Happy International Nurses Day 2023 History, Quotes, Message, Status

International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide on 12th May. The day is designated to honor the hard work of all nurses. Florence Nightingale was born on this day. She was the founder of modern nursing. It is known that the first International Nurses Day was celebrated in 1965. This day is the birthday of the social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing. Her birthday is designated as Nursing Day.

History of International Nurses Day

This day was declared by the International Council for Nurses (ICN) in 1974.  Florence Nightingale rose to prominence during the Crimean War. It was during this war that revolutionary developments and changes took place in the history of nursing. Seeing the inadequate medical care and poor condition of the soldiers, Florence Nightingale came forward to serve the soldiers along with 38 nurses.

 During the war, she was posted to the Barrack Hospital in Scutari, Istanbul.  She was tasked with leading a group of nurses to care for wounded soldiers. But, upon arriving at the hospital, Nightingale was shocked to see the extremely unsanitary and miserable conditions there.  Therefore, she soon made sure the hospital was clean and had proper hygiene, and he also provided adequate food and medical supplies. Thus she built proper hospitals for healthcare. It remains a unique example of nursing care even today.

Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820, in Florence, Italy. During the Crimean War, which lasted from October 1853 to February 1856, she played a prominent role, standing by the side of sick soldiers.

The war was fought between an alliance of Britain, Turkey, France, and Sardinia against Russia. Several soldiers were injured during this battle. Florence Nightingale not only took care of them but also brought about a huge change in healthcare.

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year on this day on the occasion of her birth anniversary.

Why do we should celebrate International Nurses Day?

Nurses have been playing a responsible role alongside doctors in medical care. Doctors end their duties with prescriptions. But nurses are in overall supervision of the patient from giving medicine to the subsequent treatment. Nurses can reduce the patient’s emotional distress or fear through positive action. But when nurses are subjected to rank harassment, including promotion, patients are deprived of desired services.

This day highlights the importance of nurses in the healthcare field.  ICN celebrates International Nurses Day by distributing educational and promotional materials.

 These materials are distributed in recognition of the hard work and dedication of nurses around the world. The main aim of celebrating this day is to spread some awareness about the nursing profession. It also sheds light on the issues of low pay, poor working conditions, and helping nurses in many other ways.

 How to celebrate International Nurses Day?

On Nurses Day, the nursing staff, who play such an important part in clinics, are recognized.  Setting up a party for registered medical attendants, which covers all shifts, is the ideal way to say thank you. Clinical staff and staff facilitate the occasion, including entertainment style and medical attendant-themed treats and cupcakes.

International Nurses Day Quotes

It would be difficult to find a person in life who has recovered without the help of a nurse.  The world-famous nurse Florence Nightingale whose name is International Nurses Day is being celebrated today. Can we serve people like Florence Nightingale at stake?  Certainly not, since there is a moment when you can at least give a quote to your beloved nurse by recalling the past words of your life.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying when there was no hope.”  – Dale Carnegie

 “Every nurse is drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, serve, or help.”  – Christina Fist-Hillmeier, RN

 “More often than not we see a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or even the smallest act of caring that has the potential to turn a life around.”  – Leo Buscaglia

 ”A nurse is not what you do.  That’s you … I’m a nurse.  It’s not what I do, it’s who I am.  Caring is the essence of nursing.”  – Gene Watson

 ”Nurses are there when the last breath is taken and nurses are there when the first breath is taken.  Although it is more enjoyable to celebrate birth, it is just as important to comfort death.”  – Christine Bell

 “A nurse’s character is as important as her knowledge.”  -Caroline Jarvis

International Nurses Day Message

Just as a doctor plays a role in curing a sick patient, a nurse provides the necessary services to make him well.  So help the nurses to boost their work motivation by sending some messages or messages on this Nurses Day-

  • Sending warm wishes on Nurses Day to the most amazing nurse in the world. You are truly making this world a better place to live in by offering your services. You are a role model for all of us in being kind to patients and helping them. Happy Nurses Day to you.
  • Dear Nurse, Happy Nurses Day to you. You are the reason why so many people fight their illnesses and become healthy and happy. You are the reason many happy faces go home… you are the reason for many because you give them hope to live!!!
  • Every day you make someone smile. You help someone out of trouble. You make a difference in someone’s life. Sending you wishes on Nurses Day is a source of inspiration and joy to many patients and their families. Happy Nurses Day.
  •  Being a nurse is a blessing but providing unconditional service to patients is your duty. And you my dear nurse are a role model for all as you have always been selfless in providing the best service and helping patients recover. Happy Nurses Day to you.
  •  Not only do you help patients heal physically, but you also help them become strong mentally strong people.  It is your magic that makes you an amazing person and the most wonderful nurse. My kind nurse wishes you a happy nurse’s day

International Nurses Day Status

Nurse plays an important role is our society. They helps us to recovery from any diseases. They take care of us when we are helpless. Below are some Nurse Day status post it on your timeline today –

  • Your passion for the health of our patients is appreciated every day. Thank you for all you do. Happy Nurses Day
  • Your compassion, optimism, and kindness do not go unnoticed. We appreciate you.
  • Because of you, we live in a happier, healthier world. Happy Nurses Day.
  • Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Happy Nurses Day.
  • A moment to recognize you and your hard work.  Happy Nurses Day.
  • You go above and beyond to make our patients comfortable.  Thank you. Happy Nurses Day.
  • You are a valuable member of our team. Thank you for being the amazing nurse you are.
  • You brighten people’s days including ours. Happy International Nurses Day.
  • Our patients love you and the hard work you do does not go unnoticed. Thank you for everything. Happy International Nurses Day.
  • Thank you for being an amazing nurse.  Our team appreciates what you do. Happy International Nurses Day.

FAQ about International Nurses Day

What is the date of International Nurses Day?

12 May. Source- Wikipedia.

Whose Birthday in this day?

Florence Nightingale was born on this day.

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I think it is necessary to celebrate Nurse’s Day regardless of caste-religion-caste, regardless of national and international.  Because if doctors and nurses did not take refuge, no medicine would have been born in the world.  Therefore, since it is a day to pay tribute to the great profession, all the materials provided by us can be used as a means of paying virtual respect to all the nurses of the world.

 We common people can build nursing service centers in every neighborhood and village without waiting for nurses.  The significance of the name of people can be realized through the service of people.  If you shut yourself offline on Nurse’s Day, a quiet and unserviceable world will be born.  So let’s make this day as highlights for everyone as possible.  Thank you for your valuable time with us.