World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 to raise awareness about HIV, to raise awareness among people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from HIV. The theme of this year’s World AIDS Day is equality. This day is observed in nearly every country around the world in order to raise public awareness about the deadly disease AIDS.
According to a study by the United Nations STD/AIDS organization UN AIDS, every day five and a half thousand people in the world are newly infected with AIDS. 500 of them are below 15 years of age. 32 percent of those affected are between 15 and 24 years of age, 20 percent of whom are women. 61% of those affected live in sub-Saharan Africa. There are 84.2 million people in the world infected with AIDS. 40.1 people died of HIV.
There are already reports of AIDS spreading in the form of an epidemic in various bordering countries. In this regard, many countries are still considered mildly affected countries. However, Bangladesh is also vulnerable as it spreads to neighboring countries. Social movements must be strengthened to protect ourselves, society, and humanity from AIDS. For this, along with individual awareness, the relevant government and private institutions have to play an important role. We will keep our homeland free from all diseases for the new generation, this is the promise of the future.
History of World AIDS Day
James and Thomas Netter, two information officers for the World Program on AIDS at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, planned to observe World AIDS Day on August 1, 1987. Sister and Netter reported their discussion to Dr. Jonathan Mann. Dr. Jonathan was the director of the World AIDS Programmed. Doctor Jonathan likes their plan and gives his approval. It was decided to observe World AIDS Day from December 1, 1988. And everyone agreed on this decision.
Boone first broadcast on World AIDS Day on December 1st on former San Francisco television. He believed that World AIDS Day would receive the most media coverage before the Christmas holidays. Then in 1996, the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS was launched. Then in 1997, a year-long campaign was launched to educate people about its prevention and the importance of education and communication. World AIDS Campaign became an independent organization in 2004. In 2016, HIV and related NGOs began campaigning to name World AIDS Day as World HIV Day.
They claim that this change will emphasize social justice issues and medical advances such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (treatment before an illness strikes). In 2007, the United States began marking World AIDS Day by decorating a 28-foot (8.5 m) long AIDS ribbon on the north porch of the White House building. At that time, President George W. Steven M. Levine, a White House aide who served in the Bush administration, proposed the demonstration through a symbol of the United States promised PEPFAR program to combat the global AIDS epidemic. The White House display, which has now become an annual tradition in the administrations of four consecutive presidents, quickly elicited approval.
Why we should celebrate World AIDS Day
HIV. Everyone was shocked when they heard the name. It is a life and death problem, there are various social boundaries, and old reforms on it. Uncontrolled sexual intercourse is one cause of HIV. But there are thousands of other causes of this infection, though society is not yet ready to accept this simple fact. HIV is an infection that gradually increases in the body and gradually destroys the body’s immune system. No one can say when this virus has settled in the body. Even the symptoms are not easily identified.
AIDS was born as the infection gradually increased in the body, which medical science has not yet mastered. Day by day this deadly disease is spreading all over the world. Every day someone is dying, and someone is getting infected. Many people in our society are not aware of HIV or they have no idea about this virus. More than half a hundred people are living in remote areas to whom the light of education has not yet reached.
And all these uneducated people are more careless about HIV. So, we should observe World AIDS Day every year to reach the extreme areas and warn them about this virus to increase public awareness. And we can prevent the spread of this virus. Even people with AIDS are neglected in society. Family members leave them alone. There are many superstitions about HIV. Many people think that it is a contagious disease. So, people with AIDS often die of neglect. We should on World AIDS Day raise every person in society to be sensitive to AIDS sufferers.

How to celebrate World AIDS Day
We should observe World AIDS Day every year. The spread of this virus is constantly increasing in every country of the world. But awareness is not increasing among people. Due to the ignorance of people, the spread of this virus has increased so much. Every day people are dying of AIDS and new people are getting infected with the disease.
So far there is no cure for HIV. No medicine or vaccine has been discovered. It is a deadly disease. The result of a person with AIDS is death. So, prevention of this disease is the best way to survive. So, we should celebrate World AIDS Day every year to raise global awareness. Through World AIDS Day, people will learn about HIV, learn about the cure for HIV, and learn about how HIV is transmitted from one person’s body to another.
By doing this we can reduce the number of people affected by this disease and prevent the disease. Below are the ways to celebrate World AIDS Day.
- Wearing Red Ribbon
The biggest significance of celebrating World AIDS Day is the wearing of red ribbons. Red tape is a warning sign. We are helping people to raise awareness about AIDS as revealed by the red tape. And refers to tolerant behavior towards the person concerned.
- Rally
Organizing rallies on the occasion of World AIDS Day to increase the awareness of students in schools and colleges. And all the students and teachers wear red ribbons at the rally on World AIDS Day.
- Organizing Seminar
Organizing seminars in respective societies. And to discuss the symptoms of AIDS patients and ways to prevent and treat AIDS on World AIDS Day. It will increase public awareness.
- Organizing TV shows
Organizing various TV shows on World AIDS Day where the prevention and treatment of this disease and the symptoms of the infected person will be discussed. And free doctor’s advice will be provided.
- Donate to an AIDS Charity
On this World AIDS Day, we should stand by people living with HIV and help them by showing compassion towards them. Various organizations and charities help the concerned individuals by bearing all the medical expenses. On World AIDS Day, people living with HIV should stand by donating some money to those charities.
Origin of the HIV Virus
Three decades after the discovery of (HIV), UK researchers have claimed to find its origin. Oxford University researchers claimed that after more than 750 million people were infected in the last 30 years, it was finally possible to identify exactly where HIV came from.
The researchers said that the first evidence of the spread of HIV was found in Kinshasa, the capital of the Belgian Congo in Africa, around 1920. They claimed to get this evidence by analyzing the genetics of thousands of people. The Central African country of Belgian Congo was under the colonial rule of the Belgians from 1908 to 1960. Researchers claim that HIV spread to Central Africa through the railway network from here. Researchers say, ‘The deadly AIDS originated from a colonial city. Present-day Kinshasa, then known as Leopoldville, later became the largest urban area in Central Africa.
Here the meat of wild animals collected from the nearby forests was famous. This information has been made possible by genetic analysis of HIV. Thirteen cases of virus transmission from chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys have been documented. But there is evidence that the M group of HIV-1 is more prevalent in humans. Group ‘M’ and another group ‘O’ of the HIV-1 virus increased at the same rate until the 1960s, but later the M group tripled. This may be due to increased rates of multiple needle use and access to sex workers.
Symptoms of HIV Virus
No cure for HIV infection has been discovered yet. However, with timely diagnosis, preventive measures, and treatment, HIV sufferers can lead a normal, healthy life. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is caused by a virus called HIV. This virus destroys the immune system of the human body.
However, AIDS does not always occur immediately after HIV infection in the human body. Initially, flu-like symptoms may appear in some cases. After that, there may be no symptoms for many days. Most patients infected with HIV carry the disease without any symptoms. But sometimes some specific symptoms may appear after 6 to 7 weeks of being infected with this virus.
Such as fever, sore throat, headache, sores inside the mouth, prolonged cough, deterioration of health, swollen lymph nodes, etc. These symptoms resolve without any treatment, due to which the patient is unaware of the virus.
Symptoms of HIV
- Fever
The first symptom of HIV is fever, usually accompanied by other mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, viral hepatitis C, and sore throat. At this stage, the virus circulates in the bloodstream and begins to replicate in large numbers. And whenever this happens, your body’s immune system begins to trigger an inflammatory response.
- Fatigue and headache
Once your compromised immune system starts producing this inflammatory response, you may feel tired and lethargic. Sometimes, it can also cause you to feel short of breath while walking. Fatigue is seen as an early and late symptom of HIV.
- Swollen lymph nodes, muscle pain, and joint pain
Lymph glands are part of the body’s immune system, which protects your blood from bacteria and viruses. Whenever there is an infection, the lymph nodes become swollen. These lymph nodes are located in your armpits, groin, and neck, which can cause aching pain in these areas.
- Skin rash
In the early or late stages of HIV seroconversion, body aches, and skin rashes may occur. In some cases, these rashes can appear as itchy pink rash Bounce disease.
- Vomiting and diarrhea
A large number of people experience digestive problems as early symptoms of HIV. In the early and late stages of HIV, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can also occur as a result of opportunistic infections. Staying hydrated is very important. Having severe diarrhea and not responding to usual treatment can be an indication of HIV.
- Sore throat and dry cough
Sore throats are common in HIV-infected individuals. A severe dry cough that lasts for weeks to months, without improvement, is a common symptom in HIV patients (even with antibiotics and inhalers).
- Night sweats
In many patients, night sweats occur in the early stages of HIV. In later stages, night sweats may be more frequent and unrelated to exercise or room temperature.
HIV testing is essential to confirm the correct diagnosis when such a wide range of symptoms is observed. If you think you have been exposed to HIV, it is important to get tested as soon as possible. If the above symptoms persist or persist, it is best to consult the best gastroenterologist immediately.
How does HIV spread?
AIDS is the deadliest disease in human history. This disease was first diagnosed in America in 1981. So far AIDS has spread to 173 countries. About two crore men, women, and children are affected by this disease. What is AIDS? AIDS is a life-threatening disease. A special type of virus called human immunodeficiency virus is the cause of AIDS.
This virus destroys the immune system by entering the human body. Special difference: AIDS virus does not show any symptoms until 8-10 years after entering the body. The affected person can lead a normal social life and work activities for a long time. But he continues to spread HIV among others without everyone’s knowledge. HIV can enter the human body in several ways. we should know the people on World AIDS Day. The reasons are described below
- Vaginal, anal, and oral sex
The virus enters your body through unprotected sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS. This virus can also enter someone’s body through kissing but it is less likely because the HIV in the saliva is weak and only if 1 to 2 liters of saliva are exchanged between each other’s bodies during kissing, there is a chance of becoming HIV positive.
- By mother
If HIV is present in the mother’s body at the time of delivery, the virus can also enter the baby’s body. If the mother’s HIV is released after giving birth, it can also be transmitted to the baby through breastfeeding. About 30% of children are infected with HIV/AIDS from birth due to a lack of proper measures.
- Injection
Needles used by an HIV/AIDS patient can spread HIV/AIDS if they are shared with another person.
- Surgery
Surgical instruments i.e. surgical instruments used to perform surgery, if the instruments used on the body of HIV/AIDS patients are not properly washed and used on the body of another patient, then HIV/AIDS can spread.
- Infected blood
If the blood of a person with HIV/AIDS is used without testing, it can cause HIV/AIDS.
- Mucous membrane
A person can develop HIV/AIDS if HIV-infected blood sticks to the mucous membrane that surrounds the body’s internal organs and is the topmost layer of all cavities. If the twin is injured and the blood of the injured person gets infected with HIV AIDS, then the HIV present in the blood of the injured person enters the body of the other person.
HIV spreads through the above factors. We should all raise awareness in society about this deadly disease. So that no one else dies of HIV
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about HIV in the world. This is why it is important to know that HIV is not spread for any reason.
- Insect bites
- Through the urine and sweat of an HIV-infected person
- When using the toilet or swimming pool
- If using towels or clothes of people with HIV AIDS
- By touching or working together with HIV AIDS patients
- Playing on the same plate as HIV AIDS patients
- HIV AIDS does not spread even if an HIV AIDS patient sneezes or laughs in front of someone.
HIV infection is not contagious
Most body fluids contain HIV. There is a virus. However, because of the cover of love, HIV. Very fragile. So HIV Viruses cannot survive long outside the body. Therefore, if the blood or sexual secretion does not enter the body, HIV. There is no possibility of infection. Touching, eating together, and even wearing the same clothes can spread HIV. There is no chance of infection. HIV is also transmitted by mosquito bites. Does not spread Therefore, HIV is not contagious or contagious.
Care of a person affected by AIDS
Since AIDS is a fatal disease, a person with AIDS does not infect others very easily. Therefore, we should help the person with AIDS to live a normal life without isolating him from our society. For example-
- Normal Activities
It does not lose its effectiveness immediately after being infected. So he should be encouraged to do normal activities. The person will not feel physical ailments easily if he/she is at work. Even if he/the day passes during busy work, he/she will not feel depressed. So the person suffering from AIDS should be encouraged to do his/her normal activities.
- People with AIDS should be treated with sincerity and cordiality
A person with AIDS is isolated from society due to various prejudices prevalent in our society. Not only the affected person but also the family members have to suffer. People stop associating with the affected person. They think it can also be spread through the sneezing and coughing of an infected person. Because the person concerned is left alone, many die prematurely after suffering a helpless awakening. So we should be tolerant towards the affected people and treat them sympathetically.
- They should try to keep them mentally happy
This affected person was very broken mentally after learning about his illness. They think their death may be near. That’s why people related to it isolate themselves from everyone, live alone, and suffer from mental depression. So family members should be tolerant towards the affected person. The whole family should make time for the affected person to talk to the person concerned, and to do activities they like to keep them happy. Providing emotional support.
- Not depriving people living with HIV of their daily activities.
Family members often start acting intolerant toward a person living with HIV. They consider the person concerned a burden. Do not allow the affected person to participate in any housework. Do not touch anything in the house. Due to this, the concerned person becomes more mentally broken and his physical illness also increases. So we should refrain from all these behaviors. Stand by the person concerned and encourage them to participate in all family activities.
- Necessary treatment should be arranged.
After a person is diagnosed with AIDS, family members may not be able to save the person even with treatment. So family members do not take any medical steps. But this idea is completely wrong. Early initiation of good quality medical care can largely cure the disease of the affected person.
The needs of people living with HIV continue to grow. In the beginning, family members can take care of themselves, but at some point, the help of doctors and nurses is needed. One who serves a seriously ill person also needs service. Therefore, family and social care and prevention programs help to develop positive attitudes toward people living with HIV. As a result, misconceptions about HIV and discrimination and slander against HIV sufferers will gradually disappear.
What to do to prevent HIV
AIDS is a deadly disease. Many people are constantly affected by the deadly disease AIDS. Losing life many people do not want to disclose this disease for fear of society. So prevention is the best cure. World AIDS Day has been observed by the world community since 1988 to raise awareness and prevent AIDS.
Since there is no cure for AIDS, prevention is the best cure. Therefore, the only way to stay free from AIDS is to practice safe sex, avoid polygamy, live a religiously disciplined married life, and be careful while receiving and giving. A person with HIV/AIDS cannot be neglected in any way. It is the social duty of everyone to ensure all their rights as human beings. Here are some ways to prevent HIV
- Take a blood test
If a person needs blood, he must have a blood test before giving blood. Because if that blood is taken from the body of an HIV-infected person, then the HIV will enter the body of the person to whom it is given.
- Do not have sex with more than one person
Having sex with multiple strangers increases the chance of contracting HIV. Therefore, multiple sexual intercourses should be avoided. And of course, some precautions should be taken while having sex. A condom must be used during sexual intercourse. Then HIV cannot spread quickly from one person’s body to another’s body.
- The milk of an infected mother should not be fed to the baby
If a mother has this HIV in her body, her child can also get HIV. Also, after birth, the baby can get HIV if he drinks the milk of an HIV-infected mother. There is a high risk of HIV infection from mother to child. However, in the case of mothers who receive the necessary therapy, the risk of the unborn child being affected is 85 percent.
- Sterile single-use needles and syringes should be used
For those who inject drugs into the body, the best practice is not to inject drugs. If this is not possible, the use of reusable needles, syringes, blades, or other instruments with an HIV-infected patient should be avoided.
FAQ about World AIDS Day
What is the theme of World Aids Day 2022?
“Equalize” is the theme of World Aids Day 2022.
Why is World AIDS Day celebrated?
To make people aware of HIV Virus. And to know people how to prevent HIV Virus.
Who is the founder of World AIDS Day?
James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter. Source-Wikipedia.
When was World AIDS Day founded?
1988. December 1.
Raising public awareness is the only way to protect society and the country from this deadly virus called HIV. We should all come forward to raise awareness on World AIDS Day. Linking up with various organizations working on AIDS to warn people about ways to prevent this virus. Hope you got a full understanding of HIV from the whole article.
Also, you have learned about the ways to cure and prevent HIV. Warn your family about the spread of HIV on World AIDS Day. Don’t forget to inform your loved ones about HIV on World AIDS Day. Caution is the only way to protect yourself from this virus. Come forward for the welfare of the country and nation on World AIDS Day. And don’t forget to visit our website nationaldaylist.
Thank you.