Happy International Fisherman Day

People who earn their livelihood by catching fish in the sea, river, canal, or pond are generally called fishermen.  From water net, and net probably the word fisherman.  Fishing is considered the main occupation of fishermen.

Every year people celebrate International Fisherman Day on 29 June. Fisherman community. Ownership of fishery resources is not collective but purely individual.  However, they depend on both individual and joint ventures for fishing. 

Owners use their materials either on their own initiative or jointly with others on a partnership basis.  Generally, close relatives are preferred as partners in joint management.  But if close relatives are lacking, neighbors, friends, and other members of the village are also recruited.  Hindu fishermen never involve people outside their community in the collective harvesting process.

 Fishermen’s income varies depending on the type of fishing strategy and season.  Fishermen’s income also increases as fish production is higher in the dry season than in the dry season.  Again, in the same season, fishing and income are different. 

Such realities of income inequality reflect the fact that they are generally not of the same income group.  In fact, they do not have the ability and possibility to improve their own condition.

History of International Fisherman Day

Fishing is an ancient activity that has been involved since the beginning of the human race. It dates back 400,000 years and there is no place on the planet where the non-vegetarian needs of our diet are met primarily by fishing. 

And fishermen play a very important role in supplying this fish.  All over the world there is constant trading of fish and various markets centered on this fish have developed.  Different companies and different people from different organizations depend on their livelihood by buying and selling these fish. 

So the day is being celebrated on June 29 as a special time for fishermen to gather and network to buy, sell and appreciate everyone’s efforts and establish a significant sustainability of the fishing industry.

Why do people celebrate International Fisherman Day

In terms of fish marketing, cash sales are more prevalent than barter practices among fishermen.  Daily extraction is marketed directly or through locally known nihari and artisans. 

However, in this marketing process, they are tied to a type of interest-free loan-relationship network with nickers or dealers where these middlemen cheat the fishermen by manipulating the weight or market price.

Apart from fishing, fishermen also engage in some non-fishery economic activities like agriculture, day labor, and net and mat making, from which they can earn some additional income.

 A unique culture has emerged in the life of the fishermen centered around the river, boats, nets, boats, fishing, marketing, etc. which is all their own.  They are very conscious of their cultural unity and uniqueness.  Just as they are very confident in their own rules of living, they also have deep faith in the correctness of the general values ​​of everyday life. 

In various areas of social and economic life, they give special importance to acquaintances.  Family is one of their hope in social life happiness and sadness and crisis.  Even when working on the river, the members of the kinship group are much more reliable than others in case of any kind of uncertainty.  Therefore, World Fishermen’s Day is celebrated to make their due rights and their position in society.

How do people celebrate International Fisherman Day

The fishermen’s long cultural heritage includes a number of prevailing beliefs and values ​​that are integrated into various aspects of their livelihood, especially rituals and festivals.  Since they are entrusted with the sacred duty of serving the Hindu people, any deviation from their profession is a form of unrighteousness and sin. 

Therefore, based on such religious beliefs, a tradition of various rituals has developed among them.  They worship Ganga for increasing fish harvest and conducting activities in the river safely.  On the other hand, Muslim fishermen do not consider fishing from a religious point of view, but they tend to achieve assurance and success in professional life by observing various religious rituals.  Religious prayers, milad mahfils, shrines or manats, or donations are offered to dargahs, especially for success in river boating and fishing or marketing activities.

In accordance with the social and economic working environment, various types of stories and legends, folklore and folk songs, riddles and jokes, yantras, and pagans have developed among the fishermen, which highlight the aesthetic beauty of their unique cultural heritage.  By signing different types of folk songs like Palligeeti, Baul, Bhatiali, Jari, and Sari, they gain mental satisfaction in daily work as well as gain new motivation. 

Just as these folk songs have rhythm and rhythm, they also have a type of folk composition whose themes are collected from various aspects of daily life.  Whereas all these elements of cultural heritage have strengthened their unity and solidarity in a way that symbolizes them as distinct entities from others.

International Fisherman Day Quotes

Fishermen generally live in areas near water bodies.  The work of fishermen is very tiring and dangerous.  He is always busy making his fishing nets, repairing them and taking care of his fishing boats, and drawing designs on them.  He usually fishes in canals, rivers, and even the sea.  Sometimes, he goes far from the coast to fish and his family becomes anxious for his safe return.  He has to face many challenges. Here are some Quotes about this day.

“A fisherman is always hopeful — nearly always more hopeful than he has any right to be.” ~ Roderick Haig-Brown

“Good things come to those who wait.” ~ Jess C Scott

“The moment where the fisherman catches the fish, happiness and agony, light and darkness, joy and death come face to face!” ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan

“Most fishermen swiftly learn that it’s a pretty good rule never to show a favorite spot to any fisherman you wouldn’t trust with your wife.” ~ John D. Voelker

“A positive attitude and an open mind are true characteristics of all good fishermen” ~ Kevin VanDam

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International Fisherman Day Messages/Wishes

The boats they use for fishing do not have any modern life-saving equipment.  They don’t even get the forecast of natural calamities right.  Risking their lives, fishermen leave their families for seven days or sometimes 15 days to go fishing. Below are some Messages/Wishes –

 The fish that we are going to taste on the dinner plate is the contribution of the fishermen.  Happy International Fisherman’s Day.

 Without fishermen, we wouldn’t be able to eat our favorite fish dishes.  Happy International Fisherman’s Day.

  Greetings to all on the occasion of International Fisherman’s Day.  Let us come together and thank the fishermen for all their hard work.

  Every fish that we enjoy for our food is the result of the efforts of fishermen who fight the threats and challenges of the oceans and rivers to get the fish.  Happy International Fisherman’s Day.

International Fisherman Day Statutes

The life of fishermen is very simple.  By catching fish and selling it in the nearby market, he feeds his family with a meager income.  When a fisherman is not out fishing, he spends his time mending and repairing his nets and boats.  A fisherman is very happy when he catches fish.  But the sad thing is that fishermen spend their lives in the worry and misery of an uncertain life. Here are some International Fisherman Statutes –

Wishing you a very Happy International Fisherman’s Day.  Fishermen always inspire us to work hard.

Salute to all the fearless and hardworking fishermen who risk their lives for our favorite food.  Happy International Fisherman’s Day.

FAQ about Fisherman’s day

When do we celebrate year people celebrate?

Ans: people celebrate International Fisherman Day on 29 June. https://www.wikipedia.org/ source wikipedia

Why do People celebrate Fisherman’s day?

Ans: People celebrate Fisherman’s day because. They are very conscious of their cultural unity and uniqueness.  Just as they are very confident in their own rules of living, they also have deep faith in the correctness of the general values ​​of everyday life.

How do people celebrate  Fisherman’s day?

Ans: Since they are entrusted with the sacred duty of serving the Hindu people, any deviation from their profession is a form of unrighteousness and sin. Therefore, based on such religious beliefs, a tradition of various rituals has developed among them. 

In addition to natural calamities, seas sometimes attack fishing boats in coastal areas, killing fishermen and taking their fish away.  Besides, many fishermen die from snake bites, crocodile bites, and even tiger bites while fishing. Thanks for being with us.