National Girlfriend Day 2023 History, Wish, Message, Quotes and Status

National Girlfriend Day August 1 is commemorated every year to mark the special bond between women. Women find their beautiful bond with other women in educational institutions where they study, workplaces where they work, and elsewhere. Girlfriend not only defines the bond of friendship, but also the bond shared between mother and mother, sister and sister.

We constantly consider these connections and relationships, yet we usually forget to make time for them. The day encourages girlfriends to be happy and smile. Girlfriends rarely let others leave the union.  They like to spend time together again and help each other. Friends share advice, celebrate achievements, and laugh while exchanging secrets and secrets. And if we have many or even many friends or even especially girlfriends, they enrich life, improve it.

National Girlfriend Day History

National Girlfriend Day is observed on 1st August every year. However, it is not known exactly who started this day. But Mistress Susan claims she founded the day. She runs a website and the website is quite luxurious. She claims that in 2004, she celebrated August 1 as National Girlfriend Day as an opportunity for friends to express their love and appreciation for each other. But the history of cheek friends is very old. The girls started making friends long ago. And girls like to make friends in groups the most.

If we want to give an example of such girlfriends, we will first mention a women’s friendship group called Edinburgh Seven. This group of friends fought the hardest to get into medical school in the UK in the 1860s, and they were all women. Although they studied medicine at university, they were not given the title of doctor and were even prevented from becoming doctors, which they fought against. They succumbed to this conviction and in 1876 the first women were allowed to study medicine at the university through legislation. It was the Edinburgh Seven that made it possible for women to study medicine.

If we want to look at the history of some other female friends, the names Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed strong friendships. Both of them were US citizens. They protested for women’s rights. They campaigned for white women’s suffrage and were the trailblazers. They are their friendship formed in 1851 they met together and in 1869 they formed the Women’s Suffrage Association. Another example of female friendship is between Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe. Then come the names Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert.

They showed that even rivals can be friends.  Together, the two women played 61 tennis finals in the 1970s and 1980s.  And they used to travel together during tournaments and hang out together between matches. This is proof of the best friendship. History reveals many other female friendships that have fought many battles together.  Female friendships are the strongest and most reliable friendships, they love each other selflessly and help each other by their side.

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Why do people observe National Girlfriend Day?

National Girlfriend Day is celebrated every year to celebrate the achievements of female friends. The role of our dear friends is very important in our life. The purpose of observing this day is to thank and appreciate a close friend for always being there. Our dearest girlfriend always stands by us in our bad times. There are many things that we can’t share with our parents or anyone in the family that we feel free to share with our beloved girlfriends. Girlfriends always selflessly love us and stand by us. History has witnessed many such strong female friendships.

A girl can’t share everything with her boyfriend even if she wants to. But a girlfriend always stands by in all situations. Even when we are sad our girlfriend tries to make us laugh. Our girlfriends cheer us up on our special days. Girl friendships are much stronger, and girls always prefer to make friends in groups. They form friendship groups. And at the same time goes to eat. Having a close friend in life means having a reliable person.

The one you can trust with your eyes closed. If you have such a girlfriend, this is the day to dedicate to her. The stronger the friendship, the easier the way forward. She is always by our side and helps us in times of danger.  But they are never thanked. Even love is not expressed toward them. Basically, this day is observed all over the world to show gratitude to the friend. This day is very important for every girlfriend group. This day is celebrated by the women’s friendship group with great joy.

How to celebrate National Girlfriend Day

Whether you have a smile on your face or not, there is no chance of sitting down when you are with her.  They are the type of people who can easily take everything with a smile. Human friendship is formed through mutual good relations. Individuals, families, and societies can practically not function without mutual relationships. Friendly relations are very important in building a beautiful and developed society.

Good friends are very beneficial for each other. It is important to be careful in choosing friends. It is not right to accept someone as a friend without knowing about them. Because ordinary people imitate the nature of friends. And a girl becomes a girl’s best friend. Why can a girl share everything openly with a friend? Today is National Girlfriend Day. Celebrate this day with your beloved girlfriend and make her realize how special she is to you. Also, if you have any National Girlfriend Day gift ideas you can give them to her. Let’s know how to celebrate the day-

Go out to eat

 Today, celebrate girlfriend day with your girlfriends in a beautiful way. Wear nice clothes and go to a nice nearby restaurant to eat. Eat and drink together and chat. And of course, don’t forget to take some nice pictures. It can be a great way to make the day memorable

Go see a movie

 If you and your girlfriend are movie lovers, then on National Girlfriend Day today you and your girlfriend go to watch a nice movie together. A movie that you both love or a new release that you both want to watch. Let the two frolic together, rejoice and spend the day as yourselves. The fun of having fun with girlfriends is different. So make today a beautiful day to remember.

Both went to the spa together

Try to give yourself some time today and take the initiative to do something together. Get the same haircut and spa treatment. This will help you relax and have a better day. Then maybe take a trip to a beautiful place of your choice where you first met. Make the day memorable by reminiscing old memories

Write letter

 Many of us can’t speak our minds openly or express them to loved ones. A girlfriend is one of the closest people to us but we don’t express our love to them easily. Express your love to your girlfriend today on National Girlfriend Day and write a letter to show how special she is to you. If you have National Girlfriend Day Gift Ideas with her, attach any gift to the letter. This will make your girlfriend feel better and your friendship will be stronger.

National Girl Friend Day Quotes

Friendships between girls are much longer and closer. They share each other’s specific thoughts and stay by each other’s side. A girlfriend is much closer to a dilemma than a boyfriend because a girl cannot share everything with a boy.

Girls are always more understanding. So understanding between girlfriends is also better. Going through history we find many girlfriend examples that we are already familiar with.  Friendship has no boundaries, friends are friends. Every girl has a girl’s best friend. The one we trust the most. There are many quotes about such friendship. Let’s take a look at some quotes on National Girlfriend Day today-

  • “I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect, I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived. I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul. And to me, this has always been enough.” –The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks
  • “I know you’ve probably suspected this, but over the last month, I’ve fallen completely in love with you. Now, obviously, this was going to happen because you’re a goddess with that face and that hair. But even if you didn’t have a nice face, and even if you had absolutely no hair because of some bizarre medical reason, I’d still adore you.” –Tim, About Time
  • “Falling in love with someone you had no intentions of falling for, is the most beautiful kind of love. No forcing chemistry or trying to save them. Just a pure, raw connection that was created on its own.” –Sara Sheehan

National Girlfriend Day Messages/Wishes

Today is National Girlfriend Day. We all have some near and dear friends in our lives.  If you have such a girlfriend in your life, don’t forget to wish her on this special day.  By sending her greetings messages to realize just how important he is in your life.  Thinking about what to write in the greeting message? No need to worry for your convenience we are presenting some greeting messages that you can feel free to send to your beloved girlfriend.

  • My dear friend, I am very grateful to you for bringing joy and happiness into my life. Happy national girlfriend day wishes
  • You are my closest friend to whom I can share all my sorrows without hesitation who always tries to be by my side. Happy national girlfriend day wishes
  • I am lucky to have a girlfriend like you in my life who loves me selflessly and always looks after me like a mother. Wishing you a very Happy National Girlfriend’s Day

National Girlfriend Day Status

Share a post on your social media account mentioning your beloved girlfriend on her special day today.  Many of us cannot express our love feelings directly so our best medium can be to share a beautiful status on this special day today. Our girlfriends are always special and dearest to us. So, you should make your beloved girlfriend feel special on this day. Here are some statuses that you can post on your timeline today on this special National Girlfriend Day

  • I want you to always be by my side like this and be my companion in every moment of happiness and sadness. Happy National Girlfriend Day to you.
  • My life is incomplete without you. You are my dear friend with whom I share all my meals.  Who I don’t like to travel without. Happy National Girlfriend Day
  • Your presence gives me courage. You put a bright smile on my face when I’m sad. Hugging you gives me peace. Happy girlfriend day

FAQ about National Girlfriend Day

Is there a National Ex-Girlfriend Day?

2 August. Source-Wikipedia.

Who made up National Girlfriend Day?

Allie Savarino Kline and Sally Rodgers.

Celebrate this great day with your girlfriend. They are the most important part of our life. They always try to be by our side. So, feel them special on this day. Happy National Girlfriend Day to all. Thanks for visiting us.