Victory In Europe Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

Victory in Europe Day is the day on which the Allies of World War II celebrate the official recognition of the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the official end of World War II in Europe on the Eastern Front. The final shot was snipe on the 11th.  Russia and some former Soviet countries celebrate May 9. Several countries observe public holidays on this day every year, also known as Victory Day against Fascism, Liberation Day, or Victory Day.

  In the UK it is often abbreviated to VE Day, or V-E Day in the US, a term that originated in early September 1944, in anticipation of victory. The end of all hostilities was specified as 23:01 Central European Time, which was already May 9 in Eastern Europe, and thus several former Soviet bloc countries, including Russia and Belarus, as well as some former Yugoslav countries such as Serbia, celebrated Victory Day on May 9.

History of Victory in Europe Day

On April 30, 1945, the Allies encircled Germany, tightening the noose around the German army.  Realizing the hopelessness of his situation, Hitler killed his newlywed wife Eva Braun, and committed suicide in his Berlin bunker.  Immediately assuming the presidency, Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, Hitler’s successor, began negotiations with the Allies for a term of surrender.  Chief among his goals was to save as many Germans as possible from being captured by the Soviets.

On 4 May, at Lüneburg Heath, British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery accepted the unconditional surrender of German forces in the Netherlands, northwest Germany, and Denmark.  On May 7, another categorical warlike surrender was signed at SHAEF H.Q.  At Reims, between Supreme Allied Commander General Eisenhower and German General Alfred Zool.  The following day, a slightly modified document — the Definitive German Instrument of Surrender — was signed at Karlshorst, Berlin, by German Field Marshal William Kittel.

After the German surrender was announced on the radio on May 7, the news quickly spread to the Western world and there was jubilation everywhere, especially on the BBC in North America and the UK.  They interrupted their program to announce that Victory in Europe Day would be a national holiday.  More than a million people took to the streets of the UK to celebrate, while in London, people flocked to Trafalgar Square, the Mall, and Buckingham Palace.  The British royal family, joined by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, appeared on the palace balcony, waving to cheering crowds.

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Why Victory in Europe Day Is Celebrated?

When Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his Fuhrerbunker on 30 April 1945, the Soviet Army was in Berlin.  Before his death, Hitler nominated Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz as his successor as head of state and supreme commander of the German armed forces.  On 2 May General Helmuth Weidling, commander of the Berlin defense area accepted the unconditional surrender of the city to the Soviets. 

The surrender of German forces in northwest Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands was signed by the Dönitz representative, Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeberg, at Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery’s tent on Lüneburg Heath, south of Hamburg.  Another surrender document was signed on 7 May 1945 by General Alfred Zodl, Chief-of-Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command, at the SHAEF headquarters in Reims, France.

  Zool signed an unconditional surrender document for all German forces to the Allies, and it was ratified the next day in Berlin.  At midnight on May 8, 1945, the fight in Europe ended. On this day Europe ended its war and gained independence so they celebrate their cause by marking this day as their victory day.

How To Celebrate Victory in Europe Day

As Churchill walked into the Thanksgiving service at St Margaret’s, Westminster, he was engulfed by an excited, cheering crowd, all wanting to shake his hand to express their relief and gratitude.  According to Reader’s Digest’s ‘The World at Arms’ two princesses, both teenagers at the time, joined the cast.  For once their father the king allowed them to venture into the crowd and later wrote in his diary, ‘Poor darlings, they haven’t had any fun yet.’

Many felt similarly trepidation about the future, but on the evening of VE Day when all of London was lit up, having been dark for nearly 6 years, with bonfires and fireworks, not to mention floodlights and searchlights, children’s eyes lit up with excitement.  Many people across the country dressed in patriotic red, white and blue to party, drink, dance and sing.

Below is the text of the broadcast in which, on May 8, 1945, at 3 pm British Summer Time, Mr. Winston Churchill announced the end of the war in Europe.  Later on, the same day H.M.  The King broadcast his message of thanks, which was reproduced.

Victory In Europe Day Message

Victory is another name for freedom, so we all should share the joy of victory with everyone. We Have to send a message to the Europeans for Their Victory Day.

1. The freedom we enjoy today is because of the heroes who went to war to fight for their country.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

2. Celebrate this special day with your family and children and pray for peace and harmony in the world we live in today.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

3. Today is a fitting day to remember those who lost their lives on the battlefield.  Our hearts go out to them.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

4. We are lucky to sleep peacefully at night without worrying about being attacked by enemies.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

5. Little do we know about the hardships and sacrifices our soldiers went through to get the freedoms we enjoy today.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

Victory In Europe Day Wish

Achieving victory is a matter of great pride for any country. One aspect is very important for a country. Freedom and victory are mutually related. To achieve freedom, one must first win a war. Therefore, victory is a matter of great pride and glory for any country.

A Victory Day in Europe for we all should congratulate Europeans to achieve the victory in Europe they had to face various wars and rebellions then they achieved their desired victory so we all should send greetings to them on the victory of Europe day let’s know what kind of greetings we can send them

1. On this day, let us pray for the best for humanity and remember those who sacrificed their lives in war.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

2. The Second World War was the most devastating in history and today we vow to maintain peace and tranquility around us.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

3. Celebrate this special day with great pride and pay tribute to the martyrs of World War II.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

4. Those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom cannot be forgotten at any cost.  Wishing very Happy Victory in Europe Day.

5. On this day, let us pray for the peace of the souls of those who fought for us and died on the battlefield.  Peace be upon you.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

Victory In Europe Day Status

Nowadays we all more or less use social media as the most important and most popular media so we all should share different types of posts about victory on Europe day on social media they should catch about the events and history of the war their next generation Victory in Europe  Social media is the best way to communicate about the day and the battle they had to face to achieve victory in Europe so we should all share various statuses on social media about Victory in Europe Day.

1. We should not forget the contribution of past generations in achieving the priceless freedoms we enjoy today.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

2. Today’s generation is lucky to spend their youth without going to war.  The battlefield is the toughest place.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

3. Let us all join hands and celebrate the feeling of freedom today.  Make sure we save it till the day we die.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

4. They say freedom is not free and they are right.  We gave up our mightiest heroes at the price of freedom.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

5. History bears witness to the tragic times our country and our soldiers faced during the historic World War II.  Happy Victory in Europe Day.

Victory In Europe Day Quotes

We know that quotes man speech. A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular service.  And it is related to life. Sometimes quotes are related to poem lines and real life. Now I am telling you some quotes which are related to victory Now let’s talk about Victory in Europe Day.

1. During World War II, the pilot losses were staggering. In some bombing raids, as many as 80% of the planes that left did not return. – Simon Sinek

2.  World War II broke out in 1939, and many people credit that war with saving the economy. – Robert Kiyosaki

3. The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits. – Clint Eastwood.

FAQ About Victory in Europe Day

Which Date did We celebrate Victory in Europe Day?

Ans: We celebrate Victory In Europe Day on May 8. Source-Wikipedia

Why Victory in Europe Day Is Celebrated?

Ans: Achieving victory is a very glorious day for any country and a glorious day as Europe has done on this day so Victory of Europe Day is celebrated.

In the United States, Victory in Europe Day coincided with President Harry Truman’s 61st birthday.  However, he was his late predecessor Franklin D.  Victory was dedicated to Roosevelt and the US flag was flown at half-mast.  Victory in Europe Day was also celebrated in Australia, Paris, and Canada where a riot broke out and many died.