World Understanding and Peace Day 2023

World Understanding and Peace Day is celebrated around the world on 23rd February.

The day is celebrated with the motto of spreading peace as well as a collective commitment to make the world a peaceful place to live.  This special day also aims to develop a healthier and more beautiful human connection and increase the sense of love and respect for each other.  The World Day of Peace and Reconciliation is celebrated around the world to promote goodwill, peace, and harmony among all the people of the world.

The day is celebrated around the world with the idea of ​​sharing understanding and values ​​of life among people to maintain peace and harmony.  It is the responsibility of every person to maintain peace and harmony among people.  If each of us can change ourselves, the country and the world will also change.

 We must remember that today’s world is tomorrow’s future.  So we want peace in the world, not war. Be assured that, with peace, understanding, and love, they can build more foundations than despair and struggle.

History of world Understanding and Peace Day

The World Day of Peace and Reconciliation conveys the message of sharing various values ​​to maintain world peace.  The objective is to inculcate values ​​such as education, literacy, equality, cultural values, community development, poverty alleviation, disease prevention, and many more.  This day aims to spread world peace by making humanity more aware.

It started in 1905.  On February 23, four friends, Paul Harris, Gustavus Lohr, Sylvester Chiel, and Hiram Shore, began chatting about their philosophic lives.  It became an official organization in 1922.  The four friends named themselves Rotary International, commonly known as the Rotary Club.

How do people celebrate World understanding and Peace Day

Peace-loving people from different parts of the world have been celebrating the day through various arrangements.  This year too, the day will be celebrated through various programs to demand a world free of weapons and terrorism.

 ‘Peace’ invisibly motivates people to move forward for a beautiful and humane life.  “Peace” is one of the basic things that claim special importance for human survival.

 Although human beings are peace-loving by nature, peace does not come by will.  However, the role of Islam, the religion of humanity, in establishing peace in society is undeniable.  Because there is no class discrimination in Islam.  Islam does not support casteism.  And for this reason, only Islam as a religion has been able to guarantee human rights, civil rights, justice, rule of law, education, and medical facilities.

 At various points in the history of the world, many people have taken various steps and programs to establish peace.

For the sake of speeding up and ensuring the relief, peace, welfare, and progress of the people of the world, the issue of a better introduction of a pacifist attitude must be taken into humanitarian consideration.  There is no alternative.  This year’s ‘world understanding and Peace Day’ will be meaningful only if the current world leaders take this issue seriously and decide the course of action accordingly.

World Understanding and Peace Day quotes

Understanding and Peace is not the highest goal of life.  This is an important basic are some understanding and peace quotes –

  • Peace is liberty in tranquility.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
  • “I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.” — Sylvia Plath
  • “You should feel beautiful and you should feel safe. What you surround yourself with should bring you peace of mind and peace of spirit.” —Stacy London
  • “Sometimes you can find peace of mind by transferring yourself to different situations. They’re just reminders to stay … calm.” —Yves Behar
  • “Don’t search for anything except peace. Try to calm the mind. Everything else will come on its own.” —Baba Hari Das
  • “Let go of the thoughts that don’t make you strong.” —Karen Salmansohn
  • “Understanding and Peace begin with a smile.” —Mother Teresa
  • “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales.
  • “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.” —Norman Vincent Peale
  • “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama
  • “Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu
  • “When things change inside you, things change around you.” —Unknown
  • “ Understanding and Peace of mind for five minutes, that’s what I crave.” —Alanis Morissette

 World understanding and Peace Day message

Peace Day is the dream of everyone in the world and one day it will become a reality.  There will be no wars, no shortages.  Enemies will be allies.  Everyone in the world will benefit from the development.  Everyone will work together with everyone, building a world of peace.

Whenever you feel peace with yourself, you make understanding and peace with the world.  Wishing you a truly understanding and peaceful day and life.

  • As Nelson Mandela said, “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you must work with him.  Now he’s your colleague.” We should remember that. Happy World Understanding and Peace Day.
  • The main objective of celebrating the International Day of Understanding and Peace is to maintain peace throughout the world. Happy World Understanding and Peace Day.
  • Promoting the importance of peace in these times of conflict, terror, and unrest.  It has become very important and relevant. Happy World Understanding and Peace Day.

On this day white pigeons are released in the open sky and messages of peace are given.  The main objective of observing this day is to restore peace and love among people of all countries at the international level as well as to end international conflicts and quarrels.

World understanding and Peace Day wishes

On the International Day of understanding and Peace, let us reach out to all those affected by violence in the world. Here are some wishes for world understanding and peace day –

  • International Day of Understanding and Peace reminds us that no matter how busy we are we always have to do our little bit to bring peace in our lives and the lives of people around us. Happy World Understanding and Peace Day.
  • Life is not just to survive; it is to be lived peacefully and joyfully. Let us take a pledge on the International Day of Understanding and Peace to contribute in our way toward a peaceful world. Best wishes to you! Happy World Understanding and Peace Day.
  • If you have peace in your life, you can have a good life. So, on the occasion of the Happy World Understanding and Peace Day, I send you my best wishes and hope that there is peace in the world we live in.
  • On the occasion of World Understanding and Peace Day, I wish that there is only peace and happiness in this world so that we can have a good and happy place to live in. Happy World Understanding and Peace Day

World Understanding and Peace Day status

Understanding and Peace is a noble and much-needed goals.  It can only be achieved by creating a better and fairer world for all people.

Instead of fighting each other, we should fight together to defeat the real enemy.  Our real enemies are racism, poverty, inequality, conflict, and climate crisis to make peace. We need to reaffirm the bond of solidarity that binds us as human beings and build a better, more peaceful world.

Moreover, day by day in the world various kinds of trouble include anarchy and casteism, trouble between friends including not being able to see each other, etc. If we can not do these things and establish peace among ourselves then only we can create a peaceful world and a peaceful environment which will result in our  Love for each other will grow and respect for each other will grow. If we do not stand by each other’s side in times of danger, we will never be able to create peace and harmony in the world. Here are some status of World Understanding and Peace Day

  • We have to forget the differences between people, moreover, we have to move forward with each other in any danger, in any way, if we see others in danger, we have to try according to our ability, so that if we stand next to the person in danger, that person will find you as a helper, as a result, his respect for you will be established.  As a result of peace and harmony can be established, there will be no more difficulties in society.
  • It is possible to move forward in our world through understanding and peace. Besides, a world can never be hurt by a single person. If a person still does not help his neighbor, then understanding and peace will not be established between them, so we should always be by each other’s side and if peace is established, we  The world will also move forward.

FAQ about World Understanding and Peace Day

What is the date of World Understanding and Peace Day?

23 February. Source-Wikipedia.

Is there another peace day?

International Day of Peace.

Why do people celebrate this day?

The day is celebrated with the motto of spreading peace as well as a collective commitment to make the world a peaceful place to live.  This special day also aims to develop a healthier and more beautiful human connection and increase the sense of love and respect for each other.

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The World Day of Peace and Reconciliation is celebrated around the world to promote goodwill, peace, and harmony among all the people of the world.

The day is celebrated around the world with the idea of ​​sharing understanding and values ​​of life among people to maintain peace and harmony.  It is the responsibility of every person to maintain peace and harmony among people.  If each of us can change ourselves, the country and the world will also change.