European language day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

The European Language Day is observed on 26 September, as declared on 6 December 2001 at the end of the European Council of Languages, jointly organized by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe. There are about 225 indigenous languages in Europe about 3% of the world total.

Most European languages are of Indo-European origin.  Since the late 18th century, the most widespread language in Europe (both geographically and in a number of native speakers) has been Russian, replacing French.  Counting only native speakers, an estimated 150 million Europeans speak Russian daily, followed by German (about 95 million), Turkish (about 80 million), English and French (65 million each), Italian (60 million each), Spanish and Polish (40 ml. each), Ukrainian (30 ml.) and Romanian (26 ml.).

As far as foreign language study is concerned, English is currently the most popular foreign language in Europe, followed by German, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.

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History of European language day

2001 was the ‘European Year of Languages.’ It was organized by the Council of Europe and the European Union. It was hugely successful and involved millions of people from 45 participating countries. It has developed activities that focus on and celebrate European linguistic diversity and promote language learning.

Due to the success of The European Year of Languages, the Council of Europe announced that the European Day of Languages should be celebrated every 26 September. Across the Council of Europe and its 47 member states. The Council of Europe hopes that this will encourage policymakers, as an example, to take specific measures or lead further discussions on language policy.

Among the public, they aim to raise awareness of the day’s overall purpose, which includes the importance of: “Lifelong language learning, at any age, starting in educational institutions or at work.” It is estimated that at least half of the world’s languages will die out within this century. This can happen within two generations – all traces of a language can disappear if children no longer grow up in it.

There are many reasons for abandoning a language, including the destruction of a community or its habitat, political group enmity, and economic and cultural dominance by a more powerful language. It is the 21st century, and all European citizens live in a multilingual environment. They come across different languages every day so there is a need to increase knowledge, curiosity, interest, understanding, and tolerance of different languages in Europe.

Why European language day is celebrated?

The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are Alert the public to the importance, diversity, and range of language learning to enhance multilingualism and intercultural understanding. Promote Europe’s rich linguistic and cultural diversity. By following these rules, people, young and old, are encouraged to adopt a language or take special pride in their existing language skills.

In addition, those responsible for providing access to language education are encouraged to make it easier for people to learn a variety of languages and to support policy initiatives to promote languages. Emphasis is also placed on learning languages other than English. To mark the day, various events are organized across Europe, including children’s programs, television and radio programs, language classes, and conferences.

The events are not organized by the Council of Europe or the European Union, nor do they allocate special funds. To coordinate activities organized at the national level, the Council of Europe asks participating countries to nominate a “National Relay Person” for the day. In the UK, the National Relay was used as the national language center.

How to celebrate European language day?

Many countries across Europe organize special events on the European Day of Languages.  These events focus on learning about the different languages spoken on the continent. It is a day that promotes the idea of learning a new language. Some of these events include quiz bowls, eating food from other cultures, showing films in other languages, and learning songs in other languages. Some also learn the alphabet and numbers in different languages.

You don’t have to be in Europe to be a part of this day. Here are some ways you can participate. Committed to learning languages spoken in Europe. Research travel destinations in Europe. Learn more about the history of Europe. Watch a movie based in Europe, such as “The Girl on the Bridge,” “Sound of Music” or “Dr. Zhivago.

European language day Message

According to the European Union survey “Europeans and their languages,” 56% of EU citizens speak a language other than their mother tongue, while 44% admit to speaking a language other than their mother tongue. Does not know any other language. In addition, 28% have knowledge of two foreign languages. Among EU citizens, 38% indicate they know English, followed by 14% French or German, 7% Russian, 5% Spanish, and 3% Italian. We have to send a message to the European about this day.

  • Languages give us a reason to connect with a culture and so we must learn them. Best wishes to all on the European Day of Languages.
  • Happy European Day of Languages to you my dear.
  • When you learn a language, you are able to expand your horizons in different ways. Happy European Day of Languages.

European language day Wish

The typical multilingual European is a student or someone holding a managerial position or someone born in a country where his or her mother tongue is different from the main language of the country. With greater numbers of immigrants and refugees, European cities have become more multilingual. On European language day, we all have to send wish messages to our European friends. 

  • Language has the power to bond us and by learning a language we bond with cultures and people. Sending warm wishes on the European Day of Languages.
  • Let us never underestimate the power of language as it is one of the most powerful ways to connect with a country’s culture. Happy European Day of Languages.
  • Language not only gives us the power to express ourselves, but it also gives us the power to explore new things. Best wishes on the European Day of Languages.

European language day Status

The European Union adheres to the principle of multilingualism in its institutional activities and as a goal for its citizens. For the EU, multilingualism is linked to labor mobility and the European economy.

The European Union spends more than €30 million a year on promoting language learning and linguistic diversity through the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programs, a policy which began in 1990 with the pioneering Lingua program. Share the European language you want to learn on social media with #EuropeanDayOfLanguages.”

  • Learning a new language has its own charm as it instills knowledge in you in many ways. Have a very happy European Day of Languages my dear.
  • The European Day of Languages reminds us all how important each European language is and that we must learn them.
  • People who know more than one European language will always have an upper hand over others. Such is the power of language. Happy European Day of Languages.
  • Enjoy more power and more knowledge by learning more languages. Sending you warm greetings on the occasion of the European Day of Languages.

European language day Quotes

The quotation is an extract from a work or saying. A quotation is a source cited from a source, report, or book to clarify, illustrate, or substantiate a point. Which are given by the respected person. A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular service. It is related to life. Sometimes quotes are related to poem lines and real life. Many quotes are related to European language day. Now I am telling some quotes which are related to European language day.

  • A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.”

                ‒ Gaston Bachelard

  • “If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.”

           ‒ Ludwig Wittgenstein

  • “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.       

        ‒ Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”

          ‒ Charlemagne

  • “Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things.”

         ‒ Flora Lewis

FAQ About European language day

When is European Language Day celebrated?

Ans: European Language day is celebrated on September 26. Source-Wikipedia

Why is European Language Day celebrated?

Ans: Europe’s rich linguistic and cultural diversity. Encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school. By following these rules, people, young and old, are encouraged to adopt a language or take special pride in their existing language skills.

How to celebrate European Language Day?

Ans: Europe organizes special events on the European Day of Languages. These events focus on learning about the different languages spoken on the continent. It is a day that promotes the idea of learning a new language.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to benefit from the cultural and economic benefits that language skills can bring. Learning languages helps to develop tolerance and understanding between people of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds”, announced the Secretary General of the European Council and the European Commissioner for Education and Culture in a joint statement to launch the European Year of Languages.

The importance of multilingualism has been highlighted through many awareness-raising initiatives and documents such as the Celebration of Linguistic Diversity.