increases the level of good cholesterol in our bodies.  Keeps our hearts healthy. 

It also helps in keeping hair, skin, teeth, and bones healthy.  Vegetarian foods like mushrooms provide vitamin D to our bodies. Below are some Vegetarian Month Messages/Wishes –

Being vegetarian is always a good choice for a healthy and happy life ahead.  Happy World Vegetarian Month.

  On the occasion of Vegetarian Month, food is not only about taste, but it is also about healthy living and one choice can affect your whole life.

  Eating a vegetarian diet doesn’t mean you have to eat grass-fed foods. Just explore the other side of the fence to know how delicious vegetarian food can be…..Happy World Vegetarian Month.

  Eat vegetarian be disease free and healthy….  Happy Vegetarian Month.

 Becoming a vegetarian is neither easy nor difficult.  Happy Vegetarian Month.

  Veg or non-veg, healthy or unhealthy.  Be wise in your choice.  Happy vegetarian month.

Vegetarian Month Statutes

Sulforaphane, present in broccoli, cabbage, and isothiocyanate helps our body fight cancer cells.  Anti-cancer vegetarian food such as soybean is very necessary for our bodies. 

It contains vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc.  It is more nutritious than fish, meat, and eggs. Here are some Vegetarian Month Statutes –

  It’s not a good idea to serve some animal on your plate when you have plenty of food without killing any animal.  Happy vegetarian month.

  Proud to call ourselves vegetarians because we don’t kill anyone just for delicious food…Happy Vegetarian Month.

 Long live you and long live your family;  Stay healthy and happy if you eat vegetarian food.  Thanks for going vegetarian on the occasion of vegetarian month.

FAQ About Vegetarian Month

When we celebrated Vegetarian Month?

Ans: We celebrate Vegetarian month On October. Source Wikipedia

Why we celebrated Vegetarian Month?

Ans: There are many other foods high in protein, including eggs, soy, dairy, beans, quinoa, and legumes.  As long as a vegetarian eats one of these days, he will get the amount of protein his body needs to function.  The four main food groups of healthy vegetarians;  Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

How we celebrated Vegetarian Month?

Ans:  Consuming fresh vegetables keeps the body and mind much fresher.  According to experts, vegetarians have a higher resting metabolic rate.  Vegetarians are not only easy to digest, but also help the body’s fat metabolism considerably. Moreover, various programs on the benefits of vegetarian food are promoted through various social media and TV shows

Vegetarianism is the adoption of a diet that does not contain animal food, consciously acting on issues such as the sanctity of living and the sustainability of nature. Vegetarians do not consume poultry, red meat, fish, seafood, or any other animal killed for their meat. 

Veganism is a plant-based dietary practice with or without dairy products and eggs. So Be a Vegetarian, Be Healthy. Thanks for being with us.