Orthodox New Year 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Old New year or Orthodox New Year is celebrated on January 14. The representative of the Faculty of Bishops of Moscow announced that the Russian Orthodox Church does not consider it possible to adjust its calendar.  “The distinction between the Gregorian and Julian calendars tumid by 100 years per century. If Jesus had allowed our … Read more

Happy Civil rights day Or Martin Luther king Jr Day 2023

martin luther king day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day or civil rights day is celebrated on January 16th.  Each year is a defining moment when Americans across the country come together to make communities more equitable and Dr. Martin Luther King or Martin Luther King, Jr. (English: Martin Luther King, Jr) (born January 15, 1929 – died: April 4, … Read more

Cinco De Mayo 2023 History, Message, Wish and Status

Cinco de Mayo is an annual celebration held on May 5, commemorating the anniversary of the conquest of Mexico by the 6th Emperor of Mexico General Ignacio led by Zaragoza. The victory of a small, poorly equipped Mexican force against a larger and better-armed French army boosted the morale of the Mexicans. Zaragoza died a … Read more

World UFO Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

World UFO Day Some celebrate the day on June 24 and others on July 2. June 24 is the date that reporter Kenneth Arnold wrote and is generally considered the first widely reported UFO in the United States, although July 2 is the supposed UFO crash in the 1947 Roswell incident. World UFO Day July … Read more

French American Heritage Month 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

In the United States, July is denominated National French American Heritage Month and was Founded to honor the significant achievement made to the country by the people of the French landing. Currently, about 11.8 million Americans of French- or French-Canadian descent live and work in the United States, of whom about 2 million speak French … Read more