World Polio Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Today is World Polio Day.  Polio is an infectious disease caused by a virus.  In medicine, infection with this virus is called poliomyelitis, or polio for short. This day is celebrated to commemorate the scientist’s birthday on 24th October as freedom from polio came from the hands of Jonas Edward Salk.  It is the culmination of a long-term effort by Rotary International.

Every year World Polio Day has a specific theme.  This year’s theme is Building a Healthy Future for Mothers and Babies.  The day calls on the world to recognize progress in the fight to eradicate polio among children and to provide a healthy future for mothers.  The day aims to provide mothers with a positive pregnancy experience to help develop babies for a brighter and better future.

History of World Polio Day

Historically, World Polio Day was established by Rotary International in 1985 to commemorate the birth of Jones Salk.  He was the lead medical researcher on a team developing a vaccine against polio.  He developed the poliovirus vaccine.  This vaccine was first used in 1955.  It was used in 1961.  Polio vaccination is currently recommended worldwide, especially for children.

The risk of this disease remains in children under five years of age.  On World Polio Day, global organizations such as Rotary International, WHO, and others organize events to raise awareness about polio.  All these programs are organized in different schools and clubs.  Today the program is going on all over the world. Inactivated and live polio vaccination programs were initiated in 1998 by the Global Program on Polio Eradication (GPEI).

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Why do people celebrate World Polio Day?

Polio is an infectious disease caused by the virus, which mainly affects children under 5 years of age.  It is spread from one person to another through the anus or mouth, or contaminated water or food.  If one child is infected with polio, there is a possibility that polio will spread throughout the country.

 Common symptoms of polio include fever, headache, slurred speech, vomiting, fatigue, pain or stiffness in the neck, back, or legs, and muscle weakness.  These symptoms persist up to 10 days after infection.  Serious symptoms include meningitis (infection of the brain and spinal cord) and paralysis of the legs.  5%-10% of patients who develop paralysis die due to a lack of proper respiratory muscle function.

 As there is no cure for polio it can only be prevented by vaccination.  Protect your child for life with multiple doses of the polio vaccine.  Two types of vaccines are given to prevent polio.

OPV (oral polio vaccine) – first dose at birth, primary dose at 6, 10, and 14 weeks and a booster dose at 16–24 months.

Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV) – Fractional doses are given on the right upper arm at 6 and 14 weeks.  So this day is celebrated because of the danger of not getting the polio vaccination and why it is important to get the polio vaccination.

How do people celebrate World Polio Day?

Children under the age of five are usually most at risk.  There is no chance of recovery if infected with this virus.  Among the many symptoms of infection, severe symptoms include fever, shortness of breath, paralysis, or paralysis.

If the rate of infection is high, complications are created in various organs.  Brain injury.  It eventually causes death. Keeping citizens safe from polio is a milestone for any country’s progress.  Achieving a polio-free country requires intensive surveillance, vaccination programs, and social campaigns.  But till this disease is eradicated, India must remain vigilant.  For this reason, children are vaccinated across the country on National Immunization Day to keep children’s immunity high during childhood.

World Polio Day Quotes

There are 3 types of poliovirus.  Type 1, 2, 3.  In this case, types 2 and 3 no longer exist in the world.  However, type 1 is still found in many countries.  And this virus is the cause of paralysis. Here are some World Polio Day Quotes –

  • Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child’s death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis, or a host of other infections.” – Ezekiel Emanuel
  • “Polio’s pretty special because once you get an eradication, you no longer have to spend money on it; it’s just there as a gift for the rest of time.” – Bill Gates
  • “If you give us a safe vaccine, we’ll use it. It shouldn’t be polio versus autism.” – Â Jenny McCarthy
  • “I went to several different grade schools all over the West Coast. I got polio when I was 8 and spent eight months in the hospital and a rehab clinic in Seattle.” – Dennis Washington

World Polio Day Messages

Polio is an infectious disease caused by a virus.  In medicine, infection with this virus is called poliomyelitis, or polio for short.  This disease was once a terror all over the world.  Many generations have survived since vaccines were invented to control the situation.  But still, somewhere this disease remains. Below are some World Polio Day Messages –

  • With every drop of polio, we are getting closer to the day.
  • When the world will be polio-free?Happy World Polio Day.
  • Happy World Polio Day to all. The responsibility to make this world polio-free. Everyone has shoulders to lie on and we have to do that.”

World Polio Day Wishes

In 1840, German Jacob Hein first discovered poliomyelitis.  Karl Landsteiner discovered that the disease was the result of the presence of the polio virus.  Around 1910, the number of polio cases increased dramatically throughout the world, including Europe and America.  Epidemic takes shape.  Usually, during the summer its outbreak would become uncontrollable. 

At that time, millions of children and adolescents were paralyzed by this disease. After many ups and downs, a vaccine against this virus was discovered.  Since then the disease has been slowly under control. Here are some World Polio Day Wishes –

  • “Don’t let polio disrupt our future and our future generations. Don’t let polio affect the pace of our lives. Happy World Polio Day.”
  • “On World Polio Day, let us pledge to banish it from our lives.
  • Warm wishes on World Polio Day We are getting closer to the day when the world will be polio-free. Happy World Polio Day.”

World Polio Day Statuses

Polio can cause complex problems in the body.  In that case, there is a vaccine to protect against polio.  But if you don’t take that vaccine, this virus can infect you.  So it is important to be careful. Below are some World Polio Day statutes –

  • “Polio has already taken so many lives and has already caused so much suffering. Time to say goodbye to it. Happy World Polio Day.”
  • “Time to wake up from polio to make this world a happier place to live in.  Happy World Polio Day.”
  • “Wishing everyone a very happy World Polio Day. We all have the responsibility to make this world polio-free.

FAQ about World Polio Day

What is the date of World Polio Day?

24th October.

Who established World Polio Day?

World Polio Day was established in 1985 by Rotary International. Source-Wikipedia

This virus enters the body through the mouth or nose.  It then reaches your intestines.  This virus started increasing in numbers there.  Then the virus reaches your brain or spinal cord.  That’s when paralysis occurs.  There is an effective polio vaccine.

The government provides this vaccine for free.  So if you want to get rid of the disease, you have to take this vaccine.  This vaccination schedule starts at an early age.  So vaccination Children should be vaccinated against polio. Thanks for being with us.