World Book Day 2023

There is no friend as faithful as a book.  Many people say this. That is why World Book Day is celebrated all over the world.  April 23 is designated as World Book Day.  Book Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries on this day.  The day is celebrated to honor literature.

Books increase our knowledge.  Books bring us emotional satisfaction.  Books are one of the means of sharing thoughts and ideas.  According to a survey, there are about 130 million books in the world.  Although this number is increasing every moment.  Many people’s emotions are involved in the book.  Today is the time to honor that passion.  World Book Day is celebrated to honor this.

World Book Day or World Book Day (also known as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Book Day) is an annual day organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading, publishing, and copyright.  World Book Day was celebrated by UNESCO for the first time on April 23, 1995. Since then, April 23 has been celebrated as World Book Day every year in different countries of the world.  A related day is observed in March in the UK and Ireland.

World Book Day history

The original idea of ​​the day comes from the Valencian writer Vicente Clavel Andrés.  He came up with the idea as a way to honor his favorite writer, Miguel de Cervantes.  On February 6, 1926, King Alfonso XIII issued a royal decree to celebrate Spanish Book Day throughout Spain.  Later the day started to be celebrated all over Spain.  The day was first observed on October 7, Thervantes’ birthday, but later moved to April 23, the day of his death.

 In 1995, UNESCO decided that World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on April 23, since the day is the anniversary of the birth or death of other notable authors, including the Englishman William Shakespeare, the Peruvian Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, and the Spanish Miguel de Cervantes. (Incidentally, Shakespeare  And Cervantes died on the same date — 23 April 1616 — but not on the same day, since the Gregorian calendar was then used in Spain and the Julian calendar was used in England; Shakespeare died 10 days after Thervantes’ death, on the Gregorian calendar which was May 3.

Why do people celebrate world book day

The purpose of observing this day is to encourage more people to read and write.  Books are one of the means of retaining the knowledge of those who have made great contributions to the field of literature, culture, science, and thought.  This day every year, the day is celebrated in hundreds of countries around the world with various celebratory events.

The world of books can give a hint of a peaceful life.  Childhood-adolescent reading habits or interest in exotic knowledge can pave the way for future ‘real survival’.  Exposure to a large number of books can provide an opportunity to experience the greatness of human life.

This is why World Book Day is mainly celebrated to show how important books are in people’s lives.

How Do People Celebrate World Book Day

World Book is observed every year to inculcate the habit of reading books and to make people more aware of the importance of books.  Many amazing quotes about books are sources of knowledge and our best friends are provided by great authors every time.  World Book Day also offers a way to pay our respects to great books and authors.

On World Book Day, people can spend time reading good books at home.  Nowadays, you can read e-books on the internet and gain knowledge about many things.  In many countries, International Book Day is celebrated with street festivals and students displaying readings on the streets.  To make World Book Day celebrations more special, you can gift a good book to your book-loving children or friends.

Read Books

If you are a book lover than this day is absolutely for you. Read your favorite book. Make a cup of tea and choose a comfort place and start reading books.

Write Books

If you have a passion in writing then in this day think about it and start to writing a book. Best wish for you.

Suggest a Book

Suggest a book of your favourite writers to your friends. Make them inspire to read or collect books.

Gift Books

Book is a perfect gifts for everyone. You can gift your parents, friends also loved ones. In this day choose a perfect book for your closest one and gift them. They will surely be happy.

World Book Day Quotes

As food quenches stomach hunger, so books quench hunger.  That is, it satisfies the heart. here are some Quotes-

  • Humayun Ahmed said in his book “Ballpoint”:

“There are some diseases in the world that have no cure like cancer, and dyslexia.  People with dyslexia must read something.  If there is nothing to read, I will feel dead.  At a very young age, I was afflicted with such an incurable disease. A strong appetite for reading.

  • So many books, so little time – Frank Zappa
  • I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book – J.K. Rowling
  • When the lyrical muse sings the creative pen dances – Aberjhani
  • Books are a uniquely portable magic – Stephen King
  • The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its shame – Oscar Wilde.
  • I find television very educational. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book – Groucho Marx
  • Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life – Mark Twain.
  • If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it -Toni Morrison
  • The only thing you have to know is the location of the library – Albert Einstein
  • If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all – Oscar Wilde.
  • You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me – C.S. Lewis
  • There is no friend as loyal as a book – Ernest Hemingway
  • Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world – Malala Yousafzai.

World Book Day Message/Wishes

The director of the UCLA Center for Dyslexia in the United States said, “A student thinks much more while reading a book than learning a language or writing something.”  Which allows him to think broadly in the imaginary world, opening many new doors of thought.  By doing this, the brain benefits much more than learning a language.

Check out some of these Wishes about the importance of books and reading to send to your loved ones!

 1. A man needs only one friend to feel happy and grow and that is books… May you be blessed with more books in your life….  Happy World Book Day!!!

 2. Let us commit to inculcating the habit of reading in our children as it is a way to shape their future in the best possible way….  With much love, Happy World Book Day.

 3. We can always give our children the best friend of their life, who will always be there for them….  This World Book Day, make it a special day for them by gifting their best friends for life.

 4. Each book covers a wonderful story inside it….  Explore it!!!  Wishing you all the best on World Book Day… May you spend more time reading and invest more in buying books.

 5. There is no better gift than a book… it inspires you in some way, teaches you something good, and every time you read it again there is something new to share…… Happy World Book Day.

 World Book Day status

Learning information or enjoyment is not the only purpose or the best purpose of reading.  To know thyself, to possess independent judgment, and to judge accordingly, is the highest object of education.  We become true readers, independent and powerful readers only when we can learn to know ourselves and apply our intellectual judgment independently.

 At the elementary level or at the beginning of becoming a reader, one has to borrow knowledge from books or others.  But if a strong or independent reader can understand the meaning of the world without the help of any book, the secrets of the world are revealed.  Becoming such an independent reader is a matter of practice.  It is difficult to say when this power may be achieved.  It may reach twenty-five and may not catch eighty-five. Here are some World Book Day Status post it in your timeline.

  • Just as it is necessary to eat healthy and nutritious food to keep the body healthy, in the same way, it is necessary to give food to keep the brain healthy, functional, and active.  According to recent research, the habit of reading books is brain food! Happy World Book Day.
  • You can say, to keep the brain healthy and active, it is only necessary to eat fish oil or turmeric regularly, or to try a new language class, pulse book, or math solution.  Which will simultaneously increase the memory and cognitive function of the brain. Happy World Book Day.
  • know that the habit of reading books is the most useful and effective for the brain than all the above activities.  Reading books is good for the brain, there is no big secret behind it.

FAQ about World Book Day

Why 23 April World Book Day?

It is the date on which several prominent authors, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. Source- Wikipedia.

Why people love to celebrate World Book Day?

Books are one of the means of retaining the knowledge of those who have made great contributions to the field of literature, culture, science, and thought. For this, the day is celebrated in hundreds of countries around the world with various celebratory events.

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The purpose of observing this day is to encourage more people to read and write. The world of books can give a hint of a peaceful life.  Childhood-adolescent reading habits or interest in exotic knowledge can pave the way for future ‘real survival’.  Exposure to a large number of books can provide an opportunity to experience the greatness of human life. We all should celebrate this day with great enthusiasm.

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