Happy Brazil Carnival 2023

Brazil’s Carnival is the world’s most popular festival. this year 17 February the Brazil Carnival started. The Brazilian Carnival (Portuguese pronunciation: Carnaval) is an annual festival in Brazil that takes place forty days before Easter.  On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians traditionally abstain from eating meat and eggs.  The word “Carnival” comes from “Carnevale”, meaning ‘to give up meat’. It is believed that the Carnival celebration originated from the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which originally originated in Christian thought.

The melodic vibe, participation, and costumes of these festivals vary from region to region.  It is organized mainly by samba schools in the southern cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, inspired by the Venice Carnival.  These formal parades are widely publicized, although less organized parades called blokes can be seen in other cities. 

Parades were also held in the streets of the northwestern cities of Salvador, Porto Seguro, and Recife, and the general public actively participated.  This carnival has been significantly influenced by African-Brazilian culture.  In addition, the carnival of Olinda in the northeast also has several original features, although parts of it resemble the carnival of Venice and create a slight clash with regional folklore.

Carnival is the most popular holiday in Brazil, and the highest number of events are held on this day.  The work of the entire country came to a complete halt for about a week.  Especially in coastal cities, the event continues day and night. [2] Beer sales increase by 80% compared to the rest of the year, and tourist arrivals increase by about 70% ahead of Carnival.  by doing,

History of Brazil Carnival

Hiram Araujo, in his book Carnival, reports that the origin of the carnival festival cannot be established precisely, but it must be related to the agricultural culture, to the Egyptian festivals, and, later, to the cult of Dionysus, which took place in Greece.  , between 605 and 527 BC.  One thing, however, is common to all: Carnival has a history, like all great parties, linked to astronomical or natural phenomena.  Carnival is characterized by parties, public entertainment, masked balls, and the manifestation of folklore.

Others say that it began later, in Egypt, in honor of the goddess Isis and the bull Apis, with dances, parties, and masked people.  Some attribute the origin of Carnival to the Greeks who celebrated the return of spring and the cult of the god Dionysus.

And still, others speak of ancient Rome with its Bacchanals, Saturnalia, and Lupercals in honor of the gods Bacchus, Saturn, and Pan. The word carnival also has several versions and there is no consensus among scholars.  Some argue that the word carnival comes from Carne vale (farewell meat!) or carne velamen (suppression of meat). This explanation of the etymological origin of the word takes us back to the beginning of the Lent period which, in its origins, was not only a time of spiritual reflection but also a time of abstinence from certain foods, among them, meat.

 Another interpretation of the word’s etymology is that it comes from curious navalis, a pre-Christian expression meaning naval carriage.  This interpretation is based on early spring maritime processions or floating entertainments in the form of boats, both in Greece and Rome.  In Brazil, the carnival was called Entrudo due to the influence of the Portuguese, who brought carnival games and festivals in 1723.  Many attribute the origin of our Carnival to the celebrations people created to commemorate the arrival of the Royal Family.  People dressed in masks and costumes took to the streets to celebrate with music.

The floats arrived in 1786 to mark the wedding of Dom João and Carlotta Joaquina. Around 1846, an event occurred that revolutionized the Carioca Carnival: the appearance of Jay Pereira (a bass drum player).  Jay Pereira was the successor to the quick, tambourine, reco-reco, tambourine, and frying pan, instruments that accompanied the ‘dirty’ blocks and which today enliven our samba schools.

Until the advent of the first samba schools, the carnival processions of the so-called “communities” (clubs or associations that, in their metaphors and satires the government), dominated the Carioca carnival.  The first club to parade in 1855 was called Congreso das Sumidades Carnavalescas.

 From the 1870s, the intersection of rhythmic influences such as Kundu, polka, maxis, and tango created a genre of music with characteristics of samba.  By the late 1840s, black slave dance groups were called samba.  To the beat of samba, the whole country starts dancing in clubs and the first joyful chords appear.  Still in this century, some of the notable events of our Carnival include, in XNUMX, the masquerade ball at the Hotel Italia (Largo do Rossio, RJ), held at the initiative of the hotel owners, the Italians elated by the success of the great masquerade.

Ball in Europe. In 1873, the first farm parade, the Dois de Ours, was led by Hilario Jovino Ferreira from Bahia. In 1899, with the appearance of music composed for Carnival, Abre-Alas de Chiquinha Gonzaga identified the popularity of Brazilian Carnival and began composing compositions called Carnival Marches.

 In 1902, Carnival Chords reached over 200.  We can also find at the beginning of the XNUMXth century: masquerades, perfume launchers, confetti wars, and children’s balls that start the famous matinee. The rise of Samba was a powerful factor in the democratization of Rio de Janeiro.  At first, the elites reacted to the “African revelation”.  The first samba recorded, performed, and recognized by most popular music researchers is Pelo Telefon, by Ernesto dos Santos (Donga) and Mauro de Almeida.

The first recording of the inaugural samba was made by the singer Bahiano for the Casa Edison in Rio de Janeiro, with Banda da Casa Edison, and gained universal notoriety at the 1917 Carnival.  In 1928, the first samba school was created, Deixa Fallar, and soon after, Mangueira.  And, in 1929, the parade began, held at the Palace Onge.  The first conflict between samba schools took place in 1932 and was organized by journalist Mario Filho.

 In 1942, the parades moved to Avenida President Vargas.  In 1963, the schools became the main center of the Brazilian Carnival, and in 1974, the Rio Parade moved to Avenida Rio Branco until 1984, when the Sambodromo was inaugurated. Currently, Carnival is celebrated on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday forty days before.

In Bahia, it is also celebrated on the Thursday of the third week of Lent, renamed Micarta.  This group spawned several other so-called “off-season carnivals” in the northeastern states, such as Frontal, in Fortaleza;  Carnetal in Natal; João Pessoa Maicaroa;  Recifelia, in Recife;  Micaru, Caruaru, and others. Today the carnival has become a strong tourist attraction.  We can say that Carnival today, is the biggest folk festival in Brazil.

How do people celebrate the Brazil Carnival?

People in Brazil look forward to this carnival every year, Carnival is a bright festival all over the world.  Today, the carnival is no longer limited to religious festivals.  Now carnival has become a universal festival.  And so on the occasion of an ancient festival or for purely commercial reasons, this carnival is celebrated in many parts of the world.  During the summer holidays, the seaside hotels host carnivals almost all year round.  The main aim of that grandeur is to attract tourists.

The festival showcases Brazil’s ancient social and cultural heritage to the world.  The main attraction of the Rio Carnival is the popular samba dance.  Millions of people from home and abroad gather in Brazil to watch this carnival.

In the Carnival, Anyone is allowed to participate in street festivals.

It is a samba dance parade in various masks and Bahari costumes,

In this festival, Brazilian beauties wear colorful dresses and dance the samba,

Eye-catching costumes and samba dances in Rio’s parade square.

Carnival colors touch people of all ages.

It is a time when everyone gets together and has a lot of fun.

Samba schools also play an important role in the Rio Carnival,

It is a day for Brazilians to enjoy music, dance, and color.

Carnivale, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Brazil carnival quotes

There is no shortage of joy in the event.  Dancing and singing, everyone is crowding the Sambadrome parade.  Reuters news.

 Everyone present at the carnival was dressed in colorful clothes.  Some of which have feather attachments and some lace.  A hat on someone’s head, an instrument in someone’s hand, and a flag pole in someone’s hand.  All in all, the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has the best clothes. Here are some carnival quotes-

Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left.

Victor Hugo

“Films have degenerated to their original operation as carnival amusement – they offer not drama but thrills.” ~ David Mamet

“I fear the carnival of crime is beginning on our border.” ~ Edward Blake

“The season of love is the carnival of egoism and it brings a touchstone to our natures.” ~ George Meredith

“God put us here, on this carnival ride. We close our eyes never knowing where it’ll take us next.” ~ Carrie Underwood

“If you have to give a carnival to get people to come to church, then you will have to keep giving carnivals to keep them coming back.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

“When I was a kid and the carnival would come to the shopping center, I’d go down and talk to all the people running the rides. I like that whole lifestyle, moving from town to town in a nomadic existence.” ~ Randy Quaid

“Happiness is a carnival game. It’s never as easy as it looks, but the dumb ones always seem to be walking around with a big stuffed animal.” ~ Dov Davidoff

“During a carnival, men put masks over their masks.” ~ Xavier Forneret

Brazil carnival messages / wishes

Carnival is one of the most wonderful events in the world.  Where everyone is very happy. There is no shortage of joy in the event.  Dancing and singing, everyone is crowding the Sambadrome parade.  Reuters news. Everyone present at the carnival was dressed in colorful clothes. 

Some of which have feather attachments and some lace.  A hat on someone’s head, an instrument in someone’s hand, and a flag pole in someone’s hand.  All in all, the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has the best clothes. Catholic tradition Traditionally in Christianity, Carnival marks the last occasion to celebrate fat and other foods before the start of Lent.  The period between Lent and the beginning of Easter (in other words, the period of Lent), according to the Church calendar, is forty days. Here are some carnival messages wishes send it too your family and friends.

  • Have an awesome day. See you soon. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • Feel the pleasure of life in every second today. Wish you a Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • Blessing of grace and peace be with you today. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • May the peace of God, be upon you and your loved ones, on this beautiful and blessed day. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • This traditional Brazilian carnival is celebrated every year with great pomp. Moreover, dedication breaks down the differences between all of us regardless of caste and religion as we all become one and exchange love and greetings with each other, basically the main purpose of Brazil Carnival. I saw the stars yesterday. Happy Brazil Carnival.

Brazil carnival Status

The origin of Carnival is a controversial subject.  Some historians link the beginning of carnival celebrations to a religion created by the ancients to praise good agricultural harvests ten thousand years before Christ. Others say that it began later, in Egypt, in honor of the goddess Isis and the bull Apis, with dances, parties, and masked people.

Some attribute the origin of Carnival to the Greeks who celebrated the return of spring and the cult of the god Dionysus.  And still, others speak of ancient Rome with its Bacchanals, Saturnalia, and Lupercals in honor of the gods Bacchus, Saturn, and Pan. On this day wish your all-Brazilian friends and family a happy carnival.

  • Wish you a Happy Brazil Carnival. Start your Carnival Days with good vibes. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • Hey good morning. Today is our Brazil Carnival. The sun is shining and may your day shine too. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • A new day is a new opportunity. May you have all strength to enjoy the Brazil Carnival. Happy Brazil Carnival. Happy Brazil Carnival.
  • Happy Brazil Carnival. May your day bloom like a sunflower and shine like a star. Happy Brazil Carnival again.

FAQ about Brazil Carnival

What is the most famous Carnival in Brazil?

Rio Carnival.

What month is Brazil Carnival?

February. Source-Wikipidea.

Why is the carnival important to Brazil?

Because this is a cultural program in Brazil.

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Carnival is the most popular holiday in Brazil, and the highest number of events are held on this day.  The work of the entire country came to a complete halt for about a week.  Especially in coastal cities, the event continues day and night. Hope you got all the answers about Carnival from this article.  If you have any more questions, then you can ask your question in the comment box.  We will help by replying as soon as possible. Thank You.