World Health Day 2023 History, Significance, Messages/Wishes, Quotes and Status

Health benefits. Several generations have repeatedly expressed fear of being short. Still, for me, all countries are more or less short-sighted toward the good health of all. Sometimes not want to reduce thumb points in the environment, and sometimes indifferent to health. Every Year 7th of April worldwide people celebrate World Health Day.

According to a survey by the World Health Organization in 2012, about 12.6 million people died in the world due to unhealthy work; In other words, one in four people die because of this. Unhealthy air, water, chemicals, etc. are responsible for this. These substances are capable of causing about 100 types of diseases in the human body. The World Health Organization is committed to reducing these issues.

Public health experts say that climate change is responsible for all communicable and non-communicable diseases today. At the same time, due to climate change, our peace of mind is lost, anxiety is increasing. As a result, various non-infectious diseases are taking root in Amod’s body. As a result, we need to pay more attention to the health of the earth to maintain human health.  If the earth is good, the other animals and biodiversity living on it, including humans, will also be good.

World Health Day is not just a day of ceremonial observance, but a day of self-realization.

World Health Day History

Two months after the establishment of the World Health Organization, on 24 June 1948, the first conference of the organization was held in Geneva. At that time, representatives of 46 member states from all over the world were present

World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th of April every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Health Day every year to create awareness among people about various health-related issues.  The first session of the World Health Organization began on April 7, 1948. Choosing this date keeping in mind that historic day.  From that conference, it was decided that World Health Day would be observed every year from April 7, 1950, to create global health awareness.

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Why Do People Celebrate World Health Day?

Body and mind are inseparable. A beautiful mind in a healthy body. Happiness prevails in a beautiful and happy mind. If the body is not good, the mind and mood are not right, there is no motivation to work.  No work can be completed properly without focus and interest. But success in work is necessary for happiness.

 People must treat others well and fulfill their social responsibilities. It is not possible for those whose body is diseased or weak to perform this duty. They are irritable and resent everything.  Always spent in dull pain. There is no joy in their minds. The immense pleasures of the world cannot affect them. It is said that health is the root of all happiness and our health is wealth. If our wealth is good then we will be happy in life and if our health is good our life will be happy.

As a result of which we inhale poisonous gases from the atmosphere, and our health is becoming dangerous day by day, moreover, the health risks are increasing due to the consumption of adulterated food. Earlier it was seen that people could live for 80 to 90 years but due to indifference about our health. Today our life expectancy is between 55 to 60 so World Health Day is mainly observed to make us aware of our health.

World Health Day is celebrated for various other reasons such as to make the common people who are uneducated and also those living in remote villages aware of their health and also how they can keep their health beautiful and healthy. Aim.

How Do People Celebrate World Health Day?

There is a saying about health that health is wealth. Health is the root of all happiness. A healthy mind is linked to a healthy body. If the body is not healthy, the mind is not healthy. Difficulty concentrating on a task. And good health means a disease-free beautiful life. However, there was once a misconception that the word health has a relationship with body fatness or slimness. But health is indeed a healthy body, which every man expects.

The word health means a lot.  Although by health we usually mean the condition of our body. I do not understand that the relationship of mental health is closely related to it. The social issue is also involved with it.  There is no reason to think that he/she is happy if he/she has lots of money, cars, and houses. It has no value to a sick person.

A sick person does not enjoy talking, nor does he enjoy eating. Regular exercise, a moderate nutritious diet, awareness, and cleanliness are required to maintain health. A lot of reading and good work are absolutely necessary to lead a good life. We will be able to do that only if we are in good health.

To achieve true happiness and prosperity, we should take care of our  health.

Today is World Health Day. This year, the programs undertaken on the occasion of the day include an opening ceremony at the national level, organization of seminars, release of souvenirs, health education exhibition, publication of circulars in national newspapers, beautification of roads, film screenings, discussion programs on health problems initiated by the government and private organizations and other activities.

The day is being celebrated through rallies, seminars, etc.

World Health Day quotes

Such is the case with health. A lot of wealth is worthless to him/her. There is no substitute for good health in building a sustainable future. According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (1948).  An idea is clear here that wellness refers to the state of body and mind and social condition.  Every year 7 April is observed as World Health Day. 

All over the world, the day is observed with great importance.  On 7 April 1948, the World Health Organization was formed.  Since April 7, 1950, this day has been celebrated through various programs around the world. World’s famous thinkers have already given some famous quotes about World Health Day.  From these sayings, it can be understood how conscious the sages were about their health and the health of people-

  • “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha
  • “True Silence Is the Rest of the Mind, and Is to the Spirit What Sleep Is to the Body, Nourishment, and Refreshment.” – William Penn
  • “True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.” – Charles Caleb Colton
  • “Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.” – Maxime Lagace
  • Three things in life – your health, your mission, and the people you love. That’s it! – Naval Ravikant
  •  “A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” – Naval Ravikant
  • “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley
  • “Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.”- Charles Simmons
  • “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William Londen
  • “When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second, your whole life could change.” – Anette Funicello
  • “If I’d known I was going to live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” – Leon Eldred
  • “Happiness is the highest form of health.” – Dalai Lama
  • “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” – Arabian proverb
  • “It Is Health That Is Real Wealth and Not Pieces of Gold and Silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

World Health Day Status

Our health is threatened by food. Its effect is also felt in our minds. Again, a healthy body becomes sick because of our own eating habits. Consumption of excess oil and fat in food, increase in consumption of junk food, attraction to open street food, especially to our children, this food is very attractive, eating rotten food, etc.

 It is difficult to have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Our lifestyle habits can also contribute to good health. We are being cheated very cleverly. Again, urea fertilizer is used to make mud attractive while making mud from rice. Unscrupulous traders in this country are using formalin to keep the fish intact for several days. By this, they are profiting but the health of the buyer himself and his family members are at serious risk. Formalin is commonly used in the laboratory to preserve decaying material for a long time.

Daily exercise keeps the body free of disease, the mind cheerful and the body and mind stimulated to work.  Along with that, regular changes in eating habits or practicing good habits from childhood strengthens the body’s immune system. Many children these days are reluctant to eat vegetables and instead prefer meat or only large fish.

This habit should be replaced by a balanced diet. At first, the child may not accept it.  But someday it will become his habit. Today on World Health Day be aware of yourself as well as make someone else aware. You can spread the message of awareness to everyone by sharing a status on your social media account today on the occasion of World Health Day. Here are some of your statuses-

The word health is related to the word healthcare. The state has the responsibility and duty to ensure the health care of the citizens.  Medical care is one of the other basic needs. A country, people, and health are fundamental issues related to the development picture of the country.  Every state should look after the health of its citizens. Happy World Health Day

Better health care should also be ensured for the poor and marginalized people. Where money is not important, service and sincerity will be important. Our health, our services, and our rights. In no way can people be deprived of that right. All concerned in this sector must work together to ensure healthcare. Happy World Health Day.

Many children these days are reluctant to eat vegetables and instead prefer meat or only large fish. This habit should be replaced by a balanced diet. At first, the child may not accept it.  But sometime it will become his habit. Happy World Health Day.

What to do to stay physically fit?

Eat healthy food

 It doesn’t mean you have to eat fish, and meat, every day. It is better to play them less. Make sure you eat enough vegetables and fruits. Fruits don’t just mean apples and oranges. In the market, on the streets, notice that every season some fruits come. Make a habit of eating them.

Sleep well

Get at least six to eight hours of sleep a day. Bedtime should be brought into a certain routine.  Because that way our body will fix its activities. Heard the name, body clock? Yes, the body has a clock too. When a chemical substance is released, the body follows the rules. That rule will be based on your given routine.

So make sure that the time of sleep and meal is the same every day. You don’t get sleep just by lying down in bed, you have to get real sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you can see your eyes and face as if you had a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep will change your day.  It will refresh your brain by eliminating harmful chemicals accumulated throughout the day.

Drink enough water

Without enough water, the body cannot function properly. As you know, most of the body is filled with fluids. Like a plant, given enough and timely water, it will stay fresh. By liquid I mean pure water only. Coca-Cola, Tea-Coffee, etc., are nothing compared to pure water in terms of physical benefits. Their importance is only up to the tongue.

How much water to drink daily depends on your body weight and what you do. If you sweat a lot at work, you need to drink fluids accordingly. Generally, a person weighing 60 kg should drink three to four liters of water daily.

Do physical activity

 Physical activity means doing something that gets your body at least a little sweaty, breathing fluctuating. It can be something you do in your daily work or outside of work. For example, exercise, sports, running, and swimming. For those of us who live in Dhaka, the opportunity to do manual labor seems to be going out of reach day by day. But physical fitness is essential for your own dignified life. There is no substitute for physical activity for physical fitness.

FAQ about World Health Day

Who created World Health Day?

World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

Is April 7th World Health Day?

Yes. Source-Wikipedia.

Finally, keeping in mind that health is the root of all happiness, change living habits for good health, always work without comfort, change eating habits and if you have problems, take the doctor’s advice and live like that.  Health should not be neglected.