World Thyroid Day 2023 History, Significance, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, Daet Chart, Quotes and Status

Today, May 25, is World Thyroid Day.  750 million people worldwide suffer from thyroid problems.  The day has been celebrated globally since 2009 to raise awareness.  This day is not officially celebrated in our country.  However, various organizations have been observing the day appropriately for the last few years. The name of the disease of depression, depression, and forgetfulness is ‘thyroid’.  It is a hormonal problem.

The thyroid is a gland in the body like the wings of a butterfly.  Which is on both sides of the throat plot.  The color of this gland is brown.  Hormones released from the thyroid gland near the neck regulate the body’s metabolism and affect every cell in the body.  This hormone helps the body produce energy, nutrients, and oxygen.

If this is an exception, various problems occur in the body. If there is a thyroid problem, the heart rate decreases, the sensitivity to cold increases, the hands feel paralyzed, and the neck enlarges.  Apart from constipation, heavy menstrual bleeding in women, and dryness of hair and skin. If there is a problem in the thyroid gland, mild to severe pain is felt, and there is discomfort or pain when moving the neck or swallowing something.

This disease is more visible during viral diseases like colds, measles, or mumps. Nowadays, a large population is affected by thyroid disease.  More than half of them do not know that they are suffering from thyroid problems.  Between 20 and 30 years of age, the probability of getting this disease is high.  Among adult men, 3.9 percent to 9.4 percent of women may have hypothyroidism.  Another 7 percent of women and men suffer from subclinical hypothyroidism.

Newborn babies can also have problems with a thyroid hormone deficiency, and the rate can be 2-8 per 10,000 live births.  Growing children can also suffer from thyroid hormone deficiency.  At this time, if the thyroid hormone is deficient, the physical and mental growth of children is disturbed.

History of World Thyroid Day

It was decided to observe World Thyroid Day in 2007.  In 2007, members of the Thyroid Federation International called for World Thyroid Day.  Originally the purpose of observing this day was to honor the founder of the European Thyroid Association.  The European Thyroid Association was formed on 25th May 1965.

And the European Thyroid Association was the pioneer of World Thyroid Day.  In 2010, the American Thyroid Association supported the observance of World Thyroid Day.  Also, various other organizations such as the Chinese Society of Endocrinology, and Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine, and the Asia Oceania Thyroid Association have decided to observe World Thyroid Day.  The thyroid gland is a small gland at the base of our neck.

This thyroid gland produces our hormones.  Thyroxine and triiodothyronine.  Although the thyroid is a small gland, it has a significant impact on everyone’s health.  The thyroid gland controls our body’s metabolism, and metabolic control is tied to how efficiently we burn calories.  We all know metabolic regulation affects body temperature and heart rate. The thyroid gland controls our body’s metabolism, and metabolic control is tied to how efficiently we burn calories.

We all know metabolic regulation affects body temperature and heart rate.  The thyroid gland affects our metabolic rate.  People with thyroid disorders can produce too little of the hormone’s thyroxine and triiodothyronine.  When a person has hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland cannot produce enough hormones.

As a result of not being able to produce enough hormones, iodine deficiency occurs in the body and people become sick.  Iodine is an element used to make our thyroid hormones.  Autoimmune disorders can also cause hypothyroidism.  If this treatment is not done on time, people can suffer from various diseases.  Such as hair loss, constipation, slow metabolism, dry skin, high blood pressure, heartburn, and many other problems.  If there is a family history of thyroid problems, the problem may be passed on to the next generation.

Significance of World Thyroid Day

Today, May 25, is World Thyroid Day.  750 million people worldwide suffer from thyroid problems.  It is a hormonal problem.  Hormones released from the thyroid gland near the neck regulate the body’s metabolism and affect every cell in the body.  Hormones help the body produce energy, nutrients, and oxygen.

If this is an exception, various problems occur in the body. If there is a thyroid problem, the heart rate decreases, the sensitivity to cold increases, the hands feel paralyzed, and the neck enlarges.  Besides constipation, heavy menstrual bleeding in girls and dryness of hair and skin.  Besides, if there is a problem in the thyroid gland, mild to severe pain is felt, and there is discomfort or pain when moving the neck or swallowing something.

This disease is more visible during viral diseases like colds, measles, or mumps.  Between 20 and 30 years of age, the probability of getting this disease is high.  In addition, the rate in adult men and women can be 3.9 percent to 9.4 percent.  Children can also have thyroid hormone deficiency problems. A deficiency of thyroid hormones affects the physical and mental growth of children.  Even though physical growth can be equalized in the post-Parvati period, it is not possible to improve intelligence.

The day has been celebrated globally since 2009 to raise awareness about this.  The day has been celebrated globally since 2009 to raise awareness in this regard. Among the physical problems of people, a thyroid problem is a well-known disease.  Many people don’t know or have a proper idea about thyroid disorders.  As a result, if they are affected by thyroid disease, they cannot get treatment on time.  Prevention is better than a cure for any disease.

So of course, we need to get a proper understanding of all diseases then we can easily get rid of those diseases.  If the disease is correctly diagnosed, it is possible to recover quickly by taking the necessary treatment.  The main objective of World Thyroid Day is to create public awareness and educate people about the symptoms risks and remedies of thyroid disorders.  So, every year World Thyroid Day is observed with deep significance worldwide.

How to celebrate World Thyroid Day?

Today, many people around the world are affected by the thyroid.  And this is why World Thyroid Day is being celebrated across the world today.  Women are more affected by this disease than men. This hormonal problem is almost 10 times more common in women than in men. People are living with thyroid problems.  Due to a lack of awareness among people about this disease, sufferers do not go to the doctor easily.

Over 50 percent of hypothyroid patients remain undiagnosed because the response is slow. It is important to spread awareness about the symptoms of the disease and increase public awareness.  A baby’s thyroid gland is formed in the mother’s womb.  If the baby’s thyroid gland is not developed properly in the mother’s womb, then the baby is born with physical and mental disabilities.  That is why thyroid problems need to be checked before conception.  The incidence of this disease is high even at a mature age.

 The thyroid is a special gland in the body.  It lies on either side of the larynx.  The thyroid gland looks like a butterfly.  The function of the thyroid gland is to produce the essential thyroid hormones of the body.  The body has a certain level of thyroid hormone.  Harmful effects start to occur in the body when the hormone is produced at less or more than a certain level.

If the thyroid hormone is produced less, it is called hypothyroidism and if it is produced more, it is called hyperthyroidism.  Both men and women can suffer from thyroid problems.  Various surveys have shown that at least 15 out of every 1,000 women and 1 out of every 1,000 men suffer from thyroid problems.  More than half of them do not know that they are suffering from thyroid problems.  Although it is a small gland, its function is extensive.

Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland play one of the most important roles in human digestion.  The need for thyroid hormones is essential from conception to death.  Therefore, World Thyroid Day is observed to raise public awareness worldwide.  Let’s know the activities of World Thyroid Day-

Around the world, on World Thyroid Day, various organizations organize rallies to raise public awareness about thyroid-related problems.  There is a poster campaign on World Thyroid Day.  Also, on World Thyroid Day, various professors and doctors give solutions to deal with thyroid-related problems.  Free health care is provided for thyroid-related problems in various government and private medical facilities on World Thyroid Day. 

Also called for various organizations to work together for public awareness.  Various seminars and events are organized where the symptoms and remedies and treatment of thyroid diseases are widely discussed.  Also, on World Thyroid Day, a program was organized to publish guidelines for the treatment of thyroid diseases at various places.  Various famous doctors participated in the event and advised the people.

In these events organized on the occasion of World Thyroid Day, all concerned are called upon to provide proper treatment to patients who are interested in research on thyroid disease and conduct comprehensive disease prevention activities.

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Symptoms of Thyroid disease

At least 12 percent of people in the world suffer from thyroid problems.  Thyroid problem is a very common and known disease.  Most of the time, women are more affected, but regardless of men and women, thyroid gland problems occur in the body of many people.

Simply put, these problems occur when the thyroid gland produces more or less of the thyroid hormone it needs.  Thyroid hormones are important for metabolism and the formation of various body parts.  But when the level of this hormone is excessively high or low in the body, it causes various physical problems.

Check out these eight signs to know if you have a thyroid problem.  If these physical or mental symptoms occur, you should be alerted quickly.

  • Tiredness

The most common thyroid symptom is fatigue.  Thyroid hormones mainly provide energy to the body.  If you experience excessive fatigue, it may be a sign of thyroid.

  • Weight gain

Excess weight gain can also be a thyroid symptom.  If the body’s metabolic rate goes up or down, it’s normal to see changes in how many calories or fat your body burns, which is bound to affect your weight.

  • Excessive cold

If it’s not too cold and you get cold easily, it means your body is not burning enough calories.  Instead, your body stores calories.  Which can be considered a symptom of thyroid.

  • Weakness and pain in muscles and joints

Metabolic problems can cause your muscles and joints to lose strength.  As a result, your muscles or joints may become weak.

  • Hair loss

Thyroid problems can increase your hair loss.  Thyroid problems are often responsible for hair loss.

  • Lethargy

According to various studies, most people who are suffering from thyroid problems may suffer from depression.

  • Inability to concentrate and forgetfulness

Many people suffering from thyroid problems report mental fatigue.  Not being able to concentrate, or forgetting things easily, are very common thyroid symptoms.

  • Menstrual problems

Because thyroid hormones are related to other hormones in the body, an increase or decrease in that hormone can affect the function of other hormones as well.  Hormones involved in menstruation can also cause this problem.  This can lead to problems with the timing and intensity of menstruation.

How to get rid of thyroid?

Thyroid problems are mainly caused by stress and diet problems.  You can get rid of thyroid problems by following home remedies. Foods rich in iodine and minerals are very beneficial for the thyroid.  Therefore, foods that are high in these ingredients such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and dairy foods are very beneficial for the thyroid.  Iodine supplements can also play an important role in this. If you have thyroid problems, do not eat sugar at all.

As a result of consuming excess sugar, these two hormones T-3 and T-4 are produced.  Which is bad for health. When our body does not have enough iodine, the thyroid cannot produce hormones.  Which leads to hypothyroidism.  So, eat food with iodine. Exercise regularly to reduce stress.  Thyroid problems are less. Even if there is less amount of iron in the daily diet, thyroid problems can occur. Apple cider vinegar is very useful in maintaining the balance of hormone production.  It improves metabolism.

Apart from this, it can control body fat and helps in the absorption of nutrients by removing various toxic substances from the body. Rice contains various minerals like potassium, and magnesium.  So, it is very effective for thyroid problems. Drinking ginger tea regularly is very beneficial in controlling thyroid problems. Vitamin B plays a very helpful role in controlling thyroid problems.  Vitamin B12 is especially beneficial for people suffering from hypothyroidism.

Therefore, foods that are high in this vitamin, such as eggs, fish, meat, milk, and nuts, should be included in the daily diet so that they can supply the body with sufficient amounts of vitamin B. Lack of vitamin D often causes thyroid problems.  And only sunlight can make the body vitamin D.  So at least 15 minutes a day should be in sunlight.  Some foods that are rich in vitamin D are salmon, mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, egg yolks, etc. Yoga exercises and meditation keep the blood flow to the thyroid gland properly.

Medical treatment of Thyroid

Thyroid treatment is much easier than any other treatment.  Although in hypothyroid one has to take medicine for life or if tumor ablation in hyperthyroid causes it to become hypo again, it is seen that long time treatment is required in both cases.  However, its cost is very low.  You can stay healthy by taking only one or two medicines every day.  Food supplements can also be taken.

 Thyroid patients are deficient in calcium, some vitamins and minerals are deficient along with increased uric acid, especially the blood can decrease, so if some green vegetables can be kept with food it is also a part of the treatment.  And thyroid replacement therapy is of course very cheap and lifelong.  Take the medicine you need every morning on an empty stomach.  And in the case of pregnancy, the amount of tablets is a little more required.  It should always be taken care of.  These tablets are very readily available.

World Thyroid Day Quotes

No illness should be underestimated.  We often ignore many diseases which can turn into serious diseases from the medicine itself.  It is beneficial for us to know the symptoms and remedies of any disease.  Various processes are constantly taking place in our bodies.  We don’t even know when we will be affected by any disease.

So if we know the symptoms and remedies of any disease, we can easily get rid of that disease, and we will not panic by seeing that disease.  Today is World Thyroid Day.  World Thyroid Day is observed on May 25 every year to inform people about the symptoms and remedies of thyroid patients.  The thyroid is a disease that many people are not aware of or have not even heard the name of.  As a result, many people do not recognize that they are suffering from thyroid disease.  But it is possible to get rid of thyroid disease if detected in time.

If not treated at the right time, this thyroid disease can also lead to thyroid cancer.  The main purpose of observing this day worldwide is to create awareness among people.  Various organizations come together to celebrate this day through various campaigns.  As thyroid hormones are a problem, many people do not have a proper understanding of it.

In addition to educated people in our society, there are still many people who do not have the light of education.  As a result, they do not have a proper understanding of some complex and difficult diseases.  So, by doing a global campaign we can make people aware of a thyroid problem.  Today on World Thyroid Day let’s take a look at the quotes of some thyroid sufferers who have overcome the disease and are living a simple life-

  • “I discovered I had thyroid disease by accident. My son was having some health concerns, and as I filled out his patient history I noticed I had a lot of similar symptoms. I mentioned it to the doctor, and he ran blood work and finally an ultrasound of my thyroid.” –Kim Alexis
  • “Having thyroid cancer in 2009 didn’t change my life at all. I wish I could say that I had this epiphany. But I knew I was lucky before that, so it’s not like I suddenly realized how lucky I am.” –Clare Balding
  • “After the 2012 Olympics, I returned to training, but unlike in previous years, my off-season weight gain didn’t melt off as soon as I got back to my routine. I was tired, and my clothes weren’t fitting. I’d been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which means my thyroid is underactive, and that slows my metabolism.” –Michelle Carter
  • “I started wearing wigs when I was younger and had a thyroid disease that made my hair fall out. It was devastating. I thought, ‘I could either have an issue with this, or I could go to the store and buy a wig.’ And then I fell in love with wearing them, and I stuck with it even after my hair came back.” –Angela Robinson.

World Thyroid Day Status

A large number of people worldwide are now affected by the thyroid.  Many are getting well with proper treatment and many are not able to get well due to not being able to detect the disease and finally getting affected by thyroid cancer.  So it is very important to know about the symptoms and remedies of this disease.  And for this purpose, World Thyroid Day is observed every year.  World Thyroid Day is celebrated every year based on different themes.

There are many reasons behind most of the people worldwide suffering from thyroid which we have already known from the above text.  If the thyroid is affected, a person can suffer from various diseases.  Thyroid treatment is done at a low cost so that any thyroid-affected patient does not take much time to recover if he receives proper treatment through diagnosis.

Research shows that one in 10 people worldwide is affected by the thyroid.  More than half a hundred infected patients remain undiagnosed.  Therefore, there is a need to increase awareness about thyroid disease worldwide.  Let’s make everyone aware of thyroid disease today by sharing awareness status on World Thyroid Day.  Here are some statuses on the occasion of World Thyroid Day for your convenience.

  • Currently, there are numerous organizations worldwide that are working to raise awareness about thyroid disease.  We all should appreciate their work and help them to raise public awareness.  Happy World Thyroid Day.
  • Today on World Thyroid Day I hope every thyroid patient in the world gets well soon with proper treatment and everyone gets educated about thyroid disease.
  • World Thyroid Day reminds us how advanced medicine is today.  Medical scientists are constantly working tirelessly to find cures for various diseases.  With the development of medical science, any thyroid patient can be cured by correcting the disease at the right time.
  • Today is World Thyroid Day.  Prevention is better than a cure for any disease.  Let’s do a thyroid checkup today on World Thyroid Day.

FAQ about World Thyroid Day

What is the date of World Thyroid Day?

25 May.

What color ribbon is for thyroid disease?

Blue, Pink, Purple.

What is the symbol of the thyroid?

The Blue Paisley Ribbon. Source-Wikipedia

Which fruit is good for the thyroid?

Apples, pears, plums, and citrus fruits

Happy World Thyroid Day.  Today on World Thyroid Day let’s be aware of ourselves as well as make everyone in the family aware and let everyone know about thyroid disease.  Hope I have been able to give you all the information about World Thyroid Day through this article.  If you have any more questions about World Thyroid Day, you can do it in the comment box, we will try to answer them as soon as possible.  Thank you so much for being with us.

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