Happy Gambia Independence Day 2023

18 February Gambian people celebrate Gambia Independence Day. The Gambia is a country in West Africa.  When one hears of West Africa, one thinks of the Sahara Desert, which conjures images of lush, barren people, and dark jungles, Gambia is unmistakable. Gambia is the smallest country in the African continent formed around the Gambi river.  The name of this country comes from the name of the river.  The total area of ​​this country, which is elongated like a river, is only ten and a half thousand square kilometers.

Its length is 320 km, and its maximum width is 50 km.  The Gambia river running through the middle of the country meets the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. These are one of the sources of income of Gambia.  But overall, the Gambia is a weak country economically.  Most of the people here are poor. Achieving independence is a matter of pride for every country. 

Any nation is proud to identify itself as a citizen of an independent state.  The people of Gambia have also worked hard and made many sacrifices to achieve independence.  Today they are an independent state.  Although a small country, they have achieved independence.  This day is celebrated with pride by all the people of Gambia.  Even after independence the country developed quite rapidly

History of Gambia Independence Day

The Gambia, like other parts of Africa, has a long history of ups and downs.  There are memories of golden times and bloodshed.  Arab traders arrived in the region in the 9th-10th centuries.  Muslim traders established several trading posts in West Africa in the 10th century.  Gold and ivory were exported from the region on the trans-Saharan trade route.

Since then, Gambia came under Islamic rule.  Around the 15th century, the region of Gambia, including Senegal, became a Portuguese colony as a paradise for slaves, ivory, and gold.  Later, the bloody struggle continued between the English and the French over the dominance of the region.  It finally became a British colony in the 19th century.  The Gambia River has been flooded with the blood of Gambians many times during this great period of time.  A lot of bloody twilights have descended on this town.  Later on, 18 February 1965 Gambia gained independence.

 The Gambia emerged as a stable democratic country in 1970.

How do Gambia’s people celebrate their Independence Day

Like every other country, the people of the Gambia celebrate Independence Day in a very grand manner. The culture of the people of this country is largely similar to the culture of West Africa.  They celebrate this day in different ways.  On this day, they sing and play and other cultural programs are organized throughout the whole country.  On this day, ceremonies are held in every place in this country. Because Independence Day brings joy to the people of every country just as they do to their brave freedom fighters to make their country free.

On this day, the best children of the country are remembered by playing the national anthem and raising the national flag in every school in the morning. Besides, on this day, all the citizens of Gambia try to do all their regional activities.

 Although Gambia is primarily a Muslim-majority country, people of many religions live in the country, so Independence Day is declared a public holiday in the country.

Every citizen of this country has no end of joy on this day as it is declared as a public holiday so they celebrate their independence day according to their heart.

On this day, families prefer to visit the historical museums of the country, besides, there are many parks in these parks where families go to different places to spend some time together and celebrate with joy.

Gambia Independence Day message

Independent day is a day to celebrate. Gambia peoples also celebrate their independence day with joy and by sending a message to each other.  Independent day’s Messages can bring patriotism into people’s hearts. Messages are like this;

Let’s remember and respect the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country.  Hundred million bows.  May this proud day of India be an inspiration for you.

 May this auspicious day bring happiness and success to all.  As in the past may our country succeed in all its struggles and move forward on the path of progress.

Proud to be a citizen of such a country.  I feel lucky to be a part of this great nation.  Today is a day to be proud.  Let the thought of freedom fill our minds.  All the success and glory of life are in the hands of this consciousness.

Patriotism is like love.  One who is dearest to the motherland and longs to sleep in her lap even after life.

  If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.

Gambia Independence Day wishes

Independence Day is a significant day for any nation.  It is celebrated once a year with great enthusiasm to commemorate the sacrifices of those who fought bravely to bring freedom to the nation. The day is a great day to show patriotism by sending Independence Day greetings and wishes.

  • Let’s pay tribute to those brave heroes who sacrificed their lives for our country.  Hundred million salutations to those who are proud of all countrymen, who have made all nations strong.  Let today’s glory be your inspiration tomorrow.  Happy  Gambia Independence Day!
  • May this Independence Day bring luck and success to all of us.  May our country continue on the path of further progress in the coming years.  Happy Gambia Independence Day
  • Happy Independence Day to you!  Let’s celebrate this day for those who shed their blood for our freedom today.  They deserve the glory of the country. Happy Gambia Independence day!!
  • Today is the day to raise the Gambian flag and wave it respectfully as our Independence Day.  Let us all join hands and celebrate. Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • Hundred million salutations to the martyrs of our country who sacrificed their lives for our country.  Happy Gambia  Independence Day to you and all your family members on this auspicious day today.

Gambia’s Independence Day status

Great Independence Day.  On the occasion of today’s Independence Day, we have given some good status for you below this post.  The statuses you can use for various social communication besides Facebook.  Did not see the status.

  • Happy Gambia Independence Day to you!  Let’s celebrate this day for those who shed their blood for our freedom today.  They deserve the glory of the country.
  • Let there be loyalty and respect for the country not only on Independence Day but also for the rest of the year. Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • Today is Independence Day, Happy Independence Day from me to everyone on this day. Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • We are all very different, but there is one thing that unites us and that is freedom.  We should respect that. Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • The name Gambia is written in blood, Happy Gambia Independence Day.

My sincere greetings to all of them.

Happy Gambia  Independence Day

  • Today’s freedom is bought with the blood of millions of martyrs.

Never forget the sacrifices of freedom fighters who built this country.  Happy Gambia  Independence Day

  • With each passing day let us work hand in hand to improve our country.  Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • If loving one’s country is a crime, then I am a criminal. Happy Gambia Independence Day.
  • Freedom is an open window of the human mind, through which the light of the human spirit and human dignity enters.
  • Let’s remember those great warriors today, who made the country free by sacrificing their lives…

Let’s join hands and celebrate today Happy Gambia  Independence Day

  • Pride is in many things, in this holy land

Nothing is as proud as being born.  Happy Gambia  Independence Day

  • This freedom will become true freedom for me only when all the miseries of the peasants-laborers and the miserable people will end
  • INDEPENDENCE In memory of all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the great freedom, you fearless brave children… Happy Gambia  Independence Day to all.

Gambia Independence Day quotes

The famous quote of Gambia is

Nobody is better than anybody in terms of anything. Just because you travel to the UK, the USA, or Europe – doesn’t mean you make it in life, or you’re better than everyone else. We all share humanity and solidarity in common. Whether you’re jobless or working, blind or deaf, rich or poor, Gambian or non-Gambian, a Muslim or a Christian, a president or a mere citizen, we’re all equal. We’re equal in inequality. Equality in humanity is the equation of intelligence and righteousness. A man should be down-to-earth and humble. Being humble and kindhearted is part of greatness in humanity.” –

Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Moreover, the independence day of this country is highlighted in the plants of various political personalities so that freedom and patriotism for this country are awakened in the minds of every citizen of the country.  For those who are looking for Independence Day Quotes and Footage, today we have attached some important Independence Day Quotes which you can easily collect from here and share above.

  • A life without freedom is a body without a soul._Kahlil Gibran “If loving one’s country is a crime, then I am a criminal.”  – Rishi Arvind Ghosh
  • Freedom is an open window to the human mind, through which the light of the human spirit and human dignity enters. _Herbert Hoover
  • “The greatness and moral progress of a country can be measured by the way in which animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Give me blood, I will give you freedom.” – Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
  • “It is by God’s grace that in our country we have those three ineffable precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and discretion not to exercise any of them.”  -Mark Twain
  • “The truth will set you free, but first it will annoy you.”  – Gloria Steinem
  • “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”  –Albert Camus
  • “Freedom is not more than a generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it on to our children’s bloodstreams.  It must fight for them, protect them and hand them over to do the same.”  – Ronald Reagan
  • “If the freedom of speech is taken away, we who are mute and silent will be slaughtered like sheep.”  –George Washington
  • “Freedom never came from the government.  Freedom always comes from its subject.  The history of freedom is the history of resistance.”  – Woodrow Wilson
  • “To be free is not only to tear off one’s chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”  -Nelson Mandela
  • “I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it to the death.”  – Voltaire
  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal;  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights;  That includes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  –Thomas Jefferson
  • “Those who would give up essential liberties to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.”  –Benjamin Franklin

FAQ about Gambia Independence Day

What is the date of Gambia Independence Day?

18 February. Source-Wikipedia.

Why do people celebrate Gambia Independence Day?

Achieving independence is a matter of pride for every country.  Any nation is proud to identify itself as a citizen of an independent state.  The people of Gambia have also worked hard and made many sacrifices to achieve independence. That’s why they celebrate their Independence Day.

Why is the Gambia called the Gambia?

The name of this country comes from the name of the river.  The total area of ​​this country, which is elongated like a river, is only ten and a half thousand square kilometers.  Its length is 320 km and its maximum width is 50 km.  The Gambia river running through the middle of the country meets the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Human beings are born with the right to freedom.  But now in the world subjugation seems to be consuming everyone slowly.  But we must not forget that our freedom was bought at the price of a lot of blood.  That responsibility can only be met by making freedom available to all.  With this conviction, we have to move forward on the path of the future.

Freedom requires more struggle and strength.  And sustain freedom requires technology, strategy, unity, and a sense of justice.  Apart from this, it is essential to use knowledge, intelligence, education, and good judgment to protect freedom.  Fundamentally, freedom cannot be preserved if there is not sufficient awareness and mobilization.  To protect freedom, one must respect freedom and be ever vigilant.  So, we should consider it our national duty to understand the meaning of freedom and protect it.  May this fundamental spirit of preservation of freedom-sovereignty inspire everyone – this is the hope on Gambia Independence Day.

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