Happy Global Handwashing Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Status, Quotes

Every year on October 15, Handwashing Day is celebrated all over the world.  Many may think that this day may have started to be observed due to the current Covid infection.  However, that is not the case.

Subconsciously we are constantly touching our eyes, nose, and mouth with our hands.  If the hands are unclean, germs can enter the body through such touch.  Therefore, if you wash your hands with soap and water from time to time, it is possible to reduce many types of diseases.

History of Global Handwashing Day

Since 2008, this day has been observed.  At that time many heads of state, health policymakers, scientists, and doctors proposed to observe this day.  The observance of this day is proposed to make everyone aware of the enormous task that this practice can become in times of severe infection.  Since then, initiatives have been taken to teach this subject to children in various schools.  1980: First such day was proposed. 

Scientists say to make people aware that hand washing is very important.  The year 2008: The day started to be observed from this year.  The day was first observed by GHP on 15 October that year in Stockholm, Sweden during World Water Week to create awareness about handwashing with soap at global, regional, and local levels.  Later it was decided to observe the day every year in the General Session of the United Nations.  It is said that this one habit can determine a person’s future in very difficult times.

 How big a step it was, could be felt in 2020.  At that time, the Corona epidemic took shape.  And this habit of washing hands becomes an important weapon to prevent it.

Why do people celebrate Global Handwashing Day

World Handwashing Day is a campaign day to create and inspire global public awareness.  To create awareness among the general public about preventing the spread of disease by washing hands with soap. Importance of hand washing

 If soap or any liquid is not nearby

 At least the palms and fingers should be cleaned with a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

 In this way, if we clean our hands properly, we can get rid of many diseases like – colds – coughs, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, meningitis, influenza, hepatitis – A, etc.

 Proper hand washing can reduce intestinal and respiratory illnesses by 25-50 percent.

 Regular hand washing is the easiest and most effective way to prevent infectious diseases.

 World Handwashing Day is celebrated in many places with the initiative of various public and private educational institutions, international organizations, health centers, and some private voluntary organizations and efforts are being made to increase awareness about handwashing.

 We have benefited a lot from this awareness.

 The number of people suffering from infectious diseases has decreased significantly worldwide.

 Therefore, the habit of regular hand washing in the right manner is an easy way to keep everyone healthy from children to the elderly. The day is celebrated to make hand washing a part of life.  One of the objectives of celebrating this day is to inform people about the benefits of hand washing.

How do people celebrate Global Handwashing Day

We all need to know about the importance of hand washing.  Various diseases occur in our bodies due to various reasons.  But many of us do not know that washing hands well can get rid of many diseases.

 Everything has a certain method. So washing hands well also has a certain method

 Many children are suffering from pneumonia and diarrhea simply because of not washing their hands properly.

 Disadvantages of not washing hands – Improper hand washing causes various diseases like – neonatal sepsis, acute respiratory infections, neonatal tetanus, and diarrhea. The purpose of observing this day is to make every person aware of hand washing and to highlight the benefits of washing hands regularly with soap or any hand-washing liquid to every person in the world. This day is celebrated all over the world by showing the importance of hand washing and the disadvantages of not washing it.

Global Handwashing Day Quotes

Washing your hands frequently can help you and your loved ones stay healthy, especially during those prime times when you’re most likely to catch and spread germs. Here are some   Global Handwashing Day –

 “Proper hand-washing with the soap, water, and paper towels, we believe, is the key.” – Steve Troxler

 “The hand-washing stations have always been popular.” – Patsy Brooks

 “I’m a hygiene freak. I’m like obsessive-compulsive when it comes to washing your hands.” – Kelly Clarkson

“If I wasn’t writing poems I’d be washing my hands all the time.” – Sherman Alexie

 “I’ve had my fair share of colds, which last longer than they should and can cause wheezing, so I avoid people who are sneezing like the plague and am scrupulous about hygiene and hand-washing.” – Kevin McCloud

 “Lack of handwashing can also be a cause of fever.” – Ignaz Semmelweis

 “The contempt of money is no more a virtue than to wash one’s hand is one, but one does not willingly shake hands with a man that never washes his.” – Horace Walpole

Global Handwashing Day Messages

Proper hand washing can prevent deaths from this disease. More than 750,000 children die in the neonatal period (less than 28 days of age) due to infectious diseases such as – neonatal sepsis, acute respiratory infections, neonatal tetanus, and diarrhea. Below are Some Global Handwashing Day –

Hands must be washed before holding a newborn baby. Be Healthy. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

 Hands must be washed before and after serving a sick person. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!

 Wash hands after ablution. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!

 When we don’t have anything, we usually cover our nose and mouth with our hands when we have a cold, sneeze, or cough.  As a result, the germs stick to the hands.  So it is necessary to wash hands after sneezing and coughing. Happy Global Handwashing Day!! you may read Happy National Book Week 2023, history, message, wish, status, Quotes

Global Handwashing Day Wishes

Hand washing can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections from person to person.  Germs can spread from other people or surfaces. Here are some Global Handwashing Day –

Keeping hands clean is one of the easiest and most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

Various types of viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, dirt, grease or other harmful and unwanted substances are stuck to our hands. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

Cleaning our hands properly with soap and water can drain down these unwanted guests. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

Global Handwashing Day Statutes

Clean hands can stop the spread of germs from person to person and throughout the community—from your home and workplace to childcare facilities and hospitals. Below are some Global Handwashing Day  Statutes –

Only washing your hands is not enough. You have to dry them with a clean cloth too. This is very important as wet and moist hands are more easily re-contaminated. Happy Global Hand Washing Day!!!

During food preparation, hand washing before and after food preparation is essential. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!!

 Especially before eating any food, hands must be washed well. Happy Global Handwashing Day!!

FAQ about Global Handwashing Day

When Global Handwashing Day is celebrated?

Ans: Every year on October 15, Handwashing Day is celebrated all over the world. source wikipedia https://www.wikipedia.org/

How to observe Global Handwashing Day?

Ans: We all need to know about the importance of hand washing.  Various diseases occur in our bodies due to various reasons.  But many of us do not know that washing hands well can get rid of many diseases

If soap and water are not available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

 In most situations, the best way to get rid of germs is to wash your hands with soap and water.  If soap and water are not commonly available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  You can tell if the sanitizer contains 60% alcohol by looking at the product label.  Sanitizers do not get rid of all germs.

 Hand sanitizer may not be as effective if hands have visible dirt or oil/grease.

 Hand sanitizers cannot remove harmful chemicals like pesticides and heavy metals from hands.  Due to various reasons, hands are dirty and thousands of germs infect the body every day.  So it is necessary to wash hands properly at least five times a day. Thanks for being with us.