World Bicycle Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes, and Status

Today, ‘World Bicycle Day’ is being celebrated all over the world. No one knew before 2018 that such a day could even be celebrated. Keeping in mind the environment, in 2018 the United Nations General Assembly decided that June 3 will be celebrated as ‘World Bicycle Day’.

Both the environment and your health will be better if you choose a bicycle instead of a two-wheeled motorcycle or a four-wheeled vehicle. In the rush of a busy lifestyle, most people do not feel like regular exercise. Even if you have the habit of going to morning work, you miss one-half day. Instead, if you cycle at any time of the day, there are multiple benefits.

History of World Bicycle Day

The world’s first bicycle was built 203 years ago today, by German craftsman Baron Karl von Drais in 1817. This bicycle was named “Dandy Horse”. Which is translated into Bengali as “beautiful horse”. It was made of wood and had no paddles. It was also given two names Draisienne or Laufmaschine.

Polish professor Leszek Sibilski appealed to the United Nations (UN) with the people of the Polish community to celebrate this “Bicycle Day”. Turkmenistan and other 56 countries supported it. Finally, the United Nations General Assembly announced in April 2018 that June 3 will be celebrated as World Bicycle Day around the world. Starting from 2018, World Bicycle Day is celebrated on June 3 every year.

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Why is World Bicycle Day celebrated?

Special cyclists are honored in different countries around the world on this day. The day is celebrated to inform everyone about the role of bicycles in the economic growth of the country, physical exercise, and prevention of environmental pollution. Due to lack of work, various diseases are taking root in the body. According to a study by German scientists, people’s physical activity has decreased by 40%.

As a result, various diseases including depression, heart attack, diabetes, and obesity have started increasing.   World Bicycle Day is being celebrated in the Corona climate to make people aware of these diseases and the role of bicycles in preventing them.

 Now people are getting depressed easily. Cycling can help you in this case. Studies have shown that cycling in nature releases endorphins and adrenaline hormones, which boost confidence. For regular cyclists, it works like meditation It also increases mental connection. And if the physical anxiety is reduced, sleep at night is much better.

World Bicycle Day is mainly celebrated because of these various benefits.

How to Observe World Bicycle Day

A bicycle is one of the most valuable achievements in the life of every boy and girl. Although this bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle, it is very beneficial for the body. Besides, we can travel from one place to another very easily by bicycle. Therefore, the importance of bicycles is in our life in many ways.

World Bicycle Day is basically to make people understand all these importance. Various seminars are organized on this day. Bicycle marathons and bicycle competitions are held on this day in different countries. Also, people are encouraged to use bicycles in this age of technology because of cycling. Through exercise, the body helps us to get rid of fatigue.

World Bicycle Day Quotes

Cycling also exercises the legs. Cycling every day puts the most stress on the leg muscles. It increases the strength of the legs and does not have to face ‘knee pain’ with old age. Cycling benefits you. Both the environment and your health will be better if you choose a bicycle instead of a two-wheeled motorcycle or a four-wheeled vehicle.

Below are some World Bicycle Day Quotes –

  • Bicycles, like dogs, are social catalysts that attract a higher class of people.” -Sip Brown
  • -Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.-HG Wells
  • -My two favorite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything.-Peter Golkin
  • -Nothing compares with the simple pleasure of a bike ride.- John F Kennedy
  • -Cyclists see considerably more of this beautiful world than any other class of citizens. A good bicycle, well applied, will cure most ills this flesh is heir to. Dr. K.K. Doty
  • One of the most important days of my life was when I learned to ride a bicycle.” – Michael Palin

World Bicycle Day Messages

Want to lose weight but don’t have time to exercise? In this case commute to office by bicycle. The days of adolescence may not return. But the body is fine. Regular cycling is bound to reduce weight. Studies have shown that cycling for an hour can reduce weight by about 500 calories. At the same time, the risk of diseases like obesity and diabetes also decreases. In addition, the heart is very good. Here are some World Bicycle Day Messages –

  • Learn to ride a bicycle.  You will not regret if you live. – Happy world Bicycle Day.
  • A bicycle journey around the world begins with a single pedal stroke. – Happy Bicycle Day.
  • Life is like riding a bicycle.  To maintain your balance, you must move. – Happy World Bicycle Day.
  • Cycling is not a sport; it is a game.  Hard, tough and brutal, and requires great sacrifice.  Someone plays football, tennis, or hockey.  No one rides a bicycle. – Happy Bicycle Day.
  • Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and feed him for life.  Teach a man to ride a bicycle and he will realize that fishing is stupid and boring. – Bicycle Day.

World Bicycle Day Wishes

Just like running, cycling requires effort. It requires more oxygen than normal in the body. In this, the breathing process continues rapidly. As a result, the lungs are good, and performance increases. Below are some World Bicycle Day wishes –

Let’s get away from our bad times this June by cycling!  Happy World Bicycle Day!

  • -The beloved bicycle reminds us of our childhood days and we are very happy that the United Nations has dedicated a day to bicycles.  Happy World Bicycle Day everyone!
  • -Bicycles are popular all over the world and we are happy to promote our favorite vehicle.  Happy World Bicycle Day everyone!
  • -If people consider the bicycle as a means of transportation, it will ease traffic and reduce pollution to a great extent.  Happy World Bicycle Day!
  • Imagine that your loved one is cycling home from work next to you in a deserted lane.  Yes, cycling can be romantic too!  Happy World Bicycle Day!
  • Adoption of the bicycle as a means of daily transportation will help improve the mental and physical health of people.  Happy World Bicycle Day!

World Bicycle Day Status

A bicycle is a vehicle that every Indian is familiar with. Bicycles not only provide low-cost transportation but also keep our body and mind fresh. So today the bicycle has become an essential part of gyms and exercises, all over the world. Cycling is an exercise that increases blood circulation in the body, the lungs mix more oxygen into the blood.  As a result, we are saved from many diseases including joint pain, arthritis, and obesity. Here are some World Bicycle Day statues –

  • Cheers to the bicycle and Happy World Bicycle Day everyone!
  • Due to increasing gadget addiction and people’s busy life schedules, people can enjoy cycling.  Happy World Bicycle Day everyone!
  • A bicycle can be seen as a way to bridge the gap between different sections of society.  Happy World Bicycle Day!
  • Ride a Bicycle and stay fit! -Happy World Bicycle Day.

FAQ about World Bicycle Day

Is there any National Bicycle Day?

June 3 National Bicycle Day.

When was the World Bicycle Day first celebrated?

June 3, 2018. Source-Wikipedia

Who declare Bicycle Day?

Professor Leszek Sibilski.

Which state is famous for cycle?

West Bengal.

If you have a bicycle this day is for you. Celebrate World Bicycle Day as your own way and wish you a happy day with great fun. Thanks for visiting us.