World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 History, Significance, Causes, Prevention, Quotes and Status

Suicide is increasing worldwide. Love for life is decreasing. Since 2003, World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10 every year to prevent suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day is observed by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Working together to prevent suicide has been the WHO theme for the last 2 years.

Awareness should be created among the people around by working according to the national plan through global thinking. In the current situation, the motto is to overcome the fear of people about mental illness and inspire people to live through love and care. The biggest problem in creating awareness to prevent suicide is that there are enough people with mental problems. Lack of ideas and social awkwardness in discussing things openly.

There is no substitute for awareness to prevent suicide. Awareness should be raised among common people.  Healthy human values ​​should be inculcated. Depressed people need to be inspired to love life again.

History of World Suicide Prevention Day

Since 2003, World Suicide Prevention Day has been celebrated every year on September 10 to prevent suicide around the world. The World Health Organization and the World Federation of Mental Health are working together to celebrate the day with the International Suicide Prevention Organization. In 2011, about 40 countries of the world celebrated this day.

 Experts say that people are choosing to commit suicide due to family abuse, quarrels, physical and mental abuse, failure in love tests, poverty, unemployment, instability of daily life, moral degradation, and drugs. According to a report published by the World Health Organization in 2014, every year More than 800,000 people commit suicide in the world.  According to the organization, a person commits suicide every 40 seconds.

In addition, about 15 to 20 times more people attempt suicide and fail. Europe is the most suicidal region in the world, while the Eastern Mediterranean is the least.  According to Wikipedia, Russia has the highest number of suicides. An average of 1 male suicide is reported for every 4 females.

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Why should people celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day?

World Suicide Prevention Day is being celebrated. Every day hundreds of people die due to suicide.  Many people do not choose the path of suicide due to various reasons like depression, failure, and lack of.  Difficult situations may come along the way in life. So it is not right to choose suicide and run away like this. World Suicide Prevention Day is being celebrated to spread such messages. The day is celebrated to warn about suicide.

Some steps taken by the World Health Organization in 1999 are also highlighted.  Where specific strategies are prescribed to stop suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated to prevent the trend of suicide and to raise awareness about it. Family abuse, quarrels, physical and mental abuse, trials, failure in love, and poverty all chose the path of suicide.

World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated to stop this suicide. Various programs are celebrated in various places on this special day.  Awareness campaigns on how to stop suicide. Australia, Austria, Canada, Columbia, Fiji, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the United States, including various countries to prevent suicide. Various public awareness activities are conducted to prevent suicide, including the observance of World Suicide Prevention Day.

How to observe World Suicide Prevention Day?

In addition to traditional media, users of alternative Internet-based media and social networking sites should also be cautious in posting comments and images about suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day provides an opportunity for organizations, government agencies, and individuals to raise awareness about suicide, a mental illness associated with suicide, as well as suicide prevention. Organizations like the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) play an important role in promoting the event.

 Many World Suicide Prevention Day events and initiatives are celebrated in different countries around the world. Some of these events and activities are held locally, while others are nationwide. Many communities around the world renew their commitment to suicide prevention on World Suicide Prevention Day.

To raise awareness that suicide is preventable, increase suicide education programs, and try to reduce societal ignorance about mental illness. The goal of World Suicide Prevention Day is to reduce suicide and suicidal behavior. Supporting the media in providing a sensitive approach. Focusing on friends, colleagues and anyone else can help.

If you have seriously harmed yourself, or you don’t think you can keep yourself safe now, you can seek help straight away. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and need support, you can phone your GP and ask for an urgent appointment.

 If you know someone who is, contact a mental health hospital or psychiatrist.

Reasons for increased suicide rates

 The idea of ​​pushing oneself to death can deepen when the person feels that he/she is no longer able to cope with the overwhelming situation around him/her. It may be financial problems, the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a serious illness or physical limitation.

 The factors that push the young generation towards suicide are:

  • Confusion with any family member/members
  • Physical abuse, neglect, or emotional injury
  • No mental problems since birth
  • Knowing someone who has committed suicide, and thinking about it deeply
  • Hanging out with negative people
  • Being reckless or over-emotional
  • Feeling lonely or isolated all the time
  • Lack of attention for mental problems
  • Severe complications or impairment in work or education
  • Any major harm to friends or loved ones
  • Physical illness or any congenital health problem
  • Shyness to seek help due to fear or stigma
  • Anxiety due to caste, group, religion, and caste discrimination and prejudice
  • Living in historical trauma due to the destruction of civilization and culture
  • Being addicted to drugs
  • Legal trouble or indebtedness

Ways to calm down a suicidal person.

 · Immediately ask directly about his emotions and feelings.  At times though it may not work in many cases.  But if what he has to say is listened to sincerely and taken seriously, the situation can improve.

 · He/she should be given a comfortable place to communicate openly. His/her feelings of shame and guilt should be positively presented to him/her. Because people who attempt suicide already feel a lot of shame, guilt, or embarrassment inside. Not by mistake. He/she should be explained in simple terms with support. He/she should be listened to carefully while expressing his/her opinion. Avoid getting involved in any kind of controversy at this time.

 · Be respectful of his/her feelings. But he/she cannot be made the only miserable person in the world by paying the price of feelings. Rather, we must talk about the constructive application of emotions. And at this time, the flexibility of the practical activities should be highlighted. It should be noted that even if the suicidal person is not thinking rationally, his/her emotions are real. They cannot be expressed as worthless in any way. This can disrupt communication and cause the person to become more withdrawn.

· Can’t promise to hide his suicidal feelings by paying the emotional price. When one’s life is in danger, keeping such a promise is inevitable. Rather, it is better to do it if it is beneficial for someone else to know. This matter should be explained to him/her. Even he/she should be requested to cooperate in this work.

· When someone is tempted to commit suicide, he/she feels that all avenues of escape are closed. To get him/her out of this situation, he/she should be informed about the ways to deal with the situation.  In this case, the life story of those who have already managed to escape from this situation can be expressed as inspiration. Getting the easy way out allows him to start thinking about life again.

 · He/she should be encouraged to avoid drug use. Using drugs or alcohol in this situation may seem to ease the painful feelings. But at the end of the day, it makes everything worse. As a result, it can lead to reckless behavior or feeling more depression. In this case, he/she can be tempted to do the favorite activities of his/her life. Be patient with him/her the whole time while doing those things. Care should be taken so that he/she does not get any opportunity to use drugs. If necessary, the help of his/her loved ones can be taken here

· If possible, remove potentially dangerous items for suicide from his/her hands. Such as knives, razors, guns, or drugs. Even common medicines should be removed. More time should be spent with him/her to administer the correct dosage of the medicines required for his physical improvement. For this, the help of his/her loved ones and a doctor’s advice can be taken.

What can be done to prevent suicide?

 Avoiding situations that lead to suicide is the way to prevent it. Overall, it is important to make his surroundings comfortable for him/her. The things that can help the most are:

 · Maintain constant contact with everyone in the family and community

 · Availability of means of resolving any problems and dealing with disputes

 · Establishing a foundation of faith that discourages suicide and encourages self-love

 · Helping with self-esteem and setting specific goals in life

 · Teaching society to care for others.  In this, he/she will get care from others.

 · Create an environment around him where he feels no hesitation in talking about personal problems

 · To raise awareness about the harmful effects of drug addiction

 · Encourage regular exercise

 · To motivate towards eating healthy food regularly

 · Encourage at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep per day

 · Encouraging listening to music or traveling

World Suicide Prevention Day Quotes

In our society girls have a tougher path than a boy. From that childhood, he/she had to suffer deprivation and discrimination in various ways at home and outside. There is no guarantee that she will be able to return home safely from school.

Some choose to commit suicide due to harassment, abuse by their husband and in-laws, sexual abuse at home or work, or shame. Boys are also subjected to torture in various ways. And being mentally damaged, they decide to commit suicide. But we must not forget our life is too precious not to waste this beautiful life. One should not sacrifice one’s life for temporary bad times. You should love your life.

The rate of suicide among the young generation is gradually increasing. Every year, many suicides occur all over the world. Many organizations are coming forward to prevent suicide. Suicide is not a solution. There are also quotes from many prominent people in this regard. Some quotes are highlighted on World Suicide Prevention Day today-

  • “I think suicide is sort of like cancer was 50 years ago. People don’t want to talk about it, they don’t want to know about it. People are frightened of it, and they don’t understand, when these issues are medically treatable.” — Judy Collins
  • “Nowadays, suicide is just a way of disappearing. It is carried out timidly, and quietly, and falls flat. It is no longer an action, only a submission.” — Cesare Pavese
  • “Some people say that suicide is a sin, but I have never believed that. I say it’s God’s way of calling certain folks home early. It’s much nicer than an awful accident, where the rest of us are left wondering if the person really wanted to go.” — Faith Sullivan
  • “When people are suicidal, their thinking is paralyzed, their options appear spare or nonexistent, their mood is despairing, and hopelessness permeates their entire mental domain. The future cannot be separated from the present, and the present is painful beyond solace.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
  • “From the perspective of the one committing suicide, his or her act can be one of the most perverse forms of moral manipulation, as it abandons those left behind to their shame, guilt, and grief. Suicide is something like a metaphysical “I gotcha!” It is often an attempt to kill or wound others.” — Stanley Hauerwas

World Suicide Prevention Day Status

Nowadays, the trend of suicide is more common among the young generation. Loneliness consumes them the most. Sometimes things happen to them that they cannot share with family and friends. As a result, they chose the path of suicide.

Unknowingly takes the extreme decision to end their life. As a result, the entire family of the suicide victim has to suffer for the rest of their lives. We should instill courage in the younger generation, give them confidence and come forward with them. And also imparting education within the family on how they should treat their children and develop friendly relations. Today on World Suicide Prevention Day, let’s make everyone aware through a status share-

  • Suicide is not a solution. Let us not make any wrong decisions in our journey in life. We have to remember that our life is much more precious. Happy World Suicide Prevention Day
  • Treat the youngest member of the family well. Be friendly with them. Remember that a child’s best friend can be his parents. Children will never take the worst decision in life if children have friendly behavior with their parents. Happy World Suicide Prevention Day
  • Life is not so easy; we all have to face many problems in our life. No one’s life is easy. So, you have to be brave in the way of life. Happy World Suicide Prevention Day.

FAQ about World Suicide Prevention Day

Is September suicide prevention month?

September, National Suicide Prevention Month.

What color is suicide prevention?

The suicide prevention awareness ribbon colors – yellow and orange

What is the date of World Suicide Prevention Day?

September 10. Source-Wikipedia.

It is natural to have a negative outlook on life due to constant political unrest, terrorist activities, and demographic complications as well as adverse environmental reactions. Therefore, it is important to develop a practice of moral education and change of attitude among each other to prevent the confusion and despair of excessive emotions.