World Poetry Day 2024 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Some days are celebrated in different countries on certain days of every month every year.  All these days are celebrated to commemorate an important event of the past or to create public awareness of an important issue on that particular day.  One of those days celebrated in the world is World Poetry Day.

Long before the invention of writing, all the ancient civilizations of the world transmitted their traditions, thoughts, customs, etc. through poetry.  Whether everyone can compose poetry or not, its language, rhythm, and feeling have influenced all people forever.  Once upon a time, people remembered poems, rhymes, and poems just by listening to them.

Poetry occupies a traditional place in the whole world irrespective of caste, language, and caste. 21 March, ‘World Poetry Day’.  Today is the day of poets and poetry readers scattered all over the world. Poetry is the most primitive of many branches of literature.

Every branch of literature has a lot to say about poets, and in most cases, it is justified.  As is said in the case of Hafiz. What God wants to say, is released through the mouth of Hafiz through words.  Another writer said while distinguishing between novelist and poet when a poet walks a path, other writers respectfully leave that path.

 But who will be given the status of a poet or which writing will be called poetry?  There is no one-line answer to such a question.  Even after extensive discussions, no decision may be reached.  However, many critics, writers, and poets have tried to define poetry in different ways.

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History Of World Poetry Day

In 1999, it was declared World Poetry Day during the 30th General Conference in Paris.

The purpose of this day is to encourage the reading, writing, publishing, and teaching of poetry worldwide.  While announcing this day at the UNESCO session, it was said, “This day will give renewed recognition and momentum to various national, regional, and international poetry movements.”

 Earlier, World Poetry Day was celebrated in October.  Initially, this festival was sometimes celebrated on October 5, but in the late 20th century, the tradition of celebrating the day began on October 15 to commemorate the birthday of Virgil, the author of the Roman epic and emperor Augustus.

 Many countries still celebrate National or International Poetry Day in October.  As an alternative to this day, there is a tradition of celebrating Poetry Day on one of the days of October or November.  However, UNESCO declared March 21, 2000, as World Poetry Day.  Most countries of the world celebrate the day on this day.  This day is also celebrated in April in the United States and Canada.

Why do people Celebrate World Poetry Day?

The purpose of World Poetry Day is to honor poets, revive the tradition of reciting poetry, promote poetry reading, writing, and education, encourage the integration of poetry with other arts such as drama, dance, music, and painting, and popularize poetry in various mediums, etc.  But, whatever the day may be, may poetry get the importance it deserves, and may the practice of poetry be strengthened all over the world.

What is poetry?  How important is poetry in today’s society?  – These can be debated.  But there is no doubt that poetry nurtures the gentleness of the heart.  Poetry also serves as a great tool against injustice in many cases.

Contemporary poetry is not given importance in the curriculum of most educational institutions.  In many cases, students think that poetry is just some people’s unnecessary creation or false commentary.  But how we deal with poetry, or how much poetry awakens our consciousness, is of great significance.

How do people celebrate World Poetry Day?

One of the best ways to celebrate World Poetry Day is to write a poem.  Many of us have a talent for writing poetry.  Many people like to write poetry and many people like to recite poetry.  There are very few people who do not love poetry.

Today on World Poetry Day you can write a poem from your heart.  This may be the beginning of your poet’s life.  Also if you love reciting poetry, you can make a video of your favorite poet reciting a poem and share it on your social media account.  And if you love to read poetry, sit down with a book of poetry today and read a book by your favorite poet.

World Poetry Day Quotes

Is poetry losing its acceptance in the crowd of funny stories, novels, or comics in the market?  In short, the answer to the question is ‘no’.  Because, as long as there are people, as long as there is aesthetics in people – the demand for poetry will continue. Here are some Quotes about World Poetry Day-

 “Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.” – William Shakespeare

.“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.”  – Pablo Neruda

 “A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, homesickness, a lovesickness.” – Robert Frost

There is no frigate like a book to carry our land, nor a course like a page of poetry pricing.” – Emily Dickinson

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is the painting that is felt rather than seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci

World Poetry Day Messages

English Wordsworth or Shakespeare, Irish Yeats, French Badeler, Italian Dante, German Goethe, Persian Hafiz, Urdu language Ghalib or Bengali Rabindranath and Jibanananda – no matter what is said, the majority of those who introduced the readers to literature are poets. Below are some World Poetry Day Messages-

We ache with a longing that makes the whole half no excuse for the beauty of our souls.” Wishing you a very happy Poetry Day.

Poetry looking in the mirror shows art and art singing poetry in the mirror.” Wishing you this Poetry Day.

A clear expression of mixed feelings is called poetry. Express your feelings and emotions through words on this day.  Wishing you a very Happy Poetry Day.

World Poetry Day Wishes

The early history of a nation is born by the hands of poets.  Be it the Iliad, the Odyssey, Beowulf, the Inferno, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata or the Meghnad Slaughter – hidden within the folds is the history, beliefs, politics, and philosophy of each nation – above all an overarching ideology. Here are some wishes about World Poetry Day-

As a leaf is on a tree, so is poetry on the pages of a beautiful book.  Happy World Poetry Day.

  Poetry emerges from a state of completeness or loneliness.  Happy World Poetry Day.

  Poetry can evoke different emotions that nothing else can.  which you have never experienced before.

  Only the ignorant escape poetry, the wise keep a library of poetry books.  Happy World Poetry Day.

World Poetry Day Statutes

This oldest child of the world’s literature has changed its form many times in the evolution of time.  The form, style, sound, emotion, and dialogue of poetry will change in the future.  The type of acceptance will change, and the language of rejection will change.  But whenever a good poem is written, it will be embedded in people’s minds.  The insatiable thirst for writing good poetry will remain awake in the poet’s mind.  Below are some Statutes-

  A good poem can change the entire mankind and destroy the rhythm of injustice.

  Love has the power to transform a common man into a poet.  And poetry is the medium of that love. Happy World Poetry Day.

  Poetry stirs the soul and helps to understand the beauty of life. Happy World Poetry Day.

FAQ about World Poetry Day

What is the date of World Poetry Day?

21 March. Source- Wikipedia

What is the theme for National Poetry Day?

On Thursday 6 October 2022 we celebrated National Poetry Day, which focused on the theme of environment

Happy World Poetry Day. Hope you benefited from our article and we were able to give you all the information you need.  Thanks for being with us.  Visit our website regularly to know more information about upcoming days.

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