Happy World Arthritis Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Status, Quotes

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints.  Pain, swelling, and stiffness are common symptoms of arthritis. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage lining the joints between bones is damaged.  In rheumatoid arthritis, our body’s immune system attacks the joints.  Apart from causing damage to the joints, it affects muscles, connective tissue, tendons, and fibrous tissue.  It occurs at a younger age than normal osteoarthritis.  It usually occurs between 20 and 40 years of age.

 Other types of arthritis besides osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are juvenile arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout, infectious and reactive arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

 World Arthritis Day is observed every year on October 12 to raise awareness around the world about the existence and impact of arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders.

Arthritis is a disease that causes pain in the joints of the body.  Its prevalence is greater than that of diabetes, AIDS, and cancer.  There are many types of arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Arthritis is more common in the elderly, but it can occur at any age.  Rheumatoid arthritis is seen in the age group of 20-40 years.

History of World Arthritis Day

Arthritis conditions have been known since ancient times.  Ayurvedic scriptures also mention this disease. The Greek word ‘ortho’ means joint or joint of bones and the word ‘itis’ means inflammation.  Generally speaking, arthritis is inflammation of the joints or bone joints.

Since 1996, World Arthritis Day has been celebrated under the auspices of ‘Arthritis and Rheumatism International’.  Although this disease has existed since ancient times, it started to be written or recorded in four and a half thousand BC and started to spread and infect everyone in the form.  Around 1859 the disease was given its current name of ‘arthritis’.

Since 1996, World Arthritis Day has been celebrated under the supervision of Arthritis and Rheumatism International.  Although this disease has existed since ancient times, it started to be written or recorded in 4500 BC and started spreading and infecting everyone in the form.

Why do people celebrate World Arthritis Day

Not all joint pain is arthritis, and not all joint discomfort is a sign of impending arthritis.  There are many possible causes of pain in and around the joints, including tendinitis, bursitis, uric acid, and trauma.  Seek medical advice.

Exercise is generally not an activity that people with arthritis should avoid.  However, exercises that put too much stress on the joints should be avoided.  Like heavy weight training, running.  Instead, cycling, swimming, light exercise with minimal weight, and stretching are very beneficial.  So discuss it with your doctor, physiotherapist, and certified gym trainer. People with arthritis who exercise regularly have less pain.  The body has more energy, sleep is better and the mind is focused on work every day.  Exercise should be one of the mainstays of treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.

Not every case of arthritis can be prevented.  Because some risks, such as aging, are not modifiable.  But you can eliminate or reduce certain risk factors to prevent the onset of arthritis or slow its progression.  For example, people who are overweight have an increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis.  So keep the weight under control.

 Also, eat nutritious food.  Regular weight training strengthens muscles as well as joints. Although not a quick full recovery, it is largely controllable.  Take any medicine regularly if prescribed by the doctor.  Also, exercise and eat as advised by him.  sleep well. That’s why the day is celebrated for the severity and awareness of arthritis pain.

How Do People Celebrate World Arthritis Day

Arthritis is a very well-known disease today.  This disease is closely related to lifestyle.  This disease is increasing as a socio-economic burden on society.  Arthritis means that it is a disease in which painful sensations are noticed in all the joints of the body. 

But there are some superstitions about this disease.  Depending on the unawareness and ignorance about the disease, people fall under various misconceptions.  And to overcome those ideas and spread awareness, World Arthritis Day is celebrated all over the world.  as well as, Health Tips for Arthritis Sufferers-

 a) Healthy Life- Follow a few rules for healthy life viz

 Quit smoking habit.

 Stay stress-free – Stress changes our behavior, sleep patterns, and eating habits, and increases muscle tension, so stress-reduction techniques must be adopted.

 Adequate sleep – Adequate sleep is necessary to keep your body and mind healthy.

 Try to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.

 b) Healthy food-

 1) Rheumatism and Musculoskeletal Disease (RMDS) require a nutritious and adequate diet.

 2) Salt and sugar levels should be reduced-

 Avoid foods like soft drinks, sweets, and cakes, as these foods are high in calories due to the presence of sugar.

 An adult should not consume more than five grams of salt a day.  Because eating too much salt in the diet can raise blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

 c) Physical activity and fitness- Do the regular exercise as per the doctor’s advice, keep the body weight under control, and do not take or skip medicines irregularly without the doctor’s advice.  Use a heating pad if needed.  You can add cycling, dancing, walking, gardening, and swimming.

World Arthritis Day Quotes

Advances in medical science have led to the discovery of many new drugs.  Some of these drugs are game-changers in the treatment of arthritis.  When used properly under expert supervision and monitoring, most patients recover.  Long-term use of painkillers and steroids can be avoided if the right medication is started at the right time. Here are some World Arthritis Day Quotes –

We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice.— Jadine Sayer

The two most painful things in my life are arthritis and divorce.” — Donna McKechnie

 I don’t deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don’t deserve that either- Jack Benny

stubborn people get arthritis; resentful people die of cancer.” — Arlene J. Chai

The 1,000-mile journey begins with the first step. Begin, the rest is easy.— John Wilson

World Arthritis Day Messages 

(Full Moon Increases Arthritis Pain) This is a completely wrong common myth.  There is no relation between the two.  It’s a bit co-incidence, a bit psychic. Below are some World Arthritis Day  Messages –

On this World Arthritis Day, let’s take a pledge to treat all diseases in the best way possible and get relief from pain.

 Every patient with rheumatoid arthritis is a warrior because this pain is never easy.  Help patients get out of pain this Rheumatoid Awareness Week. Happy World Arthritis Day.

 For every patient, every day is a battle with the endless pain of arthritis that they struggle to pull through day and night.  Our sincere wishes for them to get rid of the pain of life, soon. Happy World Arthritis Day.

Arthritis is the trigger for a series of other diseases and mobility problems as well.  Take care and don’t ignore early signs.

 World Arthritis Day celebrates the soul of every patient so that they can emerge victorious against pain and live their lives without pain. Happy World Arthritis Day. you may reaFirst Day of Irish American Heritage Month History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Statusd

World Arthritis Day Wishes

Arthritis is often hereditary;  Arthritis is also more common in people with lifestyle, smoking, being overweight, getting older, or doing activities that are likely to cause joint/muscle injury.  However, in some cases, the cause of arthritis remains unknown.  If non-inflammatory arthritis is diagnosed early, preferably within 12 weeks, joint and other organ damage can be prevented. Here are some World Arthritis Day Wishes  –

For every patient, rheumatoid arthritis is a daily battle with endless pain that they struggle to pull through day after day.  Our sincere wishes for them to get rid of the pain of life, soon. Happy World Arthritis Day.

Happy World Arthritis Day everyone.  Let us make everyone aware of this health problem.

  Happy World Arthritis Day if we take proactive steps against arthritis.

  Greetings to everyone on World Arthritis Day.  Many people suffer from it and so we must be careful about it.

  Happy World Arthritis Day everyone.  By taking extra care of ourselves, we can avoid arthritis and stay healthy.

  On the occasion of World Arthritis Day, let’s take a pledge that we are going to make more people aware of it so that they can have a better life.

World Arthritis Day Statutes

Arthritis is one of the main causes of human health problems in the world.  People with this disease cannot work due to physical disability.  Deprived of income, people gradually become poor. Below are some World Arthritis Day Statutes –

On World Arthritis Day let’s create more awareness about this disease that can derail our lives.

  Happy World Arthritis Day everyone.  By taking timely action in this regard, we can save many lives from destruction.

  We all aim for a healthy life and we should not ignore the early symptoms of arthritis.  Best wishes on World Arthritis Day.

Let us help arthritis patients who are constantly battling arthritis.  Happy World Arthritis Day.

   Arthritis can stop our mobility and change our lives beyond imagination.  Don’t let that happen.  Best wishes on World Arthritis Day.

FAQ About World Arthritis Day

When World Arthritis Day is celebrated?

Ans: World Arthritis Day is observed every year on October 12. source wikipedia

How to observe World Arthritis Day?

Ans: This disease is closely related to lifestyle.  This disease is increasing as a socio-economic burden on society.  Arthritis means that it is a disease in which painful sensations are noticed in all the joints of the body.  But there are some superstitions about this disease.

It should be remembered that even taking some unwanted painkillers or steroids for pain can cause long-term damage to the patient.  The mainstay of treatment for most arthritis is disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.  They control the disease without immediately reducing the pain.  These drugs need to be taken for a long time. 

Also, regular testing is needed to see their effectiveness and side effects.  Antirheumatic drugs that control the disease are methotrexate, sulfasalazine, leflunomide, tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, and Janus kinase inhibitors. Food sources of uric acid include red meat, cream, and red wine.  Symptoms of gout occur when the kidneys cannot filter normal levels of uric acid from the blood.  Gradually, uric acid accumulates in the form of crystals in various joints.  As a result, the joints swell, causing joint inflammation and pain. 

The joints gradually become stiff. A certain amount of uric acid is excreted from our body every day through urine.  On the other hand, when the liver of the human body produces uric acid above its amount and it increases in blood over a certain level and cannot be excreted, gout occurs.  So you need to be aware. Thanks for being with us.