Anti-Bullying Day 2023 History, Importance, Quotes and Status

Every year on May 4th, Anti-Bullying Day is observed around the world. Anti-Bullying Day raises awareness among people about how harmful bullying is and taking effective measures to prevent bullying. According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, “While some bullying can be detected physically, it can sometimes be silent or psychological. Such as harming the bullied emotionally by spreading rumors or falsehoods on the Internet Bullying. One of the main points of conduct is that the victim is psychologically harmed as a result of the conduct.”

 Any victim of bullying can be male or female. But usually, those who are shy, timid, less confident, anxious, or physically weak are the victims of bullying. But generally, girls are victims of bullying more than boys. Yes, talking about our social system – where we are constantly growing up seeing such incidents. Things have become normal in our eyes now.

It is not only that our children are insulted by their physical appearance, but even if a student is weak in intelligence in the class, he/she has to listen to various reprimands. Teachers are also not out of scope. Teacher’s also taunted and mock students.

History of Anti-Bullying Day

The idea for Anti-Bullying Day first came from Debbie Shepherd and Travis Price of Nova Scotia, Canada.  In 2007 they bought and distributed 50 pink shirts to show their support for Jadrien Cota. And that’s because he’s a student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on the first day of school. He was brutally tortured. And since then people have worn pink purple or blue shirts to protest against it. If we look at our society bullying exists everywhere.

Sometimes people enjoy teasing others. Belittles others to assert dominance. Torture people against their appearance, shape, caste, gender, sexuality, or religion. Sometimes bullying is belittling people by comparing them to each other. Nowadays people are being bullied through the internet. Bullies are now not limited to schoolyards, but social media bullying is on the rise. Cyberbullying is one of them. The purpose of observing this day is that everyone should stand against bullying. Through this day, children who are victims of bullying and victims of human suffering are helped.

That is why the United Nations has marked May 4 as Anti-Bullying Day. Anti-Bullying Day reminds us to protect all people who are oppressed and harassed regardless of race, gender or age.

Why we all should celebrate Anti-Bullying Day?

Bullying is a serious crime. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bullying is unexpected and aggressive behavior that is common among school-aged children. This behavior reveals the power imbalance between the two parties. This behavior continues in the affected child or adolescent. However, this behavior is usually seen in school-going children and teenagers but can be seen in people of any age. Such behavior is also seen among university students or office colleagues.

 The simple meaning of the word bullying is to harass someone emotionally, shame in front of others, humiliate, degrade, and sexually harass. Bullying can happen based on different positions. Such as through physical or mental injury, insults, any information, through physical or mental harassment. Civilized and developed countries are now very vocal about bullying. They conduct various awareness activities to prevent bullying.

Again, there are laws to prevent bullying in some places. Bullying leaves a person mentally disturbed. When this happens to children, it has a long-term effect on the child’s psyche.  Many times, some victims of bullying even commit suicide.

 We need to be aware and vocal about bullying so that we don’t get bullied ourselves and our children don’t get bullied either. Bullying should be prevented wherever it occurs. And for this purpose, we should celebrate Anti-Bullying Day every year.

How to celebrate Anti-Bullying Day?

In other words, to abuse someone mentally or physically. Insulting someone, defaming someone, humiliating someone in front of someone, such things are bullying. Many times we take it as fun to abuse someone, that is bullying. The consequences of bullying that children are subjected to at school or home can be dire! Most of the time, parents or many people do not pay attention to the matter. But the time has come to take the prevention of bullying seriously.

Nowadays, many conscious schools and colleges can be seen taking effective anti-bullying measures, which are playing an effective role in removing the obstacles in the mental development of children and adolescents. At work, at home, in the chats of neighbors and relatives, on social media, etc., almost all of us more or less listen to offensive comments in the guise of fun, which we do not give anyone the right to do. Although many accepted the matter with a smile, gradually he/she became aloof or ashamed of themselves. So today is the time to stand up.

Today is Anti-Bullying Day. This day is observed to prevent bullying. Let us now know some effective ways to celebrate Anti-Bullying Day

Encourage your child

Encourage your child. Victims of bullying are mentally weak. They cannot seek help from others because they are mentally weak. And day by day become mentally disturbed. It is possible to solve many problems if you share them with others rather than suppressing them. Most bullied children suffer from depression. Due to this, they cannot concentrate on their studies, do not like any activities, and prefer to keep themselves alone. Loneliness consumes them.

So as a conscious parent you should inform your child about bullying. Give him/her emotional support. And be friendly to him/her. By doing this he/she will have the courage to protest about anything.

Seek help

If you are constantly being bullied, make the right decision today and seek help instead of keeping it to yourself. When we can’t share our problems with others, our problems are compounded and never solved. So we must take help from others to solve the problem. Stand up for yourself today on Anti-Bullying Day. If you can’t do it alone, get help from others. Not everyone in our surrounding society is bad. Many people will come forward to help you.

The best way is without the help of your best friend.  There are many things that we cannot share with our parents. In that case, our closest friend may be our only hope. So don’t tolerate it anymore protest today.

Be a friend

Keep your eyes and ears open. Try to find out about the problems of that friend who is always alone or withdrawn. Maybe he/she is a victim of bullying which he/she cannot share with anyone. Stand by such a friend and help him/her emotionally. And protest for him/her.  Seeing you, many people will be interested in coming forward to prevent bullying.

Ways to prevent bullying

Bullying usually refers to blaming or verbally attacking a specific person in public as a result of an argument between 2 people. Also, posting one’s picture or video online by distorting it is included in bullying. While scrolling through Facebook, he/she saw that someone was hurting another person by making negative comments. Or threatening to leak someone’s secret information. Internet-centric activities of this bully can be called cyberbullying.

Many are becoming victims of cyber criminals through various platforms including Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, and WhatsApp. Women and children are its main victims. Teenagers were the first victims of such harassment. Now the middle-aged are also falling into this trap. If you are a parent, keep an eye on your child’s digital behavior. Follow the procedure below on Anti-Bullying Day if abnormal behavior is observed.

Keep an eye out

Be aware of the child’s or a younger family member’s mood swings. Try to figure out if his moodiness has anything to do with his/her digital device.

Speak up

Try to talk about what happened. If you get any clue, try to find out how the incident started, and who or who is involved.

Keep the evidence

Keep records of what’s happening where. Take screenshots of harmful posts or comments if possible.  Various laws and policies state that bullying is a criminal offense, so you will certainly have the opportunity to keep records.

Support the victim

Support is the most important thing for any victim of bullying. Try to understand the junior family member’s problem without getting angry at his/her unusual behavior. Help him/her how he can come out of this problem. Give courage and encourage morale.

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Anti-Bullying Day Quotes

Bullying is something that makes people mentally disturbed. Leads to extreme levels of depression. We should all speak out against bullying. Looking at our current society, it is seen that most people are victims of bullying not only in educational institutions but also in employment. Many people are mentally damaged by being bullied because of their looks or caste or religion. Everyone should protest from their own place and speak out against bullying.

There are also several quotes about how damaging bullying is and how much it is necessary to speak out against it. Which is presented to you on Anti-Bullying Day-

  • “Bullying is killing our kids. Being different is killing our kids and the kids who are bullying are dying inside. We have to save our kids whether they are bullied or they are bullied. They are all in pain.” – Cat Cora.
  • “Bullying is the manifestation of an infantile and primitive need to become the leader of the pack. The modern-day bully believes he is a human being, but he is an animal.” – Bona.
  • “Some people won`t be happy until they’ve pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away.” – Donna Schoenrock.
  • “The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person.” – Mary Elizabeth William.
  • “You always have to remember that bullies want to bring you down because you have something that they admire. Also, when you get made fun of-when people point out your weaknesses, it`s an opportunity for you to rise above.” – Zac Efron.
  • “Bullying consists of the least competent most aggressive employee projecting their incompetence onto the least aggressive most competent employee and winning.” – Tim Field.
  • “True courage is cool and calm. The bravest of men have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free.” – Lord Shaftesbury.
  • “Encourage don`t belittle, embrace their individuality. And show them that no matter what they will always have value if they stay true to themselves.” – Solange Nicole.
  • “A person who possesses a cunning attitude is not always academically intelligent, but they are considered clever because they can manipulate and cause harm towards others in order to gain something out of them for their own benefit. They can be defeated if people stand up towards them and point out their actual inappropriate behavioral activities with logical reasoning.” – Saaif Alam.
  • “Life is full of choices all your whole life through. So let us raise our voices and sing about the thing we all should do. I’m going to be the kind of person that I like to be around I’m going to be the kind of friend that I`m always glad I found.” – Jim Rule.
  • “Educators need to learn all facets of bullying and examine the relationships in their classrooms. The relationships teachers form with children and the relationships teachers help students establish can stifle or fuel abuse.” – Phyllis Kaufman Goodstein.
  • “One of the most essential mechanisms for garnering school community support for Anti-Bullying initiatives is to convene a committee of individuals to assist in the initiative as a member of an Anti-Bullying committee.” – Elizabeth A. Barton

Anti-Bullying Day Status

The most effective way to prevent bullying is to raise awareness among people. Now several organizations are gradually playing a special role in preventing bullying. They are constantly campaigning to raise awareness among people to encourage people to stop bullying. Not only do a few people work together but everyone has to come forward from their place to prevent bullying.  We all know how harmful bullying is to our loved ones and our children.

The bullied person isolates himself day by day and withdraws from all activities. Many even commits suicide after being bullied.  So, let’s call people today on the day of resistance. You can increase awareness among people by sharing a status on your social media account on Anti-Bullying Day. So, share a status without delay and here are some statuses for your convenience

  • Let’s wake up our voices. I protest against injustice without tolerating it. Resistance is possible only through protest. A healthy society comes forward. Today is Anti-Bullying Day and I call on everyone to come forward to prevent bullying.
  • Be friendly with your child. So that your child can talk to you like a friend without fearing you. Many of us do not know what our children are enduring or how they are spending their days. Children are often victims of bullying at school. Today on Anti-Bullying Day, my call to all parents is to be your child’s friend.
  • We should all come forward from our respective places to prevent bullying. Many people around us are constantly being bullied. Many of them are unable to protest due to weakness. We should all have the courage to stand with those people. Let this be our pledge today on Anti-Bullying Day.

FAQ about Anti-Bullying Day

What is the date of Anti-Bullying Day?

4th May. Source-Wikipedia.

Why do people celebrate Anti-Bullying Day?

Because Anti-Bullying Day raises awareness among people about how harmful bullying is and taking effective measures to prevent bullying.

Each of us has some responsibility to ensure mutual respect, dignity, and dignity, regardless of status and age. Therefore, it is necessary to be vocal against unnecessarily belittling others, talking offensively, or making fun of others’ weaknesses. Because our accepting everything, not protesting or staying silent gives the other side the wrong information to think they are right. And this is responsible for all our dishonor and humiliation.