World Eye Donation Day 2023 History, Message, Wish, Quotes and Status

World Eye Donation Day is observed on June 10 every year to encourage people to donate their eyes after death and to raise awareness about blindness. World Eye Donation Day is observed on June 10 every year to encourage people to donate their eyes after death. The occasion is also used to raise awareness about visual impairment and blindness.

Amidst the lockdown, this occasion particularly caught people’s attention prompting them to share not only their thoughts but also hospital contacts where they could do so.

History Of World Eye Donation Day

June 10th is World Eye Donation Day to raise awareness about blindness and visual impairment as well as encourage people to donate their eyes after death. Eye donation involves donating your cornea, and almost anyone can do so, saving patients’ sight for years. Even if you have vision problems, eyes can be used not only for transplants but also for medical research and education.  If you are considering becoming an eye donor, talk to your family about it as they need their support to go ahead with the donation.

Why World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated?

The purpose of World Sight Day is to create mass awareness about the importance of eye donation and to encourage people to take a pledge to donate their eyes after death. According to the World Health Organization, corneal disease (damage to the cornea, which is the front layer of the eye) is one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness, including cataracts and glaucoma. According to experts, eye donors can be of any age or gender.

Eye wearers, diabetics, high blood pressure patients, asthmatics, and those without infectious diseases can also donate their eyes. However, people suffering from AIDS, hepatitis B and C, rabies, septicemia, acute leukemia (blood cancer), tetanus, cholera, and infectious diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis cannot donate.

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How World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated?

With #WorldEyeDonationDay trending on Twitter, people shared pictures, pamphlets, poems, and photographs to raise awareness about the issue. One comment on Twitter read The greatest gift we can give is to help someone see,” while another wrote, “Be the reason someone sees the sun. Donate eyes, because you can and will give them new life and color.

You can. Blind people.” The most important step a person can take is to tell their family and legal representative. Most states now require that families be given the option of donation when a loved one dies. Families can consent to donation. It is most helpful if they know in advance that he wants to donate his eyes. A donor card can serve as an indication to the family/legal representative and the hospital that an eye donor is interested.

World Eye Donation Day Message

Recovering, preparing, and distributing donated eyes for corneal transplantation and research. The first successful cornea transplant was performed in 1905 and the first eye bank was established in 1944. Currently, in the United States, eye banks provide tissue for more than 80,000 corneal transplants each year for corneal injuries. We have to send a message on this day to our special person. 

  • Be a part of progress and make one’s dreams come true.
  • Brighten someone’s future, give vision
  • see through my eyes
  • Let somebody see beauty through your eyes
  • Many reasons to donate your eyes
  • Give the gift of sight and see in a whole new light
  • Leave a vision behind.
  • Eyes need your help!
  • Spreading ‘light’ in a world of darkness. Donate eyes and donate vision.
  • Dump your “I” but don’t dump your “eyes”; Donate it.
  • Donating eyes makes your eyes immortal.
  • Eyes are a precious gift to mankind. A wise person uses the gift both during life and after death
  • Light up a life, donate your eyes.
  • Revive your eyes after death

World Eye Donation Day Wish

In some cases, the white of the eye (sclera) is used to surgically repair the recipient’s eye. Unlike other organs and tissues, there is an adequate supply of corneas for transplantation in the United States, and excess tissue is exported internationally. They give their eyes to others they are true heroes we all should inspire them and help them in this great work from our side in every possible way and give them various motivational talks and let them know that we all have not forgotten humanity.

  • Donating eyes means giving legs to the blind
  • Donate and let me see through your eyes
  • Add a helping hand to the blind
  • Dump your “I” yet don’t dump your “Eyes” Donate it
  • Khushi, give me your eyes
  • Give light to those who need vision
  • Lighten blind eyes Brighten the lives of the blind

World Eye Donation Day Status

Donating eyes is one of the greatest and noblest works everyone is doing and by joining us another blind person finds a piece of light in their dark world so we all should be enthusiastic about joining and sharing various statuses about this joining on social media.

Should do and share motivational quotes and how many people have joined they are great and because of joining they have made an example to the world as a personality, and they have received various awards for joining we need to highlight such things on our social media. Many people will be interested after seeing the motivational post and may make a decision to donate eyes.

  • Let someone else see this beautiful world through your eyes.
  • Look!  Don’t be shy!
  • Gift of eyes a gift of beauty, a return to eternity.
  • Seeing is believing; Please donate!
  • So they can see the light, grant your vision
  • Donate eyes after death
  • Donate one eye to see two blind people. Let’s make eye donation a family tradition.
  • Don’t just leave a wish, leave a vision.
  • Your eyes can see even after you’re gone
  • I’ll keep an eye on you
  • Donating eyes makes a difference. Just look.

World Eye Donation Day Quotes

The quotation is an extract from a work or saying. A quotation is a source cited from a source, report, or book to clarify, illustrate, or substantiate a point. Which are given by the respected person. A quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular service. Quotes are given by honorable persons or motivational speakers.

And that is called quotes. And it is related to life. Sometimes quotes are related to poem lines and real life. Many quotes are related to world eye donation day. Now I am telling some quotes which are related to world eye donation day.

  • Give the gift of vision and see in a whole new light
  • Give eyes!  Don’t be shy!
  • Be a part of the breakthrough and make someone’s dream come true
  • Bring your eyes back to life after death
  • Eye donation makes a difference. Simply Watch
  • Bring your eyes back to life after death
  • Don’t be blind to the blind
  • Give it to those who need it most
  • Donate kind eyes
  • Please try donating eyes
  • Eye donation is a gift of beauty, a return to eternity

FAQ About World Eye Donation Day

When World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated?

Ans: World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated is on June 10 every year.

Why World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated?

Ans: encourage people to donate their eyes after death and to raise awareness about blindness. World Eye Donation Day is observed on June 10 every year to encourage people to donate their eyes after death. The occasion is also used to raise awareness about visual impairment and blindness. Source-Wikipedia

How World Eye Donation Day Is Celebrated?

Ans: One comment on Twitter read The greatest gift we can give is to help someone see,” while another wrote, “Be the reason someone sees the sun. Donate eyes, because you can and will give them new life and color. You can. Blind people.”

The eye stands out among the essential tactile organs of the human body, as it provides sight and the ability to see. Externally disabled people feel that their lives are deficient because they can only communicate, feel and smell but not see. Donated eyes can be used to restore sight to people who are experiencing corneal vision impairment.

The front, clear and simple tissue of the eye called the cornea can be used to restore vision in a corneal vision impairment. Eye replacement bits are likewise used for research and preparation purposes to create remedies for a portion of basic eye ailments. From every matching eye given, two visually impaired people will get sight and light in their lives, making it accordingly more divine.

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